Resolution 04243HESOLITION NO. 4243 PRXP217BW1NG llTO fli1OFTING A NUDGER) EBUR RhlE V0-51 Alt:t(WWWWWTINC: CENTEPlIN tn,FlYS gUYR TEE. E:UNNTWITIaBS 21,CUW.WUD IN SIgED BuDaET FOR SAID =U1, RATIFT1NG BEI:get:1N ENIWNEJITCHES =Er OF= 1)U:.DE. --A. WPW-NlAS, there has been. subaltted to, and filed win, this Council, at thls meenag, a budget representing a financial. plan. for conducting the affairs of the City of Alameda for ttm fiscal year beglanng July a, 1950, and. erAXng: TUPP 30, 1951 which budget is marked, 113 d. with the City- Clork in open meeting of the City Coun- cil., September 19, 1C.:50",: NCW, THEREIPCJ1E, BB TT RESOT)VED NITE COENCIL CF THE CTTY OF WW.ANWRal trot said budgot-as submitted to thAs Rouhenil at thAs meeting and each. and. every part thgalxubf be, and the same ix hereby, approved and ad.onte1 . as thp buaget for tMb City of Alameda for the fiscal year iCht-51., and thet the exbenditures of the varieub tux:. of morby thnrein pmerldd to be smbnt fom each specific aurpose, and the several pnrpbses therein. bet forth for which subh expenditures are provided to be made dom ing the said. fiscal. year be, and. tho same are hbreby, approved. anal authorized. BE IT FRB*MTER RESOLVED that there be, and. are 'hereby, appropriated for thb fiscal year 1950-51, for theb purpose of meetinm the cost of salaries and wages paid offioans and amxnayeas, the coot of xelbgbnanbe, oparatibn, amid for egg:Bement and other capital outlay of the respootiwe departments, divisions offices are. boards af tee City, an13 for all other purposes designated. in divisions', offices and boards of the City, 13 nd. for such special ('1 and other pampcbes designated in said buaget; and BE IT FURTHER RESOINTBD that all of the appropriations herein provided for are made ont of the General FurA. for the fiscell year 1.950a51, except thoae made to or for purpbses for whnoh. spacial runde are established, and as to spea last men- tioned purpabes said appropriations are made out of the special fundh rospaotively 13 "13 therefor. BE IT tihilaBR RECOLVET that apah. exhanditomeo as may have been rade by thb several. departments, dvisier, office:a and. «' ',13' of the City after the begina nang of the fiscal year 1950-51, a, d. prior to the adoption of this resolmtion, and have been or may be dulm approved by the Clty Aor, are herahy ratified, con- firmed and approved, and. shall be respectively charged against Eho appropribtins herein and. In sain budget provided for, the undersigned, areby oortify that tBa foregoing ResolatIon was duly and. regularly intrdu13 oW. and adopte3, . by tha Coe:nail of the City of Alagela, in. regular meting assembled on the 19th day af September, 1950, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Council-men Anderson, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and. President Bran.sehaid, (5). NOES: None. ABSENT: one. IN WITNESS WMEREGIth I have henetinto set-my hand anW affixed the offi- elet sesl. of sain. Ciew thls 20th day- of September, 1951' % P (RIX RN th _huh_ (SEAL) City Rlenk of the City of Alameda', * * * * * * * * * : hereby eortIcy that the forogoint, ts a fhli, true and corroct napp of "Fosolulloy lc. 4E43 InfhelffN9 &NB AWC7FTYB A BUBC:=T FCR 1:E =CAN YEAl 1950-51: tetten: 10X Eno ,*,**2,1,T)i'l*Wil,„S l*WVT*-Z,D I* **71) EC-rriq FOR 'Z,T,t) FINCAT, not), f UAW OBFB27F hX17BRITC2FX) FRECEOnCj2 lAWf)," introducal and 132 -13 bs the Conon on t-e 19th dey of September, 1,l50. \c/‘ of' the'. ty A 1-Lre d.