Resolution 04275420 ROSSMARSEICed nO, 4275 WTES: DREAT SCR:SOW, the den:nail of the City of Alamoda recovis the doeth of cop ef Its fotimar enbaoyees, O. KEWhbIai, who Had varTmed fov the City of Ala:nada for twcht7 -seven years as a member of the blre Departnont and who, at the time of his retireaeht 1944, war ova of the Assictoht Eire Chiefs. NO1S,. TEESESTRE, FE SEDOISIED, that, is hecosbnitien of iato. FenandisTs efficient and. conscientious narforraanbe of nin dotter as a fire fltbatera, rod his untioding efforts to crotant the lifo ard. property of' the poople of the coramordty in tolls resnent, the souncil of tea city of Alamein. havoty exnressen ite senne of persona:I. loss and ..ts sincere yratitunie for tihe wertbmalle service rendnred by that faithful, entployee,,, SE parradatAl bsibilLV.C:D, that this Resolution be soreed iv. full uhon then nInutes of' ',sleds ranching, cob. that a copy tdvraceof be. h3ranismatted to the famaly of Mr. henonly, I:Oast it may extichd. to its venheiv a slinsedre annhabassinc. of sysicsthy and onreolence; arn of Alameda acjouramn, shalb do so tr. resneot to the vends-on of 'WiSSREIR KESiSADY, retired S.ssistent dire Chief. uhdeasignen, hereby certi a, Wan f0,7eUing Seselohleh was duly and reguinholv introduced and adopted oy tha lohnoll of the f,:bty of Aacivada in recular nectinsL assevicind on the 1.2.tt. day cif December,. 1E5C., by the following vote, to-wit: CoanchlRecen Endbmcoon, Sweeney wria 'aloe-President Jonas, (S). dadEf: STSSERT: Csbncliman Cobah and. President branschad, (2). Tori ,SOITT.IESbii WHEREOF, hare's:etc. set mq hand. and affixed tba seal of said City this am3h day of December, 1b50. I iler3by certify' tImlt tbe. foragelnh Is a fora trun avid correct copy of 'Reseamhion bc,„ 4S75, OVlOVAPREM TO eASESEN C. linan!"badinth' introdfased and adopted. by. the lohncli„ on. the 12hh. dray . of Decetbr, 1250