Resolution 04277423 NgiLOI,Ja7CF. 4277 ST.,:AER cor6L1,5,LING, TO WiliiaREP,S, a. certain indenture dated. the. 6th day of Decemi'ier, 195C, rrade and betw:e:en Ferd. O. Drayer and ',2unice lirDyear, Ngs wife, as parties cf t'ile first Ch,,tg ,f Alameda, a mur,inipal. corporation, as party of the seconel parts was on. or about said. exxhilited and. delivered. by pahtie2 uf 'Line fife'', liart to CiTiy of AlaineUa; ihdaT-Iture. the ,hislatone therein. named tr'anted. to t?ie City of Alamade a rani:anent hatment and or way to, at any fr.,om time to lord situated in tihe City cf haariEda, Cotmt7 or Alaneaa, htate California, 9,Tvi nure particu,lafl7 descriineio 'in said intiuro; and iNETYT.i.EAS, the City of Alaigada did, on. the jifith dgy of Deeriber, 1950, acuerit seiid con.veyanc,e and angui2ed poEsession of the said easement in the said. TiEnEYTNE., DE IT' RESCINED 37. ,rhia 0077C11: MV7' CTNij it,ITTE,i,„ that thc, aforenertion and. tne salic i3 hereby, accepthi. rn beaalf of the CNT:ing of Aj.sileda, ard said City 'Murcia, acting ror arii. in behalf of z,aid. attahed thenito, as regi,yired. 272e1 hi the, Ciiverrme'et Ccglh er the 1, the uryierst.,,-,h.e., --eley cegtfy. that the thhre,igoing Reocal,tion 'was duly anA reguilar-igy intrnduce6 and a,ioptei Colincia of the City of Aaam,c)da in. rogiiiar meeting asembied. on. th_e 12th, day of Dethamber, tho fgilowlns Yttti, gwit CouncilTien Anderson, S'J7eeney' Jghog,, (3). COUTlaYIAT18.P. Csbcrn hresi,iant Ti,ranschedd, (2). IN eitiNfhiiS VliNER,Hh.li, I have elerehrto set re, nand aud affli,,ed the offi- seeil cif said City t.D..1.s. 13th of Dcccriber, C:ege of: :gen