Resolution 0428228 R730IETTON MO. 42L(2 FIYIMO NORIVJF:YOLLTMC :ITEM :7D co7ip1 :_:Tior POR WORE IN DatiLER1 OF 11 11 7.36(RM FOR. ERRTRI7 EMELGYZEO OF YE: CilltR,U EDMINTSTEMEEVE DoilMajdaTMET CY "FR CITY OF 5)1 11) 11 RESOLUTIOR (PC._ tLJ WHEREAS, due to emergencies that arise there is a npoessity of having certain employees in. the General imLainistmative Department of the City, to-wit: in the Ceitylalanagpris Office, City Mtn, Parks oanta Playgrounds Departtpmt, and the Street aad EtglneerinL Departments, murk: mare hoqms than are customarily work-ed by occupants of the post-ions held by such persons; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESERVED BY TED COUPOIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, as follows: 1. The City Council hereby finds and determines that there exists the General. ER4kMaistrative Department 1) the Gity, to-wit: in the City MunhyRypts Office, City Rail, Parks and Playgrounds De.Tvartment, and the Street aRtallugineering Dehaahxaents a. necessity for revEsion of the overtime rates of pay in order to effectively' perform. tke essential City functionz conducted. by ssid. aelEmatancuts. normal.. worbbing week for those employees to mtPm, thin resolutdon. is applicable. shall °insist of forty () hours. 3, Compeksatian Tor overtite work in the aforesaid departaents, nameORY :verk La excess of forty. (40) hours per week, shall oe gyanted. stojeet to the follovw inG cendPtion: The head of any- department desiring to hamo any ampleye therein receive compensation. for sohla overtime work in. expess of forty (40) hours thr week shall notify the City Manager in writlhg of the necessity for such torko If thd City Manager approves such compensation for such overtime pork, he shall notify said head of department and thh Executive Secretary' of the Civil. Ele2W1.00 writing, to ttht effect. 4. Thp employees in the several municipal detaitmtnts hereinafter set forth, to-kit: t.:MatII:danagLuTs cSficha Rttonotive Utility Fatalumic (Lai: Ra 11 ilde la(Liftjagoilj,, Traitio Pointer Skilled Laborer Lalorer Finatresa PRPRPOLLE:LkYLLPLE-PLiaRgEkuPeRmrPoomot Suo-Forenan Multtenampe Ithchauic Yquaphent Operttor amoundskeduhr Truck Dmiyhr Skilled Laborer Laborer f.,lDmti.,LILIal„I1LLCDzp,,r„lita,„P=!;ge,WJL„ ocilior Civil Engineer. Asoittant Civil Engineer Junior Civil Ertatather Survey Party CRihf EngimparinG Street Inspector Ontor Enginoering Aidp RnaLucerin:q. Lidh Ceravmuter Foratan Gonorets Portman Sel'VEr F:kr:ktyla Saab-Foreman Swteper Operator Maintenance Mechanic Auto Equip:toe:at Operator-Mechanic Footigymant Operator ?Rdnter Truck Driver Motor Equipment Serviceman. Skilled Raaborer Laborer 829 who work ln eibess of forty (40). houme in any one wooh shall he smid for such. servises in. excess of forty (401 hours a week at the rate of one and. ons -half (1) times the stroirat tire uoto nosed upon. their regalsx monthly salarloo or renudar dmily 5. All officers and employees in said depamtmenta who are not spocifi- cally rwhtioneR are. expressly. excluded. from shw operation. of this resolution. BE IT F1killgER RESOLVED that Re...mrWatich No. 5081, aPapted by this Cruaril on gknnary lb, 1945, and emtitied, "Fixing Normal. Working Week and. Compensation for Etier. in. nXr.eon 0-0 Specified Hours for Certain Emsloyee of the Obneralfitnini- stratixo Sepsrtment of tho, Cite" of J'NMsmeds.", be and the same is hareby memcinded. RESOLVED, FUERSSE, that the provEsions of any other resolutions, or hsrts theroof, in conflict herewith, are, to the extent of such. conflict only, hereby rescinded and annulled. I, She undersigned, :hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution. wan duly ann. regularly introduced and adopted sy tnr Council of the City of D.:I:goads in megular moeting assembind on the 121 h day of December 1950, by the following vote, to-wit: Councilmen Anderson Sweney, and Vice-President Tones; ASSENT: Councilman Omborn. amd. Pmesihhht PrEnscheld, (2). IN WITNESS WESTEDS", I havo hereunto set my hand and affirmed the official seal of said City this 13th day of December, 1550, ZITE7:17,7,17-i;T**-: *.tle I hereby certify that the foregoinE is a full, true and. sorrebt copy of "Resolution No. 4282, FlallG WOREINS WEEX: BUS comPKvE55751oN DOR WORK IF EADTOS OS SEPCSTIFT HOSES FOR CENT:CIE MP:DREES or THE CENSERS, ESSINISTESTiFF DEIRI1SEET OF TES CITY OF FIFNaal AND RESCINDING RkSOLUVION BX). 5081," introduced and adoptod hy the Council on. the 12th. Nay of December 1550.