Resolution 04313M 1-1 ��S 3'TC. 4N -5a3 PCs Ct- r�JTIL 1)7'TP`,�,','TSy_' 1'171rn""��CC-_' COWDUIT, CALL7101 W BICS AnW MgMT01 Coy Mar -SE WAIWAS, rublic !r and racesKuy require the construction of tale- rVens cable iondul t at various locations betwoof-__",,a:aeda Clt�y and tRo Tranki:n Inrl l5creation Suilding (Civil Lw4ros, Coopel Centmo, Isaoted at San Antonio Avenna and Paru Street! ar,., TORT US, the G2 ty -nC�._ncer nas pre-o0a-re'd P�_o at =�" , sroo� a 'I �rov` ri cnos end Plans for mil work, which are nurdocred 1`3 2-51-1 and were filn in tto office of uhn city Clot: on oMIT 30, 3951. ANT, TOWnWI, BX TT 72SOlWo BY PAN COUNCIL C7 TH WTI 0I 17ALEGA thm. the af—es-11 specificatic. a, srecial prCV101ne er�' '­'o'ra� n-xilacred unc" filc'31 as aforesaid, be, and the sanc are hareby, approved andadopto�% n- N "rq - u'5 that the pexTormance and compleHon of sw warn fled speci- 'n said Specifinatiars and PrWdlers br, ardl 1S-�o rcrre �"7 hornb"-' author -"Z, -'3.e Moat the Council of we City of Awrada Will reenive sealed bids up to the hrur of F:05 o'clock V. 7., or ""00y, Tebroary W, 1351, for the furnishing to the City of Alameda of all labor, onaterlals., rot�,cdr anel procap.-,,�o,,-, tools and oquiprart nccessar7 for the work 4nrolrabovo reorrno to, in acnordnncs with said Specifications ard FroMsions. not!7� or p1'esence-1 to C!tr Clank, H thp City 011, in Alameda, California, under sealod cver and plaln]y -,­ar�,od 0,n, the outside "Froynsa: fzr Constowntlan of Wall Defoino TRephave Cable Conduit," or Similar designation. Contrast, if amended, wit) be awarded subject to the nrovislors of t1r- Marter of +."` 'tnf Alaaonotn, to the responn!bla bi,lder ,vtm; th-a lowest and bost bid. The right is ressrued to rep" my or ar, dl s„ Said Sreci,ficatiors and Provisions rmy 'oe b- , , a , any ioroapecti�,,Te bioder on appaicatinn to the city AnFireer, at h'a office in the 'City Alnmoda, sal'fnrrla� The rk In hereby Wrec,en to the k1amccla -Star, a notice calling for sealed bids, accordance 1, -At',-. -,,he rovls�ons r,f this resoil­ tion and of Faid Sponflcat4oris and! `rovslonc' T, the undersigned, hereby certHy that the foregalrF flasontlaq was dWT a re %j' introduced and awrted by the 0ovimll of the 71ty of Alameda in reSular meeting assamb2ed on the Gth day of February, 1051, by the following vote, to -wit*, XVIT :0maci"en Ardorson, don-,- , Cosborn, cvoa, -ancy an 31 7n"' 7ranceheld, 04, r5dont IMP 2 rore. ARSETT: Yom. TU W:TMSS WHEMCF, : here hersun-0 Tat nU hand end afrned the afl- alai see! of sa'-d City tu,75 7t!�� lay of _iabrnaryr, 105a, P. 'Snq j - T hereby certify Or: the foreCy1rC t2re an -1, correct cc�cy "Resclutim, 7c 13, ADCPTIKA 3PICIFICATICK, SWIM PATOIS= AID jjnT3 Tip TINTIONE CAKE CC'1_u_Tri -", C -%),1 ,17C 7C�-' PIDt A_,1:DDu­- AWTU! C=W CLMK 7C aloYMPTICE WIT, intrudlo,-od and adopt ecit bo- tr.,., on �]ne q'J"' Say of �Wnnuajg,' City 7`310 -of nw City of AlampW