Resolution 04314462 RESOLUTION 90. =141 AWHORIZIN! THE WCAUN OF AN AnRWRNT 119" SATMTOR P01", 7d`2 A,D1 STfTVW C1Y -DX1T11L-"7 "' C Tg -F, 1',T S258 N AV IT-� WHERKA2, Salvator Cirmolli Q desirous of pvrchasing the dwe3ling Rowe located at 2E58 Lincoln Avenue, ownod, by the C -y of Alamf-ua, andi, relocaTd houce; and 'fC"'C' L -a forn of agroonaont for t,, --c nur��uase and rewvs2 of Wd kww'o has been subEitted to tYs OocnW and s,ld Uri .ns -4' Is fn�,olllar with the proviVono thorcof; and VEREAT, it is in the ynblic intnrezt Met the City shmOd ant" into aetee nen t wllt'n e W HES&INAD 3Y THE 4OJIC111, Ctr,- said agreement be entered Wo am! Mat the City Kwa"r of Lee CQy of AlaseMa be, and to is hereby, authorized and directed to ee-�ocv'�'e' za-*.J' aO-reenlent on bch32f oc the City, aak tha City Clark is a"herized to ato3t ow saue� 1, the arderal7nrd, hereby 3ertify that the foragoing Resolution wao duly and reSularly AnLrodbced and adopted W, the Counc-,1. ),," too ct' A- -iaisedn W regular meqt1r7 asserbIPA on the 6th My of %bruary, 1951, by Qe 011ming vote, bo -W10, Co-nclllrnen Andwsun, Co.born, Swurney and Frss-,dCnt ,oparechel d, (3) NCES: Fore. ABSE72: None. W MWECS =REC� 1 havehormato Pet rwy Wnd and affKad t3e off!- Wal sea! of swAd City this 7th My of wbrunry� 2951, (SEAL) City Clerk cF' the C�t7 of i've'Ode 1 hereby certify MaL the foregoing !,�- a fl;] -11, true and corrocn, cop- "hnsolution To. 4374, AMINCEWN! 7M, A-, C7920Y WN TH"; 'F11-'11'�--LTF7' CTI F§WT AT 2053 1011010 AMXMI" introduaed and adoptod by the Counil op thp,(-th any prs,ary, 051. -7,213rk of