Resolution 04350m RESOLUTION70. 4350 CRT2ATIYG THE PCSITIOT� 07,' "SEINICR AMOUNT cEEmA" TTN THEE, STREET AND ENG&I-1EYING DRT-AR'TM-FIT'-` C -E-1 TTE CF AIAIEEDA, PRESCRlBING Ti DTITIES ANDFIXITTG TTHL- -----F)ATARY THRRECF. BE E. RESOLVED BY TuT� COUNCIL OP `17E CITY OP ALAMEDA as follwis- Section 1. The Tositlion of "..Senior Account Clerk" Is hereby created and established in the Street and En-,71neering Department of the City of Alameda. Section 2. The duties of the position of Sen -or Account Clerk and of the person holding ouch position shall be as foiloWn I To audit bills and payrolls; to compute costs and keep records of -jobs; to be resrons`blo for ria'ntan-n,., '-edgers or a simple set of fInarcial records; and to do related work, as required or directed. Secti-or. 3. —ne salary for the position of renic- Accoant Clerk shall be, and is hereby, fired as fc11ocrL, fFor the first year - - - - - - 1257.5() per r.ronth; For the second year - - - - - 274.00 T,,P.r rionth-, 7,,)"r the third and subsequent years - - - - - 289.00 per ronth. T, the hereby cert 'Ify that the foregollng Resolution vers d -1, adopted by the Council of the tatty of Alameda du _j and rog'ularly lnt�roduced and a in regular npetirg asspnb1pd on the '17th day of April, 1951, by tie followinC vete, t 0 -w il t AYT',r, IIc,,u,,cilnon Andersen, Branscheld, Jones, Sweeney and ProsIdent C,sborn, (S, ,TOES AT3SL'NT- None. IIIIITIINES S va=EOP, I have here,,znto setmmy hanc'�. and affixed the off"-- eal of said City this 18th day of APri ' 1951. (SF,"L) City Clei�k of the City of Alameda I heroby certify that the foro,oing Ls a full, true and correct copy of "P,eacclution No. 4350, CETj ATING THE PICS,-TtOOF ISENIOR ACCOUTINT CLERK' 111 _j: .fat.., 7 ' -, - STRZ-E'T AND 11INGTM17 D P4iPTY 11-T OF '71E C -71Y CD' AUO+ DA. 111RESC'i'IBI-ING OF AND FIXING SALARY introduced and adopted, by the Councli on the l7t"-I day ,of April, 1951. .1-h City 71pr' f the City of Alameda 1, '/