Resolution 04354IBM RESOLUTION NO. 4354 SALAR!7S ANN RAT!,'S 0? COIJKENSATION OF CWTICERS AND ENP . WEES CF THE CITY OF ALAIP— 7-f '71 RESCFVs:D BY 7HE COUDICIL OF TE CITY C7 as, That Resolution to, K73, adonted November 21, 1550, shall be, and the same is hereby,, amended in the fo1.7.oe nn nanner— The salaries and rates of conponsatior prW,ded for in said 7osclution No. 4273 for officers and omployoes of the City of Alameda Call be, and the same are hereby, increased by four per cent 0%). 77 T" FURTHER WSOTWMID, t'hat said increase of four per sent (41) shall not apply to the salaries or rates of common sat.11,or. of the Aud-'tcr and i-'Issesso.r, the City Ranager, and the Weasurer and Tax Collector. WOURD, PURI 7EP, that the said 'no -mase Cf folir per cent (4�) Z`"all be, effoctice as of and, ator- ,, l0bl. 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the for egaing Wolution was du3y and regularly intrcduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alasacda in regular meeting assembled on the Ist data of thy, 1951, by the following vote, to - wit - Ay?% Owancilmen Anderson, Bransche'.d, Jones, Sweeney slid President Osborn, (5), NOES: None. ADSEWT: Nore� W J10TOS MOREW, 1 have herounto set r,,,y handand offiyed the cf,"i- clal seal of said City this find day of LaW, 1951. j. P. C1 (SEAL) Citir Cle?'7707 tkip of Alaredn 1 hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct, copy of "Resolution No. 4354, INCREASING SALL P�-ES AND ?-�= C:,' 0Ci4?C1`SATI0K Ci O',12-r:iis AIM EMPL07BES 011'11HE CITY 'v7 ALAINTIA," introduced and adopted by the Council on the 10 t. day - of :'iay' I951. is Citn MAO of the f 0, it, of Alamada L /