Resolution 04355N RESOLUTION O. 4355 ADCPTING SPECIFICATICNS FOP FURNISHIAG TC THE CITY OF ANiEEDA 1.160 01000CITYOF AIAMEDA SL`.%7pR BONDS, BOCK STYLE, WITH COUPONS ATTUUCAL ING FCR BIDS AND DIRNICONG CITY CLERK TO ADTERT:S]S WARYE, RTSVTNKD 3Y THE ET' r- 1, ()T' TT1 (11­7'1� cl_� the SO�cifL_at,*_Ons and Provisions for furnishing to the City of Alameda 1160 $100 City of Alameda Sewer Bonds, book style, with 5QA coupons attached, No. ME l, filed in the office of the City Clerk on Say 2, 1951, be, and the saise arc hereby, approved and adopted. FTETHE.-H, that the Council of the City of Alameda will receive sealed bids up to the hour of 8;05 o'clock P. W. on Tuesday, pay 15, 1951, for the furnishing to the City of 1160 Q1000 -City of Alameda Se-wor Mande, took style, with coiTors attached, in accordance with said Specifications and ProvIslons. Bids must be prosontid to the City Clerk, in the Clt 6111. Alameda, CRl-1forn1_a, urder oeal.ed (,over and n1ainly marlkod on the octs-1-de, II posal for 11.60 2,8,aer Bonds, book style, with coupono attac1- d", or slr,._,*la--- Contrast, if awarded, will be awarded subject to the provisions of the Charter of said City, to the responsible bidder who eubmits the lowest and best bid„ The rl�Fht -'-a reserved to rejjiect any or all bids, The City Clerk is heisby directed to advertise, in the Alameda Times - Star, a notice calling for sealed bids in ancordanen arlit'r, tI.-Ie prat.sconeof this resolution and of said Specifications and 1`2ovisions T, the undersigned, hereby cert Ify that the fwe"Dw 15wobvion was duly and rot; arly introduced and a"pted by the Council of the City of Alameda in re7ular nucting assembled on the !at day of h'ay, 1061, by the following vote, ro-wit'. A Y--,, 9 - t'.,onrcil7en Anderson, Eranscheld, jones, Sweeney and President Osborn, (5). OR C 7one. ABS','5,­,T- Yore. }T vU TT,1'1. SS 1JH,7:RE(T, 1 have hernumto set ?ry h,)nd and affland the offi- cial sea! of :aid City this 2n-1 da - I& of pay, 1S,55]_ AE City ('Ierk of the City of Alameda T hereby certify that the fore;iollr_ ' g -Is a, full, tr,,,e and --orrec, copy of "Resolution Do. 4355, AD0271IG FOR PURNISHIK5 TO TEK CITY 00 ALAlE13A 1160 01000 -CITY GY AIAIEDA SEVER QGYDO, 3OCK STYLEUNS CO -W ATIaCHED, CALLIN(I FCR ;13:'..SATID, DIREC Tit"C, .f_..:. CLERK TO ADVE2TTSE SADW and anopted b1 the; Ccri:,ail on the let day of May, 1951, P t, City Alameda =7