Resolution 0435636 RPSO1719-TON NO. 4,75C ADOJ17]:X,�� Sp,CThI.-CATIONS, SPECTAII, IPRGV7S](l'PS ANT) F.Ijlj,,S FMJ CCJTI"-� C�10�1 CT,! IIIICPI�, ', T J 71 RLL ON P-111-ILID-11ORFE SITKEEII, FT-im," T7?;'r,STREET -,C) 0 0 U,"` T 1 1 1 T,ta.,T C'ALIZING FOR 15TDS AND DTRIECTITC, CITY CLLR Y, 'PC ADVERT -137E SAME ViTHEIRRAS, publ'o. Interest and necessity require the construction of storm. evve,r latora] s on Fillmore Street f-o!r 11 nh -',treat to Court Street- and AIIIRREA), tbo Gj-t�T TinF,4nepr has nrepared SpecifIca tIons, S-oeclal Provl-sions and Flans for said work, which, are numbered PIR 5-511-3 and were f1led in the effire of the Citv Clerk on ?.Cay 1, 1951-, T,,OVi, TPHEIFIEFOR2,, BE IT iv G7 BY TTIF CO -TEG -TIL OF TTI, CITY OF Als3',TEDA that the aforesaid S-pecificati-ons, Seeclal ?rovlsions are Pians, numbered and filed as aforesaid be, and the same are hereby, approved and adopted. m7ariz-," t'hat the performance and conpletion of t'lo 71,mr17 srnc- - fled In said S-necificattons anb ProvIsilons be, and the sare 'is hereby, auth<�rlzed. j S()ICT -,), 7"T the C -il P?, - URTIEEI that oi�nc of the City of Alameda vi-'- 1 receive 151, 1 ,q e �,I e d b 4 dE� no t o t1he 110'a r o 1, 3 : 05, o I c I cc lz� L" . , ("'n Tue 11�ay 15, 19 or the, fi,,rn- sh-I'ng to the City of Alameda of all labor,nator, - als, netriodo and processes, t,-�cla and, oqi-,Tn-,sont necessary for the work heminabolle referred to, In asc.ordanco with ,aLd Specifications and Frovlsions. Bids must be .resented to the "Ity -, marked or - Ir. Aanc,01t,, llailf'orria, tender sealed cover and -.p.Iain]7 ou t t o for Co7struc4-lon of Storm Sevier 'Laterals on Flllnoro. Street, I I "Pro n I p Dinh , �h ftreet to �ol�,rt st_pp��t% or qimliar des s 1 P -,n a Mon.. MePtrant, if ilsprded, will be awarded subject to ti-io provisions of the Charter of the,, OIt-,- cf Alameda, to the r,,,sp.-rs!b]n bidder who eubmits the, IoNvest and best b1d. T'he r1rht is reserved to reject any or all bldn. Said Spec I Plc t i 011L 2r<3 Prcv s onqT _y -,p bc, h._ I d by any p rospectIve blildder on applioatlnn to tlne CITyn the C�,ty 1, Alempda, �,er, at h ce California. The l,,Tty 1-�, hereby d1rectod to advort'se, in the klameda Tlmes-Star a notice callinrl for sepled bids, in accordance it:. the provisions, of th's rneoln- t`on and of said _Specifications and Provisions, 7 i, the undors,"-Cnod, fiereby certify that the frjro-�-oing resolution was dl,ily and rpl'-oaarly introduced and ad'opted by the Co,inclil- of the City of Aammeda rep;ular n'set—Ir, asnemblod on the -Ist, day of T,'ay, 1251, by the followlng vcts, -%, i t . AYRS- CouncIllren Anderson, Brarschei3O, Jonec, Sweeney and President Oiborr, (F-) � YMF� - 77 ore 7 A B S EN, �Ione . TN WiTNESS T hvve herounto sf�t �Tyv har�6 an,I the, cff,1- c-a' seal of sald Clt7- th-'-s Ord do-- cf 112,1:71. GLA'?K ( 'Al t i- vT "If t1 =90 - I I of TI Sit hereby ereby cert"Py that the fore,,-,oing *-a a full, true and correct cony of S �'�p 3e - 0 1 ,,, t I-, or, IT,_ 4356, ADOP"TNG Pi-(,ZIITOTC--,!S ANII PLAT�,S FOR 'I'M Cr TRIJF 1 3-,7 S TOM" IE'Vil"ER LA TEEALI- OF P I LT STRTY-EIT Tc N S, T IT C, 1-� I H TFEDIT F�W,K - T D TSE SAME, " ln�ro- COU:?T SIM -E'91 , CALL -TING 1,7,01 B-T',S AN� D— CTT-jl,'G' CIERK TO AT VII-RT-� dc,cod ard ahonted b-'7 the Co-ancil- on the IsL daF of Tla-v, 19,51. k of t C,.t-,- of' Alaxacda