Resolution 02807RESOLUTION NC. 2807 iii.S.AEUXUTJ EDE ifiLREASED COMPIITSATION FOR (1T) 1[N OFFICE.RE aidna EMPLOYZE• OF TEEsCITY OF .ALAISII- WHEREAS, the studies reed.e by the City Manager and. this Council show thdt the Era:Ls:pries received by certain officers and employees sf this city wdth :refer- onbe to thedr reopectivb position& are below the provailing &diaries in. other cities and comparable basinuesses and industries; and WIEREAS, it is desirablb, and in the ptiblic interest to rect 1 e existing ineulities; CU; THERE'CaE, BE IT KESaLTED BY TEE 10. OF TnE CITY OF ALAMEDA, as lEMIALows: That the salaries and rates of compensation for tUe hereinafter named offices and. positions of amployme.s.t of the City of Alairlaid are hereby fixed. in tdo anItEmatie set opposite each designated office or postion- Unless otherwise indicated; aid safaris& add rates of compenastden are on. a calendar mein:tn.. basis. Such effloes and positions of unployment and 8(1 0111:., saleries.and rates of compenestfen are as fellewa. Ti t of c or e =len 'dumber of Pciodt..tens Depu Auditor. Deputy Assessor Senior Ads:Int Clerk Deut Field Assedsor (Fart Time) Senior Stenographer-Clerk Cit. Cl erk. Sendor StenogrephereClork Extra. Clorkb At the rate of and 0.50 per 11 4 Schist Per 8 24:5.00 245.00 83.00 172.50 13.6.00 City Attorney 1. (Fart time other ordeSvment 7. 41) L,(9zaa Seerettua LawaCie 350.00 183.00. Executive Socretal 1 Cvil. Service I;ard 1 250.00 Senior StenegrapneneaLlekk 12e.6o PErbonnel Assistants. Maximum, .2 At the rote of 5Co per heur CadcmhetxtcysIDannduce. Canmalludeper enelibmo nadadnenidatraelerE Juchar atehognepr rabblerh Chilled raccrer Reef.; Techhisiar 6:-Ir07' Typist-Cleft. t"cte.201))-011.nthi. 11.0.00 12.5.50 Of! 13 Sedld-lhE Inspector Ecolocass ouincin3 adepecter „ Dar- (ye 2,,haratic,3,,,,, lihrin,g 3rd year of sehvine coif Professional 000.10,0_00 Golf Course ..01001.0111y PociLI,Les 1 132, 255.00 1 209.26 1 23,0.0u -acre of service "OOP 1)(3 nt 84,44 ician and. Health Officer 315.00 op tme other employment mestlistfod. reDean 0.2e . tx,„ other empl. 'Food and final. Ina:sector 1 Sanitary inspector 1 Banterfological Laborato.: Technicion 19.50 PubRle Heath Eurso rot Nufe, 1 1.67.20, Senior Stoncg,:icapheraNurse Janitor. 2 Extra -io.ree At the rate of ':22.00 per Emersoncy 8teward. 2.32,,Intranas 2 At tdo rate of . 00 .cor day Pact's! s ub.' S 0000 2 '00 0.10.0. 00 00 .j•0iii,10 020, .00.00 10 - .01000'-0: .200)12,210 lediso seadh011 maximum haximum tEdoLmcce Po ice Depe Pollee Chief 32.0.00 Police Lieutenant I 20).06 Police 'respecter 2 240.00 Police Sergeant A 230.00 Policewoman. , -. 18.76 Pollee Patrolman, 42 During lot year of service 00 DurinE n1 i year of service , ..... Durint, 3rd year of service 06.00 puTd.rls 4th once sulsetpc,colt yeers of service 214.50 Each. marlber Of the Police Decartmanc axcaptfhy the ChEof of Felice WhQ shall ataih. tlae quadjf]. - cation. of xert Revolver Shot", "'Sharpshooter", or "]....ilarksmarl.", in. accordance wlth the procil.sions of Resolution 13.o. 2097, shall /01 in. addition to the compans8.tion. provided aove and 80 long as such.. quacations are retaned the following Title Of Amite us roa 11.011 "Es 011.1111 Revolvor Shot" "Sharpshooter" TUarisaman" Peandmaster 1 85 r (3) 3L100 i'i.1 :13 Jae:CI t Number of Salary Positions P.Pr (Eon per month. per month per month 1) (,) 193.50 cre tnat Reation D n c Superintendent of Room'eatirm 2,175.00 (Per ann)1110. aupevisor of Play(pronnd Direcrof 1 150A16 Junior StenographortsCierk .., 115.5o 103.96 Playground Directors (1(axim11 m. 16 ISinimdm ((0f 50V to a. .maxlmnm. of 79.'::.:9 per frOUT i• employed. hourly bsis. Recreation Aide Eaximm 8. Einimum of 50C ts. a tesoaDatiu sf' 60,1( per hour if employed o an hourly basis. So .0:311.12 L (Daryl e • 11 3; weirrar• Supervisor or arehoprepher-01erk, Street J98276 115.50 City Ergfaeer 1 340.00 Assistant City idinaer 1. 250.00 Panior ivil. Fnginer. maximum 4 atex.ed Labor Supervisor. I 233.00 Carpe( ter-Foreman iicix, It Mtn 2 21)7.16 Concrete Foreman I 201.90 aelivr. Faraccan 2 191.40 Senior Stenographer -Clek 1 155.92 aweepar 01erator 180.16 Straci, Inspector 11 11 5 s 191.40 antenance Mechanic A. 191.40 Aar(1 mativs 7 511)4.2.681 , OperaLor -ecanc 11 111 3 201.4.0 Truck Drivor Maximus, a 175.66 Skilled Laioefer aximnm 170.40 PaiDsfer litaxittassia 2 153.62 Field Assistant and Office Asslstant At the rare. of $6.00 per day Maximum - 5 Street Inspector the rate of. '"(g.00 per day- ,,,litax11(0,..tra 4 11 111 Jreasurer T'R AND LAX) COLLE( fr.( EiKTRA. ElEIT FOR AIL DEPARTMENTS FOR VACATION RELIEF, SICK RELIEF AND EXTRA Sepicr otepocre5Ner -Clor 5 At bac 11. of (36.00 to so. 11 ser day J unior PypipC -Clerk c,) nt tad rare ef ' .00 to 65.50 Pat day Lag Secretory lcrisaCierk ,marsar 11enedr1 hner-61prh At hno rate of 05.0e te .56.00 per 1 essaitor 2 foispasho switchboard Csernter-Olern siscre(ene .J 2) ouccenioxegIcel se:sanatory rociihician 1 Redishefou nuroa At hhe 1 0j1L1 of so.OU per day round inater 00 1211(2 10 taPior Account Clerk (st 1 S she fate 1 f 513 e1 r sbay 5 245.00 108.00 150.16 115.50 130.00 193.50 193.50 33.62 „All salaries and oemensations, ais fixed. py this ...?....esolution snail be payable, lin arrears, on. tae idth and. on.. tile last spy of each. calendar month; nrovided that wn.en any SUOL falls on a logal _holiday payment snail.. be laado on.. the next pre- ceding business rne ssiaries ano rates. of compensation, os fixes by this (desolation shall be effective as of and after December I 19/2. fiL, if 2ustrifeet sids6(add that those portions of (desolation. ha. 277U wad all ocher resolutions or parrs thereof, in conflict herowitn, are tO tne extent of subh con-filen hereby rescdnaed ana efinulie IT IS FUTEER (aESOLVEl1) that Jin the eVent that any- of the wage and salary increases canted this resolution be. modified. or disapproved as to any office or position by tne notional. War Labor Board or the Commissioner of Internal Revenue or. other canbetent Federal authority, then.. as to any such office or poson, (fee salary or wage shall, fres, the date of such.. order of- disapproval. or modification, be the salary of such office or position.. as so modified or as prOvided by- Salary. Resolution.. No. 2770, adopted by tnis Celicsial on. June 29., 1 42„ whichover "Ss the (:( I the -usalaresjraw,11, horeby certify 1,..ifat the fte sgolims Resolution was duly nd introddced and. adopted tbe Council 0.,f(l. the Citv of Alam...eda in rogular meeting asse....lc.)1,sal on the ist day of Decemers :942 by the following vete, to wit: Soanniimaa uranscheid, L..(YWe, jones ans. maarer, fdriaw.: President Godfrey, (1). awmg.o. Ea ,SITnIdif3 WithilEari, I have hereunto set my t nd and. affiXisa the offi- cial seal of said Cit, tfris 2nd. day. of Deeemberg 1942 ; "7, 777777-a7.7 I y ird o;., a inaUVidinil 20(1 IINOEASED Fe.d GERTAITS EMFLOal.SO f,I.C2, CITY OF nhefnEDS,d introduced end, adopted.. by. the Coannli the hst day of December,