Ordinance 0172ORDINANCE NO. 172 New Series. AN ORDINANCE: ORDERING, GALL - iNG AND PROVIDING FOR AND GIVING NOTICE OF • A SPECIAI, E:I.I:CTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, STATE OF (CALIFORNIA, ON TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1820, FOR THE. PURPOSE OF' SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID CITY A PROPOSI- TION TO INCUR A BONDED DEBT BY SAID CITT' FOR TFIE AC- QUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF A COMBINATION STORM' DRAIN AND SANITARY SEWER IN AND FOR SAID CITY, SAID ELECTION TO BE CONSOLIDATED WITH THE PRIMARY F.i.ECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON SAiD DAY. \V 110RE:XS, the Council of the City of Alameda did, on fie 30th day of March, 1920, by a vote of two - thirds of the members of said Council adopt a reso- lution determining that public interest and necessity demanded the acquisition and construction .of a combination storm, drain and sanitary sewer in and for said city, the cost of which would be too great to be paid out of the an- nual ordinary income and revenue .of 4:aid city, now, therefore IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Alameda, as follows: • Section 1. A special election is here - hy called and ordered to be held in the City of Alameda, State of California, on Tuesday, May 4, 1920, for the pur- pose of submitting to the qualified voters of said city a proposition to in- cur a. bonded debt by said city for the acquisition and eonstruction of a combination storm, drain and sanitary sew.y' in and for said city, • which special election shall be consolidated with the primary election to be held In said city on said day. The estimated cost of said combina- tion storm, drain and sanitary sewer and the amount of the principal of the indebtedness to be incurred therefor is one hundred seventy -five thousand (175,000) dollars: and the rate of in- terest to be paid on said indebtedness shall not exceed five and one -half per centum per annum, payable semi -an- nually. Sec. 2. The special election hereby called and ordered to be held shall be held and conducted, and the votes there- at received and canvassed, and the re- turns thereof made, and the result thereof ascertained, determined and de- clared as herein provided, and in all particulars not recited herein. according to the laws of the State of California providing for and governing elections in the City of Alameda: and the polls for such election shall he and remain open during the time required by said la ws. The ballots to be rise,: at said spec- ial election shall be such as may be required by law to be used thereat, and In addition to any other matter required by law to be printed thereon, shalt appear thereon the following: Aee.,:ula '',n:rt Si. YPr :CINCT NO. ,_ Folks - Place: Tent, N. 10. car. 4 er- sallies and-- a:ncin.cl Ave. • PRECINCT NO. n Polling Piac.e: Ton c. N. L.. cor_ San Jose Ace. and -Pent': St. PRECINCT NO. 7. Foiling• :'lace: Tent, S. E. nor. 5' n Jose and Regent SC. PRECINCT NO. 8. Polling Place: Tent. S. E. cor. Broad- way and Central Ave, PRECINCT NO. 9. Polling Place:. 'Pont. N. W. cor, Lin- coln and Pearl. PRECINCT NO. 10. Polling Place: Tent., Vc%ehb Ave., op- posite Firehouse. PRECINCT NO. 11. Polling Place:. Tent. S. W. cor. Pnrk St. and Lincoln ;we. PRECINCT NO. 12 Polling- Place: Tent, S. W. car. Perk St. and Central Ave. PRECINCT Nn. 12 Polling Placer Tent, S. W. cor. Part. St. and San Jose Ave. PRECINCT NO. 14. Polling }'lace: Tent, S. W. cor. Clin- ton Ave..•arid Laurel St. PRECINCT NO. 15. Pollirgg Place: Tent, C. W. eor. Oak and Alameda.. PRECIN('P N0. 10. Pollint Place: Tont, Elm and Buena Vista. PRECINCT NO. 17. Polling Place: Tent, N. 00. eor. Pa- cific Ave. and Willow St. PRECINCT NO. 18. Polling Place: Tent. S. 10. cor. Cen- tral Ave. and Willow. PRECINCT NO. 1 8. Polling Place: Tent. S. G, cor. San Antonio and Willow. PRECINCT NO. 20. Polling Placer Tent. S. 1:. cor. San Antonio Ave. and Chestnut. PRECINCT NO. 21. Polling Place: Tent, S. E. cor. San Antonio and Lafayette. PRECINCT NO. 22, Polling Place: Tent. N. W. cor. cen- tral- Ave, and Lafayette St. PRECINCT NO. 23. Polling Place: Tent, N. W. cor. Buena Vista and Stanford., PRECINCT NO. 24. Polling Place: Tent, S. 1Z'. cor. P,uena Vista and Schiller 5t. PRECINCT NO. 25. Polling Place: Tent, Contra! Ave. and Grand St. PRECINCT NO. 28. . Polling Place:_'I`en1, San :Antonio Ave. and Parn. PRECINCT NO. 27. Polling Place: Tent, N, W. car. Stan- ton and Santa Clara. PRECINCT NO. 28. Polling Place; Tent, Pacific Ave. and Stanton St. PRECINCT NO. 29. Polling Mac.: Tent, N. 1V. cor. Pay and Lincoln Ave. PRECINCT NO. 30. Polling Place: Tent, Santa Clara .‘v e. and Sherman. PRECINCT NO. 11. Polling Place: Tent. San Antonio Ave. and 13ay, St. PRECINCT Nn. 22. Polling Place: Tent, S. 07. cor. Caro- line :u,d Central Ave. PRECINCT. NO. 33. Polling Place: Tent, N. 10. cor. St. Charles and Santa Clara. MUNICIPAL TICKET To vote' for the proposition, and thereby authorize the incurring of ,a bonded indebtedness to the amount ieQf, and for the purpose stated therenn, starnp a cross (X) in the voting square after the word "YES." To vote against the proposition, and thereby refuse to authorize the incur- ring of a bonded indebtedness to the amount of, and for the purpose stated therein, stamp a cross (X) in the vot- ing square after the word "NO." Also, said ballots shall have printed thereon the following: Prbp.osition to incur a bonded debt' by the City of Alameda to the amount of One Flundred Seventy - five Thousand, (175,000) Dollars, gold coin of the United States, for the acquisition and construction of a Combination Storrs, Drain and Sanitary Sewer in and for said City, such debt to bear interest at a rate not to exceed five and one -half per centum per an- num, p ay able semi- annually. Sample ballots containing the above mutter required to be printed thereon shall be. supplied to the electors of said city by the city clerk, but a fail- ure on the part oil, any elector to re- ceive such sample'.ballot shall. not be held to invalidate the election •or affect in any planner the legality of any bonds that may be - authorized thereat. Sec. 3. Any qualified elector of the City of Alameda may vote at said special election for or against the proposition .herewith submitted. To vote in favor of, and to authorize the Incurring of a bonded debt for the purpose ,set forth in said proposition, he or'"she shall stamp a cross (X) In the voting square to the right of the word "YES" printed opposite said proposition, and to vote against and refuse to authorize the incurring of a bonded debt for the purpose set forth in said proposition, he or she shall stamp a cross (X) in the voting square to the right of the word "NO" printed opposite said proposition. A cross (X) stamped in the voting square to the right of the word "YES" shall be counted as a vote in favor of, and to authorize the incurring of a bonded debt for the purpose set forth in said proposition ;and a cross (X) stamped in the voting square to the right of the word "NO" shall be count- ed as a vote not in ;favor of, and a refusal to authorize the incurring of a bonded debt for the purpose set forth in said proposition. Sec. ,4, The .election precincts for . the holding of said special election shall be the same as those heretofore estab- lished by the Board of Supervisors of Alameda County for the holding of state and county elections, and the polling places for said precincts shall be the same as those set forth/ in the notice entitled "NOTICE BY COUNTY CLERK OF TIME AND PLACE OF PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY ELECTION. POLITICAL PARTIES ENTITLED TO PARTICIPATE THEREIN AND NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF CANDIDATES FOR DELEGATES," which notice was published in the Oakland Tribune, a daily newspaper of general circulation in Alameda County, by Geo. E. Gross, County Clerk of said Alameda County, on Wednesday evening, April 14, 1920, said precincts and the polling places therein, as designated in said notice, be- ing as follows: PltIECINCT NO. 34. Polling Place: Tent, Pacific Ave. and Chapin. PRECINCT NO. 35. Polling . Place: Tent, Mozart and Santa. Clara Ave. PRECINCT NO. 36. Polling Place: Tent, S. W. cor. °th and Taylor Ave. PRECINCT NO: 37. 'Polling Place: Tent, S.E. . cor. Web- ster and •Lincoln' Ave. PRECINC. NO. ::8. Polling .Plan ;r Tent, N. .N. cor. Lin- coln Ave. and 8th •St. PRECINCT NO. 39. Polling Place: Tent, Lincoln Ave. and 6th St. PRECINCT NO, 40. Polling Place: Tent, S. F. cor. Santa. Clara and 6th St. PRECINCT NO. 41. Polling Place: Tent, N. W. cor. tral Aye. and PttECINC7T NO. 42. Polling Place: 'Tent, Pacific Ave. and 4th St. The officers of saki special election shall be the same as those set forth in the Resolution of the Board of Super- visors of said Alameda County appoint- ing said election officers, which was approved and adopted by said Board at the regular meeting thereof held on Monday, April: 5th, 1930. • At said special election the polls shall he op_ned at six o'clock a. m. of the day of said election, and be kept open until seven o'clock p, m. of. the same day, when the .polls shall be closed except as provided in Section 1164 of the Po- litical Code of the State of Califor- nia. The City Clerk is hereby directed to procure all supplies that may he ne- cessary to properly and lawfully con- duct said election. When the polls are closed the officers of election. shall count the ballots cast at such election, and canvass the votes cast respectively for and against the proposition' herein stated, and make return thereof to the City Council in time, form and manner required for the counting. canvassing and returning of votes cast at other municipal elec- tions held in said City of Alameda. Sec. 5: If, at said speciai election, It shall appear that two - thirds of all the votes cast thereat were in favor of and authorized the incurring of a bon- ded debt for the -purpose set forth In the proposition hereinbefore stated. then said proposition shall be deemed to have been accepted by the electors, and bonds will be issued to defray the cost of the improvement -therein speci- fied and to the amount stated therein. Such bonds shall be of the form and character known as "Serials" and at least one - fortieth part of the principal sum of said .indebtedness will be paid each and every year in gold coin of the United States until all of said bonds are paid. S • ec. 6. This ordinance shall be pub" lashed once a day .for seven days prior to said day of election in The Evening Times -Star and Alameda Daily Argus, a daily newspaper of general circula- tion, printed and published at least six days a week in said.city, and this ordi- nance and such publication thereof shall constitute the notice of said election. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take ef- fect immediately. Adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda this 20th day of April, 1920. FRANK OTIS, Presiding Officer of the Council. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was duly and regularly adopted and passed at a meeting of the council of the city of Alameda held Tuesday evening, April 20th, 1920, by the following vote, to- wit: PRECINCT NO. 1'. oiling Place: Tent, S. E. and Encinal Ave. PRECINCT NO. 2. Polling Place: Tent S I it. and Central Ave. 'RECINCT NO, Polling Place: Tent, S. Ot. ; and Liberty Ave. PRECINCT NO. 4 oiling Place: Tent, S. E. cor. C AYES: Councilmen Aflame, 'bbst and President Otis (4). NOES: None; ABSENT: Councilman Noy IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF hereunto '!set my ihand a o€ficial seal of said. city of April, 1920. Ci (Seal) Pub, A nd affixed the this 21st day' BOSSHARD, y of Alamede w8, 27, 28,