Ordinance 1653Ordinance No. 1653 ces New Series CITY OF ALAMEDA ORDINANCE NO- 1653 AMENDING THE ALAMEI}A r1. CIPAL ' CODE BY AMEND- ING. SECTIONS 11 -1353 THROUGH 11 -1357 THEREOF, AND ADDING SECTIONS 11 -1358 THROUGH 11- 1358.13 THERETO, RELATING TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT COMBINING ZON- ING DISTRICTS BE IT ORDAINED I3Y THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALA EDA: Section 1. That Sections 11- 1353 through 11 -1357 of the Alameda Municipal Code are hereby amended, and Section 11-1358 and Sections 11-1358.1 through :'11- 1358.13 are hereby added to the Alameda Municipal Code, to read as follows: P -D, PLANN ED D EV ELOPM ENT COMBINING DISTRICT ;.REGULATIONS Sec. 11 -1353: , Statement of Purpose. The purpose of the Planned Development regulations is to ereate a. more desirable environmental quality for people to live in than would be "possible through the : strict ;`application of the requirements of this Article; to encourage the : most creative approach possible in the development of land in the City; to encourage a more efficient, aesthetic and livable use of all areas of the . City; and to encourage a positive variety in the physical development patterns of the City. Sec, 11- 1354, Planned Development District Defined. The Planned Development - Combining District is hereby established as a zoning district." classification and may be :referred to as P-D.. The District is a combining district and `shall not in any event constitute the exclusive zoning P of any territory. Whenever any territory is zoned the P -I3 zoning shall be combined with a base district zoning for every part of the subject territory, provided however, that each part of the subject territory need not have the same base district zoning. As used in the preceding sentence, "base district" :means one of the zoning districts listed in Section 11 -1149 of this Chapter. The eneral rule set forth in Article 4 -A shall apply in all P -D Combining Districts. Sec. 11.1355. General Standards Governing Approval. The Beard shall approve a Planned 'Development only if it finds that each of the following standards is met: (a) The Planned Development is in furtherance ; or M. lementation of the General Plan.' If the development is considered desirable in the public interest, but is in conflict with the General Plan, amendment of the General Plan shall first be made. (b) The Planned: Development is an effective and unified treatment of the development possibilities on the project: site. :: and the development plan males ap- propriate provision for the ;preservation of . the _en•.: vironment affected by the developme nt. (c) The Planned Development is planned and developed to harmonize with any existing or proposed develop - nient in the Immediate neighborhood. Sec. 11.1356. Q ialifving Roouireinents. (a) . Ail areas of the City zoned Planned Development shall be developed or redeveloped under the Planned Development process. (b) No Planned Development may include less than two acres . of contiguous land unless the Planning Board finds that a tract containing ess than two acres is suitable as a Planned `Development by virtue of its unique historical character, topography, natural land- scape features, location adjacent . to other Planned Developments, parks or water areas, or locations requiring special treatment or protection. (c) In order to assure developments of the quality desired by the City, ? professional talents of qualified ` urban panners, registered landscape architects, registered architects, registered engineers, and /or licensed : land surveyors shall be utilized in different stages of the preparation necessary to effect a Planned Develop - ment. A ; qualified urban planner shall be defined as a planner holding a full membership in the American institute cit teanners or a planner authorized by the State Planning Advisory Committee to work: on com- prehensive general plan programs. Other professionals listed above shall b considered qualified if they are licensed by or registered with the State of California. Sec.. 114357. Uses 1=trmitted in Planned Development Areas. (a) The following uses shall be permitted in any Planned Development District in which. a residential density increase is proposed over that allowable in the underly- ing zone; (1) Uses permitted in the District with which the Planned Development District is combined: (2) Uses requiring Use Permit in the District with which the Planned Development District is com- bined: (3) The following retail business uses: (a) Banks, savings and loan associations: (b. Barber and beauty shops; (0. Book stores and rental libraries; d. Pharmacies; e, Florist shops; f. Food stores; . . g. Laundry and cleaning agency outlets only, with no cleaning, spotting, or other similar work'. performed on the premises; (h. Liquor stores, package only; (1. Restaurants, snack bars, lunch counters, excluding drive -in fa cilities• . (j. Similar uses which, ; in the opinion of the Planning 13oard,.fit the intent of this section. (b) The following 'additional uses shall be permitted in any Planri.ed Development in which no residential density increase is ,proposed over that. allowable in the underlying zone; (1) All uses permitted in the C- 1District. (c) All uses within Planned Development: projects shall be intended for the primary use and convenience of occupants of the development and their guests. All uses permitted by (3) and (b) above shall: (1) Be located within; a multiples dwelling, : an ad-, ministration building for the Planned Development or a building providing( community'. facilities : for the exclusive use of the ;occupants of . :the development' and their guests; (2) Have no business signs or displays visible . from the outside of the building in which they are located, which are not acceptable to the Board; (3) Have a . total area which does not exceed five percent; (5%) of the gross floor area of all dwellings within the development; (4) Have no single establishment with more than 1.500 square - feet of floor area Sec. 11-1358. Permitted Use in Non- Residential Planned Development Districts. The following uses shall be per - mitted in any non- residential Planned Development. District: (a) Uses permitted in the District with which the Planned Development District is combined; (b) Any other use to the extent that the Planning Board finds it to be, compatibly and harmoniously incorporated into the unitary cf sign of the Planned Development. Sec. 11- 1358.1. Calculation of Residential . Densities. The number of dwelling units which may be constructed within a residential Planned Development shall be determined by dividing the net project area by the required lot area per "dwelling unit which is required in the district with which the < Planned Development District is combined, then adding or subtracting bonuses as provided herein. Sec.: 11. 1358.2. Determination of Net Project Area. The net project area includes all of the land with n. the Planned Development which is allocated for residential uses, or for common : opens ace. Land dedicated for streets and land to be occupied. by :commercial and related uses is to be excluded from':the net project area. Sec. 11- 1356.:J. Ylannea Development in more l nan vile District, If the Planned Development is in more than one zoning district, the number: of allowable dwelling units must be separately_' calculated for each .portion of the Planned Development that is in a separate zone, and must then be combined to determine the number of dwellin.g units allowable in the entire Planned Development.. However, the distribution of dwelling units and lot sizes within the Planned Development need not be affected by existing zoning district boundaries. Sec. 114358.4. Incentive Density Increases. Design, character, identity, and architectural siting :variations incorporated into a development shall be considered cause for population density and building intensity increases (which shall include building; height not to exceed fifteen percent (15% ) of that allowable . in the zone 'underlying the application, provided they make a substantial con - tribution to the objectives of a Planned Development. The degree of distinctiveness and desirable variation achieved shall govern the amount of density/intensity increase which the Planning Board may approve. The Planning Board shall consider three major design features of each project when .considering > incentive density- increases. The Board . may grant :up to five percent (5%) increase in density for each of the three major: design areas which follow. Some specific design features are in- cluded under each of the three major headings to aid in the consideration of each project's merit. (a) Landscaping (Maximum increase of five' percent (5%). 1) Streetscape for this area, 2 Open space and plazas; 3 Use of existing landscape; 4 Pedestrain way treatment; 5 Recreational areas. (b) Siting (Maximum increase of five percent (5%); 1)" Visual; . 2 Use of existing features (water, etc.); 3 View; 4 Sun and wind orientation; 5 Circulation pattern; 6 Physical environment; 7 Variation in buildingsetiracks; 8 , Building groups (clusters, etc.). (c) Design features (Maximum increase of five per- cent (5%); . 11) : Street sections; 2) Architectural style; 31 Harmonious use of material s__ 4) Parking area broken by landscape; );' Varied use of house; types, .e.g., atrium . or court, townhouse, maisonette attached, terrace, tower, etc. Sec. 11-1358.5. Density Limitations. If the Planning Board finds that any of the following conditions would be created by a proposed Planned ; Development, it ; may either (1) prohibit any increase in density,; or (2) decrease the basic density allowance by up to fifteen percent (15%) in order to avoid the creation of any . of these conditions: (a) :Inconvenient or . unsafe access to the Planned Development; (b) Traffic congestion in the streets which adjoin the Planned Development; (c) Excessive burden on parks, recreational areas, schools, and other public facilities which serve ' the Planned Development. Sec. 11- 1358.6. Pre- application Conference. Before submitting an application for a Planned Development permit, the applicant is urged to confer with the Planning Department to obtain information, : assistance and ap- plication: Sec. 11-1358.7. Application Fee. {a) ,A fee of $100 plus $1.00 for each five dwelling units and/or a fee of $1.00 for every 3;000 square feet of gross non- residential :;floor area shall be charged for an application fora Planned Development permit: (b) A fee of one -half that prescribed in (a) shall be charged for an :application for major moification or amendment of an approved preliminary development plan and all major modifications shall be processed pursuant to Section 11-1358.9. ACS. 11- 1358.8. Preliminary Development Plan. (a) An applicant . seeking approval of a Planned Develop- ment shall submit a preliminary development plan with the application. The 'preliminary development plan must include all of the following information: (1) A plot plan showing street systems, lot lines and lot designs; (2) Areas proposed to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for parks, pparkways, play rounds, school sites, public buildings, . and similar public uses, or :similar facilities proposed for common ownership or use; (3) A plot plan for each building site and common open area, • showing the approximate location of all buildings, structures, and improvements, the uses proposed, for each building including mixed uses, and an indication of open spaces around buildings and structures: (4) Elevation or perspeetiveitlrawings or a scale model of all proposed structures and improvements ex- cept single - family residences and their accessory building s. This submission need not be the result of final architectural decisions and need not be in detail; -(5i) A ; development schedule indicating (1) the ap- proximate date when construction of the project can be expected to begin; (2) the stages in which the project will be built and the approximate date when construction' of each stage can be expected to begin; (3) the anticipated rate of development; (4) the approximate dates when the development of each of the stages in the development will be completed; and (5) , the 'area %;anti location of common open space that will be provided at each stage; (6) An outline of the proposed agreements, provisions, or, covenants, if any, which will govern the use, maintenance, and continued protection of the planned development and any of its common open areas; {7) The following plans and diagrams, insofar as the Planni rig Board finds that planned development creates special problems of traffic, parking, _lancl- scaping or economic feasibility; (a. An off- street parking and loading plan; (b. A circulation diagram indicating the proposed movement of vehicles, goods, and pedestrians within the planned development and to and from - existing thoroughfares. Any special engineering features and traffic regulation devices needed to facilitate or insure the safety of this circulation pattern must be shown; (c. A landscaping and tree planting plan; (d. Any additional information necessary to complete the review of the application. Sec. 11-1358.9. Approval of Preliminary . Development Plan. (a) The Planning Board shall give notice of a public hearing to be held on the preliminary plan before the Board. Notice of public hearing s .all be given at least 10 days before the date of said hearing by posting public notices thereof on the property involved, by notifying all property owners within 300 feet of the frontage corners of said property by postal card and by publication thereof in a newspaper of general circulation within the City. All preliminary develop. meat ' plans shall be filed at least 15 days prior to the public hearing; (b) within :30 days following public hearing the Board shall approve . or disapprove the preliminary development plan or approve the preliminary . development plan with modifications. If the Planning Board fails to act on the preliminary development plan within 30 days of the public hearing such inaction shall constitute approval. However, the Pla.nning.Board may, at its discretion, extend the 30 -day time period up to 60 days. (c) Following Planning Board action, :a summary of its findings shall be transmitted by the 13oard to the City Council for its review. The Council shall act only on those proposals .which are affected by Section 11- 1:358.4 of this Article by either approving the Planning Board's action or referring the ;proposal back to the Planning Board for reconsideration. Sec, 11- 13513.10. approval or Final Development Plan.. In plans not requiring subdivision of land or area pursu- ant to the State Subdivision Map Act and local subdivision regulations in tnis t ;oue, a final development plan snail be filed without fee by an applicant for all plans involving more than two acres in area. The plan shall contain in final form the information required in the preliminary plan. The Planning Director shall, and the Planning Board The Planni its ng ng review all the Planning Board shallia the final development 'Ilan if it is in substantial approve com- pliance with the approved preliminc.rydevelop:ment plan. If the final development plan is not in comnliance with the preliminary development plan, the final development plan shall be processed pursuant to Section 114358,9. Sec. 114358.11. Modification or Amendment of Ap- proved Plan. .An applicant may request amendment or modification to a previously approvecl preliminary or final development " plan by submitting - said : amendment or modification to the Planning Board for consideration as specified in Section 11- 1358.9 or Section 11- 1351.10. Sec. 11- 1358.12. Termination and Transferability. A Planned Development permit shall terminate one year from the effective date of its granting r.inl::,ss actual construction has begun under valid building and other permits within such period. The Planned Development permit shall not be transferable by the permittee to any other person without .Planning Board approval. Extension of the one year time limit may be granted at the Planning Board's discretion. The final plan shall, upon acceptance by the City, became a part of . the City . Zoning Map for the parcel covered by the final plan. The approved final development plan shall control the nature, ;size, location, and character of any and all - uses proposed for the site covered by the final development plan, The owner shall, upon approval of the final plan, record with the Count Recorder -a plan document showing iterns(a), (1), (2) and 3) of Section 11- 1358,8 in final form and a copy of the Boa s approving resolution. Sec. 11- 1358.13. Staging Limitations. If a Planned Development contains non- residential uses, these uses may be constructed first only if the Planning Board finds that the non- residential uses are consistent with : the General Plan even though the residential' area of the Planned Development is not built or completed. The Planning Board shall not approve the final development . plan for any stage of the .Planned= Develop- ment if the average of the allowable dwelling units per stage, up to, and including the stage which is to be ap- proved, exceeds by more , than ten percent : (10 %) the average number of dwelling units per stage which is allowable for the entire planned development. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of its final passage. TERRY LA CROIX, JR, Presiding Officer of the Council Attest: IRMA L. NELSON City Clerk I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the fc reg,>i.ng Ordi- nance was duly and regularly adopted and passed the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on. the 2nd day of November, 1971, by, the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Fore, Longaker, McCall and President La Croix, Jr., (4.) NOES: .None, ABSENT: Councilman Levy, (1). IT, WITNESS WHEREOF', I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 3rd day of November, 1971. (SEAL) IRMA L. NELSON City Clerk of the City of AlaanedE A -424 — Publish Nov. 5, 1971