1994-02-01 Regular CC MinutesMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 1. 1994 The meeting convened at 7:35 p.m., with President Withrow presiding. Vice Mayor Roth led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Robert Travall, Member, Baha'i Faith, gave the invocation. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Appezzato, Arnerich, Lucas, Roth and President Withrow - 5. Absent: None. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF CLOSED SESSION ACTION 94-045 Mayor Withrow announced that, at 7:05 p.m., Council adjourned to Closed Session to consider: Labor Relations, pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 of the Brown Act: Gave instructions to the City negotiator; and Initiation of Litiaation, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 of the Brown Act: Discussed initiation of litigation; no action taken. PROCLAMATIONS AND SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY 94-046 Proclamation recognizing February 10, 1994 as Vietnamese New Year's Day and proclaiming February 6, 1994, through February 13, 1994 as Vietnamese Community Week. President Withrow read proclamation and presented same to John Dzuong Nguyen, Executive Director, Vietnamese Fishermen Association of America, who expressed appreciation and extended an invitation to Council to attend the New Year Celebration on February 20th in Oakland. 94-047 Presentation of Certificate of Service to Pamela DeSimone. President Withrow presented the Certificate to Pamela DeSimone, who stated serving the community and City is both a privilege and responsibility and encouraged citizens to volunteer. 94-048 President Withrow reported on issues from the U.S. Conference of Mayors which he attended last week in Washington D.C.; noted a major theme throughout the Conference was violence and crime in the United States, noted comparison with other countries, addressed handling of confiscated weapons; noted a call for cities to melt down weapons; and inquired if Alameda melts down weapons. Minutes, Regular Meeting of City Council February I, 1994 The City Manager replied that Alameda sends weapons to a firm that melts the weapons down. President Withrow reported on Conference addressing gun dealers, drugs, boot camps, immigration, medical care for immigrants, unfunded mandates, status of the economy. President Withrow reported on meetings and discussions with members of Congressional delegation; Assistant Secretary of Navy; Paul Dempsey, Director of Office of Economic Adjustment; concerning base conversion e.g., toxic cleanup; and commented on possibility of a federally-supported industrial bank to bring capital into this area. CONSENT CALENDAR At the request of Councilmember Appezzato, President Withrow removed report 94-056 from Consent Calendar for discussion. Vice Mayor Roth moved approval of the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk. *94-049 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of January 18, 1994, and the Special Council Meeting of January 18, 1994. Approved. *94-050 Report from Public Works Director recommending Award of Contract to Ransome Company for Construction of Sherman Street Extension North from Eagle Avenue to the Easterly Terminus of Atlantic Avenue (Phase 2), No. P.W. 12-92-18. Accepted. *94-051 Report from Public Works Director recommending adoption of Plans and Specifications and Calling for Bids for Infiltration and Inflow, Phase IV, Sanitary Sewer Replacements in Pacific Avenue from Fifth Street to Sixth Street, Sixth Street from Central Avenue to Pacific Avenue, and Pearl Street from Otis Drive to Central Avenue, No. P.W. 01-94-01. Accepted. *94-052 Report from Public Works Director recommending authorization of Increase in Scope of Work for Alameda Gateway Ferry Terminal Shore Protection and Windbreak Construction Project, No. P.W. 12-91-15, with McGuire & Hester General Contractors. Accepted. *94-053 Report from Finance Director transmitting Quarterly Financial Report for period ending December 31, 1993. Accepted. *94-054 Resolution No. 12496 "Appointing Donna Vaughn and Dolly Ci Wai Fong, Member and Alternate Respectively, to the Bay Minutes, Regular Meeting of City Council February 1. 1994 Area Library and Information System Lay Advisory Board." Adopted. *94-055 Bills, certified by the City Manager to be true and correct, were ratified in the amount of $1,629,307.81. Ratified. 94-056 Report from Finance Director on Capital Improvement Financing Plan. Councilmember Appezzato noted he removed the matter from Consent Calendar as the document is lengthy and important, and staff, for the benefit of citizens, could review the major portions and summarize recommendations and conclusions. The City Manager stated two major projects were addressed: City Hall renovation including seismic upgrade, and Golf Course improvements including new club house and driving range. President Withrow stated concerns about freeway failure in the recent quake and he would like City plans revisited in the light of recent damage. Vice Mayor Roth concurred and stated he is sure the State will be tightening up the Building Code. Councilman Arnerich stated similar concerns. Councilmember Lucas stated the Public Works Director could provide a report on additional requirements and recommendations before the [City Hall seismic upgrade and renovation] construction begins. The Finance Director addressed identifying the funding mechanism; assistance of Kelling, Northcross & Nobriega; bonds, Certificates of Participation; cost of improvements; noted the project is estimated at about $9,700,000; however, that may be high. Councilmember Appezzato stated the $750,000 cost of furniture could perhaps be reduced; the interim space rental is almost a million dollars, and he is sure the City will be most judicious in finding rental space. The Finance Director noted costs are subject to refinement. Vice Mayor Roth noted increase in revenues in the report, he cannot support increasing fees, does not like to make cuts; and somehow the City Manager must provide a way to fund the cost of [improving] City Hall. The City Manager stated perhaps a creative method will be found. Councilman Arnerich stated in the last paragraph on Page 3 of report concerning Golf Course improvements, the sentence concerning Minutes, Regular Meeting of City Council February 1, 1994 an architect should be corrected to read that the City "has not at this time selected an architect..." Vice Mayor Roth stated he does not want the Golf Course projects to be delayed. Councilman Arnerich concurred. Herbert Von Colditz, Alameda, stated he spent last week reviewing damaged buildings for the City of Los Angeles; the engineer he worked with stated not a single freeway that was retrofitted had failed [in earthquake]; and identified causes of freeway failure. President Withrow commented on Mr. Von Colditz' background as a noted engineer; and his contributions to the City. Councilmember Lucas moved acceptance of the report; Councilmember Appezzato seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Councilmember Lucas commented for the public that this matter will come back to Council as it is a preliminary report. AGENDA Actions Related to Base Conversion Process. 94-057 Status Briefing on Base Conversion Process. Gerhard Degemann, Alameda, commented that the Coast Guard is interested in taking over 300 housing units; and inquired which fire department is obligated for the housing units. The City Manager replied a great deal of discussion has taken place concerning whether the Coast Guard would step in, what kind of arrangements would be made, and what its obligations are; the issue is complicated and a simple answer cannot be given. Neil Patrick Sweeney made observations related to base conversion process, education program; and encouraged meeting attendance. President Withrow commented on report of statewide Governor's Conversion Task Force, and a meeting of the Task Force next week; and requested Councilmembers with concerns, issues they would like clarified, or recommendations for changes, provide them to the City Manager for forwarding to the Governor and Legislature. President Withrow reported that the Governor of Guam and his delegation will visit City Hall next week; Councilmembers are invited to attend the reception in his office; and the party will then tour the base with the Base Conversion Project Manager. Vice Mayor Roth gave a brief report on EBCRC, that the Commission Minutes, Regular Meeting of City Council February I, 1994 passed its by-laws last week, included a process whereby four members may vote and pass an issue; and is forming a 501(c)(3) corporation which does not allow lobbying or influencing legislation. The City Manager and City Attorney further expanded on the specific rules surrounding a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. President Withrow stated he would like that conveyed through staff to the Commission. The City Attorney noted a number of problems can be raised. Vice Mayor Roth stated he would like the City Attorney to look over the by-laws and issue a report to give to the Commission. Councilmembers Lucas and Arnerich concurred. President Withrow stated he would like the by-laws reviewed by staff, and staff take a position, bring back to Council to review and see where a) the Commission could go astray of the law, or b) where the City, as we relate to the Commission, have problems with the by-laws. 94-058 Discussion of the Reuse Authority and Joint Powers Agreement; Action thereon, if desired. (Mayor Withrow) Mayor Withrow announced the matter has been pulled from the agenda. 94-059 Public Hearing to consider an Amendment to the Special Government Combining (G) District of the Zoning Ordinance to require Rezoning for Lease and Reuse by Non-governmental Entities and to provide for Interim Uses, Subject to a Use Permit; and Ordinance No. , N.S. "Authorizing Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Amending Subsection 30-4.17 (G, Special Government Combining District), Article I (Zoning Districts and Regulations), Chapter XXX (Development Regulations). Stephen Fee, Alameda, BRAG, stated, that at its January 26th meeting, BRAG voted to respectfully recommend Council delay taking action on the G Combining District until Council's second meeting of March, so the Economic Development Subcommittee could review the issue and recommend action to BRAG and Council. Following brief discussion, Vice Mayor Roth noted Council brought up the matter, and he does not appreciate the delay. Councilmember Lucas inquired of the City Manager if there is a problem in complying with Mr. Fee's request. Minutes, Regular Meeting of City Council February 1, 1994 23 The City Manager offered alternative actions Council could take; recommended Council take action tonight and await recommendation from BRAG, hopefully by the 15th; and there would be no delay as this is the first reading of the ordinance. Councilman Arnerich concurred; and moved to proceed with the recommendation with the proviso that BRAG will meet and come to Council at the second reading in two weeks. Vice Mayor Roth seconded. Councilmember Appezzato stated he believes the City Manager's solution is appropriate and he will support the motion. President Withrow stated the public portion of the hearing is closed. The motion was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 94-060 Public Hearing to Obtain Citizens' Comments on Housing and Community Development Needs. * * Reverend Lawrence VanHook, Alameda, inquired if a Proclamation could be made for African-American History Month, at the February 15th Meeting. President Withrow agreed, requested Mr. VanHook bring information to Mayor's office; Mr. VanHook expressed appreciation. * * Mr. VanHook addressed the need of using community funds for youth whether through a job, role-model or other program. Joseph Jackson, West Alameda Youth Program, supported Mr. VanHook's comments; addressed Council concerning needs of youth. Carla Tillman, Alameda, stated she has been a Counselor at Juvenile Hall, has worked with youth, and a common denominator is a lack of community activities; and requested funding for such activities. Herb Von Colditz, Alameda, Alameda Homeless Network, stated planned allocation of funds from Community Development is minimal, and Midway Center plans to close March 31 and reopen in November, which will jeopardize community fundraising efforts and hamper work; requested Council keep Midway open year-round. Barbara Kerr, Alameda, stated an area including Parrot Village Housing Project has not been included as a low and moderate income area in staff's map; she is concerned this omission might preclude use of funds, and requests a review; and submitted a letter reflecting her concerns. Neil P. Sweeney, Alameda, stated City must support Police and Fire Minutes, Regular Meeting of City Council February 1, 1994 2 Departments, utilize volunteers; should encourage renters to learn how to buy homes, and teach children to handle finances. Lois Workman, President, Social Service Human Relations Board . (SSHRB) stated top priorities include homelessness, diversity, children and youth services; described activities and goals. Lisa Knight, Member, SSHRB, stated the Board, through its Exchange, identified four areas of greatest needs for children: described, and made recommendations, to alleviate same. Ms. Workman noted the SSHRB, at its December Exchange called The State of Youth Affairs, learned needs of youth and detailed same for Council. Councilmember Lucas complimented the Board on their impressive detailed report. President Withrow agreed with Councilmember Lucas; and requested staff check on City's contribution to County on per capita basis for mental health care; find out if it would be advantageous to the City to withdraw funds and provide our own health care. Virginia Krutilek, Chair, Alameda Homeless Network, stated she would like to keep Midway open; however, recommendations for 1994- 95 are: 1) affordable housing for persons with minimum incomes, 2) year-round emergency shelter, longer-term shelter for battered and homeless women and their children, and 4) child-care for homeless and low-income persons; and submitted a letter with special recommendations regarding shelter and housing. Jane Felker, Alameda, addressed Council regarding the Bay Area Community Garden; gave background of effort; and noted the needs, e.g., plastic piping, fencing; a $400 grant would probably cover materials; and requested consideration. President Withrow stated the Public Portion of the Hearing is closed. Councilman Arnerich stated omission of Parrot Village Housing Project and concerns stated in Mrs. Kerr's letter should be addressed, and all speakers' comments be taken into consideration. Council by consensus accepted comments. 94-061 Report from President, Alameda Free Library Board, regarding library tax proposal, and recommending a public opinion poll. Archie Waterbury, President, Alameda Free Library Board, stated the Board recommends a public opinion poll be conducted to determine if Minutes, Regular Meeting of City Council February 1, 1994 2 sufficient voter support exists to warrant placing a measure on the November Ballot; the poll would determine if support exists for a mechanism to fund library operation or debt service on a construction expansion project, or both; and detailed questions that need to be answered. Councilmember Lucas concurred that, having a poll to find out how the residents think, would be helpful; however, before conducting a poll, she would like to have actual costs involved in rehabbing the Carnegie so citizens could be given definite amounts. Bonnie Conner, Member, Library Board, stated architectural firm should be selected,and begin on March 1st. If new specifications [due to recent earthquake] are made, costs and plans of seismic upgrading will be later; the Board does not want opinion poll before having facts, and the timeframe keeps moving back. Vice Mayor Roth stated the cost should be added, reviewed by the Board, and brought back to Council with request and questions to be asked; he would not approve funding this [poll] without more information; an interim report may be done at any time but he does not believe taking action at this time would be appropriate. David Plummer, Alameda, commented on a Fremont, Ohio, Library, where town's population [20,000] campaigned to improve facility, raised $3,200,000, did no polls nor costly studies, and succeeded; when gathering signatures to retain Carnegie Library, the pulse of [Alameda] voters was observed to be, that people will support the right project, and support was for Carnegie Library; believes campaign should be for money, and vote, and not spend thousands of dollars on a poll. Councilman Arnerich stated, before going to voters or getting a poll, we should know the figures involved; sees no reason to expend possibly up to $13,000 for a poll; perhaps City's newspapers could do opinion poll of residents; Council has gone on record to not touch the Teeter Plan money and it should not be used; greater restrictions may be placed on retrofitting due to recent earthquake, and he believes this matter should be held in abeyance. and if a special election needs to be called, Council can consider at that time. Councilmember Appezzato stated if the Library Board is not prepared to proceed at this time, Council should not; he would like to wait for information being gathered in order to make a decision; and would oppose taking any of the Teeter money. President Withrow agreed. Councilmember Appezzato so moved, accepted report as is, and stated he will not support allocation of any funds until Council hears Minutes, Regular Meeting of City Council February 1, 1994 results on information being gathered. Councilman Arnerich referred to Mr. Plummer's comment on money raised in Ohio and Lodi's [fundraising] flea market for their library and perhaps such options could be explored. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 94-062 Ordinance No. 2657, N.S. "Authorizing Amendment to the Bay Farm Island Recreation Center Lease Agreement Between the City of Alameda and Bay Fairway, Inc." Adopted. Councilmember Lucas moved final passage. Vice Mayor Roth seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 94-063 Written Communication from Reverend Wilfred H. Hodgkin, Alameda, commending the Alameda Fire Department for its outstanding performance at the recent Clinton Avenue fire. President Withrow commended the Fire Department for its efforts and professionalism and expressed appreciation to Reverend Hodgkin for writing the letter. Councilman Arnerich concurred with Reverend Hodgkin's remarks. Councilmember Lucas moved acceptance. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 94-064 John Scott Graham, Alameda, stated perhaps garage sales should be charged a sales tax, for garage sales held more than twice per year, to benefit City revenue. 94-065 Don Roberts, Alameda, suggested Council adjourn the meeting in memory of Chappell Hayes, [a respected Oakland political figure]. 94-066 Gerhard Degemann, Alameda, noted a recent judgment against Lucky Food Stores included a requirement that $1.8 million be given to the Food Bank; and suggested the City seek a portion of that sum for the Alameda Food Bank. NEW BUSINESS AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 94-067 Vice Mayor Roth requested a status report from the City Manager on the hiring of a Police Chief. 94-068 Vice Mayor Roth requested a report on Community Policing. 94-069 Councilmember Lucas requested a resolution for the next Minutes, Regular Meeting of City Council February 1, 1994 7 Council Meeting supporting Redwood Day School and offering assistance to the School District concerning a new location [for Redwood Day School]. 94-070 Councilmember Lucas requested a report, to clarify to the public, the City's position on P.G.&E. [Pacific Gas & Electric]. 94-071 Councilman Arnerich noted rock and fill, where the rail lines end, next to Alameda Realty, needs looking into. 94-072 Vice Mayor Roth noted potholes developing at Central Avenue and Webster Street. 94-073 Councilman Arnerich requested flag be flown at half-mast for Mr. Hayes and August Real, Alameda Boys' Club volunteer and staff member, former Recreation Department employee. ADJOURNMENT 94-074 President Withrow adjourned the meeting at 9:40 p.m., in memory of Chappell Hayes and August Real. Respectfully submitted 774 ' Patricia Calbreath, Deputy City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted 72 hours in advance. Minutes, Regular Meeting of City Council February 1, 1994