1994-06-21 Regular CC MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA CITY COUNCIL JUNE 21. 1994 The meeting convened at 7:32 p.m. (following the Special Meeting of the Community Improvement Commission) with President Withrow presiding. Councilmember Lucas led the Pledge of Allegiance. Reverend Don Taylor, Central Baptist Church, gave the invocation. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Appezzato, Arnerich, Lucas, Roth and President Withrow - 5. Absent: None. PROCLAMATIONS AND SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY 94-320 Proclamation declaring June 21, 1994 as Girl Scout Troup 169 Day. Mayor Withrow read the Proclamation to Troop 169, presented the Proclamation to Adult Leader Nancy Hurwitz and congratulated all members. CONSENT CALENDAR President Withrow announced that, at the request of a Councilmember, report 94-335 regarding Legal Advertising; and at the request of a citizen, resolution 94-336 concerning Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program Goals, were removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Councilmember Lucas moved approval of the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Vice Mayor Roth seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk. *94-321 Minutes of the Special Council Meetings of May 31, 1994 (2), and Special Council Meeting of June 9, 1994. Approved. *94-322 Recommendation to support Governor Wilson's request for Federal Reimbursement to California for the costs of illegal immigration. Accepted. *94-323 Report from the City Manager recommending authorization to execute Agreement with the City of Oakland for Empowerment Zone Co-Nomination. Accepted. *94-324 Report from Public Works Director recommending Adoption of Plans and Specifications and Calling for Bids for Repair and Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council June 21, 1994 Resurfacing of Certain Streets, Phase 16, No. P.W. 04-94-09. Accepted. *94-325 Report from Public Works Director recommending Award of Contract to Reliable Tree Experts for the Pruning of City Trees in Various Locations in the City of Alameda for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1995, No. P.W. 03-94-05. Accepted. *94-326 Report from Public Works Director recommending Award of Contract to Mission Property Maintenance for Landscape Maintenance of Median Strips and Special Areas for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1995, No. P.W. 04-94-08. Accepted. *94-327 Report from Public Works Director recommending Award of Water Management Service Agreement to Aquatic Habitat Management Corporation for South Shore Lagoon Maintenance for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1995. Accepted. *94-328 Report from Community Development Director Regarding Allocation of Commercial Revitalization Funds for Fiscal Year 1994- 95. Accepted. *94-329 Report from the Community Development Director recommending Execution of FY 1994-95 Grant Agreement with Change Thru.Xanthos, Inc. for West End Teen Program. Accepted. *94-330 Report from the Community Development Director recommending execution of FY 1994-95 Grant Agreements for Comprehensive Homeless Intervention and Prevention Services. Accepted. *94-331 Report from Finance Director transmitting Investment Portfolio for Period Ending May 31, 1994. Accepted. *94-332 Resolution No. 12535 Agency Joint Powers Agreement." A *94-333 Resolution No. 12536 Environmental Documentation for Correction Program." Adopted. "Amending Congestion Management dopted. "Finding of Adequate Phase V, Infiltration/Inflow *94-334 Bills, certified by the City Manager to be true and correct were ratified in the sum of $3,231,537.91. 94-335 Report from City Clerk recommending Award of Contract to the Alameda Times-Star for Legal Advertising for Fiscal Year 1994- 95. Councilman Arnerich stated the Alameda Journal is delivered free of charge; he would like to see, in addition to the Times-Star receiving the contract, that the same figure of $7.80 [amount of Regular Meeting. Alameda City Council June 21, 1994 1.: bid for first insertion as tendered by the Times-Star] apply to the Journal so that information could be available to persons who cannot afford to buy a paper; and inquired if the contract could be awarded to the Times-Star tonight with the proviso that the same financial consideration be given the Alameda Journal, and if so, can the City Manager look at the funding to do so. The City Manager referred to the cost of advertising noted in the City Clerk's report, and stated that, if the award is offered to both newspapers, advertising would cost an additional $6000 to $7000; and suggested the award be made as recommended by the City Clerk, and direction be given to contact the Journal and bring the matter back to Council. Councilman Arnerich moved that the recommendation to award the legal advertising contract to the Alameda Times Star be approved; the Alameda Journal Newspaper be requested to consider adjusting their rate for first insertions [to $7.80, amount of bid tendered by Times-Star]; and the City Manager report back concerning appropriate funding. Councilmember Appezzato stated he will go forward with the award to the Times-Star because in competitive bidding, the Times-Star won the contract; his concern is that one newspaper won the competitive bidding, and if we award to both papers, next year, will they both come in at a higher price; also, there are other places to put the $6,000 to $7,000. Vice Mayor Roth seconded the motion. Councilmember Lucas stated she shares Councilmember Appezzato's concern that she does not want to spend the extra money; interested persons can pick up the Times-Star or come to City Hall; and it seems wasteful to ask the Journal and staff to spend time on this issue; she will support the award to the Times-Star. Vice Mayor Roth stated he agrees with Councilmembers Appezzato and Lucas; he seconded to get the matter moving but he would like to see the motion amended to forget the last portion [concerning the Journal]. Councilman Arnerich indicated the motion would stand. Councilmember Lucas made a substitute motion to accept the recommendation of the City Clerk. Councilmember Appezzato seconded the motion which carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Appezzato, Lucas, Roth and President Withrow - 4. Nayes: Councilman Arnerich - 1. Absent: None. President Withrow inquired if the maker of the original motion desired a vote. Councilman Arnerich so indicated. The motion Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council June 21, 1994 failed by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilman Arnerich - 1. Nayes: Councilmembers Appezzato, Lucas, Roth and President Withrow - 4. Absent: None. 94-336 Resolution No. 12537 "Establishing Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program Goals for Fiscal Year July 1, 1994 through June 30, 1995." Adopted. Gerhard Degemann, Alameda, stated that he would like to know who qualifies for the program, to which the City Manager responded that it is for state and federal projects. Councilmember Lucas stated that she has received complaints from business owners trying to qualify for Caltrans projects; and Caltrans does not return telephone calls and is very bureaucratic. President Withrow responded, if complainants will write something, that he will send a message to Caltrans and take the matter up with the District Director. Vice Mayor Roth moved adoption of the recommendation [to adopt the City's DBE Program goals and retain the participation rate of 17% and direct City Clerk to advertise same]; Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. AGENDA ITEMS 94-337 Resolution No. 12538 "Reappointing Barry E. Chinn as a Member of the City Civil Service Board." Adopted. Vice Mayor Roth moved appointment. Councilmember Appezzato seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. President Withrow announced Mr. Chinn had a prior appointment and could not attend; and the City Clerk will take care of the administrative process later this week. 94-338 Resolution No. 12539 "Reappointing Solomon R. Edwards, Jr., as Tenant Member of the City Housing Commission." Adopted. Councilmember Appezzato moved adoption. Vice Mayor Roth seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. The Deputy City Clerk administered the Oath of Office. 94-339 Resolution No. 12540 "Reappointing Arthur A. Kurrasch as a Member of the City Housing Commission." Adopted. Councilmember Lucas moved reappointment. Vice Mayor Roth seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council June 21. 1994 The Deputy City Clerk administered the Oath of Office. 94-340 Resolution No. 12541 "Reappointing David A. Mercado as a Member of the City Housing Commission." Adopted. Vice Mayor Roth moved reappointment. Councilmember Appezzato seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. President Withrow noted Mr. Mercado could not be present. 94-341 Resolution No. 12542 "Reappointing Katsuyuki (Kats) Sakamoto as a Member of the City Library Board." Adopted. Councilmember Lucas moved reappointment. Vice Mayor Roth seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. President Withrow noted Mr. Sakamoto could not be present. 94-342 Resolution No. 12543 "Reappointing Gary Thomas as a Member of the City Planning Board." Adopted. Councilman Arnerich moved reappointment. Vice Mayor Roth seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. The Deputy City Clerk administered the Oath of Office. 94-343 Resolution No. 12544 "Reappointing Benjamin D. Tilos as a Member of the City Planning Board." Adopted. Vice Mayor Roth moved reappointment. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. The Deputy City Clerk administered the Oath of Office. 94-344 Resolution No. 12545 "Reappointing Mark J. Hanna as a Member of the Public Utilities Board." Adopted. Councilman Arnerich moved reappointment. Vice Mayor Roth seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. The Deputy City Clerk administered the Oath of Office. Actions Related to Base Conversion Process. 94-345 Status Briefing on Base Conversion Process. Project Director Parker stated that he was asked to appear in Washington, D.C. on Thursday and Friday to become part of a roundtable discussion regarding the rules implementing the National Defense Authorization Act of 1994, better known as the Pryor Amendment effecting base closure; and funds to cover the trip are Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council June 21, 1994 in the current budget. Mr. Parker also noted that his office has received a notice from WESTDIV stating unless a further request of delay is made, the final determination on the Coast Guard's interest will be made on November 5; and a response from the Coast Guard is expected to clarify their interest in working with a non-profit housing entity to assist in the management of the property. Neil Patrick Sweeney, made suggestions for NAS use, e.g., UCSF Hospital expansion, Hewlett Packard; and urged war be declared on toxic cleanup, and provide bonuses and 24 hours-per-day work to clean up NAS. 94-346 Resolution No. 12546 "Supporting Senate Bill 1971 (Bergeson) Relating to CEQA Compliance for Base Closure." Adopted. Councilman Arnerich moved the recommendation [to support SB1971]. Vice Mayor Roth seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 94-347 Report from Base Conversion Project Director regarding Base Reuse Advisory Group (BRAG) Endorsement of a Joint Proposal by Alameda Recreation Department, East Bay Regional Park District [EBRPD] and the Alameda Unified School District (AUSD) for a Parks, Recreation, Resource Management and Open Space Conceptual Plan for Utilization of Alameda Naval Air Station. Mr. Parker recognized BRAG's efforts on the Joint Proposal, and reviewed the Staff Report and Conceptual Plan. In response to Vice Mayor Roth, Mr. Parker and Cy Greben, East Bay Regional Park District representative discussed shoreline access and trail system. Ardella Daly, BRAG Education Subcommittee, stated the Alameda Unified School District has coming before it at its Tuesday meeting, .a resolution in support of the Cvlik,=ptucal Plan; details must be worked out, however, the initial step is important. Councilman Arnerich moved the recommendation [to authorize the City Manager to send a letter of notice of interest to the Navy endorsing the Joint Proposal in support of the Conceptual Plan; and that Alameda Recreation Department, EBRPD, and AUSD collectively report back to staff of Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority with quarterly reviews]. Vice Mayor Roth seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 94-348 Public Hearing to consider amendments to the Alameda Municipal Code by amending certain subsections of Article I (Zoning Districts and Regulations), Chapter XXX (Development Regulations), Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council June 21, 1994 -r) regarding Crematoriums; and Ordinance No. N. S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by amending Subsection 30-4.9 (C-2, Central Business District), Subsection 30-4.10 (C-M, Commercial-Manufacturing District), Subsection 30-4.11 (M-1, Intermediate Industrial Manufacturing District), and Subsection 30-4.12 (M-2, General Industrial Manufacturing District) of Article I (Zoning Districts and Regulations), Chapter XXX (Development Regulations)." Introduced. President Withrow opened the public portion of the Hearing. There being no speakers, the public portion of the Hearing was closed. Vice Mayor Roth moved adoption of the recommendation [to introduce the ordinance]. By consensus, Council approved the motion. 94-349a Public Hearing to consider a Negative Declaration and an Ordinance rezoning the parcel at 1912 Oak Street from M-1 (Intermediate Industrial Manufacturing) District to R-5 (General Residential) District. President Withrow opened the public portion of the Hearing. There being no speakers, the public portion of the Hearing was closed. Councilmember Lucas moved approval. Councilmember Appezzato seconded the motion. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 94-349b Resolution No. 12547 "Adopting Negative Declaration IS-94-2, for the Rezoning R-94-2, for the parcel located at 1912 Oak Street." Adopted. 94-349c Ordinance No. , N.S. "Reclassifying and Rezoning Certain Properties within the City of Alameda by amending Zoning Ordinance No. 1277 for that property located at 1912 Oak Street." Introduced. 94-350a Public Hearing to consider Establishing the City of Alameda's Prop 4 Spending Limitations for Fiscal Year 1994-95. 94-350b Resolution No. 12548 "Establishing Appropriations Limits for Fiscal Year 1994-95." Adopted. The public portion of the Hearing was opened. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council June 21, 1994 President Withrow announced that, there being no speakers, the public portion of the Hearing was closed. Councilmember Lucas moved the recommendation [to adopt resolution establishing the 1994 -95 Appropriations Limit in the amount of $39,798,751]. Vice Mayor Roth seconded the motion. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 94 -351 Oral Report by Mayor Withrow on the Summer U.S. Conference of Mayors' Meeting in Portland, Oregon. President Withrow reported on the topics addressed at the Conference of Mayors; noted that he currently serves on the Urban Economic, and International Relations Committees, Crime and Social Justice Task Force, and Base Conversion Task Force; and commented on a meeting with the owner of the South Shore Shopping Center regarding the need for increased security. 94 -352 Ordinance No. , N.S. "Authorizing Execution of Tidelands Lease Between Pacific Shops, Inc. and the City of Alameda." Not introduced. Don Bergen, Alameda, stated he has not read the matter thoroughly however, Mr. Roberts has told him this is just giving something away for nothing, so he will say no. Don Roberts, Alameda, thanked Mayor Withrow for his active participation in the Mayors' Conference on behalf of Alameda; questioned why the City does not eliminate the middle man and lease the property directly to tenants, thereby maximizing City's revenue; or charge Pacific Shops a percentage of gross revenue. Wayne Milani, Alameda, Pacific Shops, stated when the lease was first written, it was between Santa Fe, Pomeroy and the City; two warehouses on the property have not been rented for three years; the reason for starting an early renewal was to find good tenants who would put money into the property and make a commitment to Alameda; and that cannot be done on a short -term basis. Vice Mayor Roth moved adoption of the recommendation [to find that the proposed lease is statutorily exempt under Section 15261 CEQA Guidelines; and approve lease by introducing ordinance]. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion. Vice Mayor Roth stated he is proud of the marina's appearance because it has been maintained well. Councilman Arnerich stated a percentage of the gross revenues should be paid; he would not like extension for the full 20 years; he would like five, or ten years at the most; the City should not be locked into $20,000 a year "we should be looking at a gross Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council June 21, 1994 percentage, and much more-so than just CPI [Consumer Price Index]." In response to Councilmember Lucas, the City Manager stated Mr. Milani has asked this lease terminate at the same time as the adjacent property lease for consistency throughout the Pacific Shops area; and noted that the property line for the Tidelands Trust lease goes through one of the buildings, which is about 70% on leased property and 30% on fee-owned property. Vice Mayor Roth stated one problem for sub-lessees is that they do not want to make that commitment for only a 5-year lease; one of the problems for the master leaseholder is that the lease must be long enough to attract the businesses to make investments, and to stay. Councilmember Lucas stated she does not believe Councilman Arnerich's suggestion of a ten-year [lease] plus two options would benefit the City; it would give the benefit to Pacific Shops to back out; she shares his concern about rental value; Council needs staff's assurance that $20,000 is market value rent at this point; noted a third of the land is underground and has limited use; thinks Pacific Shops has had the advantage of past low rent; and we should be able to negotiate a higher rent for the remaining year. The City Manager stated if the buildings are leased next month, the higher rate would be triggered immediately. Councilmember Appezzato noted the ownership of the tidelands was granted to the City by the State of California; read portions of the Tidelands Trust Act; noted that the tidelands can never be sold or alienated but can be leased or franchised for up to 25 years for development; and after that period, the City can claim title to any improvements built on the tidelands, and enjoy the profits therefrom. In response to President Withrow, the City Manager clarified that the City owns the tidelands, but with covenants that state they can only be used for commerce, navigation and cannot be sold; Ballena Bay is also tidelands trust. The City Attorney stated basically the Tidelands Trust Act applies to all Tidelands; the City owns the property but in addition it is a trust to protect for the benefit of the public. Councilmember Appezzato stated he is not sure extending the lease in its current form is in the best financial interests of the City; staff must negotiate new and revised lease agreements which protect the City's interest; perhaps the lease would be made more agreeable if we added 50% of the gross revenue from the Marina; we could, upon termination of the lease, take title to improvements, hire the current management and have all of the revenue accrue to the City; Regular Meeting. Alameda city Council June 21, 1994 we need detailed income and expense statements on the property from the owner. Councilmember Appezzato moved that the City of Alameda investigate the feasibility of acquiring the leasehold property when the lease expires next year, and determine what the revenue potential would be if we owned and operated the entire complex as a money making enterprise. Councilman Arnerich stated he would like the matter looked at. Councilmember Lucas stated the rent is too low; and the lessee should increase rent effective immediately without any conditions. The City Manager, in response to Councilmember Lucas, explained how staff arrived at the sum of $20,000; noted the property is landlocked, has no public access without going across the fee-owned property owned by Pacific Shops; the City could condemn some property and obtain fee-owned access by the City; however, considerable money would be expended, and additional improvements would probably be needed; additionally, 30% of one building is on fee-owned property; and practically speaking, leasing 70% of the building would not work well; also, the boat slips attached to this property are the personal property of Pacific Shops and not part of the leasehold; to continue leasing the boat slips would require purchase from the property owner or have them built at an estimated cost of $10,000 to $15,000 per slip; on the other hand the property is on the water and has potential uses. The City Manager stated staff could respond to issues raised by Council within the next two months. President Withrow stated that he would like staff to re-address the issue; to specifically look at how the City can better participate in any upside potential that could occur out over a long period of time; and he does not want to expose the City to a lot of losses. The City Manager reviewed Section 4.3, Rent, of the proposed lease; he noted that in 15 or 20 years from now, the City would be looking at probably a $40,000 to $60,000 amount, rather than a static $20,000. President Withrow responded that the questions raised tonight bear looking at; projections should be made on assumptions that are on a very optimistic basis; and on assumptions, through a continuum, made on a very pessimistic basis. Councilman Arnerich stated that the map provided is not accurate as it relates to the percentage of the building owned by Pacific Shops and the Peralta grant line, and he would like the map to come back. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council June 21, 1994 Councilmember Lucas stated there is a need to establish a value of the land. Vice Mayor Roth discussed the downside to long-term leases, e.g. property improvements decline. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion. President Withrow noted that the proposed lease requires four affirmative votes; Council does not have four votes to pass the item; and the matter will go back to staff. Vice Mayor Roth inquired whether the motion includes an appraisal of the property. Councilmember Lucas stated the value of the property needs to be established, and staff must either work up comparables or get an appraisal. President Withrow inquired if the amendment to the motion was acceptable, to which Councilmember Appezzato and Councilman Arnerich responded in the affirmative. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 94-353 Report from Planning Board recommending denial of Goodwill Industries Fee Waiver Request. This item was pulled from the agenda. 94-354 Report from Chair, Golf Commission, recommending City Council approval of Mif Albright golf fees increases. Councilman Arnerich stated he believes the Golf Course has paid its fair share to the City; more monies should be put back into the [Golf Course] projects; and moved to accept the recommendation. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 94-355 Report from Fire Chief regarding Fire Hazards of Abandoned Buildings. (Councilmember Lucas) John Ravet, Alameda, addressed the fire in his building and the increased danger due to abandoned building next door; noted number of fires in abandoned buildings; and commended firefighters. Louise Ravet, Alameda, stated she is concerned for citizens due to the danger of abandoned buildings in the City; and urged Council act before a life is lost. Hadi Monsef, Alameda, urged Council do something soon to correct Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council June 21, 1994 the abandoned building situation which is a danger to Alamedans. Frank De Biasi, Alameda, stated a chimney fell on his roof from a property next door at 1208 Lincoln Avenue, and another chimney may fall, which could come through his roof and injure someone; and requested Council do something about the house which is also a fire hazard and has a rodent problem. President Withrow stated staff should address the issue of abandoned buildings throughout the City, delineate options Council has and why the City has tolerated the conditions. The City Manager stated Council may wish to look at abandoned buildings that are not fire hazards, options to deal with the problems; noted properties abandoned 10 years can be obtained by the City and sold to someone who would use the property; noted the legal difficulties of proceeding. The Fire Chief discussed fire hazards, difficulties of enforcement, the higher instance of fires in abandoned or dilapidated buildings; combined efforts of Fire and Public Works Departments and City Attorney's Office on matter, streamlining of the process by City Attorney; and stated the policy decision is whether City wishes to put more resources into enforcement action that will have relatively diminishing returns. Councilmember Lucas inquired if the building at 1208 Lincoln Avenue should be reviewed; and the Fire Chief replied it has been considered recently and is not considered a fire hazard; and structural issues are referred to the Building Department. President Withrow inquired if a higher tax can be charged on such buildings to recoup the increased costs incurred by the City, to which the Fire Chief stated, the costs of repeated fire inspections can be recovered through fees. President Withrow stated some way the owners of the buildings need to pay for the increased costs and the risk the rest of the City is being exposed to. The City Attorney replied a Blight Tax has been looked at and is difficult to enforce; what will be proposed in the fall are streamlined procedures to achieve a similar result within the confines of existing ordinances and to have cost of inspection put on the tax rolls. Vice Mayor Roth stated that this Council has been working very hard on the matter of abandoned buildings. Following discussion on procedure concerning reporting and enforcement regarding unsafe conditions, Blight Tax, public Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council June 21, 1994 (3 7 nuisances, recovery of costs, President Withrow stated staff needs to focus on a way that inspection costs can be recovered from property owners, and that the Blight Tax sounds good. The City Manager stated that the City Attorney is working on an ordinance addressing buildings that need maintenance; staff will be bringing the matter to Council in the fall; and community standards are being worked on. President Withrow stated that he would like a cost center, by address, created. Councilmember Lucas stated dangerous buildings should be given priority over a property maintenance ordinance. Vice Mayor Roth stated Council has been told a public benefit must exist to proceed with a condemnation; and he believes removing an eyesore or a dangerous building is a public benefit; and he would like staff to bring back an example and use public benefit; and find another use or a buyer. Councilmember Lucas stated that is an excellent idea. President Withrow suggested a listing for advertising sale of properties. The City Attorney explained eminent domain law; by advertising as suggested, she believes someone could claim inverse condemnation; if the Council is willing to proceed to purchase and rehabilitate a building, regardless of whether or not a buyer is found, Council can do that. Vice Mayor Roth moved to "accept the report and advise staff to combine all the things and issues" discussed and report back with new ordinances and priorities. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 94-356a Resolution No. 12549 "Approving and Adopting the Operating Budget and Capital Improvements for Fiscal Years 1994-96, and Appropriating Certain Moneys for the Expenditures Provided in Fiscal Year 1994-95." Adopted. Ed Sommeraur, Alameda, stated a four-day work week would reduce quality time spent with his son; discussed child care concerns, and noted contractors work five days a week. Marie Stahowski, President, Alameda City Employees Association, submitted, and discussed, a report to Council listing what she believes are discrepancies in figures provided by the City; in addition, she commented on ACEA savings, the proposed 4-day work week, administrative leave payments; and requested Council to not Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council June 21, 1994 pass the budget; however, if passed, take out the part about what ACEA should be doing for the City at this point for further discussion. Marion Miller, Treasurer, ACEA, questioned certain employee payments, including administrative leave; discussed participation in the 4-day furlough; stated the City can reappropriate funds; questioned why funds from other areas cannot be put back into the General Fund when a hardship exists; and noted the Bureau gave one of the largest transfers, S3.6 million, that they have ever given to the General Fund. Joanne McKray, Alameda Democratic Club, Issues Committee, stated she spoke to Council six months ago, requesting City adopt energy efficiency policy; Council did; and now staff has budgeted to implement the policy; noted various examples of energy efficiency put into effect by the staff; and urged Council continue on this course in making budget allocations. * * * * President Withrow stated a motion and vote are needed to extend the Council Meeting, and he would like the motion to set a time limit of 12:00 Midnight, as a firm [adjournment] time, and if all items on the agenda are not completed, they be carried over to the next Regular Council Meeting. Councilmember Lucas so moved. Vice Mayor Roth stated he would second with the condition that any pressing item can be taken out of order. The City Manager noted the report concerning the Hardball Facility must be heard on this Council agenda or at a Special Meeting before the end of the month. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. * * * * Hadi Monsef, Alameda, stated the newspaper reported a proposal that hours be cut; Council has other alternatives: expenses should be cut, and open positions should be cut. Don Bergen, Alameda, stated a lot of money need not be spent on e.g., baseball park, library study; we should take care of things that mean something: police and fire protection, sewers, and our people first. Councilmember Lucas moved approval of the recommendation [adoption of budget]. Vice Mayor Roth seconded the motion. Councilman Arnerich stated issues raised by ACEA concerning City and staff and the allegations should be looked into, to learn if they are true or not; the terms of the negotiation went smoothly and perhaps 60% to 75% were entirely satisfied with the proposal presented; he was prepared to go along with the budget process Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council June 21, 1994 tonight with the exception of one Recreation item which he believes could have been worked out; he is going to look further at the matter; and he wants answers regarding their [ACEA] concerns. Councilmember Appezzato stated he will not vote for a four-day work week; services provided by Recreation and Parks [ARPD] are critical to healthy minds and bodies; he recommends personnel be placed back in the [ARPD] budget to get the job done correctly; agrees action on ACEA be delayed until City Manager and Personnel Director can provide Council some information; and his motion would be to disapprove the four-day work week and place funding back in [the budget] for Parks and Recreation. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion. Councilman Arnerich stated Police, Fire, Recreation and Parks must all be maintained. President Withrow commented the motion includes eliminating the four-day work week provision. Councilman Arnerich stated he supports eliminating it at this point, until answers can be brought back. President Withrow clarified the substitute motion [Appezzato] reinstates funds for a full scope of operations for the libraries, parks and recreation and would withdraw any actions from the budget with respect to ACEA and would eliminate any consideration of a four-day work week with the balance of the budget being approved. Councilmember Appezzato stated that is basically the motion. Vice Mayor Roth stated he is concerned that the budget should be balanced; he believes Council should pass the budget because Council will need to come back and look at it after the County and State make decisions [that may affect it]; and at least we could start out July 1st with a balanced budget. Councilmember Lucas stated she cannot support the substitute motion; the City has a deficit of $300,000 and she does not believe there are other ways of recouping it. Councilmember Appezzato stated the City must be run as a business; major difficulties are ahead, i.e., base closure, and staff on a five-day work week is needed; we can pass the resolution authorizing payment of obligations if we do not adopt budget tonight and so recommends; a four-day work week is not a viable alternative; if there is going to be a pay cut, it should affect everyone and not just ACEA. President Withrow stated he has not been an advocate of the four day work week; however, the capital monies and operating monies are Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council June 21, 1994 budgeted differently and come in several different ways so it clouds the issue of investing capital monies into baseball fields. In response to Councilmember Withrow, the City Manager stated he understands the substitute motion; and he requested, whether the original or substitute motion is passed, that Council amend the budget to include both Recreation Department account clerk and intermediate typist clerk positions, but not change appropriations; he will work with the Recreation Commission and come back after the budget is passed and provide funding sources for that additional position. President Withrow inquired if the [substitute] motion [Appezzato] could be amended to accept that. Councilmembers Appezzato and Arnerich agreed to amendment. The City Manager stated we have an agreement between the City and ACEA accepted October 1 1993, providing for a pay raise to the ACEA which works out to be 1.9% effective October 1, 1994 and noted pay increases for ACEA have been 5% on October 1, 1990, 5% on October 1, 1991, 4% on October 1, 1992, 0% on October 1, 1993, and it will be 1.9% on October 1, 1994. For the management employees, for that same period of time, 5% for January 1, 1991, 0% January 1, 1992, 0% January 1, 1993, and 0 %, 1994, and there is no provision in budget for wage increases for January 1, 1995. What the Council provided for was administrative leave for management employees that are not eligible for overtime; it was determined that the amount of overtime that would be put in by management employees is considerably more than we could ever compensate them for, so the 5 or 10 days of administrative leave is in lieu of that and in many cases it is far below that; and it must be requested, reviewed by Department Head and City Manager; a lot of employees from ACEA are working on a voluntary time [schedule] off to save money for the City; many employees of ACEA were happy on the four day work week; some of the employees do not want to go on the four -day work week, staff would be willing to work with employees that have problems with child care or think working 9 hours a day is too hard; he believes it is safe to say ACEA employees have saved a lot of money, but not quite enough for what we need for this next fiscal year, and perhaps if other ACEA employees wish to sign up in the near future, we might have enough money but he would be willing to talk to them and see if there is some other situation they would be satisfied with that would help and requested Council pass the budget tonight with the recommendations. In response to Councilmember Lucas, the City Manager explained the recommendation that there is a finding that the budget requires invoking Section 21.2, Step D, of the ACEA MOU that requires going to a reduced work week and additional savings; the State is now looking at shifting an additional $100,000,000 from cities to Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council June 21, 1994 counties by taking the Motor Vehicle in-lieu fee, and when that is finalized, we will probably need to come back to Council with other strategies between now and October; request Council invoke that Section of the Agreement which has already been negotiated and approved by both the ACEA Union and the City. Councilmember Appezzato stated he had two major issues; one was Parks and Recreation which has been taken care of by the City Manager, the other is the four-day work week; he will not vote for the budget, if it includes a four-day work week. Councilmember Lucas stated Agreement has been negotiated, and why back down when it has been worked out over many months; suggested a vote on the substitute motion and return to the original one [motion]. Councilman Arnerich stated he will withdraw his second to the substitute motion. President Withrow noted the substitute motion, without a second, fails; and noted the original motion has been amended to approve the budget as it stands and incorporate the aspects addressed by the City Manager concerning Parks and Recreation. The motion carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Arnerich, Lucas, Roth and President Withrow - 4. Nayes: Councilmember Appezzato - 1. Absent: None. 94-356b Resolution No. "Authorizing Payment of City Obligations Pending Adoption of the 1994-95 Annual Budget." Not adopted. 94-357 Resolution No. "Establishing Guidelines for Reimbursement of Per Diem Travel and Relating Expenses in Connection with the Conduct of City Business." (Continued to Regular Council Meeting of July 5, 1994.) 94-358 Resolution No. 12550 "Appropriating $873,500 for a Baseball Facility at the College of Alameda." Adopted. Don Bergen, Alameda, commented that the Facility would only bring in vandalism, liability, drugs and alcohol. Marie Smith, Peralta College, stated as President of the College, she is willing, able and energetically enthusiastic in terms of being a positive partner to implement the agreement [with the City] pending Council's decision tonight. Pat Bail, Alameda, President, Babe Ruth, urged Council to consider using the $800,000 Measure AA Bond money to further enhance our Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council June 21. 1994 Parks and Recreation Programs; and appreciates consideration to finally get ballfield built. Councilman Arnerich stated with the proposal tonight, the mechanism is in place to go ahead with the ballfield; the monies will come back for park improvements; and moved to approve the recommendation. Vice Mayor Roth seconded the motion. Councilmember Appezzato stated he has problems with the funding mechanism; we are putting this City in debt by a half million dollars; he can support the ballfield but cannot support the funding mechanism, and he will vote no because of the debt. The motion was carried by the folllowing voice vote: Ayes: Councilmember Arnerich, Lucas, Roth, and President Withrow - 4. Nayes: Councilmember Appezzato - 1. Absent: None. 94-359 Ordinance No. N.S. "Reclassifying and Rezoning Certain Properties within the City of Alameda by Amending Zoning Ordinance No. 1277 for that Property located at 1214 Oak Street." (Continued to Regular Council Meeting of July 5, 1994.) 94-360a Ordinance No. , N.S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Amending Subsection 13-4.46 (Schedule of Fees), Section 13- 4 (Electrical Code), Article II, (Electrical Requirements), Chapter XIII (Building and Housing) Pertaining to the Establishment of Electrical Permit Fees." 94-360b Resolution No. "Amending Master Fee Resolution No. 12191 to Establish Electrical Permit Fees and to Increase Various Other User Fees and Permit Fees." (Continued to Regular Council Meeting of July 5, 1994.) 94-361 Ordinance No. , N.S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Amending Subsection 18-3.7(C) (Fees for Connecting Sewers) of Section 18-3 (Connections), and Subsections 18-4.3(A) (B) and (C) (Charges Imposed), of Section 18-4 (Sewer Service Charge), Article I, (Sewers), Chapter XVIII (Sewer and Water), Setting Sewer Fees by City of Alameda Resolution. (Continued to Regular Council Meeting of July 5, 1994.) 94-362 Ordinance No. , N.S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Amending Alameda Municipal Code by Repealing Section 8-29, Transportation Systems Management (TSM), of Chapter VIII (Traffic and Motor Vehicles) and Replacing with Revised Section 8-29 (Transportation Systems Management)." (Continued to Regular Council Meeting of July 5, 1994.) Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council June 21, 1994 94-363 Ordinance No. N.S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Repealing Section 24-5 (Smoking Control) of Chapter XXIV (Public Health) and Replacing with New Section 24-5 (Smoking Pollution Control), Eliminating Smoking in Workplaces and Enclosed Public Places and Prohibiting Tobacco Product Free Distribution and Vending Machines." (Continued to Regular Council Meeting of July 5, 1994.) 94-364 Written Communication from Dennis K. Chaconas, Superintendent of Schools, presenting request from Alameda Unified School District Board of Education that the issue of quarterly joint meetings be an agenda item for the next City/AUSD meeting held under the previous format, but in compliance with the Brown Act. (Councilmember Appezzato) (Continued to Regular Council Meeting of July 5, 1994.) ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 94-365 Consideration of Nomination to fill vacancy created by William Garvine's resignation as Chair of the Employment and Retraining Sub-Committee of the Base Reuse Advisory Group. (Continued to Regular Council Meeting of July 5, 1994.) ADJOURNMENT President Withrow adjourned the meeting at 12:00 a.m. Respectfully submitted, B. FELSCH, CMC City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted 72 hours in advance. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council June 21, 1994