1994-11-01 Regular CC MinutesMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 1, 1994 The meeting convened at 7:30 p.m. with President Withrow presiding. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Arnerich. Pastor John Pillitiere, Alameda Chapel, gave the invocation. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Appezzato, Arnerich, Lucas, Roth and President Withrow - 5. Absent: None. PROCLAMATIONS AND SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY, 94-644 Presentation of Certificate of Appointment to Elaine Magalit as Appointee to the Transportation Systems Management Committee. President Withrow presented the Certificate of Appointment to Elaine Magalit. 94-645 Presentation of Certificate of Service to Shirl Ames, former Member of the Golf Commission. President Withrow presented the Certificate to Shirl Ames. CONSENT CALENDAR At the request of a citizen, report (94-653) regarding panhandling and recyclables was removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Councilmember Lucas moved approval of the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk. *94-646 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of October 18, 1994. Approved. *94-647 Report from Public Works Director recommending acceptance of work by Ransome Company for construction of Sherman Street Extension North from Eagle Avenue to the Easterly Terminus of Atlantic Avenue (Phase 2), No. P.W. 12-92-18. Accepted. *94-648 Report from Public Works Director recommending acceptance of work by Nicholson Construction Company for Mariner Square Bulkhead Repair Project, No. P.W. 5-93-10. Accepted. *94-649 Report from Public Works Director recommending a 6-year Street Maintenance Plan. Accepted. Regular Meeting. Alameda City Council November 1, 1994 344 *94-650 Ordinance No. . N.S. "Granting an appropriate interest in land from the City of Alameda to the United States of America for sanitary sewer purposes across the Oakland Inner Harbor." Introduced. *94-651 Ordinance No. , N.S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by amending Section 8-29, Transportation Systems Management (TSM), to modify time of compliance for registration and Employee Transportation Coordinator (ETC) training." Introduced. *94-652 Bills, certified by the City Manager to be true and correct, were ratified in the sum of $1,909,273.56. 94-653 Report from Chief of Police regarding panhandling and the stealing of recyclables. Accepted. Gerhard Degemann, Alameda, stated that recyclables left at the St. Vincent De Paul Society on Lincoln Avenue are often stolen, and he would like the Chief of Police to address the matter. Vice Mayor Roth moved approval [motion failed due to lack of a second]. The Chief of Police stated an attempt is being made to educate the public on ways to minimize thefts, such as placing recyclables out for pickup in the morning rather than the prior evening; explained Section 21-15.3 of the Alameda Municipal Code which prohibits scavenging during the 24 hour period before recyclables are collected. In response to inquiry from President Withrow, the Chief of Police discussed citation- and District Attorney enforcement issues. Councilmember Lucas moved approval of the report [and recommendation that the Council request the City Attorney to research and develop an ordinance which prohibits specific harmful behavior associated with aggressive panhandling]. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. AGENDA ITEMS 94-654 Report from President, Social Service Human Relations Board, regarding opposition to Proposition 187 (services for undocumented immigrants). [Previously considered October 4, 1994] (Councilmember Appezzato) Lois Workman, President, Social Service Human Relations Board, reviewed Board's report, stated it was not accepted by Council at the October 4, 1994, Regular Council Meeting; and that SSHRB unanimously supports and urges adoption of resolution opposing Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council November 1, 1994 State Proposition 187. Councilmember Lucas stated that a number of legal immigrants were surveyed and support the proposition. Board President Workman noted that many persons of color consider the proposition discriminatory. President Withrow noted that the Board's report states "No action is required [of the Council]. This [report] is provided for information only." Board President Workman stated that she requested acceptance of report so the Board could follow up with press releases. The City Attorney stated her understanding of the pattern and practice of Council is that the acceptance of Council is not an opinion of Council but acknowledges completeness of a report, that it exists and has been presented to Council; and [acceptance] is legally irrelevant. Councilman Arnerich stated that Council could not take action on October 4, 1994, because the report was not an action item. Ms. Workman stated it was understood, since Council had not accepted the report, the Board could not proceed with press releases. Neil Patrick Sweeney, Alameda, advised voters to vote no on Proposition 187. Robert Bisi, Alameda, agreed with Mr. Sweeney; stated discrimination is a reality; and that he hopes Council will accept the report from SSHRB. Reverend Juan Saavedra, Alameda, stated Proposition 187 will be challenged in courts; however, if ratified, people born to illegal [immigrants] in the United States will be illegal [immigrants] also. Earl Peacock, Alameda, stated he supports 187. President Withrow pointed out that 187 was not created by City nor Council; Council cannot develop State laws, nor legislate values; some people speak of offensive occurrences in the City, and he urged citizens to behave in a manner of respect to everyone. Councilmember Appezzato stated his purpose in agendizing this matter was to accept the report; he thanked City Attorney for the clarification; and stated acceptance of the report is exactly that. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council November 1, 1994 Councilmember Appezzato moved to accept the report. Councilman Arnerich seconded the report. Councilmember Lucas stated she will not vote for acceptance because she disagrees with parts of the report. Vice Mayor Roth stated that his concern is the use of City staff and funds to oppose or support a bill is against the law; and requested City Attorney to comment. The City Attorney stated extensive analysis by the League of California Cities [LOCC] has been made; there is an absolute prohibition for a City to spend any City money, either to support or oppose the ballot initiative; that applies also to Charter Amendments except that an objective analysis can be prepared; they [LOCC] stated City Councils, School Board, any governmental body, can take a position either for or against and that position is to be for voter information only; however, money cannot be spent on distributing that position; there is a clear prohibition against money being spent, including SSHRB. In response to President Withrow's inquiry, the City Attorney stated a board's position is independent unless Council directs that it is not the City's position. President Withrow clarified the SSHRB could have taken a position but not on behalf of the City of Alameda. The City Attorney replied that is correct, and individuals' resources are not City resources. Councilmembers Appezzato's motion to accept the report carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Appezzato, Arnerich, Roth and President Withrow - 4. Nayes: Councilmember Lucas - 1. Absent: None. Abstentions: None. 94-655 Resolution No. 12583 "Opposing Proposition 187 ("Illegal Aliens. Ineligibility for Public Services. Verification and Reporting. Initiative Statute.")" (Councilman Arnerich) Adopted. Linda Espinoza, Alameda, read a letter from several children stating they are all United States students, all brothers, sisters, and cousins, and are concerned about Proposition 187; they want good education, and have professional goals; want Governor Wilson to treat everyone equally; their parents work hard; and request Council as community leaders to protect their rights to fulfill their dreams; she also stated she is President of her sixth grade class, treats everyone in her class equally and wants Governor Wilson to do the same. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council November 1, 1994 Nick Cabral, Alameda, stated he opposes 187, has been a lifetime resident of Alameda, his grandmother came in 1907 and he has been proud of Alameda, and wants our town to take the high ground, he considers [187] to be discriminatory and that is not right. Councilmember Lucas stated, to her, 187 is not a race issue; it is an issue of whether we abide by the laws of this country or not; if 187 were a race issue she would not support it; everyone that is here illegally should not be here. Mr. Cabral and Councilmember Lucas further discussed the matter. President Withrow stated Council is a legislative body; however, is holding a forum so people can address a State proposition; forum is a way for all to express themselves to urge fellow citizens to follow certain guidelines, Council has laws to follow and, under a public discussion, a Councilmember can ask a question of a member of the public at the podium but the law precludes a debate between the two during the course of the Council [meeting]; additionally, rules, regulations, and past practice of Council is that individuals are to speak at the podium; outbursts from the public are not condoned; speaker slips are provided, and order must be maintained. President Withrow stated the public should recognize that Council is not creating legislation and also recognize past positions taken; that many Councilmembers have taken positions in writing, verbally, on many occasions, and those numbers are in the majority on Council. David Mitoma, Oakland, stated he has been an NAS employee for 22 years; the reason Alameda is important is because the City is known as a conservative enclave in an otherwise liberal sea, so if Alameda Council passes a resolution in opposition to 187, people will take a second look. Laura Wells, Alameda, stated as a mother of a sixth-grader she would like Council to oppose 187, and that we work to solve those problems that cause people to want to come [immigrate]. Paula Rainey, Alameda, stated she works in health care; a dollar spent in health care avoids greater cost later on; she is proud of large number of first languages in City schools; urged Council call for no-vote on 187; people should immigrate legally but 187 is not the answer. Francisco Manibusan, Alameda, stated he is a product of illegals on Guam, believes we should go forward and make things better; served United States for many years in military; noted his business, and his family who are productive in the community; noted a biblical reference regarding concern for little children; and urged voting Regular Meeting. Alameda City Council November 1, 1994 no on 187. President Withrow noted when he was serving in the Pentagon in Washington D.C., in the 1970s and '80s, the Guam congressional representative was one of the more powerful influencers of policy residing in Washington, and had a great deal of respect. Michael Yoshii, Alameda, stated, because four Councilmembers have stated publicly they are against 187, he would address issues Councilmember Lucas raised as he believes a unanimous decision is important; and discussed immigration history and moving forward. Don Bergen, Alameda, stated he has known and respected many legal immigrants who worked hard and became citizens and that is the right way; Council is sworn to uphold laws of State and U.S.; illegal immigration is against the law, taxpayers are tired of footing the bill; and the law is not against any race. Judy Tam, Alameda, Member, SSHRB; Vice President, Organization of Alameda Asians, stated an important point is that 187 is bad for children; 187 is about making California a police state and she urges adoption of the resolution. Reverend Jeffrey Keyes, St. Barnabas Church, Alameda, submitted a pontifical statement [concerning refugees and immigrants]; stated when the State attempts to make illegal the provision of education or health care, the nature of human, personal dignity and rights must be discussed; regulating immigration is the right of any sovereign nation; however, 187 does not limit immigration; and he requested a united voice. Lupe Figuera, Alameda, stated she is 12 years old, Junior President of Kids Who Care, is against State Proposition 187, as treating children differently because they are illegal aliens is unfair. Nicole Fuller, Alameda, stated she is 12 years old, Junior Vice President of Kids Who Care, urged voting for children by voting no on 187. Tracy Aguan, Alameda, stated she is 10 years old, and believes 187 is unfair, and sad; how can [people] not take care of children; and urged voting no on 187. Ed Payne, Alameda, stated taxpayers are the ones who support illegal aliens; he would like Council to favor 187 because taxpayers, businessmen and property owners must pay for the education and medical services. Abby Smith, Alameda, cited Supreme Court case setting precedent that refusing children an education is unconstitutional and 187 would break the law. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council November 1, 1994 Maria Hargrove, Alameda, stated, of ten Mexicans in this country, nine work. George Chin, Alameda, stated he was an illegal alien; noted his business and position in Alameda now, and stated that being illegal makes one work harder and working together can make this country even better. Bonnie Bone, Alameda, stated Council is not being asked to legislate but to lead; we [public] need Council to make a strong united public stand against this ugly illegal proposition. President Withrow stated many speakers were articulate, focused on important issues relating to 187; 187 is poor legislation; he cannot support 187 and urged people to not support it; is not sure residents will vote with understanding as 187 appeals to emotions and therefore is dangerous; no empirical data has led up to 187; it is a breakdown in important basic values needed for orderly government in this state; he will support resolution; and will vote in opposition to Proposition 187 on November 8th. Councilman Arnerich stated this initiative is on the State ballot; he placed this matter on the agenda because he believes it needs to be addressed by Council; noted Alameda County Board of Supervisors, and Alameda Unified School District opposed 187; he had matter researched and Council has taken positions and stands on issues on 4 or 5 different occasions on State ballot measures, or initiatives; [immigration] problems are at the borders, seas and ports, including need to enforce State and Federal laws; 187 is a bad law that will be detrimental, he took his stand against it six months ago; Council will take its position, and people must make up their minds and vote at the ballot box; he personally will be opposing 187. Councilmember Appezzato stated he is against illegal immigration, his father and grandparents were immigrants; this proposition is flawed, may be unconstitutional; Federal government must take lead in controlling illegal immigration; 187 affects children; portions of this proposition already conflict with Supreme Court decisions; 187 will end up in the courts; a better law is needed; and he will oppose 187 and support the resolution. Vice Mayor Roth stated he has been on record as opposing 187; all the reasons given [by speakers] are valid; when citizens rebel, this City Council has always been on record against unfunded mandates, and Council can look at 187 in that light also. Vice Mayor Roth moved adoption of the resolution opposing Proposition 187. Councilmember Lucas stated sincere statements have been heard, and Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council November I, 1994 she respects them; she would remind everyone that this country is a democracy with immigration laws that grant asylum to the politically and otherwise persecuted; however, this country cannot take in all the poverty-stricken and suffering people of the world; many in this country advocate disregarding the laws whenever we do not like them; living in a democracy gives, not only rights, but responsibility to follow the laws of our country; she sees this as a matter of legality versus illegality and will support what is legal and vote in opposition of the motion. President Withrow stated he would like to make one more comment as it relates to, and in concern for, children who may be listening and observing the forum this evening, that, [regarding] those who are concerned about "illegal immigration," people are talking about numbers, not people, not personalities; what they are concerned about is that the United States cannot take in economically disadvantaged of the world; we do not have the resources for that; we cannot take them into the State of California; the resources are not here; so when they say illegal immigrants, they are talking in terms of numbers; obviously what is being conveyed in how people are taking that, who feel very personally and emotionally about it, is that [concerns about illegal immigrants] is anti-individuals or personalities; and that is very unfortunate. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Appezzato, Arnerich, Roth and President Withrow - 4. Nayes: Councilmember Lucas - 1. Absent: None. Abstentions: None. * * * * Council recessed to reconvene at 9:50 p.m. * * * * Actions Related to Base Conversion Process. 94-656 Status Briefing on Base Conversion Process. Helen Sause, Vice President, BRAG, reported on recent base conversion forum; submitted a document entitled, "A Vision for N.A.S. Alameda;" and discussed interim uses. Vice Mayor Roth stated he attended, and was impressed, by the forum and requested Ms. Sause relate to the rest of the BRAG committees that they did an outstanding job in their presentations; and that he is proud of them. Shirley Cummins, Alameda, stated that Congressman Dellums has voted against every kind of American defense, and candidate Deborah Wright should be elected as our next representative. Neil Patrick Sweeney, Alameda, restated former suggestions for base conversion. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council November 1, 1994 Barbara Baack, San Leandro, requested Council support the preservation of a one hundred acre historic district at NAS, a request to save artifacts at NAS that could be displayed in a museum placed in the district, and an application to the State Historic Preservation Office for formal recognition. Councilmember Lucas inquired, if Council decided to pursue this matter, would Ms. Baack be able to continue to do volunteer work on the preservation issue, and Ms. Baack replied she would. Judy Pollard, Alameda, stated she supports preservation; action must be taken now, or much history could be lost; local governments may participate in the process pursuant to Section 106, National Historical Preservation Act.; in 1992 a historic district was identified in the central core of NAS and is eligible for inclusion in the National Registry of Historic Places; and requested Council support action to save artifacts and the NAS district. Mike Burgess, Alameda, spoke in favor of the historic preservation issue; stated Council has a unique opportunity to provide the leadership in this important matter of preservation of the historic buildings and artifacts. Marilyn York, noted a number of events, monuments and plaques, stated Alameda should recognize its place in transportation history; suggested museum for artifacts; and stated her hope is that Council will approve an application to the National Historic Preservation Office to save the artifacts and district. Councilmember Lucas requested a staff report on the issue of historic preservation and how best to address it, and thanked speakers who put volunteer time into this matter. Councilmember Appezzato agreed with Councilmember Lucas's remark and that Council needs to look at historic significance of NAS. 94-657 Public Hearing to consider allowing the Port of Oakland to use Tax-Exempt Bonds for the portion of their dredging project within Alameda. President Withrow announced this matter has been continued to the next meeting. 94-658 Report from Public Works Director recommending parking improvements in the Civic Center area. Gerhard Degeman, Alameda, objected to proposed owner assessment district. Helen Sause, Chair, Economic Development Commission, stated the proposed Alameda Theater will be a catalyst for business district, Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council November 1, 1994 the City must move quickly on an interim parking lot and urged Council's approval of surface parking proposal at Linoaks site. James Pittard, Economic Development Commissioner, stated the City Council should approve [staff report] Option 5 [Linoaks site]. Diane Coler-Dark, Alameda, stated that she is opposed to Option 5; more information is needed, and staff should not negotiate. Pete Halberstadt, PSBA Community Member, stated the proposed Alameda Theater will be a catalyst for the business district, and if revitalization of the district is to progress, additional parking is needed. W.A. Chip Brown, PSBA, noted a dramatic, positive impact can result from a multi-screen theater and appropriate parking for the theater is essential for long-term growth of Park Street; and urged Council's support of parking proposal. William Garvine, Alameda Chamber of Commerce, urged the City Council to support the Public Works Director's report. Replying to Councilmember Lucas, Mr. Garvine stated the Central Market site might take more time; and there may be a more productive use for that site. Allen Michaan, Renaissance Rialto Inc., stated he did not understand parking would be such an issue; developing the project as soon as possible is important, to get into the market place before the Port of Oakland develops Jack London Square, because as more screens come into the market, a burden on obtaining products is created; he would like to avoid long EIR process; and is uncomfortable with how an assessment district would be structured because he wants to benefit, not hinder, businesses. Responding to Councilmember Appezzato, Mr. Michaan stated he does not see financing as a major issue; the issue is a permit issue, and satisfying State requirements; and he has heard Jack London Theatre may be ready in autumn of 1995. In response to Vice Mayor Roth, Mr. Michaan stated the budget is approximately $2,000,000; basically he is restoring the existing theater and an adjacent structure which will be simple to build. Responding to Councilman Arnerich, Mr. Michaan further explained his plans including the location and size of theaters within the building. Councilmember Appezzato inquired if Mr. Michaan would have a better idea of funding when staff returns with report in 90 days, and Mr. Michaan replied he would. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council November 1, 1994 .11V 0 Councilmember Lucas inquired, if Council provides parking at the Linoaks site, are there other contingencies before Mr. Michaan could make a commitment to the Alameda Theater; and he replied that basically a lease-option is in place with property owners; he is confident they will go forward; his commitment to go ahead hinges on obtaining permits, which in turn hinges on parking. Responding to Vice Mayor Roth, Mr. Michaan stated he would not want to see the time for the granting of a permit to go beyond April. Replying to Councilmember Lucas, Mr. Michaan stated he restored and operates the Grand Lake Theater, Oakland, Orinda Theater, Orinda, Park Theater, Lafayette, and the Oaks Theater, Berkeley. Councilman Arnerich noted delicate rights in the theater industry including that some theaters acquire top-flight films first, and discussed such affects of competition with Mr. Michaan. Replying to Councilmember Appezzato's question concerning whether the owner's non-acceptance of using the property as security will affect the financing, Mr. Michaan stated that should not be an obstacle. * * * * Councilman Arnerich moved to continue the meeting beyond 11:00 p.m. Councilmember Appezzato seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. * * * * Mr. Degemann restated his concern about the assessment district. Richard King, President, PSBA, stated his major concern is the Linoaks; thinks theater will be a catalyst; private firms who run parking lots should be looked at to see what estimate they would give for setting up, and operating, a parking lot. Jerry Sherman, PSBA, stated the theater has the potential to enhance the entire business district; requested support and commitment to this endeavor. Vice Mayor Roth stated that he cannot support Option 5; there are other options; agrees there should be some grandfathering in of parking requirements; City Hall will be vacated, and until a decision is made on the Library, City Hall, and Linoaks property, City Hall parking spaces could be included in the Alameda Theatre plan; a parking structure on a City parking lot is an option; and it should not be necessary to rush civic center area plans. Councilmember Appezzato stated he supports the concept. Vice Mayor Roth's comments and Mr. Degemann's concern regarding proposed owner assessment district should be addressed by the City Manager when he reports back in 90 days. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council November 1, 1994 The City Manager explained the options in the report. President Withrow requested staff to provide an investment-type analysis. Councilmember Lucas stated that she would like a report back on possible uses for the existing Linoaks Motel. Councilman Arnerich stated he would like to be informed if individuals who have provided required parking, can be exempt from proposed assessment district. Councilman Arnerich stated if the Alameda Unified School District is to benefit by parking improvements, District should be required to pay more than $25,000, previously discussed. Vice Mayor Roth inquired if an interim report could be made in 45 days, and the City Manager replied that could be done. Vice Mayor Roth moved that Council's intent is to work with [Mr. Michaan] to make this happen [meet requirements so theater may proceed]. The Planning Director addressed impact and environmental review issues. Vice Mayor Roth moved that Council instruct staff to provide an interim report in approximately 45 days; narrow options so one (1) can be selected in 90 days and City can proceed; the City Council's intent is to work towards the goal of the Alameda Theater Revitalization Project with the least cost to the City. Councilmember Appezzato seconded the motion; and stated that he assumes everyone understands there is no liability to the City at this point. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 94-659 Ordinance No. 2677, N.S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Repealing Section 6-20 (Fortunetelling, Clairvoyance, Hypnotism, Etc.) and Subsection 6-20.1 (Prohibition), of Article V (Amusement and Recreational Places), Chapter VI (Businesses, Occupations and Industries), Thereof." Councilmember Lucas moved final passage. Councilmember Appezzato seconded the motion which carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Appezzato, Arnerich, Lucas and President Withrow - 4. Nayes: None. Absent [from the dais]: Vice Mayor Roth - 1. Abstentions: None. 94-660 Report from Finance Director transmitting Quarterly Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council November 1, 1994 Financial Report for period ending September 30, 1994. Councilmember Appezzato moved approval. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which carried by the following voice vote; Ayes: Councilmembers Appezzato, Arnerich, Lucas and President Withrow - 4. Nayes: None. Absent [from the dais]: Vice Mayor Roth - 1. Abstentions: None. 94-661 Status report from City Manager on Modified Work Week. Councilmember Lucas moved acceptance. Councilmember Appezzato seconded the motion. President Withrow requested staff to reinstate work week hours as soon as possible on a priority basis; establish a process that will determine, in advance, how it will occur; report back with a recommendation to re-establish the hours of the Library and various functions within City Hall, with a time line for Council review and assessment; recognize reinstatement of hours as a priority over the expenditure of other funds, e.g. growth and expansion of operations, promotions, and pay increases; and retain, basically, a freeze until the City is back on an even keel. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 94-662 Written Communication from the Honorable Dick Lyon, Mayor of the City of Oceanside, urging immediate participation in a public information campaign seeking to stop the State Legislature from diverting additional locally generated revenues from California cities. Shirley Cummins, Alameda, stated she would like to know which members of the State legislature are trying to divert locally generated revenues. President Withrow commented State appropriation of tax base is a very serious problem; he believes in January, the legislature will look for other ways to take the tax base, and the taking of money from a tax base is not a one-time occurrence as money continues to go to the State instead of local government. Councilmember Lucas stated that the City of Oceanside's idea is excellent; Council should pass a resolution and transmit it to the State Legislature and officials listed in Mayor Lyon's letter. Councilman Arnerich stated that he would like Council to sign the letter/resolution, and supports Oceanside's recommendation to send a delegation of the City Council and business leaders to Sacramento. Council, by unanimous voice, approved the City of Oceanside's Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council November 1, 1994 36 request. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS 94-663 Consideration of Mayor's nomination for an appointment to the Civil Service Board. Held over. 94-664 Consideration of Mayor's nomination for an appointment to the Historical Advisory Board. Held over. 94-665 Councilmember Lucas requested a review of parking spaces for the handicapped on Central Avenue between Willow and Park Streets, including the diagonal parking in front of Alameda High School. 94-666 Shirley Cummins, Alameda, voiced support for Congressional District No. 9 candidate Deborah Wright. ADJOURNMENT President Withrow adjourned the meeting at 11:51 p.m. R7ectfulbmitted, D NE B. FELSCH, CMC City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted 72 hours in advance. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council November 1, 1994