1994-11-15 Regular CC MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 15, 1994 The meeting convened at 7:30 p.m. with President Withrow presiding. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Appezzato. Venerable Wilfred Hodgkin, Archdeacon, Episcopal Diocese of California, gave the invocation. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Appezzato, Arnerich, Roth and President Withrow - 4. Absent: Councilmember Lucas - 1. PROCLAMATIONS AND SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY None. CONSENT CALENDAR At the request of the public, reports (94-686) regarding Bay Farm Island Bicycle Bridge, and (94-687) concerning subdivision improvements, were removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Councilman Arnerich moved approval of the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Councilmember Appezzato seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. [Lucas absent] Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk. *94-669 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of November 1, 1994. Approved. *94-670 Status Report from Assistant City Manager on EBMUD Wet Weather Storage Basin Project in Krusi Park. Accepted. *94-671 Report from City Attorney renewing Workers' Compensation Third Party Administrator Contract with Gregory Bragg & Associates. Accepted. *94-672 Report from Public Works Director recommending rejection of all bids for Signalization and Channelization Improvements at Atlantic Avenue and Main Street Project, No. P.W. 05-94-11, and authorization to rebid. Accepted. *94-673 Report from Public Works Director recommending rejection of all bids for Alameda Main Street Ferry Terminal Barge Rehabilitation Project, No. P.W. 08-94-15, and authorization to rebid. Accepted. Regular Meeting. Alameda City Council November 15, 1994 6 *94-674 Report from Public Works Director recommending acceptance of improvements and release of Certificate of Deposit for Tract 5603 (Otis Drive and Willow Street). Accepted. *94-675 Status Report from Public Works Director on funding proposals for maintenance and operation of the Estuary Bridges. (Councilmember Appezzato) Accepted. *94-676 Report from Finance Director recommending adoption of specifications and calling for bids for computer equipment, including software Bid No. 94-DP-01. Accepted. *94-677 Report from Finance Director transmitting Investment Portfolio for period ending October 31, 1994. Accepted. *94-678 Report from Chief of Police recommending reimbursement for travel expenses to Washington, D.C., October 11, 12, 1994. Accepted. *94-679 Resolution No. 12584 "Authorizing Execution of State- Local Transportation Partnership Program (SB300) Agreement, No. SLTPP-5014 and Program Supplement No. 004, (Repair and Resurfacing of Certain Streets, Phase 16)." Adopted. *94-680 Resolution No. 12585 "Approving Amendment to Resolution Numbers 11880, 11967, and 11941, and Amendment to Subdivision Agreements for Tracts 6111, 6147, and 6198 Substituting Greystone Homes, Inc." for Harbor Bay Village V Associates." Adopted. *94-681 Resolution No. 12586 "Opposing the State's Appropriation of any Additional Local Revenues." Adopted. *94-682 Ordinance No. . N.S. "Amending the Community Improvement Plan for the Business and Waterfront Improvement Project." Introduced. *94-683 Ordinance No. N.S. "Amending the Plan of the West End Community Improvement Project." Introduced. *94-684 Ordinance No. • N.S. "Approving Amendment to Lease Agreement Between the Alameda Unified School District, as Lessor, and the City of Alameda, as Lessee for Premises Located at 1525 Bay Street Used as Mastick Senior Center." Introduced. *94-685 Bills, certified by the City Manager to be true and correct were ratified in the sum of $1,915,742.42. 94-686 Report from Public Works Director recommending award of contract to Fletcher General Construction for Bay Farm Island Bicycle Bridge, Part B, Bascule Span, No. P.W. 01-92-01 [Part B]. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council November 15, 1994 Charles Tillman, Alameda, requested information regarding what has transpired concerning bicycle bridge construction. Gerhard Degemann, Alameda, inquired if the bridge's blue color will remain, and if not, what the color will be. The Public Works Director stated the project, from its inception, has been monitored by Caltrans who will own and maintain the bridge; Caltrans approved the color presented by the bridge designer. Mr. Degemann stated he believes the City of Alameda should have had some input, not just Caltrans. Councilman Arnerich stated the bicycle bridge was to be erected by Caltrans, attached to the present bridge, for approximately $1,400,000, and approval was given by the City; Caltrans, because the mechanism on the existing bridge would not sustain the weight of the bike bridge, and on the advice of their engineers, built a separate [bike] bridge, resulting in escalation of cost to about $2,800,000; the color blue has been discussed, alternatives will be looked at if the bridge can be repainted, but it would possibly need to be at City's cost. At the request of President Withrow, the City Manager stated that the funding source for the bridge is the State; no City General Fund money is used for the project; and a sign could be placed on the bridge concerning funding source. Mr. Tillman stated wherever the money comes from, it still comes from the taxpayers. President Withrow stated that the funds were originally scheduled for Riverside County bicycle trails; he went to the California Transportation Commission, San Diego, and acquired the funding for Alameda. The City Manager noted the bridge was constructed at the request of residents who were concerned about the safety of their children. Councilman Arnerich moved acceptance of the report [and recommendation]. Councilmember Appezzato seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. [Lucas absent] 94-687 Report from Public Works Director recommending acceptance of a portion of the subdivision improvements and a reduction of bond from $1,697,000 to $1,011,370 for Tract 6226 (Harbor Bay Isle Village 5, Neighborhood A).] Councilman Arnerich noted that the staff report, should be corrected to read Tract 6226 on page one, second paragraph. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council November 15, 1994 o b t.0 Councilman Arnerich moved the recommendation. Councilmember Appezzato seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. [Lucas second] AGENDA ITEMS 94-688 Public Hearing to consider allowing the Port of Oakland to use Tax-Exempt Bonds for the portion of their dredging project within Alameda. (Continued from Council Meeting of November 1, 1994.) The City Manager stated staff talked to the Port regarding subject, and requested the hearing be held over again because the Port is not yet ready to sign the Indemnification Agreement the City is requesting. Councilmember Appezzato so moved [continuance to the next meeting]. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. [Lucas absent]. 94-689 Public Hearing to consider Resolution No. 12587 Declaring Sources of Infiltration and Inflow from Storm Water on Private Property Located in Sanitary Sewer Basins LA1A and 91D to be a Public Nuisance; Ordering the Abatement of said Nuisances, and Authorizing the City Engineer to Take the Necessary Action to Correct Same. President Withrow announced that there were no speakers, and declared the public portion of the hearing opened and closed. The Public Works Director stated that, since publication of the staff report, two property owners have complied with rules and finished their work; therefore, 709 Pacific Avenue and 630 Lincoln Avenue will be removed from Appendix A of the resolution; and confirmed that certified letters were sent to property owners on the list, notifying them of the Public Hearing. Councilmember Appezzato moved the recommendation [to adopt the resolution]. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. [Lucas absent] 94-690 Public Hearing to consider Ordinance No. . N.S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Amending Subsection 8-7.9 (Heavy Commercial Vehicles) of Section 8-7 (Parking Prohibitions) of Chapter VIII (Traffic and Motor Vehicles)." The public portion of the hearing was opened. Richard Archuleta, Alameda, stated he does not believe tow trucks should be included with large semi-trucks because they are not a nuisance; he has been in business three years, and does not believe Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council November 15, 1994 3 6 the ordinance should be introduced. Responding to President Withrow, Mr. Archuleta stated that he is from Rich's Towing. Councilman Arnerich stated the reason for the proposed amendment is tow truck owners receive calls to go out in the middle of the night and disturb neighbors' sleep; therefore, the trucks should be kept in another area where they will not cause disturbance. Vice Mayor Roth inquired if Mr. Archuleta has a business license, and if his business is listed as a home occupation. Mr. Archuleta replied affirmatively, and that he lives on State Highway 61, and he obtained a Use Permit and a variance. The Planning Director stated an application for a home occupation was received and denied; she is not aware of a use permit or a variance. Christine Servente, Alameda, stated she lives across the street from a towing service, owner goes in and out at all hours of the night with a diesel truck; left a car on the street for about six months, and she has worked with Planning Board for about a year and a half to get [tow truck owner with All City Towing] out of [that location]. The public portion of the hearing was closed. Responding to Councilmember Appezzato's request, the City Manager confirmed problems noted by Ms. Servente occurring on Lincoln Avenue, in 2600 block; also, double parking of vehicles, repetitive noise from trucks going out and returning to drop off vehicles on streets, instead of using storage yards; and staff's opinion is that operation of such businesses would be better in a properly zoned district. Councilman Arnerich moved to accept the Planning Department recommendation [to introduce ordinance to define tow truck as heavy commercial vehicle]. Vice Mayor Roth seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. [Lucas absent] 94-691 Report from Chair, Golf Commission, recommending Council accept conceptual drawing and cost estimates, retain the architectural firm of HGHB to develop final plans and specifications and bid documents for new clubhouse/driving range, and approve financing plan. Ed Trevethan, Member, Golf Commission, urged Council accept the conceptual drawings; stated the golf course needs the facilities; the NAS Officers Club could be used for banquets and other than Regular Meeting, Ahmeda City Council November 15, 1994 that, the drawings are very good. Bob Blanchard, Alameda, stated the Golf Course facility is outdated and deteriorated, and strongly urged Council accept the Commission's recommendation to go ahead with facilities because the investment will have a high return. Joe Williams, Alameda, stated he endorses new facilities not only for aesthetic appeal but overall efficiency; Navy Officers' Club should not be viewed as City banquet facility; he concurs funding should come from golfers; however, the City receives $350,000 per year for the General Fund and perhaps could forego $100,000 to offset money to be raised from golfers. Shirl Ames, Alameda, stated many public hearings on matter have been held; improvements are very important; as City has over 700 tournaments, a banquet facility is needed, would create revenue, and improvements should be first-class. Don Goodhue, Principal Architect, HGHB, reviewed the tasks given by the Golf Commission; stated key issues to be resolved are: 1) driving range upgrade, expansion and improvements; 2) control of Par 3 Course from the range office; 3) expansion of food service capability; 4) substantial expansion of parking; 5) an enlarged pro-shop, sized for high-volume golf operation; 6) cart storage integration with complex; and finally, enhancement of complex by a suitable approach and entry. Damien Pascuzzo, Office of Robert Muir Graves, golf course architects responsible for driving range, reviewed key points of the range, utilizing diagrams on display: 1) practice facility, 2) coordination of facility with buildings in complex, 3) accommodation of increased parking; and noted that features of new practice facility will include Norma Arnerich Training Facility, practice bunker; increased screening; nightlighting; artificial turf. Councilman Arnerich discussed, with Mr. Damien, moving the driving range resulting in a gain in parking space; nightlights, to be on poles and at ground level; and drainage of turf. Vice Mayor Roth questioned Mr. Goodhue who confirmed proposal for 146 additional parking spaces, and a total of 504 spaces. Mr. Goodhue reviewed the visual aspects of the site plan, the expanded parking lot, new entryway which brings golfers in at a central entrance point; and pointed out various buildings and features on displayed diagrams, and access for the disabled. Councilmember Appezzato inquired if Council approves the concept, plans and specifications, could Mr. Goodhue come back to Council Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council November 15, 1994 with entire project in stages and costs attendant thereto. Mr. Goodhue replied the firm often does projects in stages; soil condition at the site makes that difficult as all the buildings must be on piles; the foundation condition precludes the building being done in two phases; however, work can be done in stages although the project would become more expensive; and a cost comparison can be provided. In response to Vice Mayor Roth, Mr. Goodhue stated that, during construction, temporary facilities will be required. Councilman Arnerich stated a good presentation has been given, and discussed fees with the Assistant City Manager. Charles Tillman, Alameda, stated he is impressed with architects' presentation; the project is excellent; his concern is proposed bond and $500,000 debt service over 30 years; adequate money is available to put in the driving range; he would like the City to do one portion, and money generated from the golf course would complete the project financially in much less than 30 years. Rick Stone, Alameda, Chair, Golf Commission, stated 18 months were spent on project; the golf course is a gem for the City, needs enhancement and the project would accomplish that; the complex would be inviting to individuals from businesses and industry; and urged Council consider the project seriously and favorably. Paul Aragon, Alameda, stated Council requested Commission explore construction of new facilities and hopes Council will follow through; he requested rate increases in the immediate future be committed to golf course improvements; stated he collected 56 signatures requesting future green fee increases be applied to new facilities; and submitted petition to Council. Robert Carlson, Alameda, agreed with Councilmember Appezzato that the project should be done in stages; the Golf Course Enterprise Fund can pay for the project in stages; instead of going into the General Fund, the money should be put back where it belongs. Cal Santare, Alameda, Member, Golf Commission, suggested an option including making driving range improvements using current funds; stated, by June 1996, estimated Enterprise Fund surplus would be $500,000 without raising green fees, and at that time, clubhouse and banquet hall needs could be assessed. Dr. Kay Takeoka, Alameda, stated Mr. Santare spoke of everything he had in mind; and the proposed indebtedness is unconscionable. Gerhard Degemann, Alameda, stated he understands the bond will be reduced by green fees; when changes are made, architects' fees Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council November 15, 1994 7 increase; City and architects should determine fee in advance, so that the project can be completed and not abandoned due to lack of funds. Fred Lietz, Alameda, stated good points exist on both sides of issue; he does not agree with people who do not like City taking money out of golf course, as long as the course can sustain itself; only the capital improvements directed to be done by end of fiscal year, driving range, and possibly moving cart barn closer to pro- shop to save employee cost, are necessary; he would like proposed concept but does not need it. Councilman Arnerich stated this project is workable; he has always believed monies from golf course should be used for betterment of the course; through the recessionary times, when the Governor has taken over $3,500,000 of City money, due to expert financial work of Council and administration, City has done very well and he will be firm on this matter. Vice Mayor Roth stated his concerns are 1) a good golf course is needed; 2) the course should produce revenue for City to use in other ways; and to do that, the golf course would need competitive edge on surrounding courses; the course has a good layout and low prices, but lacks capital improvements to be strongly competitive; if the project is done, fees could be raised and still be competitive, and City would have additional revenue to use in General Fund. Vice Mayor Roth moved the recommendation. Councilmember Appezzato stated these are still difficult economic times; he will probably support the concept; Mr. Santare's comments should be reviewed by Finance Department and brought back if valid; plans and specifications, bid documents and cost comparisons should come back as an entire project and in stages; he would like to go ahead and vote on out-of-town residents fee increases and delay recommendation on Alameda residents until report comes back; agrees that Enterprise Fund should provide revenue to City; he will later request City Manager bring back a report to place NAS in a redevelopment zone; the Golf Commission should look at the Naval Air Station Officers' Club; and he opposes resident fee increase at this time. Vice Mayor Roth stated he had no problem eliminating resident fee increases. Councilmember Appezzato stated the sloughs need to be worked on, the cart paths need paving and he would like to see curbs put in so golf carts do not go up on the fairways, and lakes need rip-rap; making a quality golf course playable is important. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council November 15, 1994 Councilman Arnerich stated he does not object to increasing non- resident fees. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion. President Withrow recommended that when report comes back to Council, a business plan be developed; and when considering unfunded capital projects, look at golf course investments in that context, and prioritize same. Councilman Arnerich stated he would like new Council to recognize that, while the golf course is a money-making operation, the funds are not unending, and that the City will refrain for a period of time from taking more monies away from Enterprise Fund. The motion was carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. [Lucas absent] * * * * President Withrow announced Council would recess and reconvene at 9:45 p.m. * * * * 94-692 Report from Assistant City Manager recommending modifications to the existing bridge-structure between the Carnegie and Children's Libraries to allow installation of a three-way lift to provide disabled access to both libraries. Don Bergen, Alameda, stated whatever is done, should be compatible with any addition to library; and presented drawing to Council showing a ramp he proposed could be attached to Carnegie Building and retained when building is improved. Archie Waterbury, President, Library Board, stated the Board has not had opportunity to meet on this item; he believes the recommendation of Assistant City Manager is the way to proceed; the work can be done quickly and is least expensive proposal; the Board meets in mid-December, or if Council wishes, could call a special meeting. Wil Garfinkle, Alameda, stated ramp should be on east side of Carnegie Building along Oak Street for easier access for disabled and more convenience for disabled parking; submitted and described drawing he made of ramp, noted an easement would not be required as on west side, would be considerably less costly, and if project is accelerated, time to construct could be brought under 8 weeks, and a ramp for West End library should be considered. David Plummer, Alameda, believes architects' sketches are hasty; he does not want to see Children's Library come down, would like to see architect spend more time on Alternate 4 which would be permanent. Councilmember Appezzato stated the least expensive way would be the Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council November 15, 1994 6 option presented by Mr. Garfinkle, which is probably closest to Alternate 3; if the Carnegie Building is used for a library, the money spent will not be lost; elevator would remain part of new, rebuilt, Carnegie Library; the Children's Library would need to go in order to build the lift; if we can come to a conclusion, and the Library Board can help with that, then probably Alternate 4 is the most economical way to go; it will cost more but the money will not be lost; the elevator will stay and connect to the expansion; if Council is not prepared, then he is leaning toward Alternate 3 which is more closely related to what Mr. Garfinkle presented. Councilman Arnerich requested Mr. Bergen's sketch; discussed, with Mr. Garfinkle, the ratio of landings necessary per feet of rise of the ramp, materials required; and stated a simple wooden ramp could be used. The City Manager stated other things need to be done inside of the building for accessibility; easement would be required if ramp was build on the west side of the building. Mr. Garfinkle stated it should be understood that Alternate 4 cannot be implemented unless the Children's Library is removed; also, alternate 4 requires a minimum of 19 weeks. Vice Mayor Roth clarified costs include widening doors and aisles, and a bathroom for disabled; perhaps a breakdown of figures, in component costs, should be brought back at next meeting. The City Manager requested Council to instruct staff how to proceed, as City has a deadline, and staff will return with least expensive approach; Alternate 4 is a decision to proceed on this site as a library for the future, as once that much money is committed, turning to another alternative becomes difficult. Vice Mayor Roth further discussed alternatives with the City Manager. The City Manager noted most of Alternate 4's modifications would be used in a new facility; and in reply to Vice Mayor Roth, stated he could accept a motion for Alternate 1 with possibility of putting ramp on east side, and compare costs as to whichever is more cost effective. Councilman Arnerich discussed need of cost comparison and detail and moved approval of Alternate 4. Responding to President Withrow, the City Manager stated the monies for Alternate 4 would be borrowed from General Fund and repaid by Library Construction Fund. Councilman Arnerich inquired, if the Linoaks Motel is sold, can Regular Mceting, Alameda City Council November 15, 1994 t repayment to the General Fund be made from sale; and City Manager responded that one million dollars of [sale] monies belongs to the Library Fund. Councilmember Appezzato stated if Council goes ahead with Alternate 4, Council is committing to Carnegie Building as new library: he is prepared to go forward but would like to hear from the Library Board in a day or two on their approval, their review, and where to temporarily place the new Children's Library. The City Manager noted Alternate 4 will not meet January 26 timeframe. Councilman Arnerich stated he does not agree Alternate 4 is a commitment to the Carnegie; and going with Alternate 4 would not be a commitment on his part. Councilmember Appezzato replied, if there is no commitment to the Carnegie Library, there is no reason to put a half million dollars into the elevator and Council should go with less expensive alternative. President Withrow stated he concurs with Councilmember Appezzato that it does not make sense to put a half million dollars into a building if we do not use the building. Vice Mayor Roth moved Option 1 or ramp on east side, whichever is least expensive; believes architect's fee could be reduced. President Withrow stated whatever motion is made he believes should be subject to concurrence of Library Board, and if the Board takes exception with Council, he will call a special meeting to resolve any differences. Vice Mayor Roth included that into his motion. Councilman Arnerich agreed. Gerhard Degemann, Alameda, stated the old Post Office building has a ramp that was inexpensive; and City could hire professional estimator, which would be less expensive than architect. Vice Mayor Roth clarified motion is for Alternate 1 [an enclosed structure with a single three-way lift] or a ramp on east side, whichever is more cost effective; present to Library Board and if they do not agree, call for Special Council Meeting as a courtesy to the Board. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion and stated he agrees with Mr. Degemann's comment on estimators. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council November 15, 1994 7 The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. [Lucas absent] 94-693 Report from Public Works Director recommending appropriation of funds, selection of locations for temporary City Hall facilities, and authorization for the City Manager to apply for and/or enter into negotiations for leasing of various sites. Wil Garfinkle, Alameda, submitted a sketch of the front of City Hall and suggested that on the west side of the main entrance to the building, an elevator be installed that would extend to the second and third floors with ramps to respective entrances. Richard King, Park Street Business Association, stated that keeping [temporary] City Hall and City employees in this [business] District, would be in the best interest of the City, and presented petition stating same; noted perhaps Odd Fellows Hall could be utilized. Alan Downey, International Order of Odd Fellows [I.O.O.F.] representative, stated he came to make Council aware that the organization's building at Park and Santa Clara is available and that the organization is sincerely interested and is open to negotiation. Responding to Vice Mayor Roth, Mr. Downey noted square footage available [10-12,000 sq.ft.], and with Councilmember Appezzato, Mr. Downey discussed access for disabled. Neil Sweeney, Alameda, noted local newspapers have been reporting on the matter and information should continually be provided them. Councilmember Appezzato stated Jessica Persoff, former Planning Board member, suggested considering the Alameda High School, East Wing, as a potential site, and Councilman Arnerich was also looking into it; he [Appezzato] has toured the facility, and possibly the ground floor, and perhaps upper floors, can be used; the cost may be high but any money put into the school would be a benefit to taxpayers; perhaps City and School District could both contribute or City might get free rent if City renovates to School District's specifications. The City Manager stated staff has looked at about 27 sites, listed sites, benefits and disadvantages of each site; staff only looked at East Wing today, the School District vacated it because they were requesting State approval to upgrade facility for adult school; he does not know why the adult school has not been put in; the Superintendent of Schools stated if City wants facility and is willing to spend money, he could take that before the Board; a lot of work needs to be done, and building is not accessible to the disabled, nor does it have elevators, only one restroom on first floor and is not accessible; has problems with parking; and the Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council November 15, 1994 City could not move in by January 26th; probably only the first floor should be used; phone and data lines must be installed; the cost for upgrading only the first floor would probably be $400,000 - $40.00 per square foot. Responding to Mayor Withrow, the City Manager stated about 40,000 square feet are needed; staff would need to be distributed to other places; and comparing to Building 6 at the Supply Center Alameda Annex, both are old buildings, both need about $5- or $600,000 to do the work; however, Building 6 would accommodate all City staff; has approximately 65- to 75,000 square feet on one floor; and the building can probably can be reused. President Withrow stated if Building 6 option is chosen, leaving there and coming back to this [current City Hall] facility when refurbished, Building 6 could be leased out to recover cost of investment put into it. President Withrow clarified City staff would be in one place where the City Manager could manage employees. The City Manager replied that would be advantageous not only for staff but for the public, as the public comes to City Hall and usually goes to a number of offices; having staff distributed is advantageous for the merchants. President Withrow stated a bus goes to the Supply Center every half hour, and more frequently during commuter time. The City Manager stated public transportation should not be an issue. President Withrow noted approximately 750 parking spaces are available. The City Manager stated Building 6 is the staff recommendation. * * * * Councilman Arnerich moved Council extend the meeting past 11:00 p.m. Vice Mayor Roth seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. * * * * Vice Mayor Roth inquired about the need for seismic safety in the East Wing of the High School. The City Manager stated, the East Wing meets the City ordinance but it does not meet requirement for occupancy by students. Vice Mayor Roth stated one of his concerns is that he does not believe City Hall can be occupied again after only 18 months; he believes the time will be three to five years; and he favors Building 6 because there would be no rent; the building could Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council November 15, 1994 [later] be rented or leased; however, if it is torn down, the cost is still cheaper. Councilman Arnerich stated he believes there are other possibilities, that Park and Webster Streets have places available; Building 6 is a cumbersome place to go to; Vice Mayor Roth is correct that [renovation will take] more than 18 months; believes satellite offices can be found in town; perhaps Health Department Offices can be looked at; he would like every effort made; he would like Alameda High School first floor but there is not enough room, and additional sites could be found. Vice Mayor Roth stated the City would be fixing everyone's buildings and when City Hall is done, that money [spent] will be gone. President Withrow stated Building 6 is a dollar a year and he likes that price; he likes the idea of putting money into a building that can be owned; when City has cut City Hall hours, why put money into facilities that belong to others; City must save all the money possible. Following Council discussion on various buildings, Building 6, costs involved, estimates, alternate recommendations, Councilmember Appezzato stated Building 6 does not excite him; however, if it is the most cost effective he will consider it; studies must first be done on the building, and he would like staff to look at the East Wing, and perhaps negotiations with the School District; if the District does not contribute, perhaps Council would not consider it; but they may contribute, provide it rent-free, City can put public access on ground floor and use middle and top floors for areas not requiring public access; he would like that looked at. Vice Mayor Roth noted problems with the School, including access. Councilmember Appezzato stated in the meantime, other sites could be explored and more definite figures for Councilman Arnerich. President Withrow stated perhaps guidance can be given to the City Manager by stating that we aim for Building 6 in terms of negotiating with the Navy and pursuing everything that needs to be pursued in putting together a package; in addition to that, explore possibilities of the East Wing and other alternatives of miscellaneous locations including lower floor in old jail in this building; consider Building 6 ADA requirements and come back to Council on other sites. The City Manager suggested, to do that, adopt the seven recommendations in the Public Works Director's report [page 9] but include under the 6th recommendation, the East Wing of the Historic Alameda High School and negotiation with Superintendent of Schools. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council November 15, 1994 Councilman Arnerich requested Health Building be included. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. Gerhard Degemann, Alameda, President, Historic Alameda High School Foundation, Inc., questioned the cost of renovating the East Wing. Richard King, Alameda, stated the oil crust that runs through channels on the base should be considered; and the baseline survey may not be done until January, perhaps February. The City Manager stated that will be considered during environmental review. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. [Lucas absent] 94-694 Report from Finance Director regarding Unfunded Capital Improvement Projects. (Mayor Withrow) President Withrow noted this is a good package, putting together in a single document, most capital requirements in actual costs. The City Manger reviewed the report, noting grants the City will likely receive. President Withrow noted the debt service; and stated that looking at capital requirements, many of which are required because of ADA or seismic requirements, he would recommend Council take the projects, prioritize them in terms of what the City should pursue timewise, place associated debt service alongside so that when the general fund budget is reviewed, Council can determine to what degree, and when, the City will be able to afford these items; he would incorporate the Golf Course capital improvement projects into the list even though they are an Enterprise Fund, for the benefit of the public; and stated the package is good. Councilmember Appezzato moved acceptance. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion. Councilman Arnerich stated the report was done well; and discussed the Main Street Linear Park with the City Manager and Public Works Director. The motion was carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. [Lucas absent] 94-695 Ordinance No. 2678, N.S. "Granting an appropriate interest in land from the City of Alameda to the United States of America for sanitary sewer purposes across the Oakland Inner Harbor." Final Passage. Regular Meeting. Alameda City Council November 15, 1994 Councilmember Appezzato moved final passage. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. [Lucas absent]. 94-696 Ordinance No. 2679. N.S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by amending Section 8-29, Transportation Systems Management (TSM), to modify time of compliance for registration and Employee Transportation Coordinator (ETC) training." Final Passage. Councilmember Appezzato moved final Passage. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. [Lucas absent] ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA (Public Comment) 94-697 Neil Sweeney, Alameda, stated the Base Conversion Project Manager Don Parker, will be leaving in January, 1995, and his [Sweeney's] recommendation is for Mr. Parker's replacement to be Mayor William Withrow, who has been a competent leader of the Base Conversion Program; the BRAG should be retained; Vice Mayor Roth should be hired to continue his contribution; and discussed his suggestion for a UCSF research hospital and second campus on NAS property. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (Communications from Council) 94-698 Consideration of Mayor's nomination for an appointment to the Civil Service Board. Mayor Withrow nominated Edwin Cooney to the Civil Service Commission. 94-699 Consideration of Mayor's nomination for an appointment to the Historical Advisory Board. Mayor Withrow nominated Christ C. Christ for an appointment to the Historical Advisory Board. 94-700 Consideration of nominations for (two) appointments to the Rent Review Advisory Committee. (renter positions) Mayor Withrow appointed Laurie J. Hobbie and Robert J. Stefun to the Rent Review Advisory Committee. 94-701 Consideration of Mayor's nominations for appointment to the Economic Development Commission. Mayor Withrow nominated James T. Kennedy and James G. Pittard for reappointment, and Anthony H. Daysog for appointment to the Economic Development Commission. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council November 15, 1994 94-702 Councilmember Appezzato requested the City Manager report on the merits of placing the Naval Air Station in the Redevelopment Area. ADJOURNMENT 94-703 Mayor Withrow adjourned the meeting at 11:48 p.m. in memory of R. "Dick" Shore, a citizen who has contributed a great deal to life in this community. Respectfully submitted, /GUL D ANE B. FELSCH, CMC City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted 72 hours in advance. Regular Meeting, Alameda City Council November 15, 1994