1994-11-28 Special CC Minutes377 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ALAMEDA CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 28. 1994 (Held concurrently with a Meeting of the Alameda Unified School District) The meeting was called to order by President Withrow at 4:40 p.m., in Room 316, City Hall. President Withrow announced this is a public meeting, a formal meeting, and normal procedures of a Council Meeting and the regulations of the Brown Act and the State of California will be followed. Roll Call City Council Present: President Withrow, Vice Mayor Roth, and Councilmembers Appezzato, Arnerich and Lucas - 5. Absent: None. Alameda Unified School District Present: Superintendent of Schools Dennis Chaconas, School Board President Sam Huie, and School Board Vice President Greely. Agenda Items from previous meetings 94-704 Child Care - (Superintendent of Schools Chaconas, Alameda Unified School District) Superintendent Chaconas addressed child care in the Crab Cove facility, stated that, even though the need for child care for the 1- to 5-year-olds has somewhat been met, the issue of the 9- to 11- year-olds' need for low cost and no-cost child care remains. The City Manager reported that the City looked at the Crab Cove site and, although the City thought they could use certain classrooms and facilities, GSA, General Services Administration for the federal government, indicates they would not have anything available for use at this time; if facilities at middle schools could be obtained, programs may be available; activities such as basketball could be explored; and noted little interest was generated when Lincoln was pursued as a site at one time. Special Meeting, Alameda City Council (Joint Meeting w/AUSD) Nov. 28, 1994 Superintendent Chaconas stated he met with student leadership classes and there was an interest in pursuing or increasing activities for those who are serious about after-school activity. The City Manager stated that when children move from elementary into middle school, they start dropping out of recreation programs and that is a good area to pursue. Superintendent Chaconas confirmed that he talked with the middle school, and their issue was that the majority of sports after school are for teens which does not allow youngsters to develop. President Withrow inquired concerning status of the after-school program the Recreation Department provided and the low turnout at Woodstock in particular. Superintendent Chaconas replied he mailed a letter to parents of prospective participants; the program was co-sponsored between the City, School District and Alameda Bank; flyers were passed out; he does not know if cost was the problem; and the program has been cancelled. The City Manager stated the cost of the program was discounted for low-income persons to $40, that was still too high, and he thinks the cost must be reduced to perhaps half that amount. President Withrow stated, lessons learned regarding why the program did not succeed, for the record, would be worthwhile. School Board Vice President Greely discussed the need for early announcements to be sent out; and for new data to be collected. Responding to School Board President Sam Huie, the City Manager stated Washington School and Paden School students, walk to Washington Park, and Woodstock and Longfellow students go to the Woodstock Park. Following discussion on the cost, and the lack of affordability for some parents, the City Manager stated it might be necessary to take the cost down to zero. Councilmember Lucas questioned if the children would wander; stated she thinks money is a factor, but a 10-yr-old child might want to go elsewhere with their friends. Superintendent Chaconas stated new data is needed. Vice Mayor Roth stated knowing if someone turned it [program] down because it was too expensive is necessary information; and if that was not the problem, must find what the problem is. Special Meeting, Alameda City Council (Joint Meeting w/AUSD) Nov. 28, 1994 Councilmember Lucas inquired if child care programs are in the higher income areas; and the City Manager replied many participants are in those areas and listed locations and enrollment. School Board Vice President Greely commented on a survey last year which showed considerable demand in K-3 grade levels, demand in excess of available space; the grade levels 3, 4 and 5 who are now being served through the RAP program, have a lower demand. When we talked about Crab Cove, it was to try and deal with the k-3s. We need new data and we need to get it sorted out into categories. 94-705 Open Campus (Mayor Withrow, City of Alameda) President Withrow stated he requested this item be on agenda as a follow-up to a meeting he had with a group of citizens in the San Antonio/Walnut area experiencing an increased level of crime, much of which is attributed to Alameda High School students - true or otherwise; students mill around in the neighborhood during the daytime and especially at noontime, with assertive and aggressive behavior, and are not going to class regularly; and he talked to the Superintendent to see if something could be done in terms of putting areas off-limits, or withdrawing privilege of leaving campus, if in fact, they are abusing residents; a number of the children were known to the police. Superintendent Chaconas stated that last year he was concerned about the number of complaints he received; and he met with the leadership class of Encinal, Alameda and Island High Schools that campuses could be closed, shared concerns, indicated to them that he and the Mayor would like to set up a meeting with the administration of Alameda High School and community members to get a sense of what is going on; he could recommend to the Board for closure, but a learning process takes place; noted efforts on Park Street and improvement; he would like some students, part of administration, himself and Mayor, to meet with them; if problems cannot be resolved, there is a potential of putting certain areas off limits; he is not sure closing the campus would correct the problem. President Withrow stated collecting a group of citizens together with the students will not be easy because the citizens are intimidated by the students as cars are trashed and windows broken, but a couple of spokespersons would come and relate issues they understand; because of the kind of issue, he would not send names but will have them go to Supterintendent Chaconas. Superintendent Chaconas suggested a letter could be sent out to the community, a notice that persons with complaints or concerns about students could call Alameda High School; a phone number and person who would handle calls could be provided. Special Meeting, Alameda City Council (Joint Meeting w/AUSD) Nov. 28, 1994 8 President Withrow stated the residents appeared to have no idea to whom they spoke when they called the high school; they do not identify matters in a way the Police Department finds useable; and there is drug dealing in the area that adds to the problem. Councilmember-elect DeWitt stated he lives across the street from Encinal High and everything just said is correct; the incidents happen at lunchtime and after school is out, when students gather and wait for their buddies to come out; it is a problem; bottles and lunches and trash are dropped all over the sidewalk, a complaint process probably would help, but the people who have been most successful in keeping kids from walking on grass and throwing things down are the ones that complain strongly and a Counselor comes down and handles the situation. Councilman Arnerich stated if a decision is made for a closed campus, he believes that should go before the School Board, and the City should be advised so they may find out what impact would result on the merchants. Councilmember Lucas stated she suspects the problem area is localized and maybe only a couple of young people in the area cause the problem. Mayor Withrow agreed, stated a lady who lives less than a block from Councilman Arnerich has been very intimidated by Lincoln School students; however, everyone should not be penalized for the actions of a few. Superintendent Chaconas stated he will work with students to see if the issues can be addressed; if a real problem area exists which the Police Department believes is out of control, it is not a big issue to restrict certain areas during certain times of the day; first, should meet with the leadership classes about the issues raised; secondly, try to set up a meeting with the City's help with some individuals raising issues; and have students present to understand the concerns. Councilmember Lucas stated she believes most young people are behaving better than they once did. Superintendent Chaconas stated the administration of Alameda High School has been more visible since a discussion with the Mayor. Councilmember Appezzato stated police reports may give an indication of a trend; also, if [incidents] are not reported, perhaps reporting should be encouraged. Vice Mayor Roth stated the trend may be better, yet persons noticing an incident, add it in their minds to incidents a few years prior, and that should be separated out, when assessing a Special Meeting, Alameda City Council (Joint Meeting w/AUSD) Nov. 28, 1994 program that might be working. Superintendent Chaconas stated he needs better information; and noted that the three leadership classes were pleased when he told them he did not have a complaint. Mayor Withrow stated perhaps the School District should recognize the need to be a little more proactive when symptoms [of problems] appear. 94-706 Update on NAS Activities - (Superintendent of Schools Chaconas, Alameda Unified School District) Superintendent Chaconas stated District's concern is once again outline further movement of the base, need of information an ongoing concern with Naval personnel being moved. President Withrow stated activity changes rapidly and he has on the agenda for Regular Council Meeting of December 6th, a proposed letter from him to the Secretary of the Navy recommending reconsideration of pulling the carrier battle groups out, consideration of a long-term lease of certain facilities and housing which would amount to about 10% of the acreage; and commented on a movement to retain the operating fleet in this area but would mean a substantial reduction in numbers of students; stated one of the carriers has been ordered out as of February 1st. Councilmember Appezzato commented that the Northwest may not be ready for the carriers, nor Southern California, so that there is a strong possibility that the Navy may want the carriers to stay longer than anticipated. Councilman Arnerich stated there is an article in yesterday's Examiner on NAS, and the number of acres desired for a wildlife habitat. President Withrow discussed a timeline with, and without, a lease. Councilmember-elect DeWitt discussed BRAC procedure; and he is hoping the Navy can be encouraged to make the recommendation that this issue be revisited, rather than waiting for the Commission to come out in 1995. Councilmember Appezzato stated he will be going to the U.S. Conference of Mayors in January, and he is already exploring the possibility. Superintendent Chaconas commented on the effect upon the school district; that some employees are being lost to other districts because those districts are offering permanent contracts. Special Meeting, Alameda City Council (Joint Meeting w/AUSD) Nov. 28, 1994 President Withrow stated if he were part of the School District, he would be making contingency plans in the event the Navy decides to stay. New Items 94-707 Relocation of City Offices - (Superintendent of Schools Chaconas, Alameda Unified School District) Superintendent Chaconas stated matter was placed on the agenda because the City is discussing relocation. The City Manager reported that Council took a position at the last Council Meeting to pursue Building 6 at the Naval Supply Center, look at two buildings, one on Park Street, one on Webster Street, and to negotiate with the Superintendent to determine if we could benefit the District, looking at the east wing of the Historic Alameda High School; commented on tour of the premises, discussion with an architect, and request that the architect report how City Hall office would fit in the east wing building and on related costs; he discussed further detail, advantages and disadvantages of site, timeline on ADA requirements, possible grants, and the necessity to be out of City Hall by May 1st. Superintendent Chaconas stated there would need to be discussions take place between the City, the Historic Alameda High School Foundation and himself on the possibility of moving into the east wing. Vice Mayor Roth stated that the east wing must house City Hall by May 1st. Superintendent Chaconas noted his recommendation to the Board is that this is a win-win situation for the School District and the City. President Withrow discussed funding, and debt service. Gerhard Degemann, President, Historic Alameda High School Foundation, noted that a provision in the lease with the District requires the building be rehabilitated by July 1, 1995, or the Foundation can exercise its lease; and the Foundation must be a part of the negotiations. Vice Mayor Roth discussed the square footage in the east wing, and the adult school. Superintendent Chaconas stated if the District is unable to accommodate the adult school classes at current locations, the district can move them to other locations. Special Meeting, Alameda City Council (Joint Meeting w/AUSD) Nov. 28, 1994 4Q Councilmember Appezzato stated he would like the City Manager and Superintendent Chaconas to continue their negotiations because he believes it is a win-win situation; he is in favor because the funds spent will remain with the taxpayers. School Board Vice President Greely stated the School Board has not met yet because more information is being gathered; and questioned the timeline. The City Manager stated he must have leases in place by second meeting in December in order to be ready by May lst; and report from the architect will be ready for the December 20th Council Meeting. Councilmember Lucas stated District needs to provide for a contingency, if the City needs the site for longer than three years. Councilman Arnerich commented on parking requirements. Councilman Arnerich discussed the Americans with Disabilities Act, as it pertains to the former Park Street business, TJs, and with Mr. Corcoran, who stated his particular needs. Vice Mayor Roth discussed cost of improvements. A general discussion on costs and various locations ensued. Superintendent Chaconas stated the City Manager's deadline to move is not an unreasonable date. Vice Mayor Roth discussed seismic upgrading of the east wing. Mr. Degemann stated the Foundation will meet at any time necessary to address the matter. The City Manager commented that the Council voted 4 - 0 to pursue Building 6; and to negotiate with the Superintendent; the School District can work out their problems with the Historic Alameda High School Foundation; the City will have the architect's plans available at the December 20th Regular Council Meeting. Also, Councilmember Lucas has requested this subject be agendized at the next Council Meeting. Reverend Wilfred Hodgkin, Alameda, expressed his support for the Alameda Historic High School site. 94-708 Crime Prevention - (Superintendent of Schools Chaconas, Alameda Unified School District) and 94-709 Crime Bill Funding - Additional APD Office Special Meeting, Alameda City Council (Joint Meeting w/AUSD) Nov. 28, 1994 384 (Superintendent of Schools Chaconas, Alameda Unified School District) President Withrow stated he is sure the City will apply for grants under the Crime Bill, particularly for the Civic Center; and encouraged the School District to move swiftly in acquiring crime prevention funding. The Superintendent concurred. 94-710 School Board President Huie thanked everyone for being present; stated it has been a personal pleasure to work with Mayor Vice-Mayor and Council; significant strides have been made; the meetings have set a tone for a positive relationship, and thanked those who have attended. 94-711 President Withrow stated the meetings have been worthwhile; a lot of issues have been discussed that would not have been, were there not regular meetings. Adjournment President Withrow adjourned the meeting at 6:03 p.m. R ectfully submitted, DANE B. FELS , C C City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in advance in accordance with the Brown Act. Special Meeting, Alameda City Council (Joint Meeting w/AUSD) Nov. 28, 1994