1992-01-07 Regular CC Minutes2 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA. JANUARY 7, 1992 The meeting convened at 7:56 (following the Housing Authority Board of Commissioners meeting), with President Withrow presiding. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Roth, and Reverend Doug Henderson gave the invocation. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Arnerich, Camicia, Lucas, Roth, and President Withrow - 5. Absent: None. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CLOSED SESSION ACTIONS Mayor Withrow announced that Council adjourned to Closed Session at 6:30 p.m. at Special Council Meeting to consider: 92-002 Labor Relations, pursuant to Subsection (a) of Government Code Section 54957.6 of the Brown Act: Mayor Withrow stated Council was advised; no action was taken; At 7:05 p.m., Council adjourned to Closed Session to consider: 92-003 Sastini v. City of Alameda, pursuant to Subsection (a) of the legal counsel section of the Brown Act: Mayor Withrow stated Council was advised; no action was taken. PROCLAMATIONS AND SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY. 92-004 Presentation of Certificate of Service to Edwin Dankworth, former Member of the Public Utilities Board. Mr. Dankworth was not present to receive his Certificate. 92-005 Presentation of Certificate of Service to Marilyn Foley, former Member of the Library Board. Mayor Withrow expressed appreciation for Ms. Foley's service, and presented the Certificate to her. 92-006 Presentation of Certificate of Service to Theony Condos, former Member of the Library Board. Ms. Condos was not present to receive her Certificate. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Camicia moved approval of the Consent Calendar. Councilmember Roth seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk. *92-007 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of December 17, 1991, January 7, 1992 and Special Council Meetings of December 12 and December 17, 1991. Approved. *92-008 Report from Public Works Director recommending award of contract to EMSCO of San Francisco for Construction of Municipal Parking Lot 'D' (Northwest Corner of Webster Street and Taylor Avenue), No. P.W. 10-91-11. Accepted. *92-009 Report from Community Development Director regarding Annual Review of the Affordable Housing Ordinance. Accepted. *92-010 Report from Public Works Director recommending approval of the Memorandum of Understanding for Airport Roadway Project Environmental Documentation. Accepted. *92-011 Report from Personnel Department presenting draft on Family Leave Policy for tentative approval. Accepted. *92-012 Resolution No. 12183. "Reappointing Carole Finnegan and Joan Schopf, Member and Alternate Respectively, to the Bay Area Library and Information System Lay Advisory Board." Adopted. *92-013 Resolution No. 12184. "Designating the Public Works Director as the authorized representative of the City of Alameda for the purpose of signing San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) Applications." Adopted. *92-014 Resolution No. 12185. "Ratifying Public Utilities Board Approval of the Graeagle Hydroelectric Project NCPA Third Phase Agreement." Adopted. *92-015 Bills, certified by the City Manager to be true and correct, were ratified in the amount of $1,862,127.13. AGENDA ITEMS 92-016 Public Hearing to consider 1992 Garbage Rates; and Resolution No. 12186. "Establishing Garbage Rates for 1992." Harry Carsch, Alameda, Willows Homeowners' Association, stated the Association objects to rates being calculated on a per-unit basis, and requests reduction of monthly charges. Anne Greene, Willows Homeowners' Association, stated Safeway is billed $1500 and the Willows is charged $3000 for less [collection], and the charge should be per dumpster, not by number of units. Dave McDonald, Executive Vice-President, Oakland Scavenger, stated in the proposal before Council tonight is a drastic reduction of return on equity from 17% to 10%, which has been protested to the Joint Refuse Rate Review Committee (JRRRC); and stated apartment rate [calculation] was carried over from Alameda Disposal; however, the proposal staff is presenting to Council is for apartments to be billed on a container basis rather than a unit basis, which should result in a reduction. January 7, 1992 4 The City Manager stated the rate structure includes a reduction fo:- large apartments and condominiums, which have bins; a bin rate will b( charged which will amount to about a twenty or thirty percent decrease; the staff report notes in the recommendation that adjustments will be made in the apartment house accounts. Councilmember Roth inquired if a senior citizen in an apartment house unit can have a mini-can rate, to which Mr. McDonald stated that is a good question, and should be addressed. Councilmember Lucas inquired about the charges for the Willows Condominium complex; Mr. McDonald stated a call can be made to Mr. Carsch tomorrow [January 8, 1992] to provide him a representative charge. The City Manager stated the Willows would be charged on the frequency of pickup and the number of bins, at a little less than $1600 per month as compared to the $2700 charge. President Withrow discussed market risk with Mr. McDonald, noting the federal discount rate is an indicator of risk-less money, and has dropped by 50% over the past year, which should be considered in assessing return on equity; and 10% is a good return on equity. Mr. McDonald stated other factors also must be considered, e.g., the drop in interest rates. President Withrow stated citizens of Alameda should be treated in a like fashion as the rest of the market, and in a way to be expected during a recessionary period. Councilmember Roth addressed efficiencies and costs with Mr. McDonald. Council further discussed return on equity with Mr. McDonald. Councilmember Lucas stated the JRRRC has an idea of reasonableness y comparing Alameda to other communities, and inquired what would be reasonable. The Finance Director stated the Committee has recommended the 10% return on equity, various factors were looked at; also the recommendation only increases the second-can rate and the commercial rate; the mini-can and first 32-gallon can are not being increased, apartment units will enjoy a reduction in rate of 17% to 21%, and all are encompassed in the resolution. The City Manager noted the Finance Director is the JRRRC representative for the City; JRRRC took efficiencies and cutting costs into account, and have written Oakland Scavenger to cut costs during this time to accommodate rate savings to City and ratepayers. In response to Councilmember Roth's inquiry, the City Manager noted, if the Committee made any change in recommendation due to Oakland Scavenger's request for reconsideration, the matter would come back before Council. January 7, 1992 Gerhard Degemann, Alameda, stated he would like to see, before Council approves the rate increase, what kind of effort Waste Management, Inc. (WMI) has made to reduce costs. Councilman Arnerich stated Oakland Scavenger has made an attempt; the mini-can and single can remains the same; and discussed Measure D funds with the City Manager and the Public Works Director. Councilmember Roth stated that the bottom line is costs will remain the same; apartment house owners will have a savings; overall, the citizens are saving. Councilmember Roth noted if a residential unit works hard to recycle and reduces solid waste by 30%, it can drop to mini-can rate and cut garbage bill in half, it is an incentive to recycle and a cost savings; and overall it [the proposal] looks good. Councilman Arnerich moved acceptance [of recommendation to continue same rates for mini-cans and the first 32-gallon can, and increase, by 5%, the commercial accounts and second and succeeding 32-gallon cans.] Councilmember Roth seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Councilmember Camicia moved to adopt the resolution. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 92-017 Public Hearing to consider amending Title XI (Zoning) of the Alameda Municipal Code relating to water conservation; and Introduction of Ordinance No. , N.S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Amending Sections 11-14C8(d), 11-232(d) and 11-811 Through 11-821 Pertaining to Landscape Requirements Related to Parking Dimensions and Access, Design Review, and Water Conservation, and Adding Sections 11-822 Through 11-823 Pertaining to Water Conservation Landscaping." Councilmember Lucas moved the recommendation. Councilmember Roth inquired if Alameda uses more water per person than other neighboring cities. Tom Fox, EBMUD, stated he does not know but could find out, is present to address questions regarding proposed amendment which refines the ordinance and makes it easier to administer. Councilmember Roth stated his concern is that a person who has an acre of land may have a turf area as large as someone's lot that is to be limited to only 25% landscaped area; Planning Board is on right track, stating minimum of at least 500 square feet, and 90% of plants need to be drought resistant; people should be able to choose how they wish to use their water allocation. Mr. Fox stated at least 10% exotic plants are allowed; only 90% are recommended to be drought-tolerant; 25% turf limitation was considered fair because it is 25% for everyone, and the ordinance pertains only to January 7, 1992 new development whether, e.g., commercial, public entities. The Interim Planning Director clarified the ordinance would only apply when landscaping plan is submitted at time a new building is applied for. Councilmember Roth stated major consumers of water in the State are non - residential and that should be addressed. Councilmember Lucas stated Council must provide responsible planning for future; people can still have attractive yards; water resources must not be wasted. Councilman Arnerich agreed Council must look toward the future, and where the majority of water is used; agriculture uses 86% of California's water; noted business parks have green lawns, watered every day, and inquired how EBMUD controls that. Mr. Fox commented on recently passed Assembly Bill 325, requiring [water - efficient] landscape ordinances; if Council feels specific elements need adjustment, that is understandable and the method most cities have used. President Withrow acknowledged elected representative to EBMUD Board of Directors Nancy Nadell's presence at the meeting. Councilmember Lucas moved the recommendation [to adopt the propose, ordinance]. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Arnerich, Camicia, Lucas and President Withrow - 4. Noes: Councilmember Roth - 1. Absent: None. 92 -018 Memorandum from Councilmember Camicia transmitting Questionnaire on Water Conservation. Councilmember Camicia explained matter, stating he sits on EBMUD's Water Supply Management Program Community Advisory Committee, a group assembled to evaluate and discuss plans for future water supply management; introduced Mr. Arnold Brown, a Committee Member; expressed concern regarding having an area where people are attempting to conserve while people in other areas are using thousands of gallons per day to water lawns. Arnold Brown, Member of EBMUD's Committee, commended EBMUD for not resorting to short -term solutions; efforts to conserve, by everyone, are needed; 42% of interior water usage in this area involves usage in toilet system; and the Committee believes significant savings of water would result from installation of low -flush toilets, and would like Council's views on replacement of current toilet system; and introduced Terry Powell and Jackie Millet, EBMUD staff members. Councilmember Roth stated [the Committee] is on the right track; ,. low -flush toilet can be purchased inexpensively and the cost savings would pay for it over the next ten years; P.G.& E. helped insulate houses during the energy crisis, and that example could be followed. January 7, 1992 President Withrow inquired if seawater usage in sewer systems is being addressed. Mr. Brown replied a part of the conservation management program involves reclamation program as well, and that will be discussed in a different segment of the Committee's work. Jackie Millet stated that has not been looked at and is not considered part of this program because better alternative programs exist at this point; reclamation programs and reusing water are being looked at; and outside irrigation with reclaimed water, but not putting dual systems in homes. President Withrow noted a number of countries are using seawater for sewers, and new developments would be susceptible to putting in a dual system; a 42% savings taken across the board for new developments would be substantial [water] savings in the State. Councilman Arnerich, in answer to questions presented about whether persons would be willing to replace and/or install certain water-conserving facilities or devices at certain prices, stated the answer is no; a great savings would result if water were not sent to Southern California. Councilmember Roth stated he believes people will respond if EBMUD could offer to install a low-flush toilet, stating the cost to customer is $50, and is returned by a cost savings over a period of time; and perhaps the [Plumbing] Code could be changed to require a 1.5 gallon flush when a new toilet is put in. President Withrow inquired what response is being received when the program is presented to neighboring cities. Councilmember Camicia replied discussion in San Leandro was similar to tonight's discussion, and concern was expressed that any plan must fit in with a State-wide water plan; an incentive must be offered, and that would be a reduced bill. Councilman Arnerich expressed concern that persons with a great deal of money should not be allowed to use a great deal of water on their property but should conserve also. Gerhard Degemann, Alameda, stated water must be conserved, his family conserves on landscaping, showers, and toilets, and demonstrates water-savers at his store. Councilmember Camicia moved to accept report. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. President Withrow thanked representatives from EBMUD, Mr. Brow., Councilmember Camicia, and representatives from the Alameda County Conference of Mayors that are working in conjunction with EBMUD to provide solutions. * * * * * January 7, 1992 President Withrow stated requests have been made by audience to ta items regarding Youth Committee and ferry issue out of order. * * * * * 92-019 Report from City Manager recommending creation of a Youth Committee. William Garvine, President, Alameda Unified School District Board of Education, stated he is representing the School District and the Board to endorse proposal for Youth Committee, and thank Council for effort made to include young people in the design; District and Board are both confident meaningful dialogue and programs will result, and look forward to working with Council; thanked Councilmember Roth for his service with task force developed late last year looking at financial options for School District programs, activities and facilities. Councilmember Lucas stated the Committee will be useful and inquired if School Board will help staff Committee or support some of its costs. Mr. Garvine stated discussions have been held on how the Committee might be staffed, and anticipate working with Council and finding a viable option, some kind of shared responsibility. Councilmember Roth stated he appreciates, when reading report, letters by staff regarding duplication with Youth Activities Network. President Withrow proposed the Youth Committee be composed of You Activities Network, which would cut out duplication, provide existing group already focused on youth activities; then a subcommittee could be composed of young adults from high schools and middle schools. Councilmember Roth agreed and suggested the School District help with selection of young people for subcommittee to provide ethnic, cultural, economic mix for representative input; and he would so move that. Councilman Arnerich agreed, and moved acceptance of youth activities [Committee], and that questions raised by Library and Recreation Directors be considered. President Withrow requested the motion to include that the Youth Committee be composed of Youth Activities Network Members. Councilman Arnerich agreed. Councilmember Camicia seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 92-020 Report from Public Works Director recommending approval of Contract Extension for Alameda/Oakland Ferry Service with Blue & Gold Fleet. Rob Rhodes, Alameda, stated he has ridden on the ferry system sinc first day after earthquake; Blue & Gold has done outstanding joh riders feel positive toward Blue & Gold, and he favors extension. Jean Elerick, Alameda, stated she has ridden ferry since earthquake, enjoyed Red & White Fleet but Blue & Gold has given exceptional January 7, 1992 service, and she would like to see their service extended another year. Roger Murphy, Blue & Gold Fleet, San Francisco, stated Blue & Gold's position was stated in letter he sent Council the day before the meeting and he is present to answer questions. President Withrow stated Council must obtain the best service at the best price; if Requests for Proposals go out and Blue & Gold returns with bid which provides best service, Blue & Gold will get the contract; the marketplace may give a better financial break, given the fact the City will provide the ferry boat, as the City is to receive a ferry boat purchased and paid for by the State; he proposes the contract not be extended but opened up for bids to the marketplace; and Alameda and the ferry riders may get a better deal. Councilmember Roth stated he agrees except contracts should run longer than one year, bids are based on all factors, and if funds are spent in promotion to build [the service] up, more time is required to recover costs. President Withrow stated if Blue & Gold determines they have an investment, they will be very competitive to acquire the contract. Councilmember Roth stated perhaps Council should renew the Contract and plan at this time next year for two-year contract and competitive bidding, and inquired when the City will receive the ferry boat. President Withrow replied in 18 months. Councilmember Roth stated perhaps the Contract should be renewed for 18 months and then the City go out for competitive bids. Councilmember Lucas inquired if bidding is legally required, to which the Assistant City Attorney stated contracts over a certain [dollar] amount are required, however, when the Contract, went out to bid, there was a provision allowing the City to renew it. Councilmember Lucas stated she agrees with the Mayor that Council owes the citizens to obtain the best deal possible, and the presumption is that bidding provides that, and it does not make sense to her to go any other way. Karen Weiser, Alameda, stated she is a ferry rider and she is concerned that a continuing service be maintained. President Withrow assured the speaker there is time to go out to bid, and Council has made a firm commitment to maintain service. Ms. Weiser suggested a more frequent schedule. President Withrow stated that is a good point; marketing statistics argue in that direction, the new ferry boat will be faster; and the stated goal for Alameda Countywide Transportation Plan is to have ferry landings in Alameda every twenty minutes. January 7, 1992 10 Councilmember Lucas stated she supports President Withrow's remarks assured Ms. Weiser that Council wants increased and improved fer-_, service. Councilman Arnerich stated going out to bid at this time does not make sense to him because he does not necessarily believe the lowest bid is always the best bid; he rode Red & White and there is no comparison to what Blue & Gold has been providing; the service has been excellent; they have increased the patronage 17% and are 97% on time schedule; and he will support [the extension]. Councilmember Lucas moved the matter be put out for bid. Councilmember Camicia seconded the motion which carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Camicia, Lucas and President Withrow - 3. Noes: Councilmembers Arnerich and Roth - 2. Absent: None. 92-021 Report from City Manager on costs for staffing Boards, Commissions and Committees. The City Manager explained the background of the matter: time and costs expended by staff have been reviewed and total cost is approximately $800,000; time spent helping Committees is productive however some of that time could be spent on other activities; and suggested possible changes, e.g., reducing the number of meetings combining some Committees. President Withrow discussed the life-spans and roles of seven* Committees, e.g., Solid Waste Management Recycling Committee; and inquired if the City Manager has a management control system to invoke a budget process on Committees to permit a certain amount in staff time for a year, and when limit is reached, they are required to report back to Council to request a budget modification. The City Manager responded affirmatively. President Withrow stated that should be done; Council needs to look at each Committee, approve allocations, and if exceeded, Committee returns to Council. Councilman Arnerich reviewed and analyzed the staff hours and cost of staff time as reflected in the report, questioning the City Manager regarding same, and noting that he does not believe the figures reflect a true picture and are inflated. Councilmember Roth stated he is pleased with the report because he believes the goal was to provide awareness that much time is spent to support Committees; Committees should be aware that when requests are made, time and effort by staff is taken to provide information, and staff time is taken away from handling counter and routine work; suggested possibly eliminating or merging Rent Review Advisory Committee under another Committee, e.g., Social Service Human Relation, Board (SSHRB) or Housing Commission; also Civil Service Board coup hold meetings on an as-needed basis. Note: Use of term "Committees" during Council discussion, refers to Boards/Commissions/Committees. January 7, 1992 11 President Withrow stated the Pension Board meets for about ten minutes and he would like that to be handled by staff as a routine staff operating matter. The Assistant City Attorney stated the structure is set up by ordinance; but the ordinance could be revised. Councilmember Camicia stated perhaps Cable Television Oversight Committee could be placed under Public Utilities Board, Board of Appeals under Planning Board, Traffic Systems Management and Traffic Advisory Committee could be combined, and SSHRB could be combined with Mayor's Committee for the Handicapped. Councilmember Roth stated perhaps staff could come back with Council's different options on this matter. Councilmembers Camicia and Arnerich agreed. President Withrow proposed staff provide a budget process and requests for staff time be justified on goals and objectives; that Council review budgets; Committees could receive report from the City Manager indicating their progress throughout the year, and if they exceed their allocation, they could adjust or come back to Council and request modification. Councilman Arnerich discussed with City Manager how figures in staff report were determined; further discussed the report analysis, and stated the figures are not reasonable and out of line. Councilmember Camicia moved that time be measured and budgeted; staff report back with recommendation concerning combining or eliminating certain Boards/Commissions/Committees. Councilmember Lucas stated she would like the figures reviewed. President Withrow stated he would like added Boards/Commissions/Committees submit budget Camicia agreed. Councilmember Roth seconded the motion which voice vote - 5. into the motion that the requests. Councilmember was carried by unanimous 92-022 Report from Interim Planning Director regarding consultant selection for preparation of an area-wide Strategy Plan. Councilmember Camicia moved the recommendation [to authorize negotiation with Roma Design Group]. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion. Councilmember Roth stated he is pleased progress is being made with redevelopment; however, he wants to be E,ure consultants know they may have an open mind and policy when recommendations are made and not believe they must conform to the General Plan. The City Manager stated consultants come back with something different from what is in the General Plan, and if so, a change in the General January 7, 1992 12 Plan would be required, but there is no limitation on consultant' recommendations. Councilmember Roth clarified he wants to make clear that consultants have a free range of ideas. The motion was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 92-023 Report from Finance Director transmitting Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1991 (Audit Report). Councilmember Camicia moved recommendation [acceptance of the report]. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 92-024 Resolution No. 12187 "Allocating Proposition 116 Ferry Funds for City of Alameda Ferry Projects; Accepting Responsibility for Operating and Maintaining Ferry Vessel; Accepting Legal Liability and Agreeing to Fund Overages from Non-State Funds." Herb Shelmadine, Alameda, stated he agreed with Council action regarding Agreement for ferry services [see paragraph 92-020] as he believes in going out to bid. Councilmember Camicia moved adoption of the resolution. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA 92-025 John Scott Graham, Alameda, stated heavy enrollment in English as a Second Language classes at local colleges effects the availability of other classes, e.g. biology, chemistry, etc.; suggested U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service be required to provide funding to schools to prevent future class cutbacks. 92-026 Herb Shelmadine, Alameda, complimented the City Council, City staff, and Police Department for doing a fine job last year; expressed dissatisfaction with individuals working against the Mayor and City. * * * * Councilmember Camicia moved Council extend the meeting past 11:00 p.m. Councilmember Roth seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. NEW BUSINESS AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 92-027 President Withrow announced the U.S. homeported in Alameda. 92-028 Councilman Arnerich commented on Television's recent announcement concerning and the concurrent rate increase. 92-029 Councilman Arnerich requested that January 7, 1992 S. Carl Vinson will he United Artists' Cable improved programming the Council Meeting be adjourned in memory of Joan Fairfield. 92-030 Councilman Arnerich requested Recreation Commission consider naming lower Washington Park Tennis Courts in memory of Joan Fairfield. 92-031 Councilmember Camicia stated he attended a Fernside Homeowners, meeting and would like the following matters addressed: 1) stop signs at the intersections of Lincoln and Gibbons, and Cornell and Bayo Vista; and 2) Federal funding to study connecting 66th Avenue intersection with Harbor Bay Isle. Councilmember Camicia noted there were three other items, e.g., licensing of a day care center, which he will privately look into. ADJOURNMENT 92-032 President Withrow adjourned the meeting at 11:05 p.m. in memory of Joan Fairfield. ectfully sub itt DIE B. FEL CH, City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted 72 hours in advance. January 7, 1992