1992-03-03 Regular CC Minutes64 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA MARCH 3, 1992 The meeting convened at 7:35 p.m., with President Withrow presiding. Reverend Robert Keller gave the invocation. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Arnerich. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Arnerich, Lucas, Roth, and President Withrow - 4. Absent: Councilmember Camicia - 1. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CLOSED SESSION ACTION(S) Mayor Withrow announced that Council, at a Special Council Meeting, prior to the regular meeting, adjourned to Closed Session at 6:30 p.m. to consider: 92-162 Workers' Compensation Claim, pursuant to Subsection (a) of legal counsel section of the Brown Act: Mayor Withrow stated Council approved settlement of the Workers' Compensation Claim. 92-163 Labor Relations, pursuant to Subsection (a) of Government Code Section 54957.6 of the Brown Act: Mayor Withrow stated no action was taken; Council gave further instructions to negotiators. At 5:30 p.m., Monday, March 2, 1992, Special Council Meeting, Council adjourned to Closed Session to consider: 92-164 Significant Exposure to Litigation, pursuant to Subsection (b) of Government Code Section 54956.9 of the Brown Act: Mayor Withrow stated no action was taken. Mayor Withrow announced that on March 2, 1992, Council met as the Housing Authority Board of Commissioners and adjourned to Closed Session to consider Significant Exposure to Litigation, pursuant to Subsection (b) of Government Code Session 54956.9 of the Brown Act: gave negotiators further instructions and scheduled a public meeting for March 10, 1992, to discuss Prop 84 application for various City sites. PROCLAMATIONS AND SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY. 92-165 Presentation of Certificates of Appointment to new Appointees to Mayor's Committee for the Handicapped: Kenneth C. Cheek, Jr. Edwin Cooney Elizabeth Darby Adela T. Guy Yoche Don R. Hunter Amor McGuinness E. Ruth Rambeau March 3, 1992 Katsuyuki Sakamoto Jacob A. Schweich Margaret M. Seaman Catherine J. Sirota Suzanne Villiers William M. Walker 65 Mayor Withrow presented Certificates to each of the new Appointees, and thanked them for willingness to participate. [Messrs. Cooney, Sakamoto, Schweich and Walker were unable to attend; Shirley Loveland received a Certificate on behalf of Mr. Walker.] Mayor Withrow commented he was privileged to present an autographed copy of General James Doolittle's autobiography, on behalf of the citizens of Alameda and General Doolittle, to Secretary .of State Cheney; noted the General has sent a copy signed "Dedicated to the Alameda Public Library, 2/21/92, J.H. Doolittle;" and Mayor Withrow presented same to the Library Director. * * * * * CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Lucas moved approval of Consent Calendar, Councilmember Roth seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk. *92-166 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of February 18, 1992, and Special Council Meeting of February 11, 1992. Approved. *92-167 From Chair, Historical Advisory Board, recommending that the City Council authorize a request for a 1992 Grant Application, for funds through the National Historic Preservation Fund Programs for Certified Local Governments. Accepted. *92-168 Resolution No. 12210. "Awarding Contract to Maggiora & Ghilotti, Inc., for Sidewalk Improvements: St. Charles Street North of Eagle Avenue, No. P.W. 12-91-16, and Street Improvements: Bay Street North of Eagle Avenue, No. P.W. 12-91-17. " Adopted. *92-169 Resolution No. 12211. "Awarding contract to Buestad Construction, Inc. for Fire Station No. 2 Modification and Seismic Upgrade Project, No. P.W. 12-91-13." Adopted. *92-170 Resolution No. 12212. "Approving Open Market Purchase of a Modular Ambulance for the Fire Department." Adopted. *92-171 Bills, certified by the City Manager to be correct, were ratified in the amount of $2,587,119.82. Ratified. AGENDA ITEMS 92-172 Report from Acting President, Alameda Free Library Board, regarding the Board's position on the New Main Library issue, and recommending Council await the results of SB 1230 before considering other options. The Library Director explained the background of the matter, noting that Senate Bill 1230 may still be placed on the [June] ballot; and the Library Board has reaffirmed commitment to the Linoaks site and March 3, 1992 66 recommended awaiting the outcome of SB1230 results. Councilmember Lucas questioned the summary of history of the proposed Library Plan for the Linoaks site in the report [Library Institutional Analysis (from Prop 85 submittal) attached as Exhibit 4 to Library Board report dated February 13, 1992), including the submission of 400 signatures in support of new library and the omission of two petitions submitted in favor of rehabilitating the Carnegie Library, which contained 1025 signatures on one petition and 465 on another. The Library Director replied that was an oversight; she does not believe they were officially submitted, but support of the Friends of the Library was submitted by letter. Councilmember Lucas inquired of City Clerk if the two petitions were officially submitted; to which the City Clerk replied the petitions in 1989 were submitted formally at a Council Meeting; regarding the second set of petitions, she would need to refer to her records. [Note for the Record: Petitions were submitted to Council on 2/21/89 (1025 signatures); and on 10/16/90 (465 signatures).] The Library Director stated the omission was not intentional. Councilmember Lucas stated she would also like to clarify a few facts she believes were not given proper exposure concerning the plans submitted by the Committee to Retain the Carnegie Library, and she provided Council with specific examples. Councilman Arnerich confirmed with the Library Director that following receipt of [any] funding by the City, completion of the Library must be accomplished within a particular timeframe. Gertrude Woods, [former Library Board Member], Alameda, urged support of Library Board's letter, support of inclusion of SB1230 on the ballot, and passage of a resolution, in support of same, before end of March; and that the City, with or without other cities, hire lobbyist to promote cause. President Withrow stated Council approached Governor Wilson in requesting capital funds that will be used by the State to generate jobs to assist economy, requesting a share for the City and also identified a need for a City library; and a letter has been sent to U.S. Conference of Mayors which was forwarded to Congress and President identifying capital projects within the City to have potential for receiving investment funds as a means to jumpstart the economy; and federal and state funds are available for projects to generate jobs. Dr. Alice Challen, Alameda, urged Council put the matter on the ballot; the City has a beautiful building [Carnegie Building] which could be a good Library and could probably get State funds. Archie Waterbury, Member, Library Board, urged Council await result of SB1230 through to the end; if it is rejected by voters, then rethink if that is necessary including Carnegie renovation, then he March 3, 1992 67 will consider alternatives including Carnegie renovation. Rose Anne White, Acting President, Library Board, commented State rated City's application very competitive if 1992 bond measure is passed, Alameda may receive 9.3 million dollars, therefore Library Board reaffirms commitment to new library on Linoaks site and recommends awaiting results of 1992 bond measure before looking at other options. Robert Brewer, Alameda, urged Council use plans State has reviewed and found to be very competitive on a larger site [than Carnegie), pursue funding, and continue efforts to retain Carnegie Building in another use. Stanford Shane, Alameda, noted polls taken regarding Library sites, with majority for Carnegie rehabilition; the cost for Linoaks is up to $20,000,000; and funding schools is more important. Robert Minton, Alameda, stated the matter should be on ballot, so people will know they are being properly represented; inquired if it is possible Council could pass resolution to put issue on ballot. President Withrow replied that cannot be acted on tonight as it is not agendized; and believes not enough time is left to place matter on the ballot. Doris Chow, Alameda, stated more important urgent matters to consider [than new library] are e.g., City Hall, children's education, social and protection services; spending millions to buy motel and hire library consultants is waste of taxpayers' money and not approved by taxpayers; millions spent should have been used to retrofit and renovate City Hall; could expand/retrofit/renovate Carnegie building; and requested opportunity to vote on site. Ronald Hudson, Alameda, stated the government may give funding but we [citizens] are government and taxes pay for the money indirectly; if cost is considered between Linoaks and existing Library, the decision is clear-cut; Carnegie architecture is beautiful; and questioned what would happen to persons occupying Linoaks. David Plummer, Alameda, stated, looking at cities which received funding would indicate why Alameda did not; San Francisco Chinatown renovated its Carnegie Library and was given $2.5 million dollars; requested citizens have opportunity to vote for library site choice. Christopher Buckley, Alameda, stated Council agreed last year if application was turned down, a new look would be taken at Carnegie Library; it is time to take look, Carnegie Library makes more sense from functional and cost standpoint and is beautiful; SB123° is for existing library renovation as well as new construction; questioned statements in report that 50% of SB1230 funds would go to applicants considered competitive under Prop 85, and that simple majority of electorate could pass SB1230; and the idea of putting issue on ballot is good. At Councilmember Lucas's request, Library Director addressed Mr. March 3, 1992 68 Buckley's questions, noting sources of information regarding 50% of funding, and that she was told by State that a two-thirds vote is required for local issues and simple majority for statewide issues is sufficient. The City Attorney stated that is her understanding but she will research and provide definitive answer tomorrow [March 4, 1992). Lois Francis, Alameda, stated if any project the City wishes demands a large financial burden fall on taxpayers, especially with substantial oppcsition to project, a responsibility of the governing body is to give those taxpayers a right to decide whether or not they want to assume that burden. Bill Francis, Alameda, stated he, as a taxpayer, is very concerned 1) about money spent on pursuit of new library; and 2) hope for more funds available from State programs; City should not put more money into project, and at least, the taxpayers should be allowed to vote on matter. Susan Correa, Alameda, stated it is time to be realistic; money is tight, the City has opportunity to make good use of beautiful building; would like Carnegie building renovated and that the matter be voted on by public. Scott Brady, Alameda, stated he favors rehabilitating the Carnegie Building from architectural standpoint, and increasingly, from a tax standpoint. Judy Pollard, Alameda, stated Times-Star did a poll which favored the Carnegie; the way to find if poll is representative of City is to put matter on ballot; giving a few people power to make decision is unfair; lack of wholehearted community support of Linoaks is well-known; Committee to Retain the Carnegie and Alameda Victorian Preservation Society will continue to be watchdogs. Jane Felker, Member, Friends of Alameda Free Library, stated she loves the Carnegie Building; and Alameda is deserving of funding for a new functional learning center; water-tight building is needed for Library. Councilmember Lucas stated she would like the matter on the next Council agenda to propose putting matter on ballot as an advisory vote. Councilmember Roth objected; stated he is concerned about tax dollars, believes matters can be handled less expensively and more efficiently than putting money into old buildings; the whole capital improvement program should be decided on; both a Library and City Hall could cost $12,000,000 instead of $20,000,000; if issue is to go on the ballot, both sides and all facts must be provided but that information would not be available for next meeting. Councilman Arnerich stated Council is not going to abandon the Library; and the Carnegie Foundation stated the Carnegie building March 3, 1992 69 does not need to be used as a library; he would rather get the $9,300,000 of bond funding than have another City receive it; if the City does not receive it, he will revisit the matter and look at the Carnegie building; and moved to go ahead, apply for funding, and support SB1230. Councilmember Roth seconded the motion. Councilmember Lucas stated she will vote for the motion with the understanding that she hopes the application will be made for Carnegie rehabilitation and annex after ballot advisory vote measure decision; if City applies for smaller amount for Carnegie rehabilitation, it will much more likely be successful; Linoaks does not have outstanding community support as Albany and Chinatown [which received funding] did, and that is why an advisory vote of the people is necessary. In response to Councilman Arnerich's request for clarification of comments, President Withrow stated the motion was not being modified; his understanding is that Councilmember Lucas is supporting the motion to obtain funding but understanding that the money is not going to be tied to any particular project. Councilmember Lucas concurred. Following Council discussion regarding procedure concerning when application will occur, if, or when, bond passes what step will follow, whether or not funding must be for Linoaks; the Assistant City Manager stated if projects are competitive, receiving bond funds is almost assured if SB1230 passes, however not a guarantee, and does not believe [Council] action tonight is inappropriate. Councilmember Lucas stated she is not making an addition [to the motion], just explaining why she would be voting for the motion. President Withrow stated that 35 billion of the 100+ billion dollars the federal government is proposing to put into public works projects came before the U.S. Conference of Mayors, and he voted and spoke against it; however, since the money is going to be given to cities, Council would be remiss if it did not try to obtain some. Councilman Arnerich stated some years ago a Council did not want to take funding for Woodstock Park but did apply for, and received, it which otherwise would have gone to some other community; he wants to proceed carefully but the City is competitive, and he believes the City will get [the funding]. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. 92-173 Report from Chair, Economic Development Commission, recommending Financial Assistance for the Chamber of Commerce. This report was heard in conjunction with report 92-174. for discussion and motion. 92-174 Report from Community Development Director Financial Assistance for the Chamber of Commerce. See 92-174 recommending March 3, 1992 10 Gerhard Degemann stated a Chamber for Alameda is important, however, with cutbacks and economic situation, he has difficulty with proposed allocations to fund Chamber; noted Oakland Chamber's services offered to him; stated the [Alameda] Chamber should attempt to bring in good businesses to Alameda. Helen Sause, Chair, Economic Development Commission, shared her observations with Council, stated the support the Oakland Chamber gave Mr. Degemann is what Alameda needs; funding support should be contingent upon careful and prudent budgeting by Chamber; the Chamber needs a startup opportunity, and ongoing funding. President Withrow stated the Economic Development Commission is doing an outstanding job. James Pittard, Economic Development Commission, stated surveys have been sent out to the business community to gather useful information on developing communication between the City and business community; and the Chamber could be a forum for exchange of ideas and channel of communications. M.J. Brandenberger, President, Chamber of Commerce, stated Chamber believes an advance of funds from the City will allow Chamber to bring new business to Alameda to benefit the City; and supports Commission and staff recommendations. Councilmember Lucas stated the City would be loaning the Chamber an annual amount of $19,700; and inquired if Chamber can meet goal of paying funds back. Ms. Brandenberger stated she hopes so, and that is in direct relation with the goal of bringing in a certain amount of new business per year. To Councilman Arnerich's question on how repayment will be made, President Withrow noted the repayment does not come from Chamber but from increased business license revenues. Councilmember Roth stated the funds may not be recovered during the first or second year but in the third to fifth years. Ed Lull, Treasurer, Chamber of Commerce, stated the Chamber is looking to increase membership by 400% over the next three or four years. John Barni, Alameda, stated he belonged to a Chamber years ago which had money in the bank; now a handout is requested; Council should be approaching matter like a banker; suggested perhaps a loan could be tied to the Chamber's property; money should not just be handed out, because it is tax money. Bonnie McKean, Alameda, stated she owns Alameda Publishing Company; health of Alameda businesses means the well -being of Alameda's government; and urged Council to express support of business, and support the Chamber. March 3, 1992 71 Greg Beattie, Chamber of Commerce, stated the City cannot afford to be without a Chamber; volunteers working with Chamber cannot do the work alone; and if the Chamber works well, the City will become healthy and wealthy. Councilmember Roth stated he has met with presidents of business associations, the Chamber and the EDC, and all agree a Chamber is needed; the problem is funding; increase in business license revenue could pay back the loan, motivate Chamber to attract new businesses, and benefit City; and moved the first three items of staff recommendation [to approve allocation to Chamber of Commercial Revitalization (CR) funds, approve concept of annual loans to Chamber, and authorize agreement with Chamber]; Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion. Councilman Arnerich expressed displeasure at lack of response from a former Chamber director; and discussed possible use of Chamber property in connection with funding. The motion was carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. Councilmember Lucas referred to the fourth item in staff recommendation and stated she believes it appropriate that Council refer matter to Public Utilities Board (PUB). President Withrow noted the PUB provided an all-day forum for businesses which was a benefit to the businesses. Councilmember Lucas moved the fourth item in the staff recommendation [that Council recommend to the PUB that the Bureau of Electricity make ongoing contribution to Chamber]. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. 92-175 Status Report from Public Works Director regarding Washington Park's three-hour parking meters. Councilman Arnerich stated the Police Department is pleased with the way the parking meters have been operating. In response to Councilman Arnerich's concern, the Public Works Director replied that in April, when collections begin again, a separate collection and accounting will be made. Responding to Councilmember Roth, the Public Works Director noted that the new digital type meter is the only type that would be purchased in the future, as they do a good job and are less expensive to maintain. Councilmember Roth noted the meters are difficult to read. Councilmember Lucas moved acceptance of report. Councilmember Roth seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. March 3, 1992 72 NEW BUSINESS AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 92-176 Councilman Arnerich commented on the need for keeping sidewalks clean in the business districts; but indicated that no report is required at this time. 92-177 President Withrow noted he received a request for a project from an aspiring Eagle Scout; and inquired if rehabilitation of benches on Webster Street would be a feasible project, and could the City provide necessary materials if Scouts provide the labor. The City Manager responded the project appears appropriate. 92-178 Councilmember Roth commented a Work Session is to be scheduled to follow up on the Park and Webster Streets Walking Tours. ADJOURNMENT President Withrow adjourned the meeting at 9:30 p.m. Re,spectfu11y submitted, DIANE B. FELSCH, CMC City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted 72 hours in advance. March 3, 1992