1992-06-04 CC Encinal High Class Minutes1 FA MEETING BETWEEN COUNCIL AND ENCINAL HIGH SCHOOL MARKETING CLASS JUNE 4, 1992 The meeting convened at 7:40 a.m. Present: Councilmembers Arnerich and Roth. Meeting with Encinal High School marketing class students, representatives of the business community, and members of the Joint Committee for the Area-Wide Strategy Plan to see presentations of the class projects regarding revitalization of Webster Street. Councilman Arnerich introduced Bruce Knopf, Economic Development Manager; Connie King, Teacher of Marketing, Encinal High School; Diane Coler-Dark, Economic Development Commission (EDC); Ralph Appezzato, President, Planning Board; William Berg, Greater Alameda Business Association (GABA); Robert Decelle, Chair, Historical Advisory Board; and Helen Sause, Chair, EDC. Ms. Sause presented background information and announced the class would begin its presentation. Councilman Arnerich invited the students to come forward and introduc themselves. Connie King, Encinal High School teacher, explained the background preparation for presentation, noting help received from Webster Street Business Association which judged the projects; and awards won this year by students in State finals in marketing competition. Presentations were made by the students who identified needs, proposed solutions, and answered questions from the audience and Councilmembers. Planning Board President Appezzato congratulated the group and encouraged students to continue in the process as they are the future of the country and the City. Ms. Coler-Dark thanked the students for their ideas, ingenuity, creativity and concern; and stated their desire to make things better is appreciated. Ms. King expressed appreciation for the opportunity for students to make the presentation and stated students are willing to work on projects if called upon. Councilmember Roth discussed Webster Street with students an-' commended their efforts. June 4, 1992 Closing remarks were made by Councilman Arnerich, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Diane B. Felsch, CMC City; Clerk June 4, 1992