1992-09-15 Regular CC MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 The meeting convened at 8:02 p.m. (following the Community Improvement Commission Meeting) with President Withrow presiding. Councilman Arnerich led the Pledge of Allegiance and Reverend Doug Henderson gave the invocation. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Arnerich, Camicia, Lucas, Roth, and President Withrow - 5. Absent: None. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CLOSED SESSION ACTIONS Mayor Withrow announced that Council convened a Special Council Meeting at 6:45 p.m. and adjourned to Closed Session to consider: 92-645 Labor Relations, pursuant to Subsection (a) of Government Code Section 54957.6 of the Brown Act. Mayor Withrow stated Council gave further instruction to City's negotiator; no action was taken. 92-646 Significant Exposure to Litigation, pursuant to Subsection (b) of Government Code Section 54956.9 of the Brown Act. Mayor Withrow stated no action was taken. PROCLAMATIONS AND SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY 92-647 Presentation of Special Citation for Outstanding Pedestrian Program Activities Award by American Automobile Association to the City of Alameda and the Alameda Police Department. Gerard Maurer, California State Automobile Association, presented a plaque on behalf of the American Automobile Association to Mayor Withrow, noting the City of Alameda has been chosen for special recognition for its outstanding accomplishment in safety and protection through its pedestrian program activities. 92-648 Proclamation Declaring the Week of October 4 through October 10, 1992, as Public Power Week. Mayor Withrow read the proclamation and presented same to William Lewis, General Manager, Bureau of Electricity, who accepted on behalf of the Public Utilities Board. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Withrow announced that report (92-665) calling for bids for Traffic Signal and Interim Striping at Fernside Boulevard; resolution (92-666) regarding Foreclosure of Liens; and introduction of ordinance (92-667) pertaining to Restrictions on Dissemination of Confidential Documents, were removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion. September 15, 1992 Councilmember Camicia moved approval of the remainder of the Consent Calendar; Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk. *92-649 Minutes of the Regular Council Meetings of August 18, and September 1, 1992. Approved. *92-650 Report from Public Works Director recommending acceptance of Work by BMB Underground Construction for Regent Street Storm Drain Project, No. P.W. 1-92-03. Accepted. *92-651 Report from Public Works Director recommending modification of the Make-up of the Solid Waste Management Recycling Committee. Accepted. *92-652 Report from Public Works Director recommending adoption of Plans and Specifications and Calling for Bids for the Repair and Resurfacing of Certain Streets, Phase 14, No. P.W. 3-92-07. Accepted. *92-653 Report from the Community Development Director regarding Business Retention and Development Work Program Status Report. Accepted. *92-654 Report from the Community Development Director Regarding Alameda County Economic Development Advisory Board Annual Report. (Community Improvement Commission Meeting, 9-15-92, Paragraph 92- 99) *92-655 Report from Finance Director transmitting Investment Report for Period Ending August 31, 1992. Accepted. *92-656 Report from Finance Director transmitting Quarterly Sales Tax Report for Period Ending June 30, 1992. *92-657 Resolution No. 12317 "Resolution Establishing Policy for City Council Ballot Measure Arguments." Adopted. *92-658 Resolution No. 12318 "Authorizing Execution of Grant of Easement to the State of California to Maintain a Bicycle Bridge Across the San Leandro Channel, Said Bridge Known as the Bay Farm Island Bicycle Bridge." Adopted. *92-659 Resolution No. 12319 "Committing to Local Match and Project Delivery Schedule for Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) Funds for Fiscal Year 1992-93, and Understanding that Cost Increases are Ineligible for Additional ISTEA Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) or Surface Transportation Program (STP) Funding." Adopted. *92-660 Resolution No. 12320 "Amending Resolution No. 12306, Authorizing Submittal of Grant Applications for Assembly Bill 434 September 15, 1992 Funds, for 1) Subscription Ferry Feeder Bus Service, 2) Employer Bike Facilities Program, 3) Bike to BART Program, 4) Electric Vehicle Pool Car Replacement Program, 5) Subscription Vanpool Service for Alameda Unified School District and City of Alameda Employees, and 6) Compressed Natural Gas Conversion of Shuttle Buses." Adopted. *92-661 Resolution No. 12321 "Approving Parcel Map No. 6343, Marina and Parking Lot, and Parcel Map 6340, Shipway Residential, and Accepting Dedication of Parcels for Public Use. (Alameda Marina Village)." Adopted. *92-662 Resolution No. 12322 "Establishing a Penalty Structure for Transportation Systems Management." Adopted. *92-663 Ordinance No. , N.S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Repealing Subsection 8-7.5 of Chapter VIII (Traffic and Motor Vehicles) Relating to Parking for Demonstration." Introduced. *92-664 Bills, certified by the City Manager as true and correct, were ratified in the sum of $1,675,452.61. 92-665 Report from Public Works Director recommending adoption of Plans and Specifications and Calling for Bids for Signalization of Fernside Boulevard at Encinal Avenue and Interim Striping at Fernside Boulevard at San Jose Avenue, No. P.W. 9-92-13. Janet Waring, East Shore Homeowners' Association, submitted a letter from Transportation Manager indicating work was to be completed in September; stated three concerns: 1) that signals at Fernside Blvd. and Encinal Avenue have not been installed yet; 2) the right-hand turn by Lincoln School onto East Shore Drive has not been eliminated, and 3) complaints have been received regarding speeding. The City Manager addressed the delay of the project; stated staff may now expedite work; the striping plan in staff report outlines accomplishing removal of right-hand turn lane; stated the Police Chief will meet with the President of the Homeowners' Association and see if specific areas can be indentified and City can help. Councilman Arnerich stated the signals should be going in within the next 3 or 4 months; there are grave concerns regarding striping and sketches will be provided to the City Council. Councilman Arnerich moved to accept the report recommending calling for bids for the stop signs; and hold over the restriping for further review by staff and Council. Councilmember Roth seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 92-666 Resolution No. 12323 "Determining that the Public Interest and Necessity Require Foreclosure of the Liens of Certain Delinquent Unpaid Assessment Installments and Directing the Filing of Foreclosure Actions in the Superior Court, Pursuant to Sections September 15, 1992 8830 Through 8835, Inclusive, of the Streets and Highways Code." (Held over from September 1, 1992, Council Meeting) Vice Mayor Lucas stated the City is obligated to initiate foreclosure proceedings under the Assessment District, there is no choice; many of the buildings being held by RTC [Resolution Trust Corporation] are being neglected; would like staff to write RTC that we realize that they are administering this property and look to them to do an adequate job to maintain this important structure [Marina View Towers] in Alameda. Vice Mayor Lucas moved adoption of the resolution. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 92-667 Ordinance No. , N.S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Amending Subsection 5-6.6 of Chapter V, (Licenses and Permits) Article I, pertaining to Restrictions on Dissemination of Confidential Documents Relating to Licenses and Permits." Introduced. Charles Millman, Alameda, stated this issue is sensitive, and it should be the attitude of Council not to increase secrecy but to be more open with the citizens. The City Attorney stated this item is a balancing of a person's right to privacy and the public's right to know; the existing system is confidential and what the Council is doing is allowing additional access, opening it up, not further closing it down. Vice Mayor Lucas stated her concern is that the proposal makes information available and possibly violates rights of privacy. The City Manager explained the specific need is for information for Police and Fire Departments, in order to notify business property owners in an emergency. Vice Mayor Lucas stated the information is available in County records; and she will not be voting for this [ordinance]. Councilmember Roth stated information would still be held confidential and he believes property owners would like to be notified. Vice Mayor Lucas commented perhaps property owners could state that they do not object to information given. Councilman Arnerich stated the matter would not be treated lightly, is not an invasion of a person's right, and is a protection for the owner of the building; and moved acceptance of the proposed amendment. Councilmember Roth seconded the motion which carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Arnerich, Camicia, Roth and President Withrow - 4. Noes: Vice Mayor Lucas - 1. Absent: None. September 15, 1992 REGULAR AGENDA 92-668 Public Hearing to consider an Amendment to the Alameda Municipal Code pertaining to the City of Alameda Sign Regulations, and Ordinance No. , N.S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by amending Subsections 30-6.2, 30-6.5(h), 30-6.15(m)(4), and 30- 6.15(m)(5), of Chapter XXX (Development Regulations), and adding Subsection 30-6.15(y), Pertaining to the City of Alameda Sign Regulations." Introduced. The Planning Director explained the background of the matter, which addresses the regulation of real estate signs; For Sale signs in automobiles, a local concern with respect to a congregation of vehicles for sale; and changes dealing with recent case law with respect to sign control. President Withow inquired if reference included signs in vehicles lined up on the street off Island Drive on weekends; and the Planning Director confirmed it was. The City Attorney stated content-based discrimination cannot be prohibited, e.g., prohibiting For Sale signs while allowing bumper stickers or other variety of signs. President Withrow requested staff focus on the issue and find out if there is a way to control or eliminate [the problem]. The City Attorney replied the Traffic Advisory Committee [TAC] has met numerous times on the issue. The Public Works Director clarified TAC is working on the matter and will be planting additional trees to screen the area. Councilman Arnerich stated the area is basically to be a passive park area where people can park and e.g., stroll, fish, bicycle; but the parking spaces are taken up by sale cars; and suggested staff look into restrictive one- or two-hour time zone; and cars should be sold from lots so the City could benefit. Vice Mayor Lucas moved the recommendation [to approve the Zoning Text Amendment]. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 92-669 Report from Vice-Chair, Mayor's Committee on Ethnic and Cultural Diversity, regarding training recommendations for the Police Department. Muhammad Aleem Ali, representing Coalition of Alamedans for Racial Equality (CARE), commended Mayor's Committee for its perserverance and remaining focused on the issue; agreed with Committee findings; stated CARE expects meaningful action based on findings. September 15, 1992 Kate Quick, Alameda, stated she sees the report, not as an end, but a beginning product, a real and positive change for the community; made suggestions, including checkpoints for completion of tasks and professionals to help; and commitment is necessary. Niall Leahy, Alameda, stated he chose Alameda to live because of its small-town atmosphere and safety; credits law enforcement; the Police Department is excellent though not perfect, commends Committee, and supports its recommendation. Elizabeth Rogers, Alameda, commended Council for doing something about the problem, stated the report is excellent and Council must move forward with it or lose credibility. Lee Perez, Alameda, introduced Committee Members present; gave the background of Committee's work; commended its Members; noted positive experience he had with Police Department when he moved to Alameda; suggested report be read carefully and questions asked of the Committee. Councilman Arnerich stated the report was much needed; Council is looking at all public employees; and the report will be taken seriously by Council. President Withrow commended Lee Perez and the Committee; stated the report is a living document, a catalyst for change; and he would like the Committee to look at the School District, Fire Department, Public Works Department and Planning Department. Councilmember Roth commented the Committee should continue for follow-up purposes; requested each [report] item be brought back individually to a Council Meeting for in-depth discussion; would like Committee, in two years, to review and determine if City has made improvements; requested staff, when they come back with a report, to address the feasibility of investigating complaints outside of City departments, and perhaps a reviewing body answer to the City Attorney. President Withrow stated the Social Service Human Relations Board could receive complaints and interface with an internal review commission reporting to the City Attorney. Councilmember Camicia stated he agreed with Councilmember Roth that the Committee should continue. Vice Mayor Lucas stated she would like a Council-appointed ombudsman who is independent and would have access to everyone in City Government; a review committee would require public disclosure and some people may hesitate to step forward; and commented in appreciation of Committee's excellent work. Mayor Withrow requested staff pursue the issue of an implementation document to be returned to Council; included within that would be the management information systems that have been alluded to by September 15, 1992 speakers and the management control systems that would give Council confidence there is an on-going program. Councilman Arnerich recommended report be turned over to the City Manager for implementation; that the City Manager report to Council on progress and on proper legal procedures--whether an ombudsman and citizens' review committee are legal; and accepted report's recommendation. Councilmember Lucas seconded the motion. In response to Councilmember Roth, Councilman Arnerich clarified his motion directs staff to take the Report, bring it back to Council as they go through it, and to keep Council up-to-date on progress. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 92-670 .Report from Chief of Police regarding Community Policing. Councilmember Roth stated this is one of the steps in the previous report (92-669) that has been an ongoing item and shows the [Police] Department has been paying attention and is trying. Councilman Arnerich commented on efforts of Mayor and Council with respect to Harbor Patrol Program, Webster Street Walking Patrol, patrol teams, geographic responsibility, and numerous other programs; stated the City is working together; a problem existed, Council is trying to control it; minority recruitment, sexual harassment, sensitivity programs, PAL program are being worked on; and recommended acceptance of report from Police Chief. Councilmember Roth seconded the motion. Councilmember Camicia explained community-based policing; community based policing gives an officer responsibility for people in a neighborhood, allows him to get to know those people, and is a way to establish communication. The motion was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 92-671 Report from Assistant City Manager Proposing Conditions Under Which the City Could Assume Responsibility for Bay Farm Island (BFI) Perimeter Dike. Mayor Withrow noted a conflict of interest exists because the Mayor, City Manager, and City Attorney live on Bay Farm Island, and all three stepped down from the dais; Vice Mayor Lucas assumed the Chair; the Assistant City Manager and the Acting City Attorney were seated on the dais. The Assistant City Manager explained the background of the matter; conditions are a one-time contribution from Community of Harbor Bay Isle Owners Association [CHBIOA] to an annual maintenance fund and repair of existing conditions on the dike, and establishment of an Assessment District to be used only if a major dike failure occurs; conceptual approval is requested from Council, legal documentation September 15, 1992 will be brought back to Council; Councilmembers Roth and Arnerich were the Committee members. Tom Jordan, Executive Director of Community of Harbor Bay Isle, stated the Community fully supports the position of the Committee and the report; and he encouraged Council to move forward on the report and concept set forth. Councilmember Roth stated he believes the Committee has produced a concept that is cost-saving for the property owners and the City. Vice Mayor Lucas inquired why a new district is more efficient than retaining the existing district, and Mr. Jordan replied the purpose of the new district would only be called into action in the event of a major failure of the dike. Noel Folsom, Alameda, questioned the area involved and was answered by Vice Mayor Lucas. Councilman Arnerich noted the Assistant City Manager and Public Works Director worked on the Committee; believes the proposal is fair and will be beneficial for many years to come. Councilmember Roth moved Council "continue in the direction we are headed." Councilmember Camicia seconded the motion which was carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Arnerich, Camicia, Roth and Vice Mayor Lucas - 4. Noes: None. Absent: None. Abstentions: President Withrow - 1. 92-672 Report from Finance Director transmitting Year End Financial Report, Fiscal Year 1991-92. Councilman Arnerich commented the report was outstanding and moved acceptance. Vice Mayor Lucas seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 92-673 Report from the Community Development Director regarding Alameda Race Violence Task Force [ARVTF] Proposal for Funds. Bonnie Moore, Alameda, stated Reverend Betty Williams is ill this evening, but would like to thank Community Development Department for working with her proposal, and to participate and assist wherever possible. Councilman Arnerich moved acceptance of report and recommendation [to assist ARVTF establish itself by recognizing it and inviting a representative to the Youth Activities Network; and encouraging ARVTF to work with Esperanza Resident Management Council [ERMC] to develop youth-serving programs for public housing residents, which might lead to future funding]. Vice Mayor Lucas seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 92-674 Resolution No. 12324 "Adopting Negative Declaration (IS- 91-95) for the Bayview Shoreline Enhancement Plan." (Continued from September 15, 1992 September 1, 1992, Council Meeting) Adopted. David Chick, Alameda, noted Bayview is a special marsh area unique in Alameda; the reason the path should be away from the water is because of potential habitat degredation; Western Ecological Services Company, Inc. (WESCO) did not consider impact on the homeowners; area should be left as is, or a full-blown Environmental Impact Report be made. Charles Millman, Alameda, reviewed background of Bayview shoreline, stated the issues concern health, safety and security; noted the neighborhood wants locked gates at dusk, opened in the morning and proper attention to food chain for butterflies, insects; reviewed work he and neighbors had done, and submission of their plans to the City. The Planning Director explained the background of the matter, noting the matter is before Council for decision concerning Negative Declaration. Elizabeth Rogers, Alameda, stated the shoreline in Bayview area was neglected until storms came up and Mr. Millman's point is well taken; homeowners have taken a lot of responsibility; Council should consider the residents and people who should have access. Lois Hoffman, Alameda, stated she owned property on Bayview since 1976; her problem is: if the [shoreline] areas are torn up, how long will it take and where will the birds go; and would like Council to take care of the homeowners. Joe King, Alameda, stated he believes Council is trying to do the best for the City; addressed the viewing platform, security, signs; stated residents' problem is after sunset when drinking parties are on the beach, sometimes until 1:00 a.m.; neighbors would like the area kept the way it is; and questioned why there cannot be locked gates. Councilmember Camicia noted the matter extends back a number of years and what is being considered is a compromise with BCDC and whether or not the compromise is environmentally safe; agrees it makes no sense to rip out everything, nor put in 8-foot paved strip but the only question is: do we need an EIR for a bird sanctuary. Replying to Councilmember Lucas, the City Manager stated BCDC wants to put in a paved pathway and if the City does nothing, they will enforce that condition. Council further discussed locked gates and security with the Police Chief and Mr. King. Mr. Chick stated his major concern is not with the homeowners but with the habitat. Council discussed BCDC's approach, powers, possible actions, and September 15, 1992 cost of an EIR. The City Manager reviewed the background of the area, the storm in 1982, activities of homeowners, involvement with BCDC, and noted BCDC has allowed the City to spend some time to develop the concept of a bird sanctuary to allow for a different type of public access than normally required. Councilmember Roth inquired if his understanding is correct that Bayview Homeowners' Association approves of proposed plan. The City Manager replied that the President of the Association was present at the last meeting and indicated they were in general concurrence with the whole project; the majority of the homeowners do not want anything different from what they currently have, but given the circumstances, they are agreeable at this point. Councilmember Roth moved to accept the Negative Declaration. Councilmember Camicia seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 92-675 Resolution No. 12325 "Amending Master Fee Resolution No. 12191 by Amending Fire Department Emergency Ambulance Transport Fees." Adopted. Vice Mayor Lucas moved adoption of the resolution. Councilman Arnerich seconded the motion . Councilmember Roth commented staff can keep rates current without a need to revisit; and rates are still inexpensive. The motion was carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Arnerich, Lucas, Roth and President Withrow - 4. Noes: Councilmember Camicia - 1. Absent: None. 92-676 Ordinance No. 2613, N.S. "Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Amending Chapter VIII, (Transportation Systems Management) to Conform with Congestion Management Plan (CMP) Requirements, and Repealing Subsections 8-29.7(b4) and 8-29.7(C2)." Adopted. Councilmember Roth stated he would like to point out his comments are the same as he had the last time [this subject was considered]. [September 1, 1992, Council Meeting] Vice Mayor Lucas moved final passage. Councilmember Camicia seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 92-677 Ordinance No. 2614. N.S., "Authorizing Amendment to Contract Between the Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System and the City Council of the City of Alameda." Passed. Councilman Arnerich moved final passage. Councilmember Camicia September 15, 1992 seconded the motion which was carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 92-678 Written Communication from William L. Berg, President, Greater Alameda Business Association [GABA], requesting Council take action pursuant to Alameda Municipal Code Section 30-65 and Ordinance No. 2285, N.S., concerning Development of Abandoned Commercial Properties, specifically 1629-35 Park Street, 1210 Lincoln Avenue and 1217 Lincoln Avenue. * * * * Councilman Arnerich moved to extend the meeting past 11:00 p.m. Councilmember Roth seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. * * * * Mr. Berg stated GABA is requesting the City take appropriate action to address the issue of abandoned commercial properties in Alameda because the buildings are a detriment to business and residential communities; the abandoned commercial property ordinance was passed in 1986 and no concrete results have occurred; suggested City begin eminent domain proceedings, allow time for owners to rehabilitate buildings; proceed on at least one building to change City's perceived credibility with these property owners; and requested matter be kept on Council's calendar for action. Councilmember Roth stated his understanding is that to enact eminent domain, a public project purchase must exist; the City must have a specific plan for it [the property]. Vice Mayor Lucas stated the problem is that the City cannot justify a public purpose for the buildings; the City can force a property owner to sell a building to a buyer at eminent domain prices, the ordinance, however, is unusable as a buyer cannot be found who will wait until the price is established in eminent domain proceedings 5 years later; commented these buildings [noted by Mr. Berg] are the extremes; and there are many more buildings not being maintained. In response to President Withrow's request for options and alternatives under the Redevelopment District [RD], the Community Development Director explained the options are broader in the RD, a number of alternatives were outlined in a memoranda following up the Park Street and Webster Street walking tours, however staff concluded that until we know the kind of development to seek for the property, there are significant questions. Mr. Berg suggested the possibility of enacting an ordinance establishing the buildings as a public nuisance to which a fine would apply on a daily basis until appropriate action is taken. The Community Development Director noted owners should be involved once the appropriate reuse of the property has been determined. The City Manager suggested staff report back with options, taking into account the Area-wide Strategy Plan and ways to achieve what both Council and Mr. Berg are looking for. Sentember 15, 1992 Councilman Arnerich stated the Chamber of Commerce building [2437 Santa Clara Avenue] needs attention as the windows have been boarded with plywood for about six months and "we" will follow up on [Mr. Berg's] recommendation if he will take care of the other. Councilmember Roth moved acceptance of the letter. Councilman Arnerich seconded motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 92-679 Written Communication from Sam and Jewell Enjaian, Oakland, requesting 1712 Lincoln Avenue be rezoned back to C-1 and a fee waiver. Mr. Enjaian read his letter, noted he owned the property at 1712 Lincoln since 1945; it was "wrongfully" zoned to residential in 1958 and therefore it is only right that the error be corrected; gave the historical/architectural background of the building, and its commercial occupation. Jewell Enjaian, Oakland, stated the structure was a store long before Enjaians owned it; was zoned commercial; Enjaians have expended over $3000 to put it in shape since last rental occupancy; the Tribune was permitted a yellow commercial loading zone and the building can obviously only be used for commercial. Wayne Enjaian, Alameda, stated the building is obviously a commercial structure, a storefront; his parents expended money and he and his brother expended labor working on building but it is useless while zoned residential. Dennis Enjaian, Fremont, stated he is owners' son; spent many hours as building contractor, to bring 1712 Lincoln into good condition; building is the only one in entire block not used for commercial purposes; he and his parents' request, is that Council consider rezoning property to commercial use and waiving the fees. Vice Mayor Lucas inquired why the building was not grandfathered in as commercial. The Planning Director stated that, as set out in staff report, if a conforming use is substituted for a legal non-conforming use, the status is lost; the [Tribune] distribution office was allowed by Use Permit, which has lapsed but was a conforming use. Vice Mayor Lucas stated a storefront that should not be continued retail use seems ridiculous. The Planning Director stated when staff is able to handle matter, she believes Planning Department will initiate rezoning without a cost to Applicant, but the Enjaians want it done more quickly than she can accommodate. Vice Mayor Lucas stated she did not believe the use by the Tribune is permissable with a Use Permit; R-5 permits professional offices only, not general offices; the Tribune was not a professional September 15, 1992 office, therefore whatever existed continues as it was grandfathered in, and there would be no worry about rezoning. Following discussion regarding possible grandfathering-in, Use Permit, and procedure, Vice Mayor Lucas moved Council state the retail use is grandfathered in and does not require any Use Permit. Councilmember Camicia seconded the motion. [No vote was taken.) The Planning Director stated she would like to bring rezoning issue to the Planning Board in November; Zoning Ordinance provides for a change from one non-conforming use to another; she will look at issues discussed by Council [regarding Use Permit] and will be guided by their comments. Councilmember Roth moved acceptance of the communication. Councilmember Camicia seconded the motion which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. NEW BUSINESS AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 92-680 Consideration of nomination of appointment to Historical Advisory Board. President Withrow nominated Naomi L. Hatkin as Member of the Historical Advisory Board. 92-681 Consideration of nomination of appointment to Social Service Human Relations Board. President Withrow nominated Charles Scott Bridges as Member of the Social Service Human Relations Board. 92-682 Consideration of nomination of appointment of Senior Tenant Member to Housing Commission. President Withrow nominated Ruth S. Lamb as Senior Tenant Member of Housing Commission. 92-683 Mayor Withrow commended the Park and Recreation Department, noting that the Harrington Soccer Field dedication on Saturday turned out very nicely and the Park looks great. ADJOURNMENT President Withrow adjourned the meeting at 11:35 p.m. Respectfully submittede- DIANE B. FELSCH, CMC City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted 72 hours in advance. September 15, 1992