1980-01-10 Joint CC BOE MinutesJOINT SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HELD THURSDAY - - - - - - - - - - JANUARY 10, 1980 The meeting convened at 7 :30 o'clock p.m., at the Lum School Committee Room, with City Council President Corica and Board of Education President Hargraves presiding. ROLL CALL: Council: Present: Councilmen Diament, Sherratt, Stone, Tillman, and President Corica - 5. Absent None. Board of Education: Directors Borden, Cummins, Hanna, Kurlinski, and President Hargraves - 5. Absent: Student Representative, Nancy Jaber - 1. City and School Officials Present: Acting City Manager, J. Bruce Rupp City Attorney, Carter Stroud City Clerk, Deen Speegle City Engineer, Mark Hanna Assistant to City Manager, Robert Wonder Superintendent of Schools, Clarence Kline Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services, Dr. Walter Klas Assistant Superintendent, Business Services, Charles Tuder The Notice and Agenda of this special meeting is on file in the Office of City Clerk. Purpose of the Special Session was for a discussion of Bay Farm Island Bridge update, Crossing Guards Program, Harbor Bay Isle acreage for second school site, Washington School usage 1980 -81, and action thereon, if desired. Note: A tape of the meeting in its entirety is on file in the Office of the Superintendent of Schools. Director Hanna requested that the usage of Washington School for 1980 -81 be considered as the first item. There being no objections, President Corica and President Hargraves so ordered. 30 -034 Senior Center: The Acting City Manager stated that the Council had chosen Washington School as the primary site for a Senior Center because of its location and the facility has the amenities suitable for a Senior Center. He further stated that HUD originally required a 20 -year lease but has indicated a willingness to reduce the term of the lease to ten years if the amount of HCDA funds used for the Center are reduced. He inquired whether the Board is interested in leasing the Washington School site for a Senior Center, and if so, what length of lease would be acceptable? President Hargraves stated that at the last Tuesday evening Board meeting, parents of children currently attending Mastick School had requested the Board to transfer Mastick students to Washington School facility. He suggested that the Council might wish to consider the Mastick School site if that occurs. He further stated that the Board would hold a public hearing regarding that request and make a decision as to which site would be available for consideration for a Senior Center prior to January 23, 1980. The Acting City Manager stated that staff would investigate and make an analysis as to whether the Mastick School site would be suitable for a Senior Center. President Hargraves stated that he would favor a five -year lease of the school site and would poll the Board regarding the use of either Mastick School or Washington School sites for a Senior Center and whether a ten -year lease would be acceptable. Director Hanna stated that establishment of a Senior Center would be a first priority for use of a surplus school site and a ten -year lease would be acceptable if the facility were operated at no cost to the School District. Director Cummins stated he had no problem with a ten -year lease at either site. director Bordon stated that seniors should be given priority after education. Director Kurlinski stated that a ten -year lease was acceptable. President Hargraves noted that although he still favored a five -year lease, it was the consensus of the Board that a ten -year lease would be acceptable if the City assumes all costs for operation and maintenance. Councilman Tillman requested that staff obtain written confirmation from HUD that a ten -year lease would be acceptable. After Council and Board discussion, Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Diament, that the City pay S1.00 per month to lease a surplus school site and assume all costs for operation and maintenance of the facility; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. After further discussion, Director Kurlinski made a motion, seconded by Director Borden, that the Board lease a surplus school site to the City, with the provision that the City improve the facility with improved parking access, new industrial dishwasher, improved toilet facilities, and provide long -term maintenance, including custodial services, liability and fire insurance, and maintenance of grounds; and that the facility be returned to the Schocl District in a condition which would allow immediate use as a school facility. Director Kurlinski made an amendment to the motion, accepted by Director Borden, that the Board lease a surplus site to the City for a sum of at least $1.00 per month, and the City assume all costs for operation and maintenance. Upon call of the roll, the motion, as amended, carried by Ayes: Director Borden, Kurlinski, and President Hargraves - 3. Noes: none. Abstaining: Directors Cummins and Hanna - 2. President Hargraves stated that the motion carried. Richard Roth, 1417 5th Street, spoke in favor of transferring students from Mastick School to Washington School and suggested perhaps a Senior Center could be housed in surplus portable school buildings on the Mastick School yard. The following persons spoke in favor of a Senior Center: Gerhart Degemann, 304 Sand Beach Road Alice White, 1528 Pacific Avenue The following persons spoke in favor of transferring students from Mastick School to Washington School: Susan Lesh Marsha Martin Michael Keegan 00 -035 Bay Farm Island Bridge Update: The Acting City Manager stated that alternatives for Pedestrian /Bicycle Crossing at Bay Farm Island Bridge had been discussed with representatives from CALTRANS and two alternatives had been suggested: 1) Construction of a barrier on the existing sidewalk on the west side of the bridge at an estimated cost of $275,000; and 2) Construction of a sidewalk on the eastern side of the bridge at a cost of S425,000. He further stated that funding is not currently available for either alternative, and Assemblyman Elihu Harris has been working to obtain funding for the project. He noted that Assemblyman Harris will be meeting with representatives from CALTRANS on this subject January 11, 1980. Councilman Tillman recommended that the Council and Board of Education correspond with Assemblyman Harris again, and express their support of his efforts to obtain funding for the Pedestrian /Bicycle crossing on Bay Farm Island Bridge. President Corica and President Hargraves obtained the consent of the Council and the Board and so ordered. 80 -036 Crossing Guard Program: The Acting City Manager stated that crossing guard locations established by the existing warrants are funded by the City and crossing guard locations established outside the warrants are funded by the School District. He further stated that the Council and Board might wish to discuss the alternative of the School District funding the Crossing Guard Program. The Acting City Manager also stated that if the School District should take over the Program, monies from the Traffic Safety Fund would be allocated to the School District to fund the Program. Superintendent Kline stated he would support the Crossing Guard Program remaining under the supervision of the Police Department, and suggested that the School District become more involved with City staff in establishing criteria for the Crossing Guard Program. The Acting City Manager stated that the City had experienced difficulty in recruiting qualified adult crossing guards in the community. Superintendent Kline suggested that the staff explore the possibility of recruiting and training Crossing Guards through the Comprehensive Employment Training Program (CETA). Councilman Tillman recommended that staff pursue that possibility. Councilman Sherratt recommendet that inasmuch as a substantial savings would not result to the City if the School District assumed the Crossing Guard Program that the Program continue to be the responsibility of the City and funding remain as is. President Corica and President Hargraves obtained the consent of the Council and the Board and so ordered. Councilman Stone spoke in support of reinstatement of the Junior Traffic Patrol Program. Assistant Superintendent Klas stated that principals in the School District unanimously oppose the Junior Traffic Patrol Program as it takes students from the class room and because of safety factors. Superintendent Kline stated that he supports the recommendation to contact the Naval Air Station regarding the possibility of their assistance in providing Crossing Guards at locations which provide protection for Navy dependents. 00 -037 Harbor Bay Isle Acreage for second school site: The Acting City Manager stated that the developer is expected to submit a plan for Village V in the near future and that the City may desire to continue the Shoreline Park along the southern edge of Village V and the Industrial Park area. He further stated that exchange of all or part of land dedicated for development of the School and Park site in Village IV could be traded for Shoreline Park so it could be acquired at no cost to the City. Councilman Stone requested that the developer be asked to hold development of subject school site for a reasonable time, three -four years maximum, to enable the School District to determine their needs. President Hargraves stated it would be premature to consider any adjustment until more houses are completed. Councilman Tillman recommended that the Council and Board of Education postpone consideration of the matter until the next Joint Meeting is scheduled, possibly in August. President Corica and President Hargraves obtained the consent of the Council and Board and so ordered. There being no further business to come before the Council and Board of Education, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. 1/10/80 Respectfully submitted, faZ- DEEN SPEEGLE City Clerk