1980-09-02 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HELD TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 1980. Convened at 7:00 o'clock p.m. with President Corica presiding. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Tillman. The Invocation was given by Reverend Hodgkin of Christ Church Parish (Episcopal). ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmen Diament, Sherratt, Stone, Tillman, and President Corica - 5. Absent: None. MINUTES Councilman Diament made a motion, seconded by Councilman Tillman, that the minutes of the special Council meeting of July 30, 1980, and the regular Council meeting of August 5, 1980, be approved as submitted; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. CONSENT CALENDAR President Corica announced that the two resolutions relative to Tract 4467 had been withdrawn at the request of the developer. Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the resolutions not be agendized until a "letter of commitment of financing" had been received. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Diament, that the remaining items on the Consent Calendar be adopted; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5 Items so enacted, approved, or adopted will be so indicated by an asterisk ( *). REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS *80 -630 From Burton Crowell submitting status report on Patton Way. Accepted. RESOLUTIONS *80 -631 Resolution No. 9372, "Authorizing execution of agreement with Gary Brunault for personal services (Engineering Services relating to the Harbor Bay Isle Project)." Adopted. BILLS *80 -632 An Itemized List of Claims, certified by the City Manager as correct, was approved in the amount of $136,963.77. FILING *80 -633 Personal services agreement with Gary Brunault relating to the Harbor Bay Isle Project. RETURN TO REGULAR AGENDA September 2, 1980 SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY 80 -634 Joint Meeting of the Council and the Social Service Human Relations Board. ROLL CALL Social Service Human Relations Board: Present: Board Members Blaisdell, Fong, McDonald, Molina, Seaman, and President Baca - 6. Absent: Board Members Manibusan, Pritchard and Souza - 3. President Corica explained that a joint meeting is held annually in accordance with provisions of a City ordinance and that the Board had submitted a priority list of their annual work program. Board Member Blaisdell recommended that a youth representative be appointed to the Board and perhaps a Mayor's Committee for Youth established. Councilman Sherratt suggested that when a vacancy occurs on the Board that notices be posted at high schools in order to obtain applications for the Council to consider for appointment as a youth representative. He referred to the suggestion for a Mayor's Committee for Youth and stated he felt when the revision to the Community Services Directory is done that the Board could analyze the needs of the City and the resources available and come back with a recommendation. Board Members Pritchard and Manibusan noted present. Councilman Tillman recommended the Navy have a liaison person to work with the Social Service Human Relations Board to solve problems. President Corica stated he would contact Captain Dalake at the Naval Air Station regarding a liaison person. Board Member Manibusan stated she had been contacted by young persons who had been subjected to unfair employment practices such as being laid off for no reason, unsanitary conditions, and sexual harassment and inquired where such cases could be referred. President Corica stated that until the Community Services Directory is completely updated, the City Attorney could be contacted regarding such matters and refer persons to the proper agency. Board Member Molina suggested that the Housing Authority and Social Service Human Relations Board exchange minutes of meetings in order to better assist in areas of mutual concern. Board Member Pritchard stated that other agencies were handling the "Toys for Tots" and "Christmas Basket" programs although the Board was involved last year and inquired how it would be handled this year. The Assistant City Manager stated community based organizations had already been contacted to get the program started for this year. Councilman Sherratt stated the Social Service Human Relations Board could act as liaison and provide assistance and advice without directly doing the manpower work. President Corica commended and thanked the Board for their good work this year. September 2, 1980 The Joint Meeting of the Council and Social Service Human Relations Board adjourned and the regular Council meeting reconvened at 7:40 p.m. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 80 -635 From Gast Realty, signed by Rudd Gast, requesting to build a new lagoon wall at 2034 Clinton Avenue. Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the matter be referred to City staff for a report and placed on the agenda of September 16, 1980; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 80 -636 From Ponderosa Homes, signed by Alan McKean, requesting an extension of time for an additional six months from September 9, 1980, to March 9, 1981, to complete all improvements in Tract 3645 and a reduction of bond from $1,622,000 to $162,200. President Corica stated he was opposed to reduction of the bond and extension of time and that improvements should be completed in the time allotted and the bond released at that time. The City Engineer stated that his staff had pointed out additional work that would be required to the developer and his recommendation was to reduce the ✓ bond to S250,000 and grant a time extension of one year to September 9, 1981, He further stated that in the past it was customary for tract agreements to be for a one -year period but henceforth he is requesting a more realistic estimate of the length of time required to complete the job. Russell Sisung, 221 Santa Clara Avenue, spoke in opposition to the reduction in bond and extension of time to complete improvements. Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the communication be accepted and the recommendation of the City Engineer to reduce the bond to $250,000 and grant a time extension of one year to September 9, 1981, be approved; the motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Diament, Sherratt, Stone, and Tillman - 4. Noes: President Corica - 1. Absent: None. APPEALS 80 -637 From Robert E. Brennan, 1441 Morton Street, appealing decision of Planning Board in denying application for a Variance to convert a garage to a family room. The Acting Planning Director stated that the Planning Board had denied the Variance and the property would be deficient in off - street parking due to the conversion of the garage to a room and that the Board found no exceptional circumstances to grant the variance. Mr. Brennan spoke in support of granting the Variance and stated the room was used as a workshop, not a family room, and that it was unusable as a garage because of its location and small size. Councilman Sherratt stated he opposed granting a Variance because it would set a precedent and offered a motion that the decision of the Planning Board in denying the Variance be upheld; the motion FAILED for lack of a second. September 2, 1980 President Corica stated he also opposed granting the variance as it would set a precedent, and he felt the City would receive a large number of similar requests. Councilman Tillman stated he would support granting this Variance inasmuch as it improved the aesthetic appearance of the neighborhood. Councilman Tillman made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the variance be granted; the motion carried on the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Diament, Stone, and Tillman - 3. Noes: Councilman Sherratt and President Corica - 2. Absent: None. RESOLUTIONS 80 -638 Resolution No. 9374, "Awarding contract for coin collection of on and off street parking meters within the City to Brinks, Inc., and authorizing execution thereof." Councilman Sherratt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Stone, that the resolution be adopted; the motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Diament, Sherratt, Stone, Tillman, and President Corica - 5. Noes: None. Absent: None. 80 -639 Resolution No. 9375, "Awarding contract for towing of private vehicles within the City to Ted and Joe's Towing, and authorizing execution thereof." Councilman Stone made a motion, seconded by Councilman Sherratt, that the resolution be adopted; the motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Diament, Sherratt, Stone, Tillman, and President Corica - 5. Noes: None. Absent: None. 80 -640 Resolution No. 9376, "Fixing the rate and levying a tax on all real and personal property in the City of Alameda for the Fiscal Year 1980 - 1981." Councilman Diament made a motion, seconded by Councilman Sherratt, that the resolution be adopted; the motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Diament, Sherratt, Stone, Tillman, and President Corica - 5. Noes: None. Absent: None. 80 -641 Resolution No. 9377, "Requesting consideration of amendments to the Public Resources Code and to the State Guidelines for Environmental Impact Reports." Councilman Stone made a motion, seconded by Councilman Sherratt, that the resolution be adopted; the motion carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Diament, Sherratt, Stone, Tillman, and President Corica - 5. Noes: None. Absent: None. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 80 -642 Consideration of appointment of member to Historical Advisory Commission. President Corica nominated Gary Knecht for appointment to the Historical Advisory Commission, seconded by Councilman Tillman; the nomination carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. September 2, 1980 NEW BUSINESS 80 -643 Discussion of procedures for conduct of Council meetings. Councilman Stone stated that agendas are longer and business more complex and recommended that speakers be required to fill out speaker's cards and limited to speaking five minutes per agenda item, and that Council adjourn at 11:00 p.m. unless a motion is passed to remain in session. She further stated it would be helpful if staff would evaluate agenda items in terms of time requirements. Councilman Sherratt stated persons could sign up in advance by telephoning the Office of City Clerk and that a spokesman for a group could be allowed up to 15 minutes to speak. The following persons spoke in opposition to the use of speaker sign -up cards: Joseph Sullivan, 3221 Liberty Avenue Helen Freeman, 831 Laurel Street Diane Malik, 125 Central Ina Ratto, 1053 Island Drive Russell Sisung, 221 Santa Clara Avenue Councilman Diament recommended that staff evaluate agenda items in terms of time required, particularly hearings, as it might be beneficial to hold special meetings for some items. After considerable Council discussion, Councilman Sherratt made a motion as follows: 1) To initiate speaker card sign up for agenda items with the under- standing this may be done by a prior phone call to City Clerk; 2) That speakers be limited to five minutes per agenda item and a spokesman for a group allowed 15 minutes; and 3) That the Council adjourn at 11:00 p.m. unless Council consents to extend the time. Councilman Diament seconded the motion and offered an amendment, accepted by Councilman Sherratt, that these procedures be established on a six -month trial basis and reviewed at the end of that time. President Corica stated he was opposed to the use of speaker sign up and establish- ing time limitations as he did not like to cut persons off when they were speaking but he would agree with the 11:00 p.m. adjournment and that staff evaluate time requirements for agenda items. Upon call of the roll, the motion, as amended carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Diament, Sherratt, Stone, and Tillman - 4. Noes: President Corica - 1. Absent: None. 80 -644 Councilman Diament made a motion, seconded by Councilman Tillman, that the Council go on record endorsing the proposition which would place the issue of the peripheral canal on the State ballot; the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. 80 -645 Councilman Diament noted the East Bay Division of League of California Cities will hold a dinner at Goodman Hall on October 10, 1980, and Senator Cranston will be the guest speaker. September 2, 1980 80 -646 Councilman Diament noted the League of California Cities Convention will be held in Los Angeles in October and a breakfast for Councils is scheduled Tuesday morning of that week. 80 -647 Councilman Stone stated that Colonel Nisewaner had resigned from the Ad Hoc Efficiency Committee and requested a phone call if anyone knew of interested persons with computer expertise. 80 -648 Councilman Sherratt requested the Council mail boxes currently located in the Police Administration Building be moved to the Council Office in City Hall. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL 80 -649 Joseph Sullivan, 3221 Liberty Avenue, stated he wished to express his opposition to the use of speaker's cards for Council meetings again. 80 -650 Russell Susing, 221 Santa Clara Avenue, referred to the Patton Way status report and inquired regarding the reference to the public hearing which will cover both design and environmental review. Councilman Tillman requested the City Manager to ask for more explicit information regarding environmental reviews for Patton Way and to request Burton Crowell, the Project Coordinator, to attend the Council meeting of September 16, 1980, to further explain those matters. 80 -651 Diane Malik, 125 Central, stated she was concerned about the way blocks are planned and felt there should be more pedestrian and bicycle access. President Corica suggested she attend Planning Board meetings as new developments go before the Planning Board first. 80 -652 Ina Ratto, 1053 Island Drive, stated she had not spoken when the appeal for a variance to convert a garage to a room was heard as it was a Council decision but that in the future she would request Council to consider more seriously variances for these kinds of garage conversions as they contribute to parking problems. She inquired whether there is an ordinance that prohibits parking on lawns. The Acting Planning Director stated thare is a provision in the Municipal Code that prohibits such parking, and she would provide Mrs. Ratto a copy. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, the Council adjourned at 9:45 p.m., to assemble in regular session on Tuesday, September 16, 1980, at 7:30 o'clock p.m. Respectfully submitted, DEEN SPEEGLE City Clerk September 2, 1980