1978-06-26 Regular CC MinutesADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HELD MONDAY JUNE 26, 1978 The meeting convened at 12:00 o'clock noon with President Corica presiding. ROLL CALL: The roll was called and Councilmen Beckam, Diament, Sherratt, Tillman, and President Corica were noted present, (5). Absent: None. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Discussion of 1978-79 Contingency Budget. Councilman Sherratt moved the discussion on fees be held over to the end of the agenda and the meeting proceed to "Introduction of Ordinances," seconded by Councilman Diament and carried on unanimous voice vote. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCES: 2. "Ordinance No. New Series Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Amending Sections 3-1221, 3-1231, and 3-1241 of Chapter 12 of Title III Thereof Relating to the Utility Users Tax." Councilman Beckam moved the ordinance be introduced and passed, seconded by Councilman Sherratt. The motion failed to carry on the following roll call vote: Ayes: None. Noes: Five. Absent: None. 3. "Ordinance No. New Series Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Adding Chapter 3 to Title VI Thereof, Establishing Sewer Service Charges, Providing for Collection Thereof and Penalty for Delinquency, Remedies and Enforcement, and Establishing the Sewer Service Charge Fund." Councilman Beckam moved the ordinance be introduced and passed, seconded by Councilman Sherratt. On the question, Councilman Tillman said he felt this tax could be designated to provide funds for maintenance of the area around the City Dump and, on this basis, he would be voting for passage as a means of providing revenues for future needs. Mr. Michael Grappo, 1505 Broadway, suggested funds derived from this charge, if adopted, could be used for the General Fund, rather than for specifically sewer related costs. On a call for the question, the motion failed to carry on the following roll call vote: Ayes: Two. Noes: Councilmen Beckam and Diament and President Corica, (3). Absent: None. 4. "Ordinance No. New Series Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Adding Section 13-111(s) to Article I and Section 13-1933.5 to Article 9, Chapter 1, Title XIII Providing for Licensing for Revenue the Business of Leasing and/or Managing Property Defined as Shopping Centers." Councilman Beckam moved the ordinance be introduced and passed, seconded by Councilman Tillman. The motion failed to carry on the following roll call vote: Ayes: None. Noes: Five. Absent: None. 5. "Ordinance No. New Series 5 Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Adding Chapter 4 to Title XIII Thereof Providing for the Raising of Additional Public Revenues by Levying a License Fee upon Persons Engaged in the City of Alameda in any Trade, Occupation or Profession, of One Percent (1%) of the Compensation Thereof; Providing for the Administration, Collection and Investment of Said License Fee; Providing Penalties for Violation of the Provisions Thereof, and Providing an Effective Date Hereof." Councilman Beckam moved introduction and passage of the above ordinance, seconded by Councilman Tillman. The motion failed to carry on the following roll call vote: Ayes: None. Noes: Five. Absent: None. 6. "Ordinance No. 1928, New Series Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Adding Chapter 5 to Title I and Chapter 18 to Title III Thereof Relating to Annual Increase in Taxes and Fees." Councilman Diament moved the ordinance be introduced and passed, seconded by Councilman Tillman. On the question, Mr. Michael Grappo, 1505 Broadway, spoke in opposition. He stated he felt any increase in taxes should be put to a vote of the people. Mr. Joseph Sullivan, 3221 Liberty Avenue, spoke in favor of passage of the proposed ordinance. Mr. Robert Berges, 974 Post Street, urged passage of the proposed ordinance and suggested the 5% limitation be removed. Mr. Carl McNamara, representing employees at the Naval Air Station, spoke in opposition. He said he favored putting all raises of taxes to a vote of the people. On a call for the question, the motion carried on the following roll call vote: Ayes: Four. Noes: President Corica, (1). Absent: None. 7. "Ordinance No. New Series Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Amending Section 3-1112 of Article 1, Chapter 11, Title III Thereof, Relating to the Rate of City's Real Property Conveyance Tax." Deputy City Attorney Quan reported this proposed ordinance would provide for a tax of $3.30 per thousand to be levied by the City in conjunction with the $1.10 per thousand levied by the County, which was a change from the recently enacted ordinance which provided for $4.40 from the City in addition to $1.10 from the County. Councilman Sherratt moved introduction and passage of the ordinance, seconded by Councilman Tillman. On the question, Mr. Michael Grappo spoke in opposition to the Real Property Transfer Tax in general and urged repeal of the measure. Mr. Joseph Sullivan spoke in favor of retaining the $3.3C rate for the City. He said he agreed with the City Manager's previous suggestion that the Council urge the Legislature to clarify State law concerning the amount to be retained by the City and the County. Mr. John McCleese, 408 Sunset Road, spoke in opposition to enactment of the Real Property Transfer Tax at all. On a call for the question, the motion failed to carry on the following roll call vote: Ayes: Two. Noes: Councilmen Beckam and Diament and President Corica, (3). Absent: None. Councilman Sherratt moved the Council reconsider the recently passed Ordinance No. 1921, Real Property Conveyance Tax, at the next meeting, seconded by Councilman Beckam. The motion failed to carry on the following roll call vote: Ayes: Two. Noes: Councilmen Diament and Tillman and President Corica, (3). Absent: None. It was noted that Councilman Beckam left the meeting at this time. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 8. Discussion of 1978-79 Contingency Budget. Councilman Sherratt suggested the Council go through the City Manager's Supplemental Budget Memo No. 15, and act on each item, except those items directly relating to a Board or Commission. The Council concurred with this suggestion. (a) Is there support for the proposed fees to be charged by the City Manager's Office in processing various minor applications and permits? If so, is there support for Option No. 1 (Selective Increase in Permit Fees), or Option No. 2 (Fees for Time and Charges)? Councilman Sherratt moved the proposed fees be approved based on Option No. 2, Fees for Time and Charges, seconded by Councilman Diament, and carried on unanimous voice vote of the members present. (b) Do you support the proposed fees proposed by the City Clerk (page 1, Exhibit A, Supplemental Budget Memo No. 6)? Councilman Tillman moved approval of the proposed fees, seconded by Councilman Diament, and carried on unanimous voice vote of the members present. (c) Do you support the City Clerk's suggestion that the mailing of voter registration forms be eliminated? The City Clerk reported requests for forms would be referred to the County Registrar of Voters, which office was reimbursed by the State for postage. Councilman Diament moved approval of this suggestion, seconded by Councilman Sherratt, and carried on unanimous voice vote of the members present. (d) Do you support the City Clerk's suggestion that the minutes of all Boards, Commissions, and Council meetings be strictly action minutes? Councilman Diament moved support of the suggestion, seconded by Councilman Sherratt, and carried on unanimous voice vote of the members present. Mrs. Amey Stone suggested the City Council minutes continue to be in narrative form, and the other Boards and Commissions be action minutes. Councilman Sherratt noted all Council meetings are tape recorded and are available in the office of the City Clerk. Mr. Robert Hudkins, Chairman of the Library Board, suggested a copy of the tape of each meeting be made and placed in the Library for public use. Councilman Tillman suggested the use of action minutes be tried for six months; the Council concurred with this suggestion. (e) Do you favor the increase in rates and fees suggested by Engineering listed in Supplemental Budget Memo No. 6, Exhibit A, page 2, including increasing the parking meter rate to a 5 minimum, doubling the building and plumbing permit fees, charging a utility permit fee, doubling the garbage dump rate, and other miscellanefts fee suggestions? Following a discussion of parking meter rates, City Dump rates, address fees, an animal control fee, and a suggestion by Councilman Diament that the Bureau of Electricity pay a portion of tree maintenance costs, Councilman Sherratt moved approval of the suggested rates and fees, with the exception of the animal control fee, seconded by Councilman Diament, and carried on unanimous voice vote of the members present. (f) In addition to these fees, do you favor the additional suggestion contained in Supplemental Budget Memo No. 8, such as a $5.00 deposit to process requests to check parking meter accuracy, an increase in parking meter fines, and a processing fee for Traffic Advisory Committee requests that are basically for private rather than public benefit? Councilman Diament moved approval of the additional suggestions, seconded by Councilman Sherratt, and carried on unanimous voice vote of the members present. (g) Most significant of Engineering's suggestions is whether or not you support a '3.50 per month service charge for tree maintenance, street maintenance and sewer maintenance and construction? There was a discussion of street sweeping operations. Councilman Diament suggested private property owners be encouraged to become more responsible for the streets in front of their property. Councilman Sherratt moved this item be deleted from consideration, seconded by Councilman Diament, and carried on unanimous voice vote of the members present. (h) Do you support Engineering's suggestion of a $500 per dwelling unit sewer connection fee? Mr. Oscar Barry, representing Harbor Bay Isle Associates, spoke in opposition to implementation of this proposed fee, stating they felt they had already paid a major share of the sewer construction costs for the development and did not feel they should have to buy in to the Alameda system. City Engineer Hanna said this fee was an attempt to have new construction buy in to the City's system that had been paid for by current and past residents. Councilman Sherratt suggested the $500 fee was excessive. Councilman Tillman suggested and moved approval of the fee at a $100 figure, seconded by Councilman Diament, and carried on unanimous voice vote of the members present. (i) Do you support the permit fee suggestions of the Fire Department contained in Supplemental Budget Memo No. 6, Exhibit B? In response to a question from Councilman Sherratt, Assistant Fire Chief Alberti explained the sources for the suggested fees, their implementation, and the possibility that some people may try to circumvent the fees, for instance, by not asking for an inspection. Councilman Sherratt moved the suggested fees be instituted, seconded by Councilman Diament, and carried on unanimous voice vote of the members present. (j) Do you support the policy of Personnel assessing a charge for final Police Officer and Firefighter candidaltes being considered for employment to pay those costs incurred for electrocardiograms, back and chest x-rays, as well as supplemental examinations given to candidates for Police Officer? Councilman Sherratt moved approval of the suggestions, seconded by Councilman Diament, and carried on unanimous voice vote of the members present. (k) Do you support levying a $3.50 examination fee for each applicant participating in an open, competitive examination? Following a brief discussion on the possible legal implications of the fee, Councilman Tillman moved the Council not approve this fee, seconded by Councilman Sherratt, and carried on unanimous voice vote of the members present. (1) Do you favor the policy that Personnel charge individuals and agencies outside of the immediate area the cost of copying and mailing salary resolutions, benefit summaries and related information in order to cover the cost of both duplication and handling costs? Councilman Sherratt moved approval of the suggestions, seconded by Councilman Tillman, and carried on unanimous voice vote of the members present. (m) Do you support the Personnel Department requiring all applicants to place postage stamps on examination interest cards before they are accepted and filed? Councilman Tillman moved approval of this suggestion, seconded by Councilman Sherratt, and carried on unanimous voice vote of the members present. (n) Do you have any objection to filling one of the Junior Civil Engineer vacancies? The salary of this positon will be paid by subdivision fees. The City Manager noted two other vacant positions in this department should also be filled: Senior Plumbing Inspector and Associate Civil Engineer. Councilman Diament moved all three positions be filled, seconded by Councilman Sherratt, and carried on unanimous voice vote of the members present. ADJOURNMENT: 9. Councilman Sherratt moved the Council retire to executive session for the purpose of a discussion of personnel (meet and confer) matters, seconded by Councilman Diament, and carried on unanimous voice vote of the members present. At the conclusion of discussion, it was decided no action would be taken. 10. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the Council adjourned at 3:15 d'clock p.m. to meet in adjourned regular session on Tuesday, June 27, 1978, at 7:30 o'clock p.m. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk