1965-07-20 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HELD TUESDAY EVENING JULY 20, 1965 The meeting convened at 7:40 o'clock p.m. with President Godfrey presiding. This immediately followed the annual Board of Equalization meeting of the City of Alameda. Just prior to calling the meeting to order, President Godfrey had announced that Councilman William M. McCall had recently been installed as President of the East Bay Division of the League of California Cities. He commended Councilman McCall for having brought this honor to himself and to the City of Alameda. ROLL CALL: The roll was called and Councilmen Bartley, La Croix, Jr., McCall, Rose and President Godfrey, (5), were noted present. Absent: None. MINUTES: 1. The minutes of the special meeting held July 1, and the regular meeting held July 6, 1965, were approved as transcribed. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: 2. From The Peralta Colleges, signed by Dr. John W. Dunn, Superintendent, notifying the Council that the Board of Trustees of the Peralta Junior College District had adopted a resolution setting the date of October 19, 1965, for an election to authorize the District to sell bonds in the amount of $47,000,000. This would also include the development of a Peralta College campus in Alameda. Further, it was suggested that a meeting be scheduled between the City Council, or a committee thereof, and the college administration with regard to procedures to be set up and studies to be developed for the selection of a site for said college. The President asked Councilmen La Croix and Bartley to serve as this committee to meet with Dr. Dunn and his Staff to consider the procedures to follow in this matter henceforth. He suggested that it might be necessary to appoint a citizens committee from Alameda to work with the Feralta College District. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: 3' Elsie Roemer, 1556 Everett Street, spoke as a member of the Alameda Woman's Civic Affairs Committee. She stated this organization had, from the first, gone on record in favor of a junior college campus in Alameda but had firmly opposed any site which would encroach upon needed recreation facilities - specifically, the Alameda Memorial State Beach or Washington Park. 0 Mr. G. N. Pope, 1820 Bay Street, questioned certain accounting procedures of the City. Council- man Rose pointed out the methods used by the City were completely in accord with standard operating systems. Mr. Pope also protested against the proposed introduction of an ordinance listed on the agenda concern- ing the agreement in connection with the dredge and fill of certain Bay Farm Island property by Shore Line Properties, Inc. 5. Mr. Charles Warfield, 1132 Pearl Street, spoke about the lack of adequate service at the First Aid Station. He pointed up that it was not truly such a facility but, rather, merely an emergency station where some type of help could be administered. He felt this was an important issue in the City and that the Council should take some definite action in this respect. The President explained to Mr. Warfield that the Council was in complete agreement with him and Council- men Bartley and La Croix had been appointed to work on this very case. He elaborated on the many prob- lems involved but gave assurance the Council was indeed working diligently on the matter. 6. Mr. Frank Gottstein, 731 Haight Avenue, reiterated his complaint about the grade of Webster Street and again urged that the elevation be raised while the area was still unimproved and said project could therefore be accomplished at less cost. Mr. Gottstein also protested once more against the tracks of Alameda Belt Line running along Atlantic Avenue which, he claimed, were in disgraceful condition. He emphasized that they should be removed. 7. Mrs. Helen Lyons Freeman, 831 Laurel Street, requested permission to address the Council under the heading of "Introduction of Ordinances", prior to the actual introduction of the ordinance with regard to the Bay Farm Island fill. 8. Mr. John J. Williamson, 512-B Central Avenue, commented that there was an awakening among the populace of Alameda to the very wonderful natural resources within the City and the desire to preserve them. He referred particularly to San Francisco Bay and said many people were now concerned about the indiscriminate filling thereof. He emphasized that these groups were dedicated in conserving these tidelands and when the Council considered any further proposals to fill these lands, or build on them in any manner, shape or form, they were going to oppose those plans with every facility at their command. 9. Mr. Oliver Fisher, 1825 Clinton Avenue, addressed the Council at great length with regard to the group health insurance coverage for retired City employees. It was developed that a small number of retired police officers and firemen who were members of the Kaiser Foundation had inadvertently been carried by the company at the same rate as the active City employees. This fact had recently come to light during the course of the survey of benefits and costs in connection with the City's decision to contribute eight dollars toward said health insurance premium for each City employee. Mr. Fisher stressed the fact that this group of retirees did not expect the City to contribute toward the cost of their health insurance but merely to make it possible for them to retain their rating and the "group" cost. He said they had been informed that if the retired employees were to be included in the health insurance plans, there would be an additional cost to all of the active employees. Mr. Robert Zimmerman was called upon to explain the plans of Kaiser Foundation. He pointed out that several options had been offered, and he also stressed that most cities and school districts were now accepting a "continuation plan" for retired employees. It was emphasized that all realize the older person was the one who needed the insurance coverage the most. Upon request, Mr. Routt, Personnel Director, explained that all discussions of the subject up to the time the Council had made its determination to contribute the sum of eight dollars toward the cost of the employee's premium were on the premises that this would cover the active employee only. He reviewed the situation and called attention to the Medicare Plan which would soon be in effect. Mr. Routt suggested that after this plan was operative, the City would then be in better position to know the type of coverage which would be the most advantageous to the retired employee to supplement that which was available through Medicare. He felt that inasmuch as there was the continuation program available to the City retirees, any action to include the retired personnel as members of the active group would be premature at this time. Mr. Bert Johnson, 2120 Alameda Avenue, Fireman, spoke of another group composed of those who would be retiring within the next few years. He felt that if action were taken by the City Council at this meeting it might disrupt the program so that this group would fall under "Permanente's" rule that it would no longer have the option to continue "B" coverage after retirement. The President then suggested that further discussion of this matter be deferred to "Reports" since there was listed on the agenda a memorandum on the subject from the Acting City Manager. HEARINGS: 10. From City Planning Board, signed by the Secretary, concerning the review of its original recom- mendation:to deny the reclassification of certain lots in said 1300 -block of High Street - and to exclude the lots known as 1301 and 1307 High Street from any change of zone at this time. It reaffirmed its denial of the requested rezoning in this case. From G. Sturtevant Enterprises Development Company, signed by Mr. George A. Sturtevant, reviewing the factors:.which it was felt would warrant the rezoning of the parcels in question from the "C. -1 ", Commercial District, to the "R -5 ", General Apartment District. It was recalled that the Hearing on this matter had been held at the Council meeting of June 1, 1965, and had been continued to the meeting of June 15, 1965. At that time, the Hearing had been closed and the matter had been referred back to the Planning Board for further study and evaluation of the entire block. Upon request, Planning Director Johnson reviewed the circumstances of the Board's re- examination of this case. City Attorney ;Cunningham restated that the legal issues were whether or not the Council desired to approve or disapprove the recommendation of the Planning Board. He, too, recalled the criteria by which the Board had, presumably, arrived at its decision. The Council then entered into a very thorough discussion of the entire case - reviewing possible alternatives in an effort to resolve the problem equitably for all concerned and still upgrade the neighborhood by the requested rezoning which would then allow the construction of the eight -unit apartment house on the Sturtevant parcel. Mr. Calvin Mew, 262 Beach Road, whose family owned the property at 1323 and 1325 High Street, was called upon to state whether or not his family still protested against the proposed rezoning. He said he was not prepared to make a statement in this respect. Mr. George Sturtevant also spoke in support of his request. Councilman La Croix then moved the decision of the Planning Board be upheld and the requested reclassi- fication not be granted. The motion was lost because of lack of a second. After further deliberation, Counci and the properties known as 1311, "C -1 ", Commercial District to the Councilman Bartley and carried on Rose and President Godfrey, (4). lman McCall moved the recommendation of the Planning Board be reversed 1319, 1321, 1323 and 1325 High Street be reclassified from the "R -5 ", General Apartment District. The motion was seconded by the following roll call vote. Ayes: Councilmen Bartley, McCall, Noes: Councilman La Croix, (1). Absent: None. The matter was then referred to "Introduction of Ordinances ". REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS, ETCETERA: 11.V From Acting City Manager, concerning rate adjustments at the Municipal Golf Courses as recommended by the Advisory Golf Commission. Councilman Rose felt the report was inadequate insofar as it was apparently based on assumptions from certain figures rather than from charts showing actual use of tickets purchased over a,period of at least two months. He said he thought the City was not in a position to get independent with the City Golf Courses due to the increasing competition from the many new courses being established in the area. During the course of the discussion, Councilman McCall asked that the Golf Commission give extra con- sideration to some method by which retired people would be able to play every day at some reduced rate. Following a lengthy discussion of this situation, it was determined that the matter should be returned to the Advisory Golf Commission for a more complete study and analysis of play covering a longer period of time. The Acting City Manager was instructed to transmit this request to the Commission. 12. City Attorney, with regard to the proposed ordinance for introduction, authorizing Shore Line Properties, Inc., to fill its remaining Bay Farm Island lands. The matter was referred to "Introduction of Ordinances ". In connection therewith, the President referred to a letter he had received, dated July 14, 1965, from Mr. Hugo Fisher, Administrator of the Resources Agency of State of California. This referred to the public values on the Bay Farm Island project. President Godfrey stated he had answered this communica- tion on July 16, 1965, and copies of both letters had been furnished each Councilman for his informa- tion. The President stated he would like to have the Council take action at this meeting on the intent of the City with regard to four items of public values, as follows: (1) Public Marina and Harbor Site as shown on the Developer's Master Plan. He proposed that orderly planning procedures be undertaken to determine the feasibility and that this land be kept available for harbor and marine purposes; (2) Public Beach which was situated on the southern perimeter, also included in the Developer's Master Plan. He felt discussions could be initiated with the Port of Oakland which owned the property - the Developer would put in the beach and it might be hoped that the Regional Park District would accept the dedication thereof; (3) Deepwater Channel in the vicinity of Bay Farm Island Bridge. The Presi- dent requested permission to contact The Honorable George P. Miller, Congressman, with the request that he introduce legislation which would require the Army Corps of Engineers to maintain the proper depth of the channel as presently being dredged; (4) Waterfowl Habitat. He suggested the possibility of exploring with the Developer an additional area for such purpose. In doing so, the City would con- sult with the Port of Oakland, City of Oakland, the Developer and any other interested parties. The President felt that if this four -point program could be accomplished, it would obviate considerable opposition from the public, and further, it would enhance the public image of Bay Farm Island. He asked the pleasure of the Council. Councilman McCall suggested it should also be included that the Army Corps of Engineers be requested to see that the Estuary, Airport Channel and Bay Farm Island Bridge Channel connect with the Developer's Channel, thereby assuring a "scouring action" which would keep the Channel in question open. Following a question and answer period for clarification of certain aspects of the situation, Council- man Bartley moved the Council support the intent of the four -point program as outlined by the President. The motion was seconded by Councilman McCall and carried on the following roll call vote. Ayes: Coun- cilmen Bartley, McCall, Rose and President Godfrey, (4). Noes: Councilman La Croix, (1). Absent: None. 13. From City Planning Board, signed by the Secretary, recommending approval of Property Division Map No. 146, covering property owned by Mr. Roy Wittenau, located on the east side of the southerly end of Sherman Street - subject to approval of the City Engineer as reported in his memorandum of July 8, 1965. The matter was referred to "Resolutions ". 14. From City Planning Board, Drive" and "Mecartney Road" as Councilman La Croix moved the approved for Tract No. 2730. roll call vote. Ayes: Five. signed by the Secretary, recommending approval of the names of "Verdemar shown on the Final Map of Tract No. 2730, as requested by the Subdivider. recommendation be adopted and the two street names as specified be The motion was seconded by Councilman Rose and carried on the following Noes: None. Absent: None. 15V From Acting City Manager, recommending Building Permit for certain construction at job. the refund of the fee of $82. paid by Garber, Inc., for a 2146 Alameda Avenue, due to cancellation of the proposed Councilman La Croix moved the recommendation be followed and the sum of $82. be refunded to Carber, Inc., as requested. The motion was seconded by Councilman Rose and on roll call carried by the follow - ing vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. 16 From Acting City Manager, recommending cancellation of the Fill Permit and the release of the $5,000. Performance Bond covering the project on the property of Mr. Edward Lehi Torrey, because of the sale of said parcel of land. Councilman La Croix moved the recommendation be adopted; that the Fill Permit be cancelled and the Performance Bond as specified be released. The motion was seconded by Councilman Rose and carried on the following roll call vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. 17. From Acting City Manager, reporting all work satisfactorily completed on the project of Installing a Storm Sewer in Washington Park - recommending it be accepted and the Notice of Completion be ordered filed. Councilman La Croix moved the recommendation be followed; that the work on said project be accepted and the Notice of Completion be filed. The motion was seconded by Councilman Rose and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. 18. From Acting City Manager, concerning the negotiations with regard to the City's contributions to, and the benefits from, the group health insurance plans for City Employees. Mr. Robert Zimmerman of Kaiser Foundation and Mr. Robert Traynor of Blue Cross were present and were called upon during the discussion to clarify certain provisions of their respective programs. Mr. Watson presented the matter, stating that he and Mr. Forrest Routt, Personnel Director, recom- mended that the retirees not be included at this time for the same coverage as the active employees would have. He explained the additional cost to all employees which would result from the inclusion of these retired employees. Mr. Watson stated it would be advisable to wait and see what Medicare would do for this group of people. He explained the details of the two health plans and pointed up the increased benefits. The President questioned very minutely many phases of the entire procedure. He felt Blue Cross had not abided by its bid on the premium cost and benefits. There was great discussion of the method of operation, figures which had been quoted and explanations of interpretation of provisions and rates set forth in the specifications and the subsequent bid by Blue Cross. The question brought up by Messrs. Oliver Fisher and Bert Johnson earlier in the meeting concerning retired employees being included in the group health insurance plan for active employees was further discussed. It was felt all employees should be polled to ascertain if they would be willing to pay the extra cost necessary in this respect. It was pointed out that this would take quite a while because exact information should be furnished in order that every active employee would know precisely to what he would be obligating himself. In view of the delay, therefore, in effecting the health insurance plan - and in response to the question, Mr. Traynor of Blue Cross stated the rate presently quoted was guaranteed through September, 1966. After further discussion, Councilman Rose moved the matter be deferred in order that the Personnel Director and Assistant City Manager have ample time to poll all employees on this question. The motion was seconded by Councilman La Croix and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. 19y- From City Planning Board, signed by the Secretary, recommending approval of Property Division Map No. 150, covering pardel at the Northeast Corner of Central Avenue and Lafayette Street, with the specific exception to Sec. 11 -3119 to allow a 53.83 -foot width on Lot 1 - and also, subject to conditions in the City Engineer's memorandum dated July 8, 1965. The owner of said property was Mr. Stanley Boersma. The matter was referred to "Resolutions ". 20:7 From Acting City Manager, recommending contract be awarded to Gallagher & Burk, Inc., low bidder, for Constructing a Left -Turn Slot on Tilden Way at Broadway, at the total cost of $3,376.50. Councilman La Croix moved the recommendation be adopted; that the contract be awarded to the desig- nated firm for the specified project at the total cost quoted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bartley and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCES: / 21. "Ordinance No. New Series An Ordinance Authorizing Shore Line Properties, Inc., to Dredge Certain Marsh, Tide and Submerged Lands of the City of Alameda, and to Fill Certain Like Lands Owned by Said Corporation in Said City, Known as 'Bay Farm Island Fill Area No. 2', and Authorizing Execution of Agreement Pertaining Thereto." Councilman Rose raised several questions relating to certain provisions of the Agreement referred to in said ordinance, principally for the purpose of clarification. Mr. Cunningham explained these vari- ous points and agreed to certain changes to obviate any ambiguity. Mrs. Helen Freeman raised specific questions with regard to certain actions - or lack thereof - and procedures pertinent to this project by the City, State, Federal Government, Shore Line Properties, Inc., or Reclamation District No. 2105. She then claimed that the introduction of this ordinance would be premature and itemized her reasons for her belief in this respect. Councilman McCall then introduced the foregoing ordinance, after which it was laid over under provision of law and the Charter. City Attorney Cunningham wished it to be understood that the Agreement referred to in said ordinance was the Agreement furnished the Councilmen, as modified at this meeting by the two changes resulting from the questions raised by Councilman Rose. 22. Councilman Bartley introduced the following ordinance, after which it was laid over under provi- sion of law and the Charter: "Ordinance No. New Series An Ordinance Amending Certain Portions of the Alameda Municipal Code Relating to Traffic Regulations." Councilman McCall suggested that, henceforth, when the Municipal Code was to be amended with regard to traffic regulations, a drawing should be furnished the Councilmen at least a week in advance of the Council meeting at which such action was to be taken, indicating just where the signs in question were to be placed. He believed this would facilitate the understanding of exactly what was proposed and enable those interested to ask questions if desired. 23. Councilman Rose introduced the following ordinance, after which it was laid over under provision of law and the Charter: "Ordinance No. New Series An Ordinance Reclassifying and Rezoning Certain Property Within the City of Alameda by Amending Zoning Ordinance No. 1277, New Series." (1311, 1319, 1321, 1323 and 1325 High Street) UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 24. President Godfrey recalled that some weeks ago the Council had instructed him to write to the Board of Education, asking it to consider making a change in its meeting nights. He felt that, per- haps, the Board did not intend to take any action on the original request. The President, therefore, asked for authorization to write another letter - more in the nature of a demand. Councilman Rose suggested the Council wait one more meeting for a response. This, then, certainly would have given the Board ample time to have the matter under consideration. President Godfrey agreed and stated he would proceed if no answer were received by the next meeting of the Council. NEW BUSINESS: 25:~ President Godfrey commended the Alameda Chamber of Commerce for the brochure which was being pre- pared to "sell the City ". He thought:it would be most beneficial to Alameda. RESOLUTIONS: 26. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Rose, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 6827 Authorizing Year -End Transfers on the Books of Account of the City of Alameda." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman La Croix and carried on the following roll call vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. 27. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Bartley, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 6828 Authorizing Execution of Agreement for Construction and Completion of Improvements in Connection with Property Division Map No. 146 and Approving Faithful Performance Bond as to Sufficiency (1000 Sherman Street - Roy Wittenau)." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman McCall and carried on the following roll call vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. 28. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Bartley, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 6829 Approving Property Division Map No. 146 and Permitting Recording Thereof. (1000 Sherman Street - Roy Wittenau)." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman McCall and carried on the following roll call vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. 29. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman La Croix, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 6830 Approving Property Division Map No. 150 for Division of Property at the Northeast Corner of Central Avenue and Lafayette Street, and Permitting Recording Thereof (Stanley Boersma)." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Rose and carried on the following roll call vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. The President then declared all of the foregoing resolutions adopted. FILING: 30. Agreement - Between City of Alameda and Shore Line Properties, Inc., re Fill of Certain Bay Farm Island lands. 31. Financial Statement - Bureau of Electricity, as of May 31, 1965. Verified by Hackleman, Larzelere & McKenna. 32. Auditor's Financial Statement - City of Alameda, as of June 30, 1965. Verified by Hackleman, Larzelere & McKenna. 33. Agreement - Between Roy Wittenau and City of Alameda re Property Division Map No. 146 - 1000 Sherman Street. BILLS: 34. An itemized List of Claims against the City of Alameda and the several Departments thereof, in the total amount of $42,426.30, was presented to the Council at this meeting. The List was accompanied by certification from the City Manager that the Claims shown were correct. Councilman McCall moved the bills as itemized in the List of Claims filed with the City Clerk on July 20, 1965, and presented to the Council at this meeting, be allowed and paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman La Croix and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. 35Y President Godfrey called attention to the fact that the Recreation and Parks Commission had asked for a joint meeting with the City Council as soon as possible. He said he would, therefore, call a special meeting for this purpose - to be held Tuesday evening, July 27, 1965, in the Council Chamber at 7:30 o'clock. 36. At this time, Councilman McCall announced that the Alameda Rod and Gun Club, in conjunction with the Alameda Recreation Department, would hold its annual Fishing Derby on Wednesday, July 28, 1965, for all children in the City. He said all arrangements had been made and there would be some wonder- ful prizes which were furnished by Mr. Art Agnew. It would be held at the Alameda Memorial State Beach through cooperation of the State Ranger, and a grand time was anticipated by all concerned. President Godfrey complimented Councilman McCall for the excellent arrangements he had made and thanked him for all of his work on behalf of the City's participation in this event. ADJOURNMENT: 37. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the Council adjourned - to assemble in regular session on Tuesday evening, August 3, 1965, at 7:30 o'clock. Respectfully submltted, Cly/C1erk