1965-09-29 Special CC MinutesSPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HELD WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON SE EMBER 29 1965 The meeting convened at 4:20 o'clock p.m. with President Godfrey presiding. ROLL CALL: The roll was called and Councilmen Bartley, La Croix, Jr,, McCall, Rose and President Godfrey, (5), were noted preseot. Absent: None. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: l( Receipt of the Notice and Agenda of this special meeting had been acknowledged by each of the Councilmen and was on file. The purpose of the meeting was to further discuss the matter of the Alameda First Aid 3tation, President Godfrey remarked that the City has no legal obligation to maintain a First Aid Station or provide definitive care service but it has always been the feeling of the City Councils that they do have a moral responsibility to operate such a statinn. During the budget sessions for fiscal year 1965-66, it had been decided that the Council should again consider this First Aid 'question and ascertain if better service could somehow be furnished. . The budgeted amount for the present service was $44,000. The President recalled that he had asked Councilmen Bartley and La Croix to serve as a committee to investigate the current situation, and they had submitted a written report to him on their findings. Briefly, the report indicated that the Alameda Hospital was very much interested in this mutter and would like to have a ''letter of intent" from the City Council to the effect that it was willing to thoroughly discuss and explore all possibilities toward establishing a first class emergency service at the hospital. Councilmen Bartley and La Croix explained the several points of their discussions with Mr. Harold G. Michaels, Administrator of Alameda Hospital, who had then submitted a report to his Board of Trustees. It was brought out that Mr. Michaela'smo aware of the inadequate service at the existing First Aid Station through copies of reports which had been oubmitted:ao a result of several investigations and studies made during the past number of years. Councilman McCall expressed surprise that the Committee had not seen the plans for the construction of an emergency ward at the hospital - which he knew were in existence, together with the application form for certain Federal Grants. Be felt the City should not get involved in this type of service at all. Councilman La Croix agreed the City was not obligated to furnish any such service but if it was will- ing to continue to provide it for its citizens, he thought it should upgrade the service - or do away with it entirely. He felt the City had two courses of action - either to discontinue the particular type of service which was presently being rendered or to determine the feasibility of giving a true emergency type service within the City of Alameda - and the possibility of providing this within the facilities of Alameda Hospital. During the course of clarification of the specific plans referred to by Councilman McCall, Mr. Weller stated he too, had seen them several years ago and had understood they were part of the long- range expansion program of the Board of Trustees of Alameda Hospital. It was agreed they might well be used in conjunction with an application for certain Federal funds, but not necessarily so. Councilmen Bartley and La Croix definitely urged the Council to take whatever action necessary to further pursue the attainment of a complete emergency service - be it called a "letter of intent" or "letter of auggeotion" or whatever. Each emphasized that this was solely for the purpose of explor- ing all possibilities and not to commit the City to any definite reoponaibility. Upon invitation, Dr. Arthur L. Guerra, City Physician, stated he understood that the Alameda Hospital had plans to greatly increase and improve its facilities and that the Board of Trustees was depending upon a Government loan to finance said project. He pointed out that a prerequisite for said monies was that the hospital have an emergency department. The question was raised with regard to reimbursement of the hospital under certain circumstances and, while this point was considered premature, it was brought out that in the event Alameda Hospital could conform with the requirements of a bona fide emergency service, then the probability was - excellent that some type of agreement could be entered into between the hospital and Alameda County, whose basic and legal responsibility it was to provide this type of service. Councilman Rose expressed his opinion that the Board of Trustees of the Alameda Hospital merely wanted written confirmation of the presentation made by Councilmen Bartley and La Croix that the City Council was ready to explore all possibilities to obtain adequate emergency proviaiono. Be stated he was completely in favor of retaining the present facilities until the City could offer the people something better. All concurred. Following advice of the City Attorney, it was determined that Councilmen Bartley and La Croix would consult with Messrs. Weller and Cunningham and compose a letter as had been proposed and submit it to the Councilmen for perusal and approval prior to transmitting it to the Board of Trustees of Alameda Hospital. 447 President Godfrey thanked the Councilmen for taking their time to attend a special meeting on this subject. He said he believed some good had resulted from this meeting. He thought that, with the properly prepared letter to be sent to the Board of Trustees of the Alameda Hospital, and through future negotiations, there could eventually be adequate service furnished right here in the City for the people of the community. ADJOURNMENT: 2. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the Council adjourned. Respectfully submitted,