1961-06-06 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMED& HELD TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 6, 1961 The meeting convened at 7:30 o'clock p.m. with President Collischonn presiding. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman McCall and was followed by an inspiring Invocation delivered by The Reverend Andrew Montgomery, Assistant Pastor of First Presbyterian Church. ROLL CALL: The roll was called and Councilmen Dungan, Godfrey, McCall, Schacht and President Collischonn, (5), were noted present. Absent: None. MINUTES: 1. The minutes of the regular meeting held May.16, I961, were approved as transcribed. WRITTEN COMUNICATIONS: 2. Resolution from West Alameda Business Association, signed by Mr. Howard Yeremiau` President, pro- posing that the second tube be named in honor of Admiral William F. Halsey and be referred to as "Halsey Tube". Councilman Dungan moved this suggestion be given a favorable endorsement. The motion died for lack of a second. It was felt the matter should properly be directed to the State Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, and the "Aasociatioo" was to be so informed. }. From Bay Farm Island Improvement League, signed by Mr. George T. Butler, President, submitting a petition signed by sixty-seven residents in the vicinity, requesting the improvement of County Road from Maitland Drive to Mecartney Road. The City Engineer was requested to prepare a report on the general condition of said Road and an esti- mate of cost with regard to its improvement. V 4. From Mrs. V. Smith, 2116 Encinal Avenue, in protest against public expenditures. It was suggested that when acknowledging this letter, the Clerk point out to Mrs. Smith the City Council had "held" the t6e tux rate for 1959-60 and had "reduced" it for 1960-61. Also, the estimated cost of the proposed pool at Encinal High School would be $177,000., rather than $777,000., as stated by Mrs. Smith. 5. 4 From Mrs. Melvin Sanderson, 2839 San Jose Avenue, President of Frank Otis School P. T. A., requesting action be initiated to removeunsafe conditions on Calhoun, Fillmore and Court Streets, due to lack_of sidewalk and poor ntreet,pavemant. The City Engineer was asked to also make a report on this situation. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: 6.v1 Mr. Chester E. Dix, President of the United Veterans Council of Alameda, comprised of representa- tives of several veterans' organizations, addressed the Council in appreciation of the Mayor's Pro- clamation and interest io,=Loyulty Day". Mr. Dix presented to Mayor Collischonn a Loyalty Day Citation from the National Council of Veterans of Foreign Wars, through the Fourteenth District of California, for his participation and cooperation in the Annual VFW Loyalty Day program. The Mayor responded with thanks. V' 7. Mr. G. N. Pope, 1820 Bay Street, referred to certain proposed Bills before the Legislature in Sacramento concerning an increase in the vehicle license fee and also the matter of allowing freeways to be constructed through cities without their consent. He asked that the Council enter its protest against both of these measures. Mr. Pope expressed his appreciation for the City Engineer's design of the curb cuts at Eighth Street ' and Pacific Avenue which are of great benefit to the elderly and handicapped people in this area. HEARINGS: v'. . 8, The matter was called up concerning the requested reclassification of property known as 891-893- 899 Union Street and 1724-1728 Clinton Avenue from R-1, One-Family Residence District to R-4, Neighbor- hood Apartment District. The Clerk stated there was on file the Affidavit of Publication of Notice of Hearing in this matter and all pertinent data had been made available to the Councilmen. Mr. Schoenfeld, Planning Director, briefly reviewed the situation and pointed up the fact that the Planning Board had recommended denial of the petition for said rezoning on the basis that the aurround- iog land use is predominantly single-family residences. Mr. Harry A. Parks, part owner of the property in question together with Dr. R. Shelby Oliver, addressed the Council as a proponent for the reclassification of their parcel of land for the purpose of constructing multiple-family units. Mr. Murray, the architect, displayed a sketch showing the exterior elevations of the proposed structure. Br. Ierry,LaCroix, 920 Grand Street, addressed the Council as President and on behalf of the Alameda Home Owners Association, opponents to the requested reclassification. He stated his organization was unalterably opposed to any rezoning in this area. Mr. Paul Schreiber, 1728 Clinton Avenue, and Dr. Norman Johnson, 1710 Clinton Avenue, also spoke in opposition to the question. The Hearing was then declared closed and Councilman Schacht moved the Council adopt the recommenda- tion of the Planning Board and the requested reclassification be denied. The motion was seconded by Councilman Godfrey and-on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS, ETCETERA: V 9. From City Planning Board, signed by the Secretary, making inquiry concerning the standards for swimming pools, landing docks, piers, etcetera. It was requested that the City Manager and the City Attorney submit a report on this matter at the Council meeting to be held Wednesday, July 5, 1901. | � lO: From City Manager, concerning Encinal High School Swimming Pool and recommending the firm of August E. Waegemann and Associates be retained as the architects at the fee outlined in this communication. Reference was made to the Report from the Recreation Department and considerable discussion was 6dd on the several plans proposed. Mr. Weller explained that the Recreation Commission will probably consult with the architect and call public meetings for discussion of the several types of facili- ties and, before any detailed plans are drawn, there will be final agreement on the layout of the overall pool development. 'Mr. Annibale also stated any desired provisions can be set forth in the contract. Councilman Godfrey then moved the recommendation of the City Manager as contained in his letter of May 18, 1961, be approved, with the understanding that the Staff ask for preliminary rough draft plans of Alternates A, B, C and D with estimated costs - also, that the Council approve the form of contract with the architect prior to its execution. The motion was seconded by Councilman McCall. Further discussion ensued and Councilman Schacht amended the motion to include his proposed "Alter- nate E* which would be comprised of three pools - (1) Training pool, 30 feet by sixty feet from depths of two feet six inches to three feet six inches; (2) Swimming pool, forty-two feet by seventy-five feet from depths of three feet six inches to five feet six inches; and (3) Swimming and Diving pool, forty-two feet by seventy-five feet from depths of three feet six inches to twelve feet. Cuuudilmen Godfrey and McCall expressed their disapproval of the idea of constructing three pools but, nevertheless, agreed to accept the amendment to the motion on the basis that the excessive cost would eliminate this alternate proposal from consideration. The question was then put and the motion^ as amended, carried on the following roll call vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. Mr. Frank Gottstein, 731 Baight_Avanue, urged the Council to inspect existing public swimming pools in the area to ascertain the type of installation which had proved to be the best. The Clerk was instructed to send Mr. Gottstein a copy of the report on this mutter. 111/. From Civil Service Board, signed by Mr. William C. Brock, President, submitting its finding that an overall increase of two and one`half per cent would bring Civil Service employees of the City more in line with rates of pay in effect in other public agencies in this area. The matter was referred'to the Budget work session. 12.0 From City Manager, reporting all work satisfactorily completed on the project of Constructing Arch Culverts on Buena Vista Avenue from Bay Street to Lafayette Street - recommending it be accepted and the Notice of Completion be ordered filed. Councilman Schacht moved the recommendation be approved; that the work on said project be accepted and the Notice of Completion be filed. The motion was seconded by Councilman Godfrey and unanimously carried. V l]. From City Manager, concerning support of recommendations of the Bay Region Marine Affairs Confer- ence in connection with O. S. Army Engineers projects for 1961-62, as requested by the Alameda Chamber of Commerce. The matter was referred to "Resolutions". 14. From the Mayor, City Manager and City Auditor, submitting their report-on the Count of Money held May 17, 1961, showing the sum of $4,601.505.49 in the City Treasury at that time. The report was noted and ordered filed. l5` From City Manager, recommending the Petty Cash Funds of the City Clerk and the Chief of Police be increased to the amounts of $250. and $50., respectively. This matter was also referred to "Resolutions". 16. From City Manager, recommending contract be awarded to Alameda Times-Star for legal advertising during 1961-62, at the prices quoted. Councilman Godfrey moved the recommendation be adopted and a contract be awarded to the Alameda Times- Star as the official newspaper of the City for legal publications. The motion was seconded by Council- man Schacht and carried on the following roll call vote. Ayes: Five, Noes: None. .A6aent: None. 17^ From City Manager, recommending contract be awarded to International Harvester Co", low bidder, for furnishing one Dump Truck for Street Department, at the total cost of $4,241.74. Councilman Godfrey moved the recommendation be followed; thut,coutract be awarded to the designated Company for furnishing the specified vehicle at the cost quoted. The motion was seconded by Council- man Schacht and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. lO. From City Manager, recommending contract be awarded to Mobil Oil Company, Inc., and to Standard Oil Company of California, low bidders, for furnishing Premium and Non-Premium Gasoline, respectively, at prices of $.2044 and $"1809 per gallon. Councilman Godfrey moved the recommendation be accepted; that contracts be awarded to the respective firms for furnishing the specified items at the prices quoted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schacht and carried by the following roll call vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. l0� From City Manager, recommending contract be awarded to Pervo Paint Company, low bidder, for fur- nishing certain Paint and Thinner during 1901-62, at the respective prices of $2.65 and $.85 per gallon. Councilman Godfrey moved the recommendation be adopted; that contract be awarded to said Company for furnishing the specified items at the prices quoted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schacht and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. � 20. From City Manager, recomending contract-be awarded to Powell Bros., Inc., for furnishing Portland Cement Concrete Transit Mix during 1961-62 at the prices quoted. Councilman Godfrey moved the recommendation be nucepted; that contract be awarded to the designated firm for furnishing the specified material as quoted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schacht and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five, Noes: None. Absent: None. 21. From City Manager, recommending contract be awarded to Alameda-Contra Costa County Trucking Co", low bidder, for furnishing Quarry Waste and Earth Fill at City Dump, at the respective prices of $1~15 and $I.05 per ton. Councilman Godfrey moved the recommendation be followed; that contract be awarded to the designated firm for furnishing these items at the prices quoted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schacht and on roll call: carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. 22° From City Manager, recommending contract be awarded to Meg Engineers for the project of Install- ing House Laterals during 1961-62, at the total cost of $9,545. Councilman Godfrey moved the recommendation be adopted; that contract be awarded to said firm for the specified project at the price quoted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schacht and carried on the following roll call vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. � 23. From City Manager, recommending contract be awarded to Meg Engineers for the project of Repairing Sidewalk, Driveway, Curb and Gutter during I961-62, at the total cost of $5,328.20. Councilman Godfrey moved the recommendation be accepted; that contract be awarded to the designated firm for said project at the price qumted. The motion was seconded by Councilman. Schacht and carried on the following roll call vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. U 24. From City Manager, submitting for Council consideration the matter of the proposed County-wide Police Teletype System. This proposal had been referred by the Alameda County Mayors' Conference to each City for an expression of its official position. Mr. Leland Henrietta of The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company was called upon to explain the setup of this "System". Mr. Weller also spoke in clarification of the situation. Following discussion of the proposal, Councilman Dungan moved the Council accept the recommendation of the Mayors' Conference, with the understanding that there will be no direct cost to the City of Alamedo. The motion was seconded by President Collischonn and carried on the following roll call vote. Ayes: Councilmen Dungan, McCall and President Collischonn, (3). Noes: Councilmen Godfrey and Schacht, (2). Absent: None. 25° From City Manager, submitting the recommended Budget for 1961-62. It was determined that a special meeting for the purpose of reviewing said Budget would be held on Tuesday evening, June 13, 1961, at 7:20 o'clock, in the Council Chamber. V 26^ From City Planning Board, signed by the Secretary, recommending approval of Record of Survey Map filed by P. Royal 8aulmao, et al, covering Lots 2, 3 and portion of Lot 4, Block 84, Map of Alameda surveyed and drawn by J. T. Stratton (Mound Street), subject to the report of the City Engineer. Councilman McCall moved the Council accept the recommendation and approve the designated Record of Survey Map as submitted by the Board. The motion was seconded by Councilman Godfrey and carried on the following roll call vote. Ayes: Councilmen Dungan, Godfrey, McCall, Schacht and President Collischonn, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. ) �'‘') 000 2 From City Planning Board, signed by the Secretary, recommending approval of the Record of Survey Map for Lots 1A, 1B, 1C and 1D, Block 1, Tract No. 1986' South Shore Unit No. 3, filed by the South Shore Land Co., subject to the conditions stipulated by the City Engineer and subject to the dimen- sions of Parcel 1C being made adequate to obviate any yard variances for the development proposed thereon. Councilman Godfrey moved the Council follow the recommendation and approve the specified Record of Survey Map as presented 67 the Board. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schacht and carried on the following roll call vote. Ayes: Councilmen Dungan, Godfrey, McCall, Schacht and President Collischonn,. (5). Noes: None. Absent:. None. INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCES: 28. Councilman Dungan introduced the following ordinance, after which it was laid over under provi- sion of law and the Charter: "Ordinance No. New Series An Ordinance Amending Section 17-461 of the Alameda Municipal Code by Adding Subdivisions (8) and (9) Thereto, Relating to Yield Right-of-Way Intersections (Adams and Washington, Intersection with Peach)." 29. Councilman Godfrey introduced the following ordinance, after which it was laid over under provi- sion of law and the Charter: "Ordinance No. New Series An Ordinance Authorizing Grant of Easement for Roadway Purposes to Shizutoshi Takeda (Tilden Way Project)." UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 30. Councilman Godfrey referred to a copy of a letter addressed to the City Manager from Mrs. Gaylord A. Orr, Secretary of the Youth Activities Committee, concerning ita,inveotigatiuu of a - recent act of anti-Semitism - and requesting a directive from the Council to investigate further into the general situation of juvenile viblence^ and submit a report. Councilman Godfrey thereupon moved the ,Youth Activities Committee be so authorized. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schacht and unanimously carried. Councilman Godfrey also spoke of the. fact that there are now five vacancies in the membership of the Youth Activities Committee and he felt replacement appointments should be made in the very near future to complete the Committee roster. Following some discussion of the procedure involved, Mr. Annibale stated he would send out a memoran- dum on the matter, indicating which Councilmen have appointments to make in order that proper action can be taken. NEW BUSINESS: 31. Councilman McCall referred to the proposed projects of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and felt the City of Alameda should endeavor to cooperate with the City of Oakland and Port of Oakland to promote a harbor development project. Be pointed out there is a project under way for deepening the channel in the Estuary and he felt efforts might be made to have this project carried through to San Leandro Bay and continue out to San Francisco Bay, in order to provide full recreational benefits from the waters surrounding the City. Be suggested Congressman Miller be approached for advice toward accomplishing this project. The City Manager was requested to contact Congressman Miller to ascertain the exact procedures to be followed in this attempt. RESOLUTIONS: 32. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Schacht, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 6226 Resolution of the Council of the City of Alameda Dedicating Certain Real Property to Public Use for Street and Highway Purposes (Fitchburg Avenue between Maitland Drive and Beach Koad)." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Dungan and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. 33. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Schacht, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 6227 Resolution of the Council of the City of Alameda Endorsing Recommendations for Civil Works Appropriations for Bay Region Navigational and Related Harbor Development."' The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Dungan and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. 34. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Schacht, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 6228 Resolutino of the Council of the City of Alameda Increasing Amounts of Certain Petty Cash Funds (City Clerk and Police Department)." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Dungan and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: ' Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. '35. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Schacht, who moved its adoption: "Resolution. No. 6229 Resolution of the Council of the City of Alameda Adopting Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans for Reconstruction and Resurfacing of Buena Vista Avenue from Park Street to Grand Street, Calling for Bids and Directing City Clerk to Advertise Same." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Duugan and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. 36. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Schacht, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 0230 Resolution of the Council of the City of Alameda Adopting Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans for Minor Street Patching with Asphalt Concrete for Fiscal Year Ending June 20, 1962, Calling for Bids and Directing City Clerk to Advertise The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Dungan and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. 37. The following resolution was introduced by Councilman Schacht, who moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 6231 Resolution of the Council of the City of Alameda Adopting Specifications for Furnishing to the City of Alameda One (1) New, Latest Model Truck, Including Hoist and Three Cubic Yard Capacity Dump Body, for Golf Department, Calling for Bids and Directing City Clerk to Advertise Same." The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Councilman Dungan and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. The President thereupon declared all of the foregoing Resolutions duly adopted and passed. ORDINANCES FOR PASSAGE: 38. "Ordinance No. 1375, New Series An Ordinance RecleoSifying and Rezoning Certain Property Within the City of Alameda by Amending Zoning Ordinance No. 1277, New Series." (835 and 839 Portola Avenue - R-2 to R-1 District) Councilman Godfrey moved the ordinance be adopted as submitted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schacht and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. 39^ "Ordinance No. I376, New Series An Ordinance Amending Article 7, Chapter 2, Title XVII, of the Alameda Municipal Code by Adding Thereto a New Section Known as Section 17-272 (Prohibited Pedestrian Traffic -- Tilden Way)." Councilman Godfrey moved the ordinance be adopted as submitted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schacht and on roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. FILING: 40. Financial Statement - Bureau of Electricity, as of April 30, 1961 - Verified by Hackleman � Larzelere. 41^ Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans No. PR 5-51-8 - Reconstruction and Resurfacing on Buena Vista Avenue from Park Street to Grand Street. 42. Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans No. PW 6-61-9 - Minor Street Patching with Asphalt Concrete for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1962._ 43. Specifications and Provisions No. MS 6-61-11 - One New, Latest Model Truck, Including Hoist and Three Cubic Yard Capacity Dump Body, for Golf Department. BILLS: 44. An itemized List of Claims against the City of Alameda and the Departments thereof, in the total amount of $76,969.07, was presented to the Council at this meeting~ also a supplemental List for $564. The List was accompanied by certification from the City Manager that the Claims shown were correct. Councilman Schacht moved the bills as itemized in the List of Claims, and the supplement thereto, as filed with the City Clerk on June 6, 1961, and presented to the Council at this meeting, be allowed and paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman McCall and carried on the following roll call vote. Ayes: Five. Noes: None. Absent: None. 45. At this point, Councilman McCall announced that the Annual Flag Day Observance in the City of Alameda would be held Wednesday, June 14, 1961, beginning at 7:30 o'clock p.m. with a parade from the rear of Alameda High School, east to Park Street, north to Santa Clara Avenue and west to the Elks Club, where the Retreat Ceremony would be held. The Marine Drum and Bugle Corps, the Coast Guard Band and the Marine and Naval Reserves will participate in the affair. There will then be a short program in the Lodge Hall and Councilman McCall urged all City Officials to attend with their families and friends. ADJOURNMENT: 46. There being no further business to come before the Meeting, the Council adjourned at 9:30 . o'clock - to assemble in regular session on Tuesday evening, June 20, 1901, at 7:30 o'clock. Respectfully submi r e6, ' ^� ~ '~ ^ ~,� /