1942-12-30 Special CC MinutesSFwOlAL M'OET0NG OF TOE. COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA ZE1.a) bAENESdaAi pnbidhiN0:1_3ECEMEER 30 - 1942 The meeitinz convened at 8:05 a. m. wdth President Godfrey presiding. , efabp: The roll. was called and Councilmen am,.ITIscheici Htwe Fonos, Maurer and President Godfrey, (5), were noted present. Absent: Pone. I. The Cali and Notice of Special Meeting was read and ordered filed. Also ordered filed was the Affidavit of Service of Notices to the merotuers of the Council of this Special ineetainn. soso,onf-.0 , K.. The following resolution was introduced dv Councilman Madrer, wno moved its adoptiJ.: "PLeitition o. 2818 Appointinz Acting City Manager." The motion to adopt sadd resolution was seconded by Councilman Howe and en roll call carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen L anscheid, flewo, Jones and. Maurer and President Godfrey, ( 5 ) . hoes: Fbne. Absent: None. Thereupon the Mayor de- clared said resolution. duly adopted and passed. .11 3. There being no further business to come before the meeting tne Council ad journed. to assemble in regu ar session. on Tuesday evening, Janalay 5, 1943, at 8:00 D. 11.L. ectf u tDed