1934-07-17 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HELD TUESDAY ....... JULY 17th, 1934 The meeting convened at 8 o'clock P.M. with President Murray presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Bruzzone, Eschen Morris, Tiedemann and Presi- dent Murray (5), were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the regular meeting of July 3rd, 1934, were read and approved. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: V 1. A communication was received from the North Side Protective Club, requesting use of the Council Chambers on Wednesday evening, August 8th, for the purpose of holding a public meeting, in order to hear political candidates. On motion of Councilman Eschen, seconded by Councilman Tiedemann and unanimously carried, the request was granted. v' 2. „/ From the Auditor and. Assessor, submitting assessment figures for the City of Alameda for the year 1934. The communication was ordered filed. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: t, 3.v Bid of the Alameda-Times-Star for official advertising which was opened at the regular meeting held July 3rd, was rejected on motion of Councilman Eschen and seconded by Councilman Morris, and unanimously carried. NEW BUSINESS: 4. On motion of Councilman Morris, seconded by Councilman Bruzzone and on roll call unanimously carried, the order of business was changed to provide for the presentation of "Ordinances for Passage" and"Ordinances for Introduction", prior to the reading of "Resolutions," ORDINANCES FOR PASSAGE: 5 The following ordinance was presented for passage: "Ordinance No. New Series. An Ordinance Appropriating and Authorizing the Expenditure of Public Moneys for Advertising for the Fiscal Year 1934-1935 and Deoinating the Purposes for the Expenditure of Such Moneys" Councilman Morris moved-that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Councilman Tiedemann, and on roll call carried unanimously. ORDINANCE INTRODUCED: 6. The following ordinance was introduced and laid over under provision of the Char- ter: "Ordinance No. , New Series, An Ordinance Regulating the Beaching or Abandonment of Vessels. and Water-craft upon Tidelands and Submerged Lands within the Harbor of the City of Alameda, Providing for the Removal or Elimination of Abandoned Vessels and Water-craft and for the Assessment and. Collection of the Cost of such Removal or Elimination thereof, and Imposing Penalties for the Violation of this Ordinance." RESOLUTIONS:: 7, Councilman Eschen introduced and moved the adoption of ,"Resolution No. 1852 Transferring $3,141.40 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Councilman Bruzzone seconded the motion and on roll call it was carried unanimously. 8 Councilman Bruzzone introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution. No. 1853 Authorizing Execution of Contract with Alameda Chamber of Commerce for Advertising for Fiscal Year 1934-1935." Councilman Tiedemann seconded the motion and on roll call it was carried unanimously. FILING: The Clerk ing papers had 9. BILLS: stated that since the last regular meeting of the Council, the follow- been received for filing: Affidavit of Publication - Notice of Right to Appeal from Act of Street Superintendent in. Removing Weeds, etc. Ex Committee of the Whole, from Walter H.Anderson from City Manager, re Building Dept Claims against the General Departments, amounting:to $2519.43; Police Departmer4, $762.07; Fire Department, $138.49; Street Department, $1314.29; Health Department, 55.51; Golf Course Department, $855.10; Park Department, $1055.03; Store Department, 4,2305.07; Social Service-Recreation Dept., $25.50; Initiative Relief Fund, $162.00; Street Improvement Fund, $113.74 and Unemployment Fund, §2313.50 having been approved by the proper officials, were listed by the Clerk as follows: Alameda Steam Laundry AlaMeda Times-Star American City, The Bank of America Borie, C. A. Bryant, Ralph M., City Camer2n, Florence W. East ay. Dan.Utility Liberty Elevator Maintenance Mun.Elect.Light & Power National Safety Council Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Bryant, Ralph M., City Mgr Int4Bus.Machine Corp. Mun.Electric Light & Power Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Alameda Steam Laundry East Bay Mun.Utility Dist. Mun.Elect.Light & Power Mun.Elect.Light & Power Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. General Departments Laundry, City Hall Printing Subscriptions Lease of deposit box Services and carfare Reimbursing Revolving Fund. Services Water, City Hall and Co, Servicing elevator Street lighting Dues for membership Telephones Labor East Bay Mun.Utility District East Bay Mun.Utility District Mun.Elect.Light &' Power AlaMeda Steam Laundry East Bay Mun.Utility Dist. Fox- Water Company Island City Ice Co. Martin, J.A. Mun.Electric Light & Power Pauline, Rosemarie Labor Alameda Steam Laundry Mun.Electric Light & Power Labor East Bay Mun.Utility Dist. Inter-Urban Express Corp. Kellogg Express & Draying Co. Mun.Electric Light & Power Alameda Sport Shop Alameda Sport Shop Alzina, Hap American Law Book Co., The Anderson Mfg. Co. Ansel's Electric Co. Baker-Hamilton-Pacific Co. Bomberger Seed Company,Ltd. Borman Steel Co., Geo. H. oyle Mfg. Co., Inc. Brown, William Burroughs Adding Machine Co Butler Bindery Calif.Corrugated Culvert Co. Calif.Mill & Lumber Co. Calif-Uursery enmnprilr Total fountains Police Department Laundry Chief's Contingent Fund Rent for tabulating machine Maintenance signal system Telephone Total 201 $ 2.00 5.81 2.00 4.40 31.53 150.00-- 50•00 22.48 5.00 2075.04 20.00 151.17 $2519.43 •97 750.00'- 6.00 4.10 1.00 $ 762.07 Fire Department Laundry 32.07 Water, all stations 29.16 Fire alarm system upkeep 8.31 Electricity, all stations 51.75 Telephones 17.20 Total $ 138.49 Street Department Sewer flushing Service, Corp.Yd. Lighting, Corp.Yd. Total Health Department Laundry Water Distilled water Ice bill Rodent extermination Electricity Laboratory service Total Golf Course Department Laundry Light and power Total Park Department Water service Express charges, valves Express charges Service Total Store Department Playground equipment Tennis balls Servicing motorcycles Law book Brackets Batteries Hardware supplies, etc Seed Steel Pails, etc. Stamps Chair Forms Culverts Oak counter - $1301.25 6.93 3.84 2.27 $1314.19 ' 7.77 7.42 2.55 .92 16.00 12.45 8.40 $ 55.51 $ 459.00 3.59 392.51 $ 855.10 $ 889.25 99,48 .25 .25 65.80 $1055.03 $ 102.90 4.10 30.47 7.50 4.10 14.76 71.99 7.96 74.51 10.67 1.89 28.19 58.44 52.43 120.54 2og Dennen. Co., V.W. Dieterich-Post Co. Dietz Motor Company Fayen, Jas. D. Fuller & Go., W.P. Grinton & Co., Alec Holcomb Mfg Co., J.I. Kooyman, P. Kronke-Brampton Co. Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Macmillan Petroleum Mun.Elect.Light & Power Oakland Blue Print Co. Pacific Coast Paper Co. Pacific Nursery Co. Piatt Photo Co. Powell Bros., Inc. Ransome Company Rhodes & Jamieson, Ltd. Seagrave Corp. Smith, Chas. Transit Concrete, Ltd. Traver & Son., C.L. Tucker & Son, J.G. Union Oil Co.of Cal Western Auto Supply Co. Western States Grocery Co. Woodin & Little, Inc. Worden & Forsythe Central Fruit Market Lee Typewriter Co. Mun.Electric Light & Power tI 11 Barcelo, M. Borromeo, Lawrence Brown, W.Z. Bulman, E. Bush, J. M. Cobb, David Conzelman, Wm. Henrickson, Niels Larkin, H.W. Lohse, O.W. Neumiller, Charles Pastorino, Geralamo Vironde, Marcello Store Department, Contld. Mops, etc. Blueprint paper Cap Ticket-printing Paint, etc. Crepe piper Heads for sweepers Tile Flats Lumber Gasoline Lamps, lath Prints Envelopes Plants Picture, May Festival Concrete Rockfalt Cement Gravel Hand lever Repairs, installations, etc. Materials Appraising Broom wire Grease, Gasoline Putty Matches, etc. Diaphragm Tennis court extension Total Social Service-Recreation Dept. Groceries Servicing typewriters Flood lights, tennis Ala. Unemployed Assn, Total Initiative Relief Fund. Labor tt TT Total ••••••••••••• OOOOOOOOO Street Improvement Fund. Powell Brothers Materials Unemployment Fund Reimbursing Revolving Fund $ .2313.50 Bryant, Ralph M., City Mgr. $ 36.50 1.29 .33 20.86 49.02 1.64 2.66 17.50 27.67 48.20 137.14 32,00 24.90 8.83 5.12 4.87 81.64 24.34 517.30 2.81 9.99 135.51 15.48 28.00 109.11 15.95 .77 9.23 2.43 97.50 $ 2305,07 5.12 1.65 15.68 3.05 25.50 16.00 12.00 14.00 12.00 14.00 8.00 16.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 16.00 16.00 4.00 162.00 113.74 On motion of Councilman Eschen, seconded by Counoilman'MorTis,,the bill were on rolLcall passed unanimously. ' There being no further business to transact, the Council adjourned, to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, August 7th, 1934, at 8 o'clock P.M. Respectfully submitted,