1932-12-06 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAI+DA, TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 6th, 1932. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock with Council - President Murray presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Morris, Shanly, Schaefer and President Murray (4 were noted present. Absent: Councilman Leydecker. The minutes of the regular meeting of November 15, 1932 were approved as read. COMMUNICATIONS : The following communications were received: From Jordan and Ticoulet, submitting monthly report showing receipts and expenditures of the City of Alameda for that portion of the present fiscal year ending October 31, 1932. There being no objection, the communication and report were ordered filed. From the Mayor, City Manager and Auditor, reporting that they had counted the money and securities in the City treasury on November 18, 1932, and found under the control of the City Treasurer ;499,219.42, which was the correct amount which should have been in the treasury at the time according to the Auditor's records. Of the above amount 4309,383.34 was on deposit in various banks bearing interest at 20; $1,436.08 was in cash in the Treasurer's office. The Pension Fund contained $49,250.00 in bonds; the Electric Light Fund $120,400.00; and the Compensation Insurance Fund $18,750.00, also in bonds. In addition to the reporting officials, there were present at the count Messrs. Jordan and Ticoulet, Certified Public Accountants. There being no objection, the report was ordered filed. /" 3. From the City Manager quoting a communication received by him from P. Flatow & Son, Druggists of Alameda, suggesting that on account of similarity in the names of Park Street and Park Avenue, the name of the latter be changed. On motion of Mr. Schaefer, seconded by Mr. Morris and carried unanimously, the matter was referred to the City Manager for attention. 4. v From the City Planning Commission recommending that the City Council take whatever steps are within its power to bring about an improvement in the lighting condition of the Posey Tube in the vicinity of the Alameda entrance. On motion of Mr. Shanly, seconded by Mr. Morris and unanimously carried, the communication was referred to the City Manager for attention. ✓' 5. / From the City Planning Commission unanimously endorsing the action of the City Council in initiating proceedings for changing and reclassifying all the property fronting on both sides of Park Street from the north line of Lincoln Avenue to the south line of the United States Tidal Canal, now zoned under Classes 1, 11 and 111, from Classes 1, 11 and 111 to Business District, Class V. The communication was, without objection ordered filed. ✓ 6. ,, From the City Planning Commission recommending the reclassification of property known as 1801 Lincoln Avenue from Residence District, Class 1, to Business District, Class 111, for the purpose of conducting a barber shop. On motion of Mr. Schaefer, seconded by Mr. Morris and unanimously carried, the recommendation of the City Planning Commission was adopted. 7.4 A report from Burns - McDonnell- Smith, Engineering Company, of their study of the present electric utility situation and recommendations for future method of power generation by the Municipal Electric Light Plant. On motion of Mr. Schaefer, seconded by Mr. Morris and unanimously carried, the report was accepted for filing and referred to the City Manager for attention. ✓ 8.,,/ " From the Taxpayers' League of Alameda commending the Council for the prompt manner in which it acted in bringing about a survey of the Electric Light Plant problem. There „being no objection, the communication was ordered filed. 9. �j From the Alameda Improvement Club submitting copy of proposed ordinance for regulating the distribution of advertising matter. On motion of Mr. Schaefer, seconded by Mr. Shanly and unanimously carried, the communication was referred to the Committee of the Whole. 10. /' From the Pastors of the First Methodist Church, First Congregational Church, First Presbyterian Church, Santa Clara Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, Christ Church and the First Christian Reformed Church, protesting that while the Eighteenth Amendment remains in the Constitution of the United States, local liquir ordinances should not be repealed re- gardless of the repeal of the Wright Act. There being no objection, the communication was ordered filed. NEW BUSINESS: 11.'/ Mr. Schaefer informed the Council that it had been customary in the past, at this period of the year, to make an appropriation to City Historian, Chas. R. Smith, and moved that the sum of $50.00 be appropriated for this purpose! seconded by Mr. Shanly and on roll call the.motion was unanimously carried. ✓ President Murray informed the Council that he and City Manager Bryant had been successful in making an appointment to meet Governor Rolph in the near future to discuss the necessity of providing adequate laterals from the San Francisco - Oakland Bay Bridge to the City of Alameda. December 6, 1932. RESOLUTIONS: 13. Mr. Morris introduced and moved the adoption of - i/ 14. "Resolution No. 1706. Authorizing Payment of December Salaries." The motion was seconded by Mr. Shanly and on roll call carried unanimously. Mr. Schaefer introduced and moved the adoption of - "Resolution No. 1707. Resolution Requesting a More Equitable Distribution Of Motor Tax Funds To Municipalities." The motion was seconded by Mr. Morris and on roll call carried unanimously. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: The following ordinances were introduced and laid over under provision of the Charter: 15. "Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying Property. All Property Now in Classes 1, 11 and 111 fronting on Both Sides of Park Street from North Line of Lincoln Avenue to South Line of United States Tidal Canal, on Council's Own Initiative." 16. ORDINANCE FOR PASSAGE: "Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying Property. (1801 Lincoln Avenue)" 17. "Ordinance No. New Series. Repealing Ordinance No. 228 N.S. Entitled 'An Ordinance Prohibiting the Sale, Manufacture, Transportation or Unlawful Possession of Intoxicating Liquors and Providing Penalties for Violation Hereof.'" Mr. Schaefer moved that the Ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Shanly and on roll call carried unanimously. BILLS: Claims against the General Departments amounting to 41114.49; Police Department, 4129.59; Fire Department, 4300.28; Street Department, 42523.09; Health Department, 4147.73; Recreation Department, 41273.17; Golf Course Department, 41321.71; Store Department, 4191.39; Social Service Department, 4327.71; Initiative Relief Fund, 4262.55; Compensation Insurance Fund, 4102.50; Street Improvement Fund, 4236.16; East Bay Municipal Utility - District Payments Fund, 42448.14; School Fund, 41259.94; having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: Smith, Chas. Alameda Chamber of Commerce Alameda Steam Laundry Baker, Hamilton & Pacific Co. Bancroft- Whitney Company Bancroft- Whitney Company Bryant, City Mgr. Ralph M. Bryant, City Mgr. Ralph M. Collins & Zanazzi Dennen Co., V. W. Ford, N. O. Ford, N. O. Hockwald Chemical Co. Jordan & Ticoulet Kronke- Brampton Co. McKenna, Elenor M. E. L. P. Murray, William F. Office Equipment Co. Otis Elevator Company Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Peterson Tallow Company Powell Bros., Inc. Port of Oakland Remillard Brick Company Remington Rand, Inc. Rhodes & Jamieson, Ltd. Santa Clara Ave. Cyclery Seeley, Esther Transit Concrete, Ltd. Worden, H. E. GENERAL DEPARTMENTS Work in Jail, plumbing, fountain, etc. 4 202.74 Advertising in Daily Commercial News 167.50 Laundry Service, City Hall 2.00 Hardware Supplies, City Hall. 24.05 Law Books 5.70 Law Hooka 12.85 To cover Federal Tax, Bank .60 ^ Refunding Revolving Fund 118.10" Tire and Tube, Bldg. Inspector 5.80 Paper Towels, City Hall 3.05 Envelopes for City Manager 15.50 Bench Warrants, City Justice 7.50 Liquid Soap, City Hall 2.48 Special Audit, November 45.00 Halyard 2.80 Servives for City Manager 77.50 Installation, etc. City Hall 18.43 Mayor's allowance, November 50.00 Repairs to envelope sealer, Auditor 3.00 Services, City Hall 5.50 Gas, City Hall 4.34 Disposal of dead animals, Oct. & Nov. 50.00 Materials for basement, City Hall. 27.56 Blueprints of Oakland Harbor 25.20 Brick for City Hall Basement 12.00 Folders for City Clerk 4.55 Materials for City Hall 47.95 Changing locks, keys 6.75 Services, Treasurer 92.00 Cement, City Hall 14.54 Rental of Air Compressor 59.50 Total: 4 1114.49 Alameda Steam Laundry Alzina, Hap Calif. Auto Association Collins & Zanazzi Dietz Motor Company George, Charley Merchants Express & Draying Co. M. E. L. P. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Park Street Garage San Jose Hardware Co. Smith's Restaurant Alameda Steam Laundry American Rubber Mfg. Co. Dennen Co., V. W. Fabric Fire Hose Company Johnson Co., S. T. Marwedel, C. W. M. E. L. P. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Standard Oil Company of Cal. Standard Oil Company of Cal. Union Oil Company of Cal. Appelby, A. Conset Stone Company Labor Baker, Hamilton & Pacific Co. Clark & Sons, N. Collins & Zanazzi Dietz Motor Company East Bay Mun. Utility District Hamilton, Burnett Heafey -Moore Company Interurban Express Corporation Kling- Dawers Stationery Co. Loop Lumber and Mill Co. Meut er, Homer Moreland Sales Corp. Remillard Brick Co. Reuter, F. Rhodes & Jamieson, Ltd. Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Union Oil Co. of Cal. U. S. Foundry Company Watson, W. - Western Auto Supply Co. Burns, Mrs, V. Cossitt & Company, Inc. Braun - Knecht - Heiman Co. Bryant, Ralph M. Ford, N. O. Collins & Zanazzi Frost, H. G. -Kling- Dawers Stationery Co. Kruentz, Fred Martin, J. A. Oakland, California Towel Co. Pauline, Rosemarie Skilling, Dr. L. E. Western Dairy Equipment & Mfg. Winberg, Mrs. G. H. POLICE DEPARTMENT Laundry Motorcycle Service Traffic Signs Tire Auto Service & Repairs Painting Traffic Signs Expressage Installing clock, batteries, etc. Gas Auto Service Powder Meals to Jail Total* FIRE DEPARTMENT December 6, 1932. Linen Service Fire Hose Rags Fire Hose Stove Oil Copper Tube Installations, clock, switch Gas Gasoline Gasoline Gear Oil Total: Repairs to Sidewalk Repairs to Sidewalk Hacksaw Blades Sewer Pipe, Clement Ave. job. Tire and Tube Parts for Ford Truck Water used for Street Sweeper lvloney advanced for Carfare Rock Dust Express Charges Time Book Lumber Money Advanced Fan Belt Brick Money advanced for Street Sweeper Cement Gasoline Asphalt, lubricant Castings (bid) Manhole Steps Removing Roots from Sewer Supplies Total: HEALTH DEPARTMENT Services at conference Birth and Death Certificates Clinic Supplies Money advanced, Postal Cards Sheets perforated Tires and Tubes Clorox Index Tray Services, Guinea Pigs Rodent Exterminator Laundry Laboratory Services Services Baby Conference Wedeco Test Bottle Bath Services, Baby Conference Total: 4 1.38 4.48 20.00 6.85 31.28 15.00 .35 16.63 1.88 6.95 16.20 8.58 4129.58 4 62.50 18.00 5.00 140.00 11.29 9.62 4.51 21.06 12.50 12.50 3.30 4300.28 33.86 7.20 1390.50 3.00 329.28 8.48 1.76 3.92 .50 2.96 .25 1.00 1.60 4.10 .94 24.00 .60 17.50 94.13 69.98 521.30 5.00 1.23 2523.09 5.00 11.91 1.76 10.00 2.75 21.11 .60 1.35 5.00 56.00 3.00 14.00 10.00 2.75 2.50 4 147.75 December 6, 1932. Alameda Repair and Supply Company Baker - Hamilton & Pacific Co. Cal. Mill and Lumber Co. Dietz Motor Company East Bay Coal Company Friedman Paint Co., M. Fuller & Co., W. P. Goff, Thomas. Heritage & Son, John Loop Lumber & Mill Co. M. E. L. P. M. E. L. P. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Powell Brothers, Inc. Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Star Roof Corporation Labor Baker - Hamilton- Pacific Co. Bishop Company, G. F. Bomberger Seed Company CA.. _Mill and Lumber Co. Dietz Motor Company East Bay Coal Company Encinal Press Hockwald Chemical Co. Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Magoon's Refrigeration, Inc. Merchants Express Co. Rodgers, M. S. Standard Oil Company of Calif. Crocker Company, H. S. Kling- Dawers Stationery Co. Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Zellerbach Paper Co. Alameda Co. Tuber. Assn. Alameda Social Service Board Borden's Farm Products Crocker, H. S. Gallenkamps tt Golden State Company, Ltd. Konigshofer's Penney Co., J. C. n n n 11 /1 tt n n tt n n 11 Pingree, L. G. San Leandro Home Dairy Shuey Company, R. A. Sirola Brothers n n 11 n Vosburg Hardware Co. RECREATION DEPARTMENT Window Lights 4 6.00 Supplies 10.40 Lumber 83.19 Parts for Ford 5.50 Fertilizer 192.50 Paint .90 Paint 16.25 Services as Gardner 28.00 Glass 3.80 Door 2.70 Rapairing Screen, Installing Flood Lights, Wash. Park. 820.26 Repairs, Lamps 23.18 Gas 5.71 Cement 3.00 Gasoline 25.00 Artstrip 46.78 Total* P 1273.17 GOLD COURSE DEPARTMENT Hardware Supplies Supplies Rye Grass Seed Lumber Parts Fertilizer Golf Score Cards Liquid Soap Lumber Repairs to Refrigerator, Club House Cartage on Mats Topsoil Gasoline Total* Store Department Store Supplies n n Gasoline Scratch Pads Total* $ 369.00 35.71 2.45 95.00 111.00 3.51 82.50 61.20 2.50 261.50 7.20 .85 250.00 3D.29 0 1321.71 SOCIAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT Maintenance at Del Valle Farm Reimbursing Petty Cash Milk Mimepgraph Paper Shoes tt tt 11 Milk Merchandise, thread, etc. Shoes Clothing, Shoes Shoes Shoes, etc. Shoes Servicing typewriters Milk Milk Repairing Shoes n 11 Pipe tt It Total* 29.35 15.14 104.40 42.50 191.39 w 120.90 17.20 3.35 1.00 5.00 5.00 10.45 4.45 24.08 4.59 5.47 28.65 3.78 25.18 2.49 3.00 33.77 20.10 1.25 1.00 5.25 1.75 327.71 Acme Groceries Acme Groceries Alameda Produce Company Bay Station Delicatessen Ben's Grocery Store Blue Front Store Bowles Grocery Bowles Grocery Bud's Grocery Store Central Market Choice Meat Market City Market Craig's Grocery Crystal Market Davies, Mrs. G. Dusterpoth Meat Market Gardner Brothers Gardner Brothers Gardner Brothers Hochstadt, N. I. Lewis Grocery Nobmann's Grocery Noy, R. H. Noy, R. H. Public Food Stores Public Food Stores Reis Grocery Santa Clara Meat Market Saylor Grocery, J. L. Serena Grocery Shopryte Grocery Shopryte Grocery Star Grocery Sullivan's Grocery Sylvester and Company Versailles Cash Market Versailles Meat Market Versailles Cash Market Western Market Western Meat Market Western Meat Market Willow Grocery Alameda Sanatorium Bishoff Surgical Company Powell Brothers East Bay Mun. Utility Dist. M M n M H INITIATIVE RELIEF FUND Groceries n M n M If n M M Meat Groceries ff M Meat Groceries ff M M M Meat M Groceries Meat Groceries Meat Groceries n M It Meat H ff M M If Groceries Total. December 6. 1932. COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND .Treatments for Officer Brooks Belt - Coombs V 4.00 15.50 8.00 12.00 20.00 7.00 3.00 8.00 16.00 4.00 3.50 19.00 8.00 11.00 7.00 1.00 4.00 12.00 9.00 4.00 10.00 4.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 4.00 5.00 7.00 4.00 3.00 16.00 2.95 4.00 8.00 .60 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 3.00 4 262.55 V 95.00 7.50 Total:. 4102.50 STREET IMPROVEMENT FUND Materials 4236.16 EAST BAY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT Payments Fund Public Use Charge 42438.62 Pipe Line Installations 9.52 Total. :2448.14 SCHOOL FUND Dallas, Tax Collector, Homer. R. M. E. L. P. M. E. L. P. M. E. L. P. M. E. L. P. M. E. L. P. A. & I. Tax Repairs Poles, Haight School Heat:, Elementary Schools Light and Power Heat Light and Power Total. Mr. Morris motioned that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by on roll call carried unanimously. 111.10 25.76 402.44 323.11 221.97 175.56 41259.94 Mr. Schaefer, There being no further business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in regular session on Tuesday Evening, December 20, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted,