1933-05-02 Regular CC Minutes() REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE. CITY OF ALAMEDA HELD TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 2,1933 The meeting convened at 8 o'clock with Vice-president Eschen presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Leydecker, Shanly and Vice-president Eschen (3) were noted present. Absent: Councilman Morris and President Murray,(2). read. The minutes of the regular meeting of April 18th, 1933, were approved as WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1./ From the City Manager, referring to an oral communication to the Council by Judge R. B.,Tappan, concerning low-flying aeroplanes over the congested parts of the City, informing the Council that he had communicated with the Department of Commerce, Aeronautics Branch, to which was attached a reply from that Departnent referring the complaint to Supervising Inspector E. E. Mouten, Oakland Airport, Oakland, California. The communication was referred to the City Manager in order that he might communication with Mr. Mouten. v 2. From the City Manager, concerning a complaint of certain residents in the vicinity of 510 Haight Avenue, of the condition of that property, informing the Council that the Fire Chief, Building Inspector and Sanitary Inspector had report- ed that there is no infringement of the fire, building and sanitary laws, and recommends that the matter be considered closed. There being no objection, the com- munication was ordered filed. rz 3. e' From the Mayor, William F. Murray, notifying the Council of the reappoint- ment of Mr. Howard Baxter to the Board of Public Utilities for a period of four years, expiring April 26th, 1937. After a protest of this appointment by Council- man Leydecker, the communication was ordered filed. V 4, From the Mayor, William ment of Mr. Charles W. Griffin as term, expiring April 22nd, 1938. ordered filed. F. Murray, notifying the Council of the reappoint- Trustee of the Free Library Board, for a five year There being no objection, the communication was 17 5./ From the Mayor, William F. Murray, notifying the Council of the appoint- ment of Dr. Donald Dyer Lum to the Board of Education, for a five year period ending April 26th, 1938. There being no objectic4the communication was ordered filed. 6.j From the City Planning Commission recommending to the Council that Mrs. W. A. Musser, 1004 Grand Street, be granted a temporary revokable permit to con- duct a pre-kindergarten play school at that address. Upon motion of Councilman Shanly, seconded by Councilman Leydecker, and unanimously carried, the recommenda- tion of the Planning Commission was adopted. 7.41 From Wm. J. Hughes, an honorably discharged. World War veteran, requesting a gratuitous license under Section 489 of the Municipal Code, to sell cold cream. On motion of Councilman Shanly, seconded by Councilman Leydecker, the license was unanimously granted. t• 8. From Ralph E. Stephens, an honorably discharged Wcld War veteran, request- ing a gratuitous license under Sec. 489 of the Municipal Code, to sell cold cream. On motion of Councilman Shanly. seconded by Councilman Leydecker, the license was unanimously granted. 9.4/ From Alameda Improvement Club, requesting that Ordinance No. 500, N.S., be amended to permit the arf sale of 3.2 beer until 12 o'clock midnight. Upon motion of Councilman Shanly and seconded by Councilman Leydecker, the communication was unanimously referred to the Committee of the Whole. v 10. From Jordan & Ticoulet, enclosing monthly report of the receipts and dis- bursements of the City of Alameda, for the fiscal year 1932-33 as of March 31st, 1933. Ordered filed. UNFINISHED BUSINESS v 11. Councilman Leydecker addressed the Council in reference to a franchise tax of the Pacific Gas & Electric Company, which he had brought before the Council at the meeting of April 4th, 1933, and was informed by the City Manager that the matter was still under investigation. NEW BUSINESS. 12.v' Upon motion of Councilman Leydecker, seconded by Councilman Shanly and carried unanimously, application of the following for On sale of alcoholic beverages was approved: Frank M. Clark , Golden Gate Gun Club V 13.4' Upon motion of Councilman Shanly, seconded by Councilman Leydecker and carried unanimously, application of the following for On and Off sale of alcoholic beverages was approved: George and Sue Seebeck 1502 Webster Street May 2, 1933. 714f' Upon motion of Councilman Leydecker, seconded by Councilman ,Shanly and carried unanimously, applications of the following for Off sale of alcoholic bev- erages were approved: P. Serena and M Gozzano Henry Alexander Endre Nielsen P. Lombardo Wetherald & Co. 1209 Lincoln Av. 1817 Park Street 1212 Lincoln Ave. 1301 - 9th St. 1535 Park St. Upon motion of Councilman Shanly, seconded by Council Leydecker, and unanimously carried, Mr. James J. Searle was appointed a member, of. the Police and' Fire Board of Appeals, for a two year term ending May 2nd, 1935. FILING: The City Clerk stated that since the last meeting of the Council the following papers had been filed: -'15. Oath of Office, 16. Oath of Office, ,(17. Oath of Office, /l8. Oath of Office, /19. Oaths of Office, BILLS: C. W. Griffin, Library Trustee Dr. Donald D. Lum, Board of Education Herbert D. ClaA Deputy Fire Marshall H. M. Bradley, Deputy Fire Marshall Deputy License Collectors. Claims against the General Departments amounting to 1566.96; Police Department, $117.61; Fire Department, $28997; Street Department, $1511.56; Health Department, $80.15; Golf Course Department, $490.02; Recreation Department, $258.06; Store Department. $166,33; Social Service Departmait, $171.52; Street Improvement Department, $927.19; Compensation Insurance Fund, $247.50 and East Bay Municipal Utility District Payments Fund, $2448.39 having been approved by the proper officials, were listed by the Clerk as follows: Alaneda Times-Star American Trust Company Bancroft-Whitaey 0 omT)6ny Ban-croft-Whitney Company Bajuk; Irene oorie Chrles A. Bryant Ilalph M., City i'gr u u V/ !t 1! 1/ it Crocker Co., Inc., H. 3. Demon a 00., V. w. ,]- c HaTalio., . . u-H_er Co., W. P. Hathar;ay Press Hockwald CheEical Company Fome Insurance Company, New York Jones r,c, Co., Ed. licKenna; :;leanor Lelpose •:3-pring &, Tool Co, IZ,urray, 7. Otis Elevator Cc.,L11_env Pacific Gas& lectric Co. Pacific ienioIctin Book Co, Peterson Tallow Co, Seeley, Esthcx Shepard's Citations :::31mouson, 5. R. amith Brothers ThemfA5 ,7;anitary Co, 1'forTev Go, Alameda 2team L,911,ary Liziria Hap' L:oto.- Cc, kain. 33ieot, L:17ht k Power Go, Tabulatin.!7 Lachine Co„ The Unioll Oil Go, Vick's Suloe2 Serv-ice Western Auto Sixoply Co, General Department Printing ordinances 'Rental of safe denosit box Law books Services; Tax Collector Assessor Reimbursin RevolvinE Fund Federal tax on checks Reimbursin "iTevolvinL; Fund :Roller for mineocra-Dh Supplies, Paper Yumberin machines Pent Letterheads, Commuters LeaUe ifoth spray Insurance procAum ',:ubber stamp, etc. Services Sprinus, vacuum Mayor's allowance', April Servicing elevator Gas; City Hall Sales books, Comauters Leacue Disposal of derl. enirnels Ervices, A.ssessor Law books 33ervices, 2=i,ssesoOr machine Towels und crThinets rit7 '17tna. O 00500000 000004000 5.0 0000 500.,' Pcaiee Deprent Taumary raotorcycle Grosin.::,, - kind repaffins cars ServiciPL: $ysten Printinc Gasoline for motorcycles Tires :and tube IlepairiF tubes ete. Su-opliez3 Tntal O V 4 ea 0 # 0 0 0 0 0 0 P 87.98 16.50 2.65 2.65 28,00 135.00 378.90- 153.01 17.00, 3.43 13.50 10.00 1.60 5.30 2.97 95.49 1.10 55.00 1.00 50.00 5,50 105.39 22.00 25.00 100.00 20,00 135.00 A, 65 70.0 fl °?. .3T 0,10 13.45 (2;3.33 13.35 6.25 12.62 1.80 117,21 May 2, 1933. Cox-Well2an Co. Dennen Co., V. Flemmirv7 P. D • Ford, Ted Fuller Co., P. Grandjean & Co., Chas, Lane Chief Thos, M. LacDillan I=etroleuli] Corp. Mull. Elect. Light & Power Oakland Fire Extin6uisher Co. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Rhodes & Jaidiesou Co, Salisbu.:y, A. C. Superbo 7;ater Heater Co. 'Lawman and Erbe Ef . Co. Labor Chanslor & Lyon Stores, Inc. Dietz Motor - Co. East Bay Mun, Utility District Inter-Urban Express Corp. Eacmillan Petroleum Corp, Meuter, Homer Reininger & Co. Union Oil Company of California VosburL,h Hardware Co. 'Western :iuto'Supply Company Alameda Garn:::..e Fred Kuentz Martin, J. A. Pauline, Rosemarie ReiSs 1:I. D. H, Wineberg, Hrs. G. H. Fire Department Spark pluF,s, etc, Detergent File Lettering on office door Polish Soda Reimbursing rETOivin3 fund Gasoline Servicin Fire Alarm System Repairing,hose... Gas, fire stations Stove oil Soap Service, water heater Guides and folders Total •0•0•00*•000•0•••••■••••00 Street Department Parts for trucks Parts for Fords 7Iater used from hydrants, March ExpressaEel bolts Gasoline Money advanced, Supplies Street sins Asphalt Hardware supplies Grease retainers Total Health Departinent Repairing nurses car Laboratory work Rodent extermination Laboratory services Services, conference Services, conference Total 404004. 45, 4 •• IF et 4 to 9040 0V Golf Course Department Label' Baker-Hamilton-Pacific Co. Polander, G. R. Carter Company, H. V. Dietz Motor Co. Leather Mat 1:.fg., Co, Loop Lumber & Hill Company MacMillan Petroleum Corp. MerChants Express & Drayirz Standard Oil Company of Cal. Vosbursh Hardware Co. Alameda P1unibin & Supply Baker-Hamilton-Pacific Co. Dietz 1otor Company Fuller & Company, F. R. Grobon & 7leems Loop 1.umbr & Hill Co. Pacific Gas & Electric Co, Rhodes & lIamieson, Ltd. VosburEh ardware Co. Bryant, Ralph Mop City Mgr. Crescent Products Company Crocker Company, H. S. Maciuillan Petroleum Corp,' Smith Brothers Zellerbach Paper Co. Emery grains Sprinklers Poles Parts Golf tee mat Lumber Gasoline Expressage Gasoline Hardware supplies Total 0•000•004•4•449004.4•0004003 Recreation Department .Repairs in parks Wire Repairs and parts Paint, etc. Rawhide laces Stakes, etc. Gas, parks Sand Hardware supplies Total 0*.00se.0.00".00ae0 .o4 o04003 Store Department Money advanced for stamps Ink Store supplies Gasoline ire staples Scratch pads cl.vo 5,76 24.00 3.20 3.10 9,00 5.32 15,75 162.13 3.30 23.24 8.82 2.25 2,50 6.65 299 97 ,.. 1259.43 11,27 10.30 5.19 .75 04,51 1.50 65.10 60.63 1.70 1510,97 2.50 5.00 40.00 10.15 15,00 7.50 80.115 348.75 1.60 32.00 26.10 2,99 3.50 32.32 12.65 1,00 17.56 6.55 490.02 34,55 3,84 2.43 4,80 121.26 7,15 6.25 11,25 258,06 60.00N. .98 40.53 47,78. 15.68 1.36 Total 004.09.,44004"4.44.0•404.4004 A 166,33 May 2, 1933. Social Service Department Alameda Co. Tuber. Assn. nsel's Electrical Shop Bausch &,; Lomb Optical Co, Dennen Co., V. W. Golden State Company, Ltd. Hickman, George W. Hunt Jewelry Company Hun. Elect. Liht & Power Co. National Market, The Penny,Co., J. C. 11 IT IT Perryman 's Grocery Pir7gly WiEgly Pingree, L. G. Sylvester & Co. Willow Brook Creamery Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Powell Brothers Rhodes & Joraieson Ltd. Transit Concrete Company Alameda Salatol Bischoff Surp:ical Company Hall, M. D. Channine; Maintenrrnce at Del Valle Heater Coil Laps Paper toweis Milk Coal oil Overhauling timer Loops Meat Merchandise Groceries Servicing typewriters Groceries Milk Total •••••••••••••••••••■••••■ 00•• Street Improvement Fund Lumber Materials Y,aterials Materials, Otis Drive job iiaterials Total • •••••••• •—•.• • • •■•• n a • • "a, Compensation insurance Fund Services, Kelly Gully Supplies, Thrane Services, Kelly ?bast -Ray Mun. Utility District Payments Fund. Public Use charEe Hydrants Installations 120.90 1.00 2,28 2.97 11.97 .32 1.25 5.21 1.00 1.76 196 9.00 6.00 2.40 .80 2,70 171,52 5.90 190.17 21,04 591.95 118.13 027.19 79.50 99.00 6.00 63.00 247,50 2440,53 1.84 5.02 Total ORre.0,•00@•94.4,904,09,04.0••00*40 2448O39 Upon motion of Councilman Leydecker, seconded Councilrian Shanly, the bilIs as lied were ordered paid. The motion on roll cal) was carried unanimously. There beinc; no further business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in rer2,u1nr session Tuesday evening, Lay 16th, 1033, at 0 o'clock, Respectfu,y Tyirtted