1933-11-21 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR TEETING OF TILE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AL111:1EDA HELD TUESDAY EVENING, NOV1=ER 21st, 1933 The meeting convened at 8 otclock with Council President Murray presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Bruzzone, Eschen, Leydecker, Morris and Pres- ident Murray (5) were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the regular meeting of November 7th, adjourned regular meeting of November 9th and the adjourned regular meeting of November 14th, 1933, were approved as read. ORAL COlIfT:TICIITIONS: 1. Mr, Frank Gottstein addressed the Council in reference to flooding of Webster Street following heavy rains, and the drainage system on that street. He was assured by the Mayor that his complaint would receive attention. / 2. Mr. Ferretti addressed the Council in reference to the proposed bond issue for the replacement of school houses in Alameda. 1:IRITTENCOLEUNICATIONS: 3. From the Mayor, City Manager and Auditor, informing the Council that the money and securities in the City Treasury had been counted on November 16th, 1933, and that the correct aam was on hand. The communication was ordered filed. 4./ From Oakland Company, California Grays, offering to participate in parades and other civic affairs. The communication was referred to the City Manager. 5./ From the Northside Protective Club, requesting permission of the Council to use McKinley Park Club House for that organization's regular meetings on the second Tues- day of each month instead of on the second Monday, as heretofore. On motion of Coun- cilman Eschen, seconded by Councilman Leydecker, and unanimously carried, the peris- sion was granted on condition that no other meetings are held in the Club House at that time. NEW BUSINESS: 6., Upon motion of Councilman Morris, seconded by Councilman. Bruzzone and unanimously carried, the following application for license to sell alcoholic beverages was approved. O. H. Anderson, Municipal Golf Course, on license. Councilman Leydecker requested caution in checking the market value of bonds de- posited with the City as security for City funds, to see that deposits are amply pro- tected, and was assured by the Mayor that such action had been taken. 8. On motion of Councilman Eschen, seconded by Councilman Leydecker and on roll call unanimously carried, the order of business was changed to provide for the passing of an ordinance at this time. ORDINANCES PASSED: 9. / The following ordinance was presented for passage: .Ordinance No, New Series An Ordinance Ordering, Calling, Providing for and Giving Notice of a Special Municipal Election to be Held in the City of Alameda, State of California, on Tuesday, December 19, 1933, for the Purpose of Submitting to the Qualified Voters of Said City a Proposition to Incur a Bonded Indebt- edness of Said City for the Acquisition and Construction of a Certain Municipal Improvement, to Wit, New School Houses: Determining the Principal -Amount of the Indebted- ness to be Incurred Therefor and the Maximum Rate of Interest to be Paid Thereon; Consolidating Said Special Municipal Election with the Special State Election to be Held on the Same Date and in the Sane Territory; and Directing Notice of said Special Municipal Election to be Given." Councilman Eschen moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Councilman Morris and on roll call carried unanimously. RESOLUTIONS: 10. Councilman Bruzzone introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1805 Cancelling Taxes on Addition to Franklin Park Property" Councilman Morris seconded the motion and on roll call it was carried unanimou 11 Councilman Eschen introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1806 Resolution that Request be Made of the Board of Supervisors of Alameda County for its Order Effecting Consolidation of Special Municipal Election of the City of Alameda with Y• November 2 -/12: Councilman Leydecker introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1807 Transferring 03,599.86 from the Electric Light Fuxid to the General Fund." Council CounciLnan Eschen seconded the motion and on roll call it was carried u /713. Councilman Bruzzone introduced and mved the adoption of 1933. ously. "Resolution No. 1808 Request ror Cancellation of Taxes on Property Acquired by City of Alameda for Park Purposes" Councilman 'Morris seconded the motion and on roll call it was carried unanimously. BILLS: Claims against the General Departments amounting to 6861.76; Police Department 034.76; Fire Department, 0131.12; Street Department, $1118.17; Health Department, J742.70; Golf Course Department, 0865.46; Recreation Department, $756.38; Store De- partment, $2783.93; Social Service Department, 0134.84; Street Improvement Fund, $2.46; Compensation Insurance Fund, 04192.31 and Unemployment Fund, 02420.50, having been approved by the proper officials, were listed by the Clerk for payment: Alameda Steam Laundry Alameda Times-Star Alameda Veterans Mem. Bldg. Lancroft-.,hitney Co., Burroughs dding Machine Co. Busby, H. ,;aiii_eron, Florence Carlisle & Co., Croll, 2. J. , Redemp. Clerk Dallas, Homer R., Tax Coll. East Bay Blue Print Co. Ford, N. O. Jordan & Ticoulet Municipal Electric Light & Power If I? TT Otis Elevator Co. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Schmidt, Edna B. ,. Chas. County of Alameda Ilunicipal Electric Light &, Power Noy, R. H. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Standard Oil Co. of California Union Oil Co. of California. Alameda 'Steam Laundry Pacific Gas &-Electric Co,; Municipal Electric Light & Power Labor Municipal Electric Light & Power tt tt tt Meuter, Homer GENERAL DEPART1ENT3. Laundry, City all Tax notices, printing Citie's share of bldg.upkp. Law Book Servicing machine Bal. of painting City Hall job Services Law Book Cash for Revolving Fund Taxes, City Property Photostating, rate case Printing, rate case Services, Unemp. Bureau audit Street Lighting City Hall lights Service for November Gas, City Hall Services-Treasurer Office Repairs, installations, etc. Total POLICE DEPARTMENT. Meals for prisoners Signal Maintenance Dog Food Gas for Pound Servicing Cars Gasoline, Motorcycles Total FIRE DEPARTEENT. Laundry. Gas Service Electricity J 2.00 22.96 357.69 10.25 1.64 445.00 52.50 3.48 25.00 58.65 .62 6.50 600.00 3662.46 106.96 5.50 37.25 42.00 121.28 $ 6861.76 .84 9.39 .98 1.11 6.94 15.50 $ , 34.76 32.48 20.99 77.65 Total 0 131.12 STREET DEPARTMENT. Service, Corporation Yard Servicing cars Money Advanced Total ........ 00000000000 1113.85 1.49 2.47 .36 1118.17 November 21, 1933. Alameda Sanatorium Alameda Steam Laundry Burns, Yrs. V. City Market East Bay Municipal Utility District. Fox Water Co. Guerra, M. D., A. L. Island City Ice Co. Kuentz, Fred Martin, J. A. Municipal Electric Light & Power Pauline, Rosemarie Winberg, Mrs. G. H. Young's Picture Framing Shop 17ALTH DEPARTIENT. mergency Hospital upkeep Laundry Service Services, conference Meat for rat catcher, etc. Water Distilled Water Services; conference__ Ice bill Laboratory services Services, rat catcher Electricity Services, Laboratory Services, conference Framing 575.00 6.63 2.50 4.30 5.16 2.55 . '10.00 .82 5.00 40.00 79.20 8.23 2.50 , .82 Total 0 742 .70 , GOLF COURSEDEPARTL.thNT. Labor Alameda Steam Laundry Municipal Electric Light 8L Power Standard Oil Company of California. Labor Municipal Electric Light & Power tT TT TT Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Powell Bros. Smith, Chas. Alameda Repair & Supply Co. Alameda Trim Shop Allen's Press Clipping Bureau Alzine, Hap American Rubber Mfg. Co. Baker-Hamilton-Pacific Co. TV ft TV TV Borrman Steel Co. Brown, William Buckeye Ribbon & Carbon Co. Carter Company, H. C. Crane Company. t/ TV Dennen Co., V. East Bay Blue Print & Supply Co. East Bay Saw & Knife Works Envelope Corporation Fayen, Jas. D. Flatow & Son., P. Ford, N. O. Freeland, V. C. Fuller Co., W. P. TV TV Tt TV tV TV Globe Roofing Co-. Haslett Warehouse Co. Hovet, Harold Hutchinson Co, 506.81 Laundry 1.10 Light & Power 350.12 Gasoline 7.43 Total . $ 865.46 RECREATION DEPART.L.:ErIT. 0 680.25 Repairing wiring- 19.78 Lighting 47.98 Services, gas 2.56 Lime 2.40 Repairs 3.41 Total 758.94 STORE DEPARTMENT. Keys Repairs to Curtains Services for Rate Case Servicing Motorcycles Rubber Matting Iron Guns Steel Stamps Ribbons for e riters Couplings Supplies Supplies Rags and Dusters Plue Prints Scroll Saws Envelopes Printing Drug Supplies Printing Lettering Trucks Paints, Fire Dept. Paints Glass Work at Fire Station Expressage on Hose Supplies Barge Rip Rap 3.60 9.20 12.04 7.43 8.20 13.32 196.46 35.23 3.58 17.58 26.24 2.23 30.26 9.90 1.23 4.43 18.12 12.81 69.39 22.55 9.00 5.54 306.92 2.61 18.00 .50 58.16 264.53 Carried Forward 1172.58 • STORE DEIATlEiT, Koerber Fuel & Feed Co. Linde Air Products Co. Loop Lumberc& Mill Co. tt TT ft l't Macmillan Petroleum Corp. tt tt u u u Maxwell Hardware Co Merchants Express & Draying Co. IlUnicipal Electric Light & Power ft ft Noah's Arck Trading Post O'Brien Sign Co., W. B. Otzen, G. Pacific Coast Fence Co. Pacific Nursery Park Street Garage Powell Bros. Ransome Company Santa Clara Ave. Cyclery Siegler, Louis Simon Hardware Smith Brothers Smith, Chas. Townsend, Japes E. Union Oil Co. of Cal. United Iron Works Vosburgh Hardware Co. Western Auto Supply Co., White Brothers ., B. November Brought Forward. . • • • Ammonia Suplhate • Chart Acetylene Lumber Gasoline4 Store u Butts Expressage Lamps Lights on Otis Drive ,Seat Cushion Lettering Door Alfalfa Fence for Lincoln Park Plants Servicing Gravel, etc. Roakfalt Keys, changing combination Repairing pan on buggy Trowels Brushes and cardboard Repairs to plumbing Kardex Cabinet, Fire Dept. Kerosene Hole Frames and. Covers Cup Leathers Seat Covers Hard wood Street Fire Golf Course 1172.58 21.20 .75 3.89 2.97 34.44 39.37 69.82 26.25 45.38 4.13 .85 .78 3.34 1.75 3.50 1.53 415.67 12.24 3.60 148.98 -66.50 3.56 1.50 2.56 2.35 115.73 30.75 5.12 526.24 -8.46 2.44 5.70 Total $ 27 3 93 SOCIAL SERVICE DEPARTEENT. _ Alameda County Tuberculosis Assn. Modern Food Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co* Powell Brothers Alameda Sanatorium Alameda Sanatorium Cain, Michael Bickford, Hall, Channing, M. D. Jordan M. PL a. r. Stephens, Barclay, M. D. Care of Children, Del Valle Groceries to Tenny Telephone Service 120.90 4.10. 9.84 Total 134.84 STREET I1TR VE1,7■ET JND. Gravel COIAPENSATION INSURANCE FUND. Services, Cain Brooks, Cain Labor, Street Dept. Recreation Dept. ,Services, Bickford Compensation due 11/23 Services. Jordan 102.55 26.50 33.34 25.00 79.25 3915.67' 10.00 otal 4192.31 UNEMPLOYh' IND. Ralph M. Bryant, 'City Manager Reimbursing Revolving Fund, 242050 Upon motion:of Councilman Eschen, seconded by Councilman Morris, Councilman Bruzzone not voting, the bills were passed by the following vote: Ayes, Councilmen Eschen, Morris and President-Murray (3); Noes, Councilman Leydecker (1); Not voting, Council- man Bruzzone (1). There being no further business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, December 5th, 1933, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully itted