1937-12-07 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HELD TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 7th . . . 1937 The meeting convened at 8 o'clock P.M. with President Weichhart presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Carrington, Godfrey, Maurer, Morris and Pres- ident Weichhart, (5), were noted present: Absent: None. MINUTES: The minutes of the regular meeting of November 16th, 1937, were approved as trans- cribed. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: vl. Communications from A. J. Mathebat, Horner R. Dallas, H. M. Hammond, John Haber, George F. Kohler and F. J. Croll, recommending the appointment of E. Harry Levy to the office of City Historian, which he had previously held, were presented. On motion of Councilman Maurer, seconded by Councilman Carrington, Mr. Levy was appointed to the office of City Historian at a salary of 41.00 per year. The motion on roll call carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carrington, Godfrey, Maurer, Morris and President Weich- hart, (5). Noes: None. Absent: None. /2. From the League of California Municipalities, referring to the opinion of the Attorney General of the State of California with respect to the expenditure of liquor license fees received by cities of the State, indicating that such fees may be used for any State pur- pose. The communication was referred to the City Attorney. From Abbie L. Crum requesting the reclassification of the southeast corner of Oak Street and Central Avenue from Business District, Class III, to Business District, Class V, for the purpose of constructing a service station, contrary to the, recommendation of the City Planning Board. Action on the request was deferred, to be taken up under "Reports of Committees? /4. From the California State Automobile Association, in reference to traffic hazard cre- ated by permitting left hand turns in districts where the traffic is heavy, and requesting cooperation with the police department in lessening this hazard, The communication was referred to the City Manager. /5. From the State of California Veterans' Welfare Board, requesting cancellation of certain taxes on property owned by the Board in this City. The petition was referred to the_City Attorney. /6. From Mayor Henry A. Weichhart, submitting a list of citizens to recommend to the Council a name or names of expert or experts to make a study of the methods employed by the Public Utilities Board, and requesting that the Council ratify the appointment of the following: Otto H. Fischer, Chairman, R. E. Bosshard, Montgomery Flynn, Wm. H. Hitchings and P. H. Gohn. Councilman Carrington moved that the appointment of the above gentlemen be ratified, seconded by Councilman Maurer and on roll call carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carrington, Maurer, Morris and President Weichhart, (4). Noes: None. Not Voting: Councilman Godfrey, (1). Absent: None. Following the vote, Councilman Morris read a statement of his reasons for sponsoring the appointment of the committee. Councilman Morris then moved that his statement be turned over to the City Attorney and the City Attorney call a meeting of the committee and advise it of its powers and duties, seconded by Councilman Maurer and on roll call carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carrington, Maurer, Morris and President Welch- hart, (4). Noes: None. Not Voting: Councilman Godfrey, (1). Absent: None. 7.- At this time, Councilman Morris was excused from attendance at the meeting of the Council. v/8. From the Retail Grocers' Association of Alameda County, submitting copy of proposed ordinance regulating the inspection of food and food stuffs, and the hours which such stoic be closed. After the Council had been addressed by Mr. Fogarty, Mr. Perryman and Mr. Lewis in favor of the introduction of the ordinance, Councilman Maurer moved that the communication and the copy of the ordinance be referred to the Committee of the Whole, seconded by Councilman Godfrey and on roll call carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carrington, Godfrey, Maurer and President Weichhart, (4). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Morris, (1). ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: 9. Mr. Frank Gottstein addressed the Council concerning flood conditions on Webster Street during the recent heavy rain fall, and the improvement of traffic facilities. BIDS: 10: Bids were opened for the p. chase,of automobiles for the Police and Fire Departments, as follows: Fire Department i automobile Dietz Motor Company ................ Accompanied by certified check for ..... 75.00 Hoppert Motors • • • • • ** * .. • • • • 4, 0 0 • Accompanied by cheek for 4230.00 which also includes its bid on Police Department cars. C. W. Hammond .... resem.sogors...004.4..ard0..0e.0 C■AT0- Hammond ..................... ........... Annnmnnnipri 1-117 4). 749,75 875.50 976.50 1060.90 Police Department 3 automobiles Dietz Motor Company Accompanied by certified check for 4110.00 Hoppert t Or S • • • • OOOOOO • • • • • • • • • • • C. W. Hammond OOOOOOOO .................. C. W. Hammond O . OOOOOOO .... ........ Accompanied by certified check for $305.61. Councilman Godfrey moved that the bids be referred to the City Manager and the City Attorney for their recommendation, seconded by Councilman Carrington and on roll call carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carrington, Godfrey, Maurer and Pres- ident Weichhart, (4). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Morris, (1). 1099.00 1416.45 1556.01 1803.21 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: 11. From the Committee of the Whole, referring back to the Council letter from R. R. Waesche, Commandant, U. S. Coast Guard, requesting that the City convey to the Govern- ment without cost a tract of land on Government Island which is owned by the City. Councilman Godfrey moved that the communication be referred to the City Manager to answer, and inform the writer that the City is not interested in the gift of the land, but would consider an offer to sell or lease, seconded by Councilman Maurer and on roll call carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carrington, Godfrey, Maurer, and President Weichhart, (4). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Morris, (1). 12. From the Committee of the Whole, referring back to the Council a letter from Metropolitan Oakland, requesting that the City contribute the sum of 41000.00 to be used for advertising purposes for the entire area of Alameda County including the City of Alameda. Councilman Maurer moved that the City contribute the sum of 41000.00 for this purpose out of the advertising fund allotted to the AlaMeda Chamber of Commerce, seconded by Councilman Carrington and on roll call carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carrington, Godfrey, Maurer and President Weichhart, (4). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Morris, (1). v13• From Mayor Weichhart, certifying that on November 24th, 1937, he had signed Escrow Instructions, Agreement of Compromise and Deed conveying to the U. S. Government the Alameda Airport property and that all of the aforesaid documents were placed in the hands of Mr. Fred G. Athearn to be deposited in escrow with the East Bay Title Insurance Com- pany. The communication was ordered filed. /14. From the Mayor, the Gity Manager and the Auditor, certifying that they had counted the money and securities in the City Treasury on November 17th, 1937, and had found there was under the control of the City Treasurer the amount of $354,834.93 which, accordingato the Auditor's books, should at that time have been in the Gity Treasury. The communica- tion was ordered filed. /15. From the City Manager, recommending the sale to Jim Francke of junk brass at 60 a pound and a lot of junk iron for the sum of 412,50. Councilman Godfrey moved that the recommendation of the City Manager be approved, seconded by Councilman Maurer and on roll call carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carrington, Godfrey, Maurer and President Weichhart, (4). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Morris, (1). 16. From the City Manager, informing the Council that he had received a bid of from Otto Muller for an old gasoline pump, and recommended that it be sold to Mr for the price quoted. Councilman Maurer moved that the recommendation be adopte seconded by Councilman Carrington and on roll call carried by the following vote Councilman Carrington, Godfrey, Maurer and. President Weichhart, (4). Noes: None. Councilman Morris, (1). 15•00 . Mailer d, : Ayes: Absent: 17. From the City Manager, recommending that the Anchor Post Fence Company of California, the low bidder, be awarded the contract for the construction of a chain link galvanized ' fence on property owned by the City at Haight Avenue and tinden Street for the sum of 4662.47. Consideration was deferred to come up under "Resolutions". /18. From the City Manager, recommending that the request of A. Alexander, 1431 West Street, Oakland, for a gratuitous license to peddle tapestries in the City of Alameda, be denied. Councilman Carrington moved that the recommendation be adopted, seconded by Councilman Godfrey and unanimously carried. J19. From the City Planning Board, recommending that request of S. J. Dowling that four lots owned by him constituting a parcel of land on the southeast corner of Post and Washington Streets, be considered as facing on Washington Street, Councilman Carrington moved that the recommendation be adopted, seconded by Councilman Godfrey and unanimously carried. a20. From the Gity Planning Board informing the Council that it considers it inadvisable to place all kinds of apartment houses in Residential District, Class II, and recommend- ing that the Council authorize that a study be made and a separate classification be created making a distinction between the types and sizes of apartment buildings. On motion of Councilman Godfrey, seconded by Councilman Maurer, and unanimously carried, the recommendation was referred to the City Attorney. 21. From the Cit reclassification District, Glass I service station. Committee of the seconded by Counc y Planning Board, recommending- the of the southeast corner of Central II, to Business District, Class V, Councilman Carrington moved that Whole, to be taken up again at the ilman Maurer and unanimously carri denial of a petition for the Avenue and Oak Street from Business fOr the purpose of maintaining a the recommendation be referred to the next regular meeting of the Council, ed. /22. From the City Planning Board, in reference to a petition for the reclassification of property known as 1524 Lafayette Street, from Residential District, Class I, to Residential District, Class II, for the purpose of maintaining apartments, and recom- mending that in lieu of permanently placing this property in an apartment house district, that the property be permitted to be used as a three-family dwelling under a temporary revocable permit. After the Council had been addressed by Mrs. Jessie L. Manor, owner of the property, Councilman Carringt temporary revocable permit be grante carried by the following vote: Ayes: Weichhart, (4). Noes: None. Absent: on moved that the recommendation be adopted, and a d, seconded by Councilman Maurer and on roll call Councilmen Carrington, Godfrey, Maurer and President Councilman Morris, (1). 123. From the City Planning Board, recommending the reclassification of property known as 1322 Broadway from Residential District, Class I, to Residential District, Class 1 3/4 for the purpose of remodeling into flats. Councilman Carrington moved that the recommend- ation be adopted, seconded by Councilman Maurer and on roll call carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carrington, Godfrey, Maurer and President Weichhart, (4). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Morris, (1). ORDINANCES INTRODUCED: 24. The following ordinances were introduced and laid over under provision of the Charter: "Ordinance No. New Series Adding Sections 16-431i and 18-434 to the Alameda Municipal Code, Prohibiting the Exposure of Gambling Devices and Pro- hibiting Conducting or Participating in Games Played with Cards, Diee, Etc. for Money, Check, etc. and Excepting Whist or Bridge Tournaments." "Ordinance No. New Series Reclassifying Property. (Property Known as 1322 Broadway)". RESOLUTIONS: 25. Councilman Maurer introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 2211 Authorizing the City Engineer to Represent the City of Alameda in Meeting with City Engineers of Other East Bay Municipalities for the Purpose of Making an Investigation and Report of Con- struction of a Sanitary System", Councilman Godfrey seconded the motion and on roll call carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carrington, Godfrey, Maurer and President Weichhart, (4). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Morris, (1). 26. Councilman Carrington introduced and moved the'adoption of "Resolution No. 2212 Creating a Fund to be Known and Designated as 'Alcoholic Beverage Control License Fee Fund,' Providing for Moneys to be Placed in Said Fund and for the Expenditure of Such Moneys," Councilman Maurer seconded the motion and on roll call carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carrington, Godfrey, Maurer and President Weichhart, (4). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Morris, (1). 27. Councilman Godfrey introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 2213 Awarding Contract for Furnishing Labor and Material for the Construction of a Fence on Tennis Court at Haight Avenue and Linden Street", Councilman Carrington seconded the motion, and on roll call carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carrington, Godfrey, Maurer and President Weichhart, (4). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman. Morris, (1). ORDINANCES PASSED: 28. "Ordinance No. 619 New Series Adding Section 17-341-i to the Alameda Municipal Code, Estab- lishing Twenty Minute Parking Limits", Councilman Maurer moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Councilman Godfrey and on roll call carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carrington, God- frey, Maurer and President Weichhart, (4)• Noes: None. Absent: Courcilman Morris, (1). 29. "Ordinance No. 620 New Series Reclassifying property (Property Known as 1603 Santa Clara Avenue)", Councilman Godfrey moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Councilman. Carrington and on roll call carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carrington, Godfrey, Maurer and President Weichhart, (4). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Morris, (1). 30. "Ordinance No. 621 New Series Reclassifying Property (Property Known as 1519 Grand Street)", Councilman Carrington moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Council- man Maurer and on roll call carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carrington, Godfrey, Maurer and President Weichhart, (4). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Morris,(1). 31. "Ordinance No. 622 New Series Reclassifying Property (Property Known as 1354 Pearl Street)", Councilman Carrington moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Council- man Maurer and on roll call carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carrington, Godfrey, Maurer and President Weichhart,(4). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Morris,(1). 32. "Ordinance No. 623 New Series Reclassifying Property (Property known as 1324 Pearl Street, on Council's own Motion) Councilman Maurer moved that the ordinance be adopted, seconded by Councilman Carrington and on roll call carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carrington, Godfrey, Maurer and President Weichhart, (4). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Morris, (1). 33. "Ordinance No. 624 New Series Reclassifying Property (Northwest Corner of Encinal Avenue and Grand Street)", Councilman Carrington moved that the ordinance be adopted, seconded by Councilman Maurer and on roll call carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Carrington, Godfrey, Maurer and President ,Weichhart, (4). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Morris, (1). FILING: Ex Committee of the Whole 34. Letter from the City Manager re Southern Pacific franchise. 35. Letter from City of Cleveland, re U. S. Housing Act of 1937. 36. - Letter from Cecelia Simpson re bridge and ferry fares. 37. Letter from State Department of Public Health re sewerage disposal. 38. Letter from Mayor of Oakland re sewerage disposal. 39. Letter from Alameda Chamber of Commerce re directional signs. 40. Letter from Alameda Chamber of Commerce re advertising. 41. Bureau of Electricity Balance Sheets, June 30, August 31, September 30, October 31, 1937. 42. Auditor's Balance Sheet, November 30,1937. 43. Financial Statement, Jordan &-Ticoulet, October 31, 1937. BILLS: 44. An itemized list of claims against the City of Alameda and the several departments thereof in the total amounts as follows, was presented to the City Council: General Departments, $3859.73; Police Department, $807.86; Pound Department; $20,86; Fire Depart- ment, $190.26; Street Department, $289.79; Health Department, $294.25; Park Department, $656.61; Golf Course Department, $839.54; Store Department, $427.51; Social Service Department, $220.23; Initiative Relief Fund, $248,00; Street Improvement Fund, $879.61; East Bay Municipal Utility District Payments Fund, $2498.44 and Civil Service Board, $35.00. Councilman Maurer moved, seconded by Councilman Carrington, that the claims and bills against the City in the amounts as listed and itemized in the List of Claims filed with the City Clerk on December 7th, 1937, and presented to the Council at this meeting be allowed and paid. On roll call this motion carried by the following vote: Ayes: Council- men Carrington, Godfrey, Maurer, and President Weichhart, (4). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Morris, (1). 45. There being no further business to transac t, the Council adjourned to meet in regular session on Tuesday evening, December 21st, 1937, at 8 o'clock P.M.. Respectfully submitted,