1988-05-17 IDA minutesIdHlUl\L HEETUIG OF TIlE----_..----TUES/ll\Y ---- '1'11,..,III rvr>i 11(I('()11 V nil""(1 ;-J1-'1~/,S p.m•withchoir-mollcor-icapresiding. ROLL Cl\LL ('nmm i ~n i nllPrs Ca mioia, c'h;-Jinn;-J11 cnrico--5. Hougl1er,Honsef,Thomasand NIl/UTES C'omm1ss i o n or Honse f m8deamotiontoaccepttheminutesofthe Aruura1 n,..,,..,t-i llq(1f Hay1 q,1987.commlsslonerThomassecondedthe mol-ion V,}lJi<'ll W:lR cArriedby una n Lmou svojcevote-5. Thpn"hl"'l i ngno [tn-tiler bu s i.ne sstocomebeforetheAuthority,thelnPptinqArl\nullled at 7:7.9 p.m. Re!":pectfullysubmitted,?1M DIl\NE n.FELSCH,CHC secretary The a q=nrl afortillsmeeting wa spo!":ted 72 hour!":inadVCll1ce,inaecordanepwiththeI1rownl\ct. May 17,19