1930-03-18 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF TH TUESDAY EVENING, OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, RCH 18th, 1930. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock with Council- president Sohaefer presiding. The roll was palled and Councilmen Brodersen, Calcutt „Henning, Latham and President Schaefer, (5) were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the regular meeting, of Maroh 4th, 1930 were approved as read. The minutes of the special meeting, of March 8th, 1930 were approved as read. EW BUSINESS: 1.V Mr. Brodersen moved that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a Resolution requiring all employees of the city of Alameda to be American oitizens; that all employees must live or have an established residence therein. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henning and same carried unanimously. 2 Mr. Caloutt moved that the sum of $350.00 be set aside out of the Advertising Fund to Dover the May Day Festival to be held by the Recreation Department. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henning and on roll call parried unanimously. Mr. Latham moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for the improvement of Bay Island Avenue, from Pearl Street to Mound Street; that this improvement be done under the 1911 Act,' and be assessed on the frontage basis. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henning and oarried unanimae ly. .v Mr. Latham moved that the City Engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for the improvement and paving of Sixth Street, from Pacific Avenue north to the Segregation Line, and that this work be done providing the property owners donate to the city the land necessary for suoh improvement. The motion was seconded by Mr. Broderson and carried unanimously. Mr. H. C. Haoke addressed the council relative to the old Borax Works building and stated that the owners would be in this vicinity between April 1st and 15th. After discussion, Mr. Brodersen moved that the owners, or their legal representative, be requested to attend the meeting of the council to be held on April 15th, and inform the council as to their decision in the final disposition of the partially wrecked building. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henning and oarried unanimously. The Clerk stated in response to Notice to Bidders, he was in receipt of three bide for the widening and improvement of Park Street. Mr. Latham moved that the bide be received,epened and read. The motion was seconded by Mr. Caloutt and aarried unanimously. Thereupon the Clerk opened and read the bids as follows : - From Heafey -Moore Co., accompanied by a oertified check of $2800.00. Per linear foot of concrete curb Seventy Cents ($0.70). Per square foot of oonorete gutterTwenty -five Dents (00.25). Per square foot of concrete gutter bridges Thirty Cents (0.30). Per square foot of five (5) inch asphaltio concrete pavement Seventeen and one -half Cents ($0.175) Per square foot of six (6) inch oiled macadam pavement Fifteen Cents (00.15) Per linear foot of 8" by 30" corrugated iron culverts Three Dollars and Sixty Cents ($3.60) Per square foot of grading Ten Cents (00.10). Per square foot of sidewalk patching ...Twenty -five Cents ($0.25). From Hutohinaon Co. accompanied by a bond. Per linear foot of curbing Sixty Cents Per square foot of oonotete guttersTwenty -nine and 6/10 Cents. Per square foot of concrete gutter bridges - Twenty -nine and 6/10 Cents. Per square foot of grading . Nine and 1/2 Gents. Per square foot of Five (5) inch asphaltic concrete pavement Twenty and 2/10 Cents. Per square foot of Six (6) inch oiled macadam pavement Twelve and 2/10 Cents. Per linear foot of 8" by 30" corrugated iron culverts Four Dollars and Seventy -five cents. Per square foot, patching sidewalkEighteen Cents. From Western Roads Company, accompanied by a bond. 48620 s.f. 5" Asphaltic pavement.... .23 $11,182.60 8454 1.f. Conorete Curb .60 04,072.40 7553 e.f. Concrete Gutter .35 2,643.55 2310 s.f. Con. Gutter Bridges..... .60 1,386.00 8500 e.f. 6" Oiled Maoadar.13 1,105.00 1332 1.f. Corrugated Iron Culvert 4.15 5,527.80 26500 s.f. Grading .12 3,180.00 Pat©hing sidewalks, 20 cents $30,097.35 per square foot Mr. Latham moved that the bids be referred to the City Engineer for report, seoond- ed by Mr. Caloutt and oar rie d unanimously. RESOLUTIO 7. Mr.Calcutt introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1484. Giving War Veterans Preference When Applying for Positions with the City of Alameda." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1485. Transferring $4390.76 from the 31 Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Brodersen seconded the motion to adopt the it was adopted and passed unanimously. 9. Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of attic Light Resolution and on roll call 10/ "Resolution No. 1486. Transferring $1,784.37 from the Electric Light Fund to the Interest and Redemption Fund." Mr. Brodersen seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1487. Transferring $12,000.00 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Brodersen seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it 'as adopted and passed unanimously. ii.I Mr. Caloutt introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1488. Transferring $12,000.00 from the General Fund to the School General Fund." Mr. Latham seoonded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. FILING: The Clerk stated that since the last meeting of the council the follow- ing papers had been filed: - 12. ' Affidavit of posting Notioe Inviting Sealed Bids, under Resolution of Intention No. 95, N. B. Affidavit of publioation, Notice Inviting Sealed Bids, under Resolution of Intention No. 95, N. S. 14.v Copy of Railroad Commission Decision #22 and Blanding Avenue. COMMUNICATIONS: The following communications were received: From Mre. Eugene Rush, 148 Maitland Drive, re transportation to South Alameda. Referred to Bus Committee. 13. 202, re spur track, Oak St. 16.E Copy of communication from Fernside Home Owners Association, to Board of Education, re Junion High School. Ordered filed. 17.V Communications from various Senators and Congressmen, acknowledging receipt of copy of Resolution #1481. (General Pulaski's Day). Ordered filed. 18.✓ From the Veterans Welfare Board, requesting cancellation of certain taxes. Mr. Henning moved that the matter be referred to the City Manager to report back to the council. The motion was seoonded by Mr. Brodersen and carried unanimously. From the City Attorney, reporting as to Third, Cypress, Brush and Spruce Streets. Ordered filed. Fromythe City Attorney, relative to Acquisition and Improvement Act. of 1925. Ordered filed. 19.1 20.■ 21.1 From the City Planning Commission, approving a portion of map as submitted by A. E. J. Duchesnay, relative to the closing of the south end of Perk Avenue. After dicsuesion, Mr. Brodersen moved that the map as approved by the Plan ring Commission did not embrace the same amount of territory as the original copy filed at the council meeting of March 4th and that action by the council be postponed until more definite information in the matter could be had. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimously. 22. From the County Board of Supervisors, together with a copy of Resolution No. 23781, relative to the formation of the Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District. Mr. Latham moved that the City Manager be appointed as a Trustee to represent the City of Alameda on the governing body. The motion was seconded by Mr. Caloutt and same carried unanimously. 23.E From Building Inspector E. H. Rogers, recommending that further pro- ceedings in the matter of the removal of the dilapidated building at 1914 Webster Street be dropped. Mr. Caloutt moved that the recommendation of the Building Inspector be adopted, seoonded by Mr. Brodersen and parried unanimously. 24.+7 ARINGS: From Leo S. Robinson and H. D. Clark, as members of the Arbitration Board, relative to the Pye property to be purchased by the City of Alameda for park purposes. After discussion, there being no objection, the matter was left in the hands of President Schaefer. 25.x" The matter of the he ring on corner of Grand Street and Alameda petitioner was present but did not posed improvement. The matter was council by mutual consent. the reclassification of the southeast Avenue, Mr. Rhodes, representing the have plans toasubmit covering the pro - postponed until the next meeting of the 26.x` City Engineer Burnett Hamilton report as to the bids received for the improvement of Park Street and after discussion, Mr. Caloutt introduced and moved the adoption of Mr. was ORDINANCES: 27/ "Resolution No. 1489. In the Matter of the Aoquisition and Improvement District No. 3 of the City of Alameda. Resolution of Award.' (Park Street)." Brodersen seoonded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll gall it adopted and passed unanimously. The following Ordinances came up for passage and were read by the Clerk: "Ordinance No. New Series.T —` Reclassifying Property. (B lot situated on the southwest corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Caroline Street. )" Mr. Caloutt moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Broder- sen and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 28.'/ "Ordinance No. New Seri An Ordinance Providing for the Erection of Traffic Stop Signals on Borh Sides of Enoinal Avenue from Morton Street to the Easterly Termination of Encinal Avenue, and on the Westerly side of Fernside Boule- vard from said Easterly Termination of Enoinal'Avenue to Pearl Street, except at Liberty Avenue, Versailles Avenue and Pearl Street, where Stbp Signals are to be erected on both side of said Intersdctions, and from Pearl Street along north sides of .Southern Pacific Railroad Company's right of Way•to Park Street and Lin - coln Avenue, and on both s ides of Lincoln Avenue from Park Street to Fifth Street, and on both sides of said Southern Pacific Railroad Company's right of way from Fifth Street to Fourth Street and Pacific Avenue, and on both sides of Pacific Avenue from Fourth Street to Main Street, and on the Northerly side of Main Street from Pacific Avenue to Fourth Street at all Intersecting Streets, except Park Street, High Street, and Webster Street, and requiring the Drivers of all Vehicles to come to a full stop at Street Intersections, Before Crossing any of said Avenues, Boulevard, Southern Pacific Railroad Company's Right of Way or Street." Mr. Caleutt moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Brad - ersen and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Claims against the General Departmentsamounting to 3736.78• Polioe De- partment, $4984.61; Fire Department $415.66; Street Department, 2366.29; Health Department, $236•83; Recreation Department, $254.31; Golf Course Department, $907.49; Store Department, $55.85; Social Service Department, $266.33; Initative Relief Fund, $64.00; School General Fund, $1267.58; East Bay Municipal Utilitjt District Payments Fund,' $2592.51 and Compensation Insuranoe Fund, $28.50 having been approved and audited by the proper officiate were listed by the Clerk as follows : - Adams, C.C. Alameda Steam Alameda Times " a aundry Assn. tar K Alameda Veterans Memorial Bldg. Alameda Vulcanizing Works General Dej rtments. Insuranoe premium Laundry Printing Advertising tr Maintenance Gasoline 42.48 7.00 1.25 62.12 8.46 324.20 1.80 Bancroft Whitney Co. Beatie, Loreme R. Bendheim, A.H. Cranston, A.R. East Bay.Munioipal U Meter Printing Co. Haokett, Ed. Johnson Co., S. T. Kelley Kar Company League of Cal. Municipalities McConnell, Rushton Morse & Co. C. C. Municipal Electric Light 11 n M Paoifio Gas & Eleotrio Co. Pacific Tel.& Tel. Co. a n IT n n Raymond Mfg. Co. Shaw & Lunt Silva, J. Typewriter Guy Western Union Tel. Co. Wilber Co., Frank E. General Departments (Cont'd.) Subscription Services Servioes- Charter Com. Repairing of plumbing Pater Printing Services as Gardener Fuel Oil Blue book filler Convention preoeedings Insurano a premium Seed, v Street lighting City hall lighting Gas Rental and tolls rr 11 n Lilacko spray Premium Services Inspeotion, Clock rental and telegram Repairs to envelope sealer ilitr Dist. Plant n Alameda Vulcanizing Works Alzina, Hap Fuller & Co., W.P. Loop Lumber &Mill Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant n n n n Paoifio Gas & Electric Co. Paoifio Tel. & Tel. Co. Perkins, Dudley Smith, F.J. Stewart, S. Strom Electrical Co. Typewriter Guy Western Union Tel. Co. Alameda Printing Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Ansel's Eleotrio Co. Associated Oil Co. Brunje, B. H. Bast Bay Mun. Utility Dist. 3 rench Oxygen Co., F. W. Municipal Electric Light Plant Municipal Electric Light Plant Paoifio R8O & Electric Co. Paoifio Tel. 8: Tel. Co. Typewriter Guy Western Union Tel. Co. Labor Alameda Vulcanizing Works Clark & Sons, N. Dieterioh=Post Co. Dietz Motor Co. Bast Bay Mun. Utility Dist. Heafey- Moore Co. Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Pacific Coast Aggregates Paoifio-Tel. 8: Tel. Co. Siegler, Louis Typewriter Guy Vosburgh Hardware Co. Total $ 10.00 25.00 20.00 5.00 18.19 4.25 30.00 58.56 1.50 6.00 11.62 77.85 2780.76 97.26 5.40 11.40 19.31 4.70 42.50 30.00 13.50 2.27 14.40 Police Department. Globe Motorcycle repairs Paint Lumber ' Traffio signals and power Labor and attendanoe Gas Rental and tolls Motorcycle repairs Meals Dog food Supplies Typewriter inspeotion Clock rental Total e Department Printing Laundry servioe Clock Gasoline Avid Water Oxygen Labor and attendanoe Bleotrioity Gas Tolls 'Rental Clock rental Total set Department Gasoline' Supplies TT Parts Water Road oil Lumber Materials Rental and tolls Repairs to tools Inspection Supplies Total $ 3736.78 .35 10.45 8.00 12.63 4760.30 88.64 1.17 24.47 13.35 36.40 8.40 11.20 6.75 1.50 $ 98461 4.75 62.50 32.50 32.50 6.30 32.23 6.00 54.01 144.30 35.82 .75 , 2.25 1.75 $ 415.66 $1592.93 18.80 6.04 .92 4.66 2.07 392.80 10.65 312.42 4.30 17.20 2.25 1.25 $2366.29 Department Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda rimes -Star Alameda Yuloanizing Works Arrow Towel and Laundry Co. Associated Oil Co. Bis©hoff's Surgioal House Braun - Knecht- Heimann 00. Encinal Coal Company Flatow & Son, P. Ford, N. 0. Hodgkins, Jesse Island City Ioe 00. Koerber Fuel & Feed Co. League of Cal. Municipalities Pacific Tel. & Tel. 00. Seourity Drug Go., Inc. Typewriter Guy Laundry Printing Gas and oil Laundry Distillate Needles Supplies Barley Clinic supplies Printing Services Ioe Supplies Copy of Convention proceedings Rental and tolls Supplies Typewriter inspection Total Reoreation BeFa rtment Alameda Vulcanizing Works California Mill and Lumber Co. EastiBay Man. Utility Distriot Goff, T. High Street Coal Yard Kimball, ,Rena Koster, W. H. Municipal Bleotrio Light Plant Pacific Gas & 3leotrio Co. Pacific Tel.& Tel. Co. Powell Bros, Ino. Stumpf, M Typewriter Guy Winkler, S. Labor Associated Oil Company Baker, Hamilton & Pacific Go. Collins and Kearns Flexaml Sign Mfg. Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant. Ogkla nd- California Vowel 0o. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Standard Oil Co. of California Crocker Co. Hiokok, 0, Gasoline Lumber Water Services Moss Services 1leotrioity Gas Rental and tolls Lime Repairs Inape otion Money advanced for seed Total curse Department Store Gasoline Supplies Tire and tube Sign Light and power Towel service Rental and tolls Grease tment H. 8. City Mana$er Social Se Total - -- Supplies Money advanoed for stamps Total. ice Department Alameda Bootery Alameda Co. Tuberculosis Assn. Alameda Social Servioe Board Chandler, J. Dodge Co., F. A, Filipelli Bros. Kraig Co., J. J. Pacific Protective Assn. Smith, Chas. Initia Harrington, Alioe Sorenson, Margaret Shoes Maintenanoe Revolving Pond Moving Supplies Shoes Supplies Board Plumbing repairs Total of al - .. 18.12 15.95 10.90 3.00 31.57 2.55 7.91 2.00 83.15 8.50 9.54 .50 14.00 5.00 15.64 4.00 4.50 236.83 30.45 10.92 28.63 40.00 4.00 27.00 65.00 16.84 5.31 4.06 2.00 7.05 2.25 10.80 254.31 606.00 11.70 7.85 7.74 21.60 216.73 17.17 14.70 4.00 907.49 5.85 50.00 55.85 6.17 153.40 23.79 6.00 11.35 3.75 15.62 40.00 6.25 266.33 60,00 4.00 64.00 School General Fund ipal. BlectIrio Light Plant Sleotricity Ba to 111 tt Total • • • • al Utilit Diat. Fa Bast Bay Vun. Utility Dist. Alameda Sanatorium Platow & Son, P. Stowe, Dr. O.P. BXtensions Ready to serve charge Total . • • • 0oxpensation Insurance Puna X-rays Prescription Servioes Total $ 132.66 • 108.33 263.42 379.96 189.14 203.07 $ 1276.58 $ 197.08 2395.43. $ 2592.51 22.50 1;00 5.00 28.50 Mr. Caloutt moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call carried by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Brodersen, Caloutt, Latham and President Sohaefer, (4). Councilman Henning stated that he voted for the payment of all bile with the exception of those in favor of the Baet Bay Munioipal Utility District. Mr. Brodersen moved that the City Attorney be instructed to look into the matter of the elimination of the stand-by charge now fixed by the East Bay Municipal Utility District. Mr. Henning seconded the motion and on roll call carried by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Brodersen, Caloutt, Henning and President Sohaefer, (4). Noes: None. Excused from voting: Councilman Latham, (1). Absent: None. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, April lst, 1930 at 8 oiolook. Respectfully submitted,