1931-04-07 Regular CC Minutes1 1 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 7th, 1931. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock P. M. with Vice-president Calcutt presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Brodersen, Henning, Latham and Vice-president Calcutt, (4) were noted present. Absent: Caancil-president Sahaefer, (1). The Minutes of the regular meeting of March 17th, 1931 were approved as read. The minutes of the special meeting of March 23rd, 1931, were approved as read. The minutes of the special meeting of April 1st, 1931, were approved as read. 4.v The regular Order of Business was suspended to permit the council to take up the matter ar the reclassification of certain propoerty situated on the north side of Fernside Boulevard, between Versailles Avenue and High Street. 5/ The following Ordinance came up for passage and was read by the Clerk:- "Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying Property. (Fernside Boulevard, between Versailles Avenue and High Street.)" Mr. Henning moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Latham. Discussion was then held realtive to the passage of the ordinance. The Council was addressed by Messrs. Bettencourt, Strouss, Powell and Slocum, protesting the adoption of the ordinance, and Messrs. Keane and Ryder, in support of the adoption of the ordinance. The Council then recessed for discussion of the matter. Upon reconvening, all members of the Council were noted present, with the exception of President Schaefer. At the request of Acting President Calcutt, a statement was made by Council- man Henning and Mr. W. I. Cole, representing the Owens-Illinois Glass Company. 8.' The question upon the adoption of the Ordinance was then put to the members of the council and upon roll call the ordinance was adopted and passed by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Brodersen, Henning, Latham and Vice-president Calcutt, (4). Noes: None. Absent: Council-president Schaefer, (1). The regular order of business of the Council was then proceeded with. NEW BUSINESS: 10/ Mr. Latham moved that the specifications for the erecting of the steel fence at Lincoln Park, presented by the City Engineer be adopted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henning and same carried unanimously. 11.v/ The Clerk stated that in response to advertised. Notice to Bidders, he was in receipt of seven bids for the construction of a fence at Lincoln Park. Mr. Henning moved that the bids be received and opened, seconded by Mt. Latham and carried unanimously. Thereupon the Clerk opened and read the bids as follows:- FIRM CERTIFIED CHECK Michael & Pfeffer Standard Fence Co. West Coast Wire and Iron Works Wickwire-Spencer Steel Co. California Ornamental Iron a, Fence Co Vosburgh Hardware Co. California Wire Cloth Co. $ 200.00 198.00 200.00 194.32 • 200.00 194.32 200.00 AMOUNT OF BID 1943.20. 1953.20 1943.20 1943.20 1943.20 1943.20 1943.20 Mr. Henning moved that all bids be rejected, and certified checks returned. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brodersen and same carried unanimously. 12.i Mr. Tom Howen addressed the Council relative to the construction of additional fence from the tank house West. The matter was referred to the Superintendent of Parks to report back to the council. 131 The Clerk stated that in response to advertised Notice to Bidders, he was in receipt of various bids for the resurfacing of the south tennis court in Lincoln Palk. Mr. Henning moved that the bids be received and opened. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimously. Thereupon the Clerk opened and read the bids as follows:- From Heafey- Moore Company, accompanied by a certified check of 100.00. 2" x 6" Redwood header boards, in place and asphaltic mixture$ 775.00 Additional Asphaltic mixture, if required, per ton 7.45 From W. H. Larson, accompanied by a certified check of $100.00. 2" x 6" Redwood header boards, in place, 236 lin. ft. $0.10 pe Asphaltic mixture, - 100 tons L. ft. 8.87 per ton From Hutchinson Company, accompanied by a certified check of 0100.00 2" x 6" Redwood header boards in place, 236 lin. ft. 10 cts. per lin. ft $ 23.60 Asphaltic mixture, - 100 tons © $7.65 per ton.................. 765.00 Mr. Henning introduced and masted the adoption of 14. 15. 16. „, 17. "Resolution No. Awarding Contract for Re-surfacing the South Tennis Court at Lincoln Park, Alameda." The motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Mr. Brodersen. Mr. Collier addressed the council in protest of the passage of the adoption of the Resolution objecting to the present sepcifications as to drainage. Further discussion followed, whereupon Mr. Henning with the consent of his second withdrew the motion to adopt the Resolution awarding contract, and substituted in its place a motion that all bids be rejected and certified checks returned. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and same carried unanimously. Mr. Latham moved that a sum not to exceed $25.00 be allowed for the purchase of an American Flag to be used in veterans' funerals, to replace the one recently damaged by fire, seconded by Mr. Brodersen and on roll call carried unanimously. A request was received from the Bay Bridge Community Council of Alameda, requesting use of the Council Chambers on Wednesday evening, April 15th, 1931., Mr. Brodersen moved that permission be granted, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimously. Mr. Brodersen moved that the sum of $50.00 be set aside for incidental expenses and postage, in connection with the work of the Bridge Committee, this amount to be paid upon presentation of duty verified vouchers for same. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henning and carried unanimously. Mr. Calcutt moved that all public buildings and parks in the city be supplied with an American flag and flag pole. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimously. R SOLUTIONS 18.V Mr. Latham introduced and moved the adoption of 19. "Resolution No. 1591. Transferring $12,000.00 from the School Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Henning seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Henning introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1592. Transferring $12000.00 from the General Fund to the Electric Light Fund." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously.. FILING: The Clerk stated that since the last meeting of the Council the following papers had been filed: 20.V Affidavit of Publication, Notice to Bidders, re resurfacing tennis court i at Lincoln Park. 21.' / Affidavit of Publication, Notice to Bidders, re erecting fence at Lincoln Park. 22. General Balance Sheet of Alameda Belt Line for months of October, November, December and January. 23.4 Copy of Resolution, Alameda City Council Bridge 'Committee. COMMUNICATIONS: 24.‘" The following communications were received:- From A. E. J. Duchesnay with map showing proposed extension of Park Avenue, south of Otis Drive, requesting the approval of the council in the matter. Mr. Latham moved that the map as submitted be adopted, seconded by Mr. Henning and carried unsnaimously. Mr. Latham then moved that the City Attorney be instructed to start proceedings for the closing of the south end of Park Avenue, south of Otis Drive in order to conform to the map submitted, and that all expenses in connection there- with be paid by Mr.,Duchesnay. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henning and on roll call carried unanimoUsly. 25.V Roy Bishop, acknowledging communication relative to Senate Bill No. 398. Ordered filed. 26.V 27. 28. From the California Real Estate Association, requesting advertisement in the Progress Number of the California Real Estate Magazine. There being no objection ,this communication waszeferred to the Publicity and Convention Committee. From the City Manager relative to Ordinance No. 256, N. S. regulating the periods of absence from duty in case of sickness or injury, as affected by Pension Ordinance No. 276, N. S. and the State Compensation Act. Mr. Henning moved that the communication be referred to the City Attorney, seconded by Mr. Brodersen and carried unanimously. From the Daughters of the American Revolution, requesting that the original name "YerbeaBuena" be applied to "Goat" Island, also requesting that the contemplated bay bridge be called "Yerba Buena".Bridge. There being no objection this matter was referred to the Bridge Committee. 29.v From Mayor Victor L. Schaefer, relative to the placing of fire alarm boxes in accessible places in all halls of the City Hall. Mr. Brodersen moved that the matter be referred to Fire Chief Steinmetz for recommendation. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henning and same carried unanimously. 30.1 From the Southern Pacific Company requesting six months extension of time in the matter of paving Fernside Boulevard, between Briggs Avenue and Encinal Avenue. Mr. Latham moved that the Southern Pacific Company be denied the extension of time asked for, and that they be requested to proceed with the paving immediately. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brodersen and carried unanimously. 31.V From the City Attorney replying to inquiry received from the Publicity and Convention Committee, relative to advertising expenditures. Ordered filed. From citizens and taxpayers on Liberty Avenue adjoining Lincoln Park requesting that a high wire fence be constructed on the north side of the'park and that play apparatus be relocated in a new section therein. Mr. H. A. Bruntsch addressed the council in support of the communication. There being no objection, the matter was referred to the City Manager to report back his recommendations. /- 32.V/ 34. 35.1 38./ 39. 40. 42. Various applications for position of City Manager was upon'COnsent of the council postponed until the next regular meeting for consideration. From the Alameda Improvement Club, relative to the dilapidated condition of property situated on the south side of Pacific Avenue, between Stanton. and Paru Streets, known as 1566 Pacific Avenue and the Borden property immediately to the east. Mr. Latham moved that the matter be referred to the Building Inspector and Fire Chief for report. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henning and carried unanimously.. From the Alameda Improvement Club, requesting information relative to an amount,approximately $5,000.00, dating from August last for electrical'energy supplied to either the Alameda Airport or the dredger operating at said airport. City Attorney Silver made a verbal report to the council relative to a suit already started in this connection. Mr. Brodersen moved that the matter be referred to the Board of Public Utilities for specific answer to all questions contained therein. The motion was seconded by Mr. Henning and carried unanimously. From Cleaners and-Dyers of Alameda protesting business license tax. Ordered filed. From E. H. Lickel, re honorary council roll and formation of Alameda Exempt firemen. There being no objection, the communication was referred to a meeting of the Committee of the Whole. From City Manager, C. E. Hickok, with letter from Leon H. Ader, with options on various parcels of property necessary for the construction of a diagonal street from the corner of High Street and Washington Street, to Bay Form Island Bridge. There being no objections, the communicationwas referred to a meeting of the Committee of the Whole. From Alameda office, Camp Fire Girls, requesting permission to use the Council Chambdrs-for a meeting Thursday evening, April 9th, 1931. Mr. Latham moved that permission be granted in accordance with their request, seconded by Mr. Brodersen and carried unanimously. From the Call-Bulletin, requesting the Council to advertise in the 25th Anniversary Number of the San Francisco Fire. Mr. Latham moved that thenatter be referred to the Publicity and Convention Committee and that a sum of'$45.00 for a one-sixteenth page advertisement be appropriated out of the advertising fund. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brodersen and on roll call carried unanimously. From the East Alameda Improvement Club, realtive to street lighting in Alameda. There being no objection, this was referred to a meeting of the Committee of the Whole. From the East Alameda Improvement Club, relative to dilapidated condition of a building at the southeast corner of Adams and High Streets. There being no objection this was referred to the Building Inspector to report back to the Council. 43• From the East Alameda improvement Club, relative to traffic conditions in the east end'. There being no objection this matter was referred to a meeting of the Committee of the Whole for consideration. ORDINANCE FOR PASSAGE: 44./ The following Ordinance came up for passage and was read by the Clerk: "Ordinance No. 473. - New Series, Adopting Rules of Order for the Meetings, and Providing for the sideration of reports and other said Meetings. Mr. Latham moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Claims against the General Departments amounting to $6042.40; Police Department $994.53; Fire Department, $588.91; Street Department $3533.82; Health Department, %420.09; Recreation Department, $493.68; Golf Course Department, $1888.95; Store Department, $262.17; Social Service Department, $453.07; Initiative Relief Fund, $250.11;Compensation Insurance Fund, $143.50 and East Bay Municipal Utility District Payments Fund, $2449.27 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows:- Conduct of Council Preliminary Con- matters prior to tt semnded by Mr. Henning and Alameda Oounty Title Ins. Co. Alameda Times Star TV TV IV TV 17 TV rr n TV American Law Book Co. Bancroft4hitney clompany Beetle, Loreme R. Borle; C. A. Breed; Burpee & Robinson Croll,'F. J. Dallas, Homer R. Duplex Water Company Elster Printing Co. Platow & Son. Gott, A. O. Hickok, C. 14, Hunt Jewelry Company Johnson Co., B. T. • Klitgaard Agency, Inc, Munigipal Elegtric Light Plant TV 11 Otis Elevator Company Patrick & Moise-Klinkner Co. Schaefer, Victor L. Schergen,11Srilla Schneider, Henry Seeley, Esther Simonson, E. R. Tallman and Hoepner Tribune Publishing Co. General Departments Recording deeds Assessment Rolls Buildingiranscript Printing Election supplies Book - Corpus Juris Law books Services Services - AsSesaor's office' Costs Sevina and Servente case Auto allowance P. O. Box rent Bottled water Letterheads and envelopes Ointment Repairs to clock Auto upkeep Cleaning-olock Treasurer Stove distillate Surety bonds - premium Street lighting Electricity Wiring and fixtures Service License tags Mayor's allowance Services - May Festival Premium Surety bond Services Assessor's office TV TV TV Bond .premiums and Liability Ins. Page in. Year Book Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alzina Hap Beker,kamilton & Pacific Co. Barker's Alameda Furniture Co. Duplex Water Filter Co. Eneinal Press Ford, N. O. Fuller & Go., W.P. Gray's Automobile Glass House Municipal Electric Light Plant TV TV 11 TV Pacific Gas and Electric Company Salmon, Claude Smith, Vern 11 TV Thomas Bros. Associated Oil Company Baker, Hamilton & Pacific Co. Chansler & Lyon Stores, Inc. Duplex Water Filter Co. Johnson Co., S. T. Lewis, R. S. Municipal Elegtrie Light Plant It IV 11 11 TV n Rickerson, Al. Steinmetz, W. T. Stickney, 0. L. Thomas Janitor Supply Co. Labor Associated Oil Company' Chanslor & Lyon Stores, Inc. w “ TV TV Clark & Son, N. Bast Bay Title Insurance Go. Fhrey, Harry D. Hamilton °Burnett Jenison Aachinery Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Richfield Oil Company Total . . Police Department Laundry Repairs - motorcycles Cartridges, etc. Curtains Rental of filter Parking signs Printing envelopes Traffic paint Lamps and lenses Flashlight bulbs, etc. repairs Labor and attendance, Feb.1931 Jan.1931 Gas Repair motorcycle Use of auto Contingent fund Map Total . $ 8.10 561.75 6.50 73.58 483.00 7.50 19:35 20.00 165.00 44.44 25.00 1.50 20.00 17.75 .50 5.00 25.00, 3.00 70.82 80.00 3252.08 129.22 73.04 7.50 32.50 50.00 50.00 100.00 110.00 150.00 250.31 200.00 6042.40 Fire Department Gasoline Supplies Oil Rental of filter Fuel all Soap Labor and attendance - Feb. 1931 ft IT Jan.1931 Fuses, battery recharges Electricity Straps Revolving fund Painting - Fire Station #3 Detergent Total . . Street Department Gasoline Supplies Sewer pipe Extension of Fernside Blvd. Plumbing repairs Incidental expenses Parts, sweeper Light and power Lubricating oil Tote . • $ 1.62 12.15 114.62 5.20 4.00 24.40 6.50 3.55 6.00 105.68 90.39 61.29 1.11 13.32 35.00 500.00 9.50 $ 994.33 11.00 42.78 21.60 4.00 7.09 15.85 74.38 58.50 2.40 122.37 9.00 16.83 184.00 19.11 $ 588.91 $ 1911.50 73.63 6.48 19.92 48.19 1500.00 6.65 2.97 26.71 .32 37.45 $ 3533.82 lth Department Alameda Steam Laundry American Surgical Sales Co., Ltd. Arrow Towel & Laundry Co. Barker . Alameda Furniture Co. Brandt, Louis BraunKnecht - Heimann Co. Burns, Mrs. V. G. Carpenter, Dr. T. Cossitt & Company Duplex Water Filter Co. Ellis, James A., M. D. Encinal Coal Company B'ncinal Press Ford, N. 0. Fox Water Co. Hieronymus, Dr. Arthur Hodgkins, Jessie Island City Ice Co. Kellogg Express Co. Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Martin, J. A, Municipal Electric Light Plant Prendable, Wm. Smith Bros. Smith, Dr. W. 0. U. S. Duplicator Go. Tosburgh Hardware Co. Laundry Bags Laundry Curtains Services, Rat Exterminator Supplies Services - Well Bby Clinic Transportation Certificates Rental of filter Services - Well Baby Clinic Supplies Printing Cloth Signs Distilled Water Transportation Services - Laboratory Ice EXpressage Lumber Services Servicing cars Services Chair Services - Well Baby Clinic 1 Duplicator Tacks, nails, etc. Total • • Recreation Department Associated Oil Company Buick Home Service Goff, Tom Kimball, Rean Koerber Fuel & Feed Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant n rr n it Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Powell Bros., Inc. Skelly, Sam Vickers, Ben Winkler, S. Golf Gasoline and oil Repairs Services Fertilizer Electricity Repairs to ladder, etc. Gas terials Grass Catcher, etc. Services - tree surgeon Money advanced for seed, etc Total. .. Course Department Labor Associated Oil Company Bess- Reuter Paint Co. California Wire Cloth Co., Inc. Cranston, A. R. Koerber Fuel & Feed Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Newcomb, Chas. A. Ought J. M. Roebke, A. J. Skelly, Sam Smith, Chas. Western Auto Supply Co. Store Associated Oil Company • Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Crocker Company, Inc., H. S. Fuller & Co., W. P. Hickok, G. E., City Manager ling- Dawers Stationery 5o. Neal, Stratford & Kerr Rubin, E. S. Smith Bros Gasoline Paint Screen Plumbing repairs Fertilizer Electricity and power Pencils Well Repairs to Servel Hardware supplies Plumbing repairs Battery Total... Department Gasoline Machine paper Supplies Brushes Money advanced for stamps Supplies rt Mops Supplies Total • • • $ 15.63 1.00 3.50 32.50 120.45 14.40 10.00 35.00 11.31 4.00 10.00 1.50 2.75 11.80 3.50 15.00 12.78 1.25 .25 7.90 35.00 3.79 5.00 15.68 10.00 35.00 1.30 420.09 27.85 5.00 55.00 33.00 211.35 34.14 12.26 5.96 10.92 14.35 81.25 2.60 493.68 $ 1016.86 37.48 19.70 14.44 53.55 96.00 218.29 13.20 324.00 7.85 84.92 1.00 1.66 $ 1888.95 87.47 2.25 40.58 12.60 100.00-, 7.79 2.04 8.00 1.44 262.17 Social Servioe Department Alameda Co. Tuberculosis Assn. Del Valle care $ 109.20 East Bay Mun. Utility District Water 5.14 Filipelli Bros. Shoes 10.00 Konigshofer's Material , 24.12 Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Lumber 20.28 Malabo Ethel Services , 84.66 Municipal Electric Light Plant Electricity and heaters 70.31 ft TO IT n Shoes 16.75 Musso Bros. 6.50 Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Gas , 14.06 Penney Co., J. O. Supplies 55.92 Strom Electrical Co. 1.40 Typewriter Guy Typewriter inspection 3.75 Vosburgh Hardware CO. Hardware 18.98 ' Well's Cartage 7.50 Wold's Shoes 4.50 Total Initiative Relief Fund $ 453.07 Acme Grocery Groceries 16.00 Bank of Italy Int. Mr. Pauline ' 5.11 Ben's Grocery Labor - Erlebach 12.00 City Market n Cummings 24.00 City Market #2 " Dobbins , 4.00 Craig's Grocery n Olson 8.00 n n n MoQuown 9.00 Crystal Market n Andriese 12.00 4.00 n S. Cole 5.00 If S. Cole 15.00 n Erlebach 4.00 Pauline 19.00 n Miss Whitehead 2,00 n Befits 20.00 Landoaster 12.00 n Hoover 8.00 n Dinsdale 5.00 n Dobbins ' 20.00 O Tf Hanford 20.00 n n n Muzzy 8.00 Shilts 12.00 71 Dinsdale 3.00 West End Purity Market n MoQuown 3.00 " -Meat East End Market Gardner Bros. Htgy's Meat Market HloknInn, George W. National Market, The New Alameda Market 9 11 National Grocery Ferryman's Grocery Shopryte Grocery Versailles Cash- Market Total • • • 250.11 Compensation Insurance Fund Alameda Sanatorium Operating room and bandages 16.75 1C-4-ay Dept. X-rays ' 55.50 42.50 American ,Surgical Sales Co., Ltd. Mayo Sacro-iliac Supporter , 12.50 , n 9 IT II n Truss 11.25 Bischoff, Ohas. A. Rental of chair 5.00 Total . . 143.50 East Bay Municipal Utility District Payments Fund East Bay Mull:Utility District 9 It ft Water main extensions Ready to serve charge Total . $ 51.57 2397.70 $ 2449.27 Mr. Latham moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Henning and on roll call carried unanimously. Mr. Henning stated he'wished to vote for the payment of all claims with the exception of those of the East-Bay Municipal Utility Distriot. There being no further business-to transact; the Council adjourned to meet' in regular session Tuesday evening, April 21st, 1931, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted, City Olii.