1931-10-06 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 6TH, 1931. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock with Council-president Henning presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Brodersen, Leydecker, Murray and Presi- dent Henning, (4) were noted present. Absent: Councilman Schaefer, (1).' The minutes of the regular meeting of September 15th, 1931 were approved as 'read. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: The following communications were received:- - From the City Manager containing recommendations for additional fencing on tne,south side of Lincoln Park. Mr. Brodersen moved that the recommendations be adopted and that the communication be referred to a meeting of the Committee of the Whole to ascertain how much of the work recommended by the City Manager could be done under budget allowances. The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and carried unanimously. From the Social Service Board relative to a probable shortage of funds during, he coming fiscal year. The communication was ordered filed. 3/ - From Pasadena Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, relative to the,naming of the proposed San Francisco-Oakland Bay 'Bridge. There being no objection consideration of this communication was referred to the first meting to be held in January, 1932. 9.)/ 10.V 11.v From the City Manager, recommending the City Engineer and City Clerk be instructed to prepare specifications and advertise for bids for the resurfacing of the -three tennis courts at Washington Park. Mr. Brodersen moved that the recommendation of the City Manager be adopted, seconded by Mr. Leydecker and on roll call carried unanimously. - From the City Manager, recommending the purchase of the property opposite the end of Fernside Boulevard and south of the east end of Encinal Avenue, Mr. Brodersen moved that the communication be referred to a meeting of the Committee of the Whole, seconded by Mr. Leydecker and carried unanimously. From the City Manager containing recommendations relative to the re- lieving of traffic conditions at the corner of High Street and San Jose Avenue. Mr. Leydecker moved that the recommendation of the City Manager be adopted, seconded by Mr. Brodersen and on roll call carried unanimously. = From the City Manager recommending that signal lights be not installed at Lincoln Avenue and Webster Street. Mr. Brodersen moved that the recommendation of the City Manager be adopted, seconded by Mr. Leydecker and carried. From the Island City-Tennis Club, requesting $25.00 out of the advertis- ing fund to defray expenses in a proposed tournament to be held from October llth to 25th. Mr. Murray moved that the sum of $25.00 be appropriated as requested, but that the money be expended under the jurisdiction of the City Manager. The motion.was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and on roll call carried unanimously. From the Oakland Tribune, requesting reconsideration of previous action of the-council relative to advertisement in 1932 Year Book. After discussion, Mr. Leydecker moved that an anount of $100.00 be appropriated to cover the expenses in connection with this advertisement. Tie motion was seconded by Mr: Brodersen and on roll call carried by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Brodersen, Leydecker and President Henning, (3). Noes: None. Skit Voting:, Councilman Murray, (1). Absent: Councilman Schaefer, (1). From the Alaska Packers Association, protesting passage of the rat barrier ordinance. Mr. Brodersen moved that the communication be referred to the City Manwer to investigate and ascertain as to whether other cities are enforcing such an ordinance along similar lines, and that this report be made to the council at its next meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and carried unanimously. From the City Planning Commission, .recommending temporary permit be granted to use the premises known as 862 Cedar Street for Class 111 purposes. Mr. Brodereen moved that the council grant arevocable permit. The motion was seconded by Mr. Murray and same carried unanimously. 12/ , From the Alameda Housewives' League protesting purchase of land for park purposes. Ordered filed. 13.V From the International City Managers' Association, re Convention at Louisville, Kentucky. Ordered filed. 1 , From the City Manager relative to a deficit of $87.75 in the Fleet Day celebration. After discussion, Mr. Brodersen moved that the request de- tie Alaneda Chamberof Commerce for an, anount of $87.75 to cover this deficity be denied. The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and same carried unanimously. 15.v From the City Manager recommending that bills in anount of $199.95, whit come within the appropriation of $200.00 allowed by the Council for Alameda Fleet Day be allowed. Mr. Brodersen moved that the recommendation of the City Manager be accept- ed, seconded by Mr. Leydecker and on roll call carried unanimously. From the Southern Pacific Company requesting permission to lay spur track cr ssing Alameda Pier auto ferry road for the purpose of serving the United 17. 18.V 19 States Army Air Base, together with recommendations from the City Attorney and City Engineer. After discussion, and at the suggestion of President Henning, Mr. Brodersen moved that the reCoimaendations be adopted, but that the Resolution granting the right to lay the spur track first be presented to the City Attorney inorder that a clause may be inserted therein covering protection of pedestrians and also a time limit as to trains blockading traffic. The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and carried unanimously. From Building Inspector Rogers, re building officials conference at Berkeley. Ordered filed. From the West End Merchants Association, requesting an appropriation of 500.00 from the advertising fund covering a public Christmas tree celebration. Mr; Leydecker moved that the matter be referred to the Publicity and Convention Committee to report back to the first meeting in November, 1931, seconded by Mr. Murray and carried. From the Alameda Improvement land at the north end of the Army Air communication be referred to the City ings. The motion was seconded by Mr. Club, relative to low places in the city's Base Site. Mr. Brodersen moved that the Manager to report to the council'hit find- Leydecker and carried. • 20. From Carl Bottino, re paving of certain roads on Bay Farm Island, together with letter from the City Manager pertaining to same. There being no objection, the matter was referred to a meeting of the Committee of the Whole, and the City Engineer instructed to ascertain the cost of oiling and macadamizing the road referred to. NEW BUSINESS: 21.7 The City Attorney stated that it would be necessary to employ additional counsel temporarily to assist him in the work that has accUmulated in his office. Mr. Brodersen moved that the City Attorney be empowered to employ such counsel. The motion was seconded by Mr.Leydecher & on roll call carried unanimously. 22./ The City Attorney c ailed attention of the Council that insurance or securities under the control of the City Treasurer should be obtained. Mr. Brodersen moved that the matter be included in the insurance specifications about to be advertised for. The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and same carried unanimously. 23. Mr. Murray called attention of the Council to the recent air-plane accident on Bay Farm Island and moved that two or three wading suits be purchased for use of the Police and Fire Departments. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brodersen and on roll call carried unanimously. RESOLUTION: 24.v Mr. Leydecker introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1630. TRANSFERRING $506.25 FROM THE ELECTRIC LIGHT ' FUND TO THE INTEREST AND REDEMPTION FUND." Mr. Brodersen seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. ORDINANCE FOR PASSAGE: 25.V Mr. arid FILING: The following Ordinance came up for passage and was read by the Clerk: "Ordinance No. New Series. Authorizing Sale of Real Property. (Proposed E. K. Taylor Park)." Brodersen moved that the ordinanceas read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Murray on roll call carried unanimously. The Clerk stated that since the last meeting the following papers had been filed: 26/ Oath of office of W. T. Steinmetz as Chief of Fire Department. Balance Sheets, Alameda Belt Line for June and July, 1931. Claims against the General Departments amounting to $ 3768.23; Police Department $196.31; Fire Department, $178.99; Health Department, $241.34; Street Department 2315.14; Recreation Department, $1449.50; Golf Course Department, $2019.82; Store Department, $160.86; Social Service Department, $136.47; Initiative Relief Fund, $367.27; Street Improvement Fund, j1459.88; Compensation Insurance Fund $26.30 and East Bay Municipal Utility District Payment Fund $2462.62 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows;- Addressograph Company Alameda Dahlia Society Alameda Park Co, Alameda Times-Star Alameda Times-Star Alameda Times-Star Alameda Times-Star Alameda Times-Star American Law Book Co., The Beatie, Loreme R. Brown, William Burrough's Adding Machine Co. Burrough's Adding Machine Co, Carlisle & Co., A. Crocker, H. S. Dallas, H. R., Tax Coll. Elster Printing Company Elster Printing Company Ford, N. O. Parrison Van & Storage Co. Henning, William B. Holdal & Richardson Johnson Co., S.T. McGrawg,Hill Book Company Mullen Mrs. Nellie E. M. E. L. P. M. E. L. P. Nichols, Norma Otis Elevator Company Pacific Gas and. Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Peterson Tallow Go. Seeley, Esther Strom Electrical Co. Wiese, L. S., Chairman Alzina, Hap Dave's Service Station Dietz Motor Company George, Charley Modern. Bond. Borp. N. R. A. Service Co., Inc. Pacific Gas & Elect, Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Go. Park Street Garage Railway Express Agency Rickerson, Al. Smith, Vern Western Auto Supply Go. American Rubber Mfg. Co. Associated Oil Company Boyle Mfg. Co., Inc French Oxygen Co., F.W. Lewis, R. E M. E. L. P. M. E. L. P. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Seagrave Corporation, The Steinmetz, W.T„, Rev. Fund. Alameda Steam Laundry Alameda Tites-Star Benjamin, Freda M. Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. Burke, Alice M.C. Burns, Mrs. V. Carpenter, Tom, V.S. City Market Cossitt & Company Ellis, James A., M.D. Encinal Coal Company Martin, J.A. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Go. Pauline, Rosemarie Prendable, William Sanders, R.W., M.D. Wetmore Ghevolet Company General Departments Die letters Show expense Torches used at Lincoln Park Advertising ordinance Copies of ordinance Printing, miscellaneous Printing receipt books Printing recall petitions Law Book Services Rubber stamp Inspecting machine, Auditor Inspecting machine, Treasurer File folders Blue book Tax due on Government Island Affidavits Cards Envelopes Cartage on adding ma hine Mayor's allowance Accounting for September 1931 Diesel oil Manual Signs for Safety Parade Light and power - City Hall Street lighting Services Elevator Service Gas, City Hall Phone service, City Hall offices Disposal of dead animals Services in Assessor's offEce Castor and assembly Advertising in Letter Carriers' pro. Total . . Police Department Repairing motorcycles Grease auto Repair auto Painting traffic signs Amunition Targets Gas for pound Telephone Repair auto Freight Repair belt Use of private auto Battery 1.43 115.01 3.50 10.90 2.00 27.00 70.00 63.00 7,50 74.00 2,90 1.25 -1,00 7.19 4.00 220.00 5.75 20.75 5.50 6,00 50.00 45.00 36.90 5.00 5.00 91.03 2,685.26 3.00 7.50 3.15 40,46 25.00 20.00 2.25 100.00 $ 3768.23 19.92 7.30. 19.04 44.00 30.00 7,50 1.11 17.40 1.75 4.29 1.50 35.00 7.50 Total . . . $ . 196.31 Fire Deartment Hose gaskets Gasoline, oil Garbage can Cylinder Soap Recharging batteries Electricity Gas Parts Miscellaneous expense Total . Health Department Laundry Binding and printing Services in laboratory Supplies Services in clinic Services in clinic Transportation Hamberger Certificates Services in clinic Hay Services as rat catcher Telephone bill Services in Laboratory Services in Laboratory Transportation service New Battery Total . . 3.37 60.75 4.10 3.00 15.75 2.00 51.77 18.03 10.89 9.33 $ 178.99 22,96 25.25 2.6 32: 2.75 5,00 5.00 35.00 .60 8,16 5.00 2,75 55.00 9.80 9.80 5.00 15.00 7.95 241.34 Labor, Associated Oil Company Alameda Welding Works Austin-Western Road Mach.Co. Bay Belting & Supply Co. Bryant, Mrs, F.E. California Brush Company Carlisle & Company, A. Chanslor & Lyon Stores 9 9 n Collins Company, Harry R. Colyear Motor Sales Company Dennen Company, T.W. Dieterich-Post Company Dietz Motor Company East Bay Municipal Utility Dist. IT IT T t TT Gardner, U.S. Haynes, M. Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Maffei, A. Marwedel, C.W. M. E.L. P. M. E. L. P. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Richfield Oil Company Siegler, Louis Texaco. Super Service Typewriter Guy United Iron Works Wagner, George Western Auto Supply Co Associated Oil Company Baker Hamilton & Pacific Co. Benton, A. C. Benton, A. C. Brown, William Buick .Home Service Cleaves, V.H. Dietz-Motor Co. Goff,-Thomas Larson, W.H. M. E.1. P. Pacific Gas & Elect. Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel, Co. Paulin, Dan Skelly, Sam Stumph, M. Wright's Garage Labor Associated Oil Company Crane Go, Crocker Co., H.S. Dennen Co., V.W. Encinal Press Gee, Fred B. Loop Lumber & Mill Co. M. E, L. P. M. E. L. P. Oakland, California Towel Ough,-I. M. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Powell Bros'. Street Department Gasoline Welding Parts Belting IWater used from premises Hickory Street laws Gasket Tolls for shop Tire Discs Rags Paper Repairs for month of August Water to Corporation Yard Water used during August Glasses Repairs to tools Lumber Replacing broken sidewalk Screws Recharging battery Light and power, Corporation Yard Service, Corporation Yard Oil Repairs to tools Repairs, water Cleaning and inspecting Parts, etc Parts for Moreland Parts Total . . • Recreation Department Gasoline Hardware Auto allowance Train fare, advanced. Rubber stamp Oil Services Auto repairs Services Resurfacing tennis Electricity Gas Telephone Services Repairs Repairs to balls Repairs, mowers court, Lin.Pk. Total . . • Golf Course Department Gasoline Supplies Pencils Sweeping compound Score cards Fire equipment Lumber Power and electricity Lamps Co. Towel Water Phone Sand Associated Oil Company Crocker Company, H.S. Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. Neal, Stratford & Kerr Pierson, Neil B„ City Mgr.. San Francisco News Go. Smith Brothers service consumed at Course service Total . . • Store Department Gasoline Store supplies t t tt f t Money advance 4 for stamps Store supplies 1 t t 1722.37 132.60 1.00 22.74 3.02 1.01 180.00 4.13 .27 17.15 57.49 6.50 4.95 2.40 10.65 1.82 9.82 .90 18.75 6.34 8.00 .25 1.00 .43 2.90 38.50 3.55 2.13 1.50 42.25 3.27 7.45 2315.14 13.00 28.31 35.00 3.50 .50 15.00 45.00 28.72 24.00 1045.00 101.75 4.61 2,55 65.00 18.41 7.50 11.65 1449.50 758.00 46,90 41.57 18.58 4.50 5.00 71.50 1.98 464.19 8.16 29.33 487.50 8.05 71.56 2019.82- 68,38 14.28 9.45 7.84 50.00'/ 5.39 5.50 Total . . 160.86 Arnold Dairy, A.E. Borden's Farm Products, Chandler's Express Golden State Company, Ltd. Konigshofer's M. H.,L. P. Smith's Cafe Survey Graphic Texaco Super Service Trask, Mrs. Western Auto Supply Co, Wetmore Chevrolet Co. Wold's Acme Grocery Acme Grocery Boynton's Grocery City Market, No. 2 Craig's Grocery Crystal Market 0 Dusterpoth, W. Franke, David George & Koupas Bros. Grandldeat Market Hagy's Meat Market Hickman, George W. Noy, R.G. Palace Grocery Santa Clara Meat Market n 0 n Shopryte Grocery 0 West '.nd Market ft ,tt (7/ ' Western Market Willow Grocery Co. Reafey-Moore Company Powell Brothers Transit Concrete Company Alameda Sanatorium Bell Pharmacy Glenn, M.D., Robert A, Social Service Department Milk Milk Moving charge Milk Merchandise Electricity Meals to J. Lee Subscription Oil Board extras Files ana chamois Oil, accessories Shoes Total • • . Initiative Relief Fund Groceries Meat Grocery es n Meat Services Groceries Meat Groceries Meat Groceries Meat Groceries 0 Meat Groceries 3.63 20.94 4.00 22471 20.07 43.20 1.50 3.00 .75 1.70 2.02 9.95 3.00 136.47 24.00 19.40 26.00 12.00 5400 .1.00 .4.00 28.00 7.75 10.30 8.00 5.00 44.00 9.75 12.00 1.00 40.00 3.60 13.35 200' 2.45 15.85 13.80 15.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.67 24.35 Total . . . . 367.27 Street Improvement Fund Road oil Materials Materials Total . . Compensation Insurance Fund X-rays Drugs Blood examination Total . . East Bay Municipal Utility District Payment Fund ,593.97 752.67 113.24 $ 1459.88 15.00 1.30 10.00 26.30 Eat Bay MunOtility Dist. Public Use Charge, $ 2427.79 n n n 0 n Water main extensions 34.83 Total • .-. $ 2462.62 Mr. Brodersen moved that the bills as listed be paid subject to the usual objection as voiced by President Henning and Councilman Brodersen relative to the payment of the Ready to Serve ,Charke of the East Bay Municipal Utility District. The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, October 20th, 19311,at 8 o'clock. Repectfully submitted, ARCOE,' Ctip Clerk.