1932-04-05 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 5TH, 1932. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock with Council-president Murray presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Leydecker, Morris, Shanly and President Murray were noted present. Absent: Councilman Schaefer, (1). The minutes of the regular meeting of March 15th, 193g were approved as read. COAEUNICAT IONS: The following communications were received: From the Melrose Rifle Club requesting permission to use a building located one-half block on Bay Street from corner of Bay Street and Eagle Avenue, as an indoor rifle range. There being no objection the communication was referred to the City Manager for investigation aid report back to the council. From the Taxpayers League requesting use of clubroom in McKinley Park Club- house on the first and third Friday nights of each month for meeting purposes. This communication was referred to the City Manager with power to act. From the Taxpayers League of Alameda relative to expenditures of money. Ordered filed. From the Alameda Improvement Club, and two petitions signed by forty-five property owners requesting that the buildings at 533 and 535 Central Avenue be con- demned, was read. There being no objection the communication and petitions were re- ' ferred to the City Manager for investigation and report. From the Alameda Improvement Club concerning the establishment of a municipal ferry system to and from San Francisco. The communication was referred to a meeting of the Committee of the Whole for consideration. From Mrs. Emma Slyva, 533 Taylor Avenue, requesting permission to bake dough- nuts under a temporary and revocable permit on the Council's own initiative. Mr. Morris moved that the City Clerk be instructed to post the usual notices for hearing in the matter. The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and on roll call carried unanimously. From the City Manager, on behalf of the Citizens Unemployment Committee, requesting permission to spor.d balance of the $19,000.00 provided for unemployment relief. Mr. Shanly moved that the recommendation of the City Manager be adopted, seconded by Mr. Leydecker and on roll call carried unanimously. From the Secretary of the National Letter Carriers' Association, requesting support of the council in protesting the passage of any measures which have for their object the reduction of Federal employees wages. Mr. Leydecker moved that the City Clerk be instructed to write such a letter of protest to Senator Hiram W. Johnson, Senator Samuel M. Shortridge and Representative Albert E. Carter. The motion was seconded by Mr. Shanly and carried unanimously. 9.J From the League of California Municipalities advising of change of official paper. Ordered filed. 10,v From Wm.J. Locke, re dismissal as Secretary-Manager of League of California Municipalities. Ordered filed. From Los Angeles County League of Municipalities, re dismissal of Wm. J. Locke. Ordered filed. 12.v From Alameda City Golf Commission requesting that a sum of $30.00 be appropriated out of the Advertising Fund to cover a full page advertisement in the Alameda High School "Acorn". Mr. Shanley moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Leydecker and on roll call carried unanimously. 13/ From the Social Service Board, withdrawing communication of March llth, previously referred to the Committee of the Whole, for additional funds. Mr. Leydecker moved that the communication of March llth be taken out of the Committee of the Whole and filed in accordance with the request. The motion was seconded by Mr. Morris and carried unanimously. 14.1 Copy of reply of the City Attorney to the inquiry of the North Side Protective Club, relative to employment of special counsel, was read and ordered filed. 15.1 From the City Manager, with agreement attached for the widening of Maitland Drive and the straightening out of the north approach to Bay Farm Island Bridge, and recommending that the agreements be executed. Mr. Shanly moved that the recommendation of the City Manager be adopted and that the May be authorized to execute the agree- ments accordingly. The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and on roll call carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: 16.1 The Clerk stated that in response to advertised notice to bidders he was in receipt of three bids for the resurfacing of the tennis courts at Washington Park'. Mr. Shanly moved that the bids be opened and read. The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and carried unanimolsly. Thereupon the Clerk opened and read the bids as follows:- From Mallott & Peterson, accompanied by a certiMd check in amount of $110.00. Amount of bid, $1081.00. - From Tieafey-Moore Co., accompanied by certified check in amount of $150.00. Amount of bid $1485.00. From P. M. Henning, accompanied by certified check in amount of $120.00. Amount of bid, $1167.00. Mr. Shanly moved that the bids be referred to the City,Engineer aad City Manager for recommendation. In accordance with the recommendation and report of the City Engineer and,City Manager, Mr. Morris introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1657. Awarding Contract for Re-surfacing Three Tennis Courts at Washington Park, Alameda." Mr. Leydecker seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 17./ The Clerk was instructed to return the certified checks of the unsuccessful bidders. 18/ Discussion was had relative to Railroad Commission's decision in granting curtailment of service to Southern Pacific Company. Mr. Shanly moved that the City Attorney be empowered to ask for a rehearing in the matter. The motion was seconded by Mr.Leydecker and on roll call carried unanimously. HEARINGS: 19.V - In the matter of the hearing on the removal of the dilapidated building at 905 Chestnut Street, Building Inspector Rogers stated that a permit had been issued for the razing of tha building in question. Thereupon Mr. Morris moved that-further proceedings by the Council be dropped, seconded by Mr. Shanly and carried unanimously. RESOLUTIONS: 20./ MR. Leydecker introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1658. Transferring $1700.00 from the Electric Light Fund to the Interest and Redemption Fund." Mr. Morris seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Morris introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1659. Transferring 15,662.96 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Leydecker seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 22.Y Mr. Morris introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1660. Resolution of Acceptance and Consent to Recordation. (Portions of Clay Street West of Versailles Avenue and West of Pearl Street.)" Mr. Shaniey seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. FILING: The Clerk stated that since the last meeting the following papers had been filed:- 23.1 Affidavit of Publication, Notice to Bidders, Washington Park tennis courts. 24.v Oath of office, E. P. Patterson and V. P. Williams as special police officers. 25.v Bond of A. E. J. Duchensay covering dredging. 26./ ( Oaths of office of license inspectors and special officers. 27. V Decision of Railroad Commission re Southern Pacific curtailment of service. Claims against the General Departments amounting to $3357.71; Police Depart- ment $509.84; Fire Department, $218.14; Street Department, $2341.36; Health Depart- ment, $223.49; Recreation Department $858.47; Golf Course Department, $928.98; Store Department, $295.42; Social Service Department, $387.31; Initiative Relief Fund, $302.83; East Bay Municipal Utility District Payments Fund,$3883.19; Street Improvement Fund, $281.55 and Compensation Insurance Fund, $22.00 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows:- General Denartmen Jurors fees Jurors fees Alameda Times-Star Alarneda Times-Star Alameda Times-Star Baneroft-Whitney Co. Bank of America Beatie, Loreme R. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Croll, F. J. Dallas, Homer R. Duplex Percolator Co. Elster Printing Co. Lister Pringing Co. Encell, Harry A. Fidelity and Deposit Co. Holdal Richardson Johnson, S. Co, Jones, Ed & Co. Lewis, Wynn Maguire, E. W. Hun.Electric Light ,S,.; Power Murray, Wm. F. Neal. Stratford & Kerr Otis Elevator Co. Pac. Gas CL Elec. Co. Patrick & Moise-Klinkner Co. Peterson Tallow Co. Pierson, Neil B. Pierson, Neil B. Roth, Conrad Seeley, Esther Simonson, E. R. Tribune Pub. Co. Wetmore Chevrolet Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Alarreda Steam Laundry Alzina, Hap Ansel's Cal. State Auto Association Dietz Motor Co. Duplex Perculator Co. Encinal Press George, Charley Hughes, Mildred Jones, Ed. & Co. Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Pao. Gas and Elec. Co. Polk, R. L. & Co. Smith, Vern Standard On Co. Turner, Arthur Typewriter Guy Vignola, N. J. Western Auto Supply Co. Wright's Super Service Alameda Times-Star American Rubber Mg. Co. Anderson Lanufacturing Co. Ansel's Associated Oil Co. Brunje, B.H. Dennen, V. W. Co. Duplex Terculator Co. Hart, Y. R. Johnson, S.T. Co. Lun.Elect.Li.ht & 'Power Pac. Gas and Elec. Co. Fac, Tel. Teig. Co. Steinmetz, W. T. • Printing Cal. App. Rep. Rental, deposit box Services Inspection and ribbon Auto allowance Money adv. for P.O.Box Water service Printing Legal services Notices, Bldg. Inspector Accounting services Oil Dog tags and license plates Se rvic e s tt Dep. Assessor Lamps Mayor's allowance Supplies 6ervice Gas, City Hall Stamps and daters Disposal of dead animals Money advanced .for Notary Public Reimbursing revolviry.7, fund Money advanced on bond Services Dep. Assessor Write-up in Year Book Repairs Police Department 23.65 28.80 6.35 19.00 66.00 2.85 4.00 75.00 .75 25.00 1.50 24.00 11.75 11,75 300.00 2.45 45.00 49.04 28.00 1.50 150.00 17.34 50.00 1.20 6.50 4.34 11.50 25.00 5.00 1972.91' 7.50 110.00 150.00 100.00 20.03 Total . $ 3,357.71 Laundry. tt Repairs to motorcycle Light bulbs Traffic signs Service on auto Water filter Traffic signs Services Mimeograph work Press badges Lumber Gas Directory Use of private auto Paint thinner Tire repairs Repairs to typewriter Repairs to bullet mold. Radios and battery. supplies Servicing auto Fire Depa Printing & tubing Repairs to truck /i2 Repairs to range and heat Gasoline Supplies Sponges Lease of filter Recharging batteries Oil Lamps Gas Phone tolls Revolving, Fund .31 .51 10.15 1.20 4.50 9.83 4.00 21.20 93.50 .65 7.00 3.67 1.03 15.00 35.00 1.88 3.25 12.50 1.25 280.06 3.35 509.84, 6.10 12.30 4.30 19.75 43.75 19.30 22.50 4.00 3.00 19.95 33.75 22.34 .40 6.50 218.14 Labor Associated Equipment Co. Associated Equirment Co. ,Associated Oil :Co. Chanslor & Lyon Stores Dietz Motor Co. E. B. lain. Utility Dist Irvine & Jachens Kennettm J. R. Loop Lumber (7,, Mill Co. Rhodes Cc Jamieson Reichel & Bredhoff Western Auto Supply Go, Street Depart, nt Parts for sweeper Parts for sweeper Gasoline Grease gun and oil Parts, etc. Water Zinc street signs Work on sewer Lumber Smithing coal Repairs to sidewalk Supplies Total . Health Departmen Alameda Times-Star American Public Health Ass'n Ansel's Burke, Dr. Alice B. Burns, Lis. V. Campe, Henry Carpenter, Tom, V.S. Cossitt & Company Duplex Percolator Co. :11is, Dr. J. A. IV,artin, J. A. Pauline, Rosemarie Sanders, R. W., L.D. 6etmore Chevrolet Co. :'iinberg, Mrs. G. H. z,ellerbach Paper Co. Associated Cil Company Baker , Hamilton 3 Pac. Co. ft ft Benton, A. C. Cal. Hill and Lumber Co. Cal. Nursery Co. Crane Co. Fuller, Co. Goff, Thomas Industrial Home for Adult B Inter-Urban xpress Corp Julien Mfg. Co. hoerber Fuel (%. Feed Co. Navlet, Chas. C. Co. -ac. Gas & Elec. Co. Powell Bros., Inc. Roebling's, John A. Sons Weeks-'olowe-lilmerson Co. estern Auto Supply Co. /lest Disinfecting Co. Labor Associated Oil Co. Baker,Hamilton & lac. Co. Dietz Motor Co. Fuller, W.P. & Co. Gaunt, 0. R. Lawrence, Joseph Co. Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Magoon's Refrigeration Inc. National Lead. Co. Standard Fence Co. Transit Concrete, Ltd. Trask & Squier Co. The Venor Company Printirg Subscription Repairs and supplies Services Alfalfa hay Transportation service Birth & death certificates- Service Services Services and transportation Services Transportation SQrvices Services Paper towels Recreation Departrrent Gasoline Hardware fl Auto allowance Lumber Shade trees Pipe and fittings Paint Services lind Brooms Express Julian Flush Black leaf - 40 Flower seed Gas Cement and rock ire rope and wire Tennis nets Battery Euchrelyptm Golf Course Dena tment Total . 1784.50 4.16 267,21 85.01 18.95 7.44 9.58 88.75 26.00 14.62 1.35 29.10 4.69 2341,36 24.00 5.00 10.42 10.00 2.50 2.00 35.00 12.56 4.00 5.00 69.12 12.25 15.00 1.45 5.00 10.19 223.49 12.50 17.85 3.90 35.00 77.27 127.40 186.58 11.70 32.00 8.50 .50 18.00 10.75 10.30 7.24 19.48 130.20 48.00 9.47 91.83 Total . 0 858.47 Gasoline Shovels Parts Paint Auto allowance Repairs to pump switch Lumber Labor and supplies Supplies Repairs to fence Supplies Number plates and postage_ Fabscite flooring Total . • 667.25 18.75 29.00 1.30 .41 15.00 7.55 16.19 7.60 36.75 35.00 23.12 21.56 49.50 928.98 Store Department Associated Oil Co. Crocker Company Dennen, V. W. Co. Grand Prize Carbon Paper Co. Kling-Dawers Stationery Co. Neal, Stratford & Kerr Patrick and Moise-Klinkner Co,, Pierson, Neil B. Smith Bros. Gasoline Limeograph paper Brooms Typewriter ribbons Supplies Rubber-b nds and pad Stamps Money adv. for stamps Stamp pads and envelopes Total-. . . So ci al Servi ce Del-) ar tine nt Alameda Co. Tuber & Health Assn. Care at Del Valle Alameda Cyclery Alameda Times-Star Ansel's Arnold, A. E. Borden's Farm Products Golden State Company Hickman, Geo. W. Konip:shofer's Mun.Ellec. Light & Power Fartick & Moise-Klinkner Co. Penney, J. C. Smith Bros. Spehar, M. Typewriter Guy Wold's Bay Station Delicatessen tt u Bowles-Cash Grocery • Boynton's Central Market Craig's Grocery Dusterpoth Gardner 3rothers Geore & Koupas Brothers It 11 Jude, C. F. Martel's Cal. Market National Market New Alameda Larket Pt ft it ft ft tt Nobmann's Grocery Noy, R.H. Safeway Stores Saylor, J. L. Sylverster's Grocery Todd's Grocery Western Food Shop E.B. Mun.Utility Dist. tit TV tt tt ft ft tt Repairs to lock and spring Authorization books Repairs to heaters and parts Milk TV Gold Dust Flannel Lamps Stamp, ink pad and ink Clothing File cabinet Extras for board Servicing typewriters Typewriter Shoes Total . . Initiative Relief Fund Groceries tt ft TV 71 ft Meat Groceries fl TV Eeat TV TV Groceries TV TV Meat Groceries TV TV TV Tota East Bay Municipal Utility District Payments Fund 0 3 0 Pipe line installations Pub. use charge Installation water main Total . . eet Improvement Fund California Mill and Luinber Co. Clark, N. & Sons Powell Bros. Inc. Loop Lumber C.,; Mill Co. Hall, Channing, M. D. Stowe Dr. O.P. Lumber Sewer pipe, etc. Materials Lumber ComDe neatien Insuranc Total . Fund Consultation Services To @ 117.64 14.01 42.50 7.00 8.01 1.66 1.10 100.00 \ 3.50 295.42 $ 113.21 1.50 37.00 10.00 22.73 28.22 20.13 2.50 2.70 .90 4.15 45.09 32.40 1.48 4.50 50.00 10.90 387.31 11.90 6.50 4.00 8.00 8.00 5.85 6.00 2.00 4.00 10.00 23.85 10.00 13.00 1.50 3.70 4.00 66.00 32.00 4.00 6.00 14.99 9.00 28.00 12.00 9.44 $ 302.83 $ 12.48 2436.71 1434.00 3883.19 $ 9,60 84.20 186.70 1.05 281.55 10.00 12.00 22.00 Mr. Morris moved that the claims as li sted be paid, seconded by r. Leydecker and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in regular session. on Tuesday evening, April 19th, 1932 at 8 o'clock. Respectfully sumbitted,