1932-06-07 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR E77TING OF THE COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 7TH, 193 The meeting convened at 8 o'clock P. M. with Council-president Murray presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Leydecker, Schaefer,, Shanly and Presi- dent Murray, (4) were noted present. Absent: Councilman Mbrris, (1). The minutes of the regular meeting of May 17th. 1932 were approved as read. COMMUNICATIONS: The following communications were received: From the Mayor, Auditor and City Manager re count of money. Ordered 3,V 4„V filed. From the City Clerk requestiggone week of his annual vacation, commenc- ing June 27th. Mr. Schaefer moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Shanly and carried. From MacEachen & MacIntyre relative to audit of books of the city. Ordered filed. From various residents and property owners requesting the council to prohibit the use of beach land south of Otis Drive, from Park Street to Broadway, as a public beach and picnic ground. YThe letter was referred to the City Attorney and City Manager for investigation and report. From George D. Lunt, re conditions on Bay shore at the foot of Regent v Street.. The canaunication was referred to the City Attorney and City Manager for investigation and report, 6.V From the Alameda Home Protective League requesting that the Glass Works property be placed back to its original classification as Residential /property, Class I. Wm. J. Locke addressed the council, representing the Alameda Home Protective League. There being no objection the communication was referred to the City Attorney and City Manager for investigation and report. 7./ 10.V From the City Manager, recommending that Oakland Council of Sea Scouts /be granted permission to moor their boats on Government Island, opposite Living- stone Street. Mr. Shaefer moved that a revocable permit be granted by the Council. The motion was seconded by Mr. Shanly and same carried unanimously. From the City Manager, relative to complaint of Mr. R. Medus of /repeated attacks of unleashed and stray dogs upon Children and adults in Alaneda. Ordered filed. From the City Manager, reporting upbn the request of the Alameda Improvement Club as to the necessity of providing a 100 foot roadway from Main and Maple Streets to the Army Ain Base. There being no objection, the matter was referred to a meeting of the Committee of the Whole. From Supervisor Wm. J. Hamilton, requesting the co-operation of the City of Alameda for the removal of the rails from the proposed Park Street Bridge. Mr. Schaefer moved that the Council again go on record as favoring the removal of the street car tracks from the proposed. Park Street Bridge, providing v`the East Bay Street Railways, Ltd. furnishes adequate bus service to replace the present street car service. The motion was seconded. by Mr. Leydecker and same carried unanimously. From the City Engineer, accepting work of Malott & Petersen, and advising completion of the resurfacing of tennis courts at Washington Park. The communication was filed. 12,V From the Veterans Welfare Board, requesting cancellation of certain V taxes. Referred to City Attorney and City Assessor. 33.v From the Trustees of the Alameda Free Library, requesting a two year /renewai of lease for West End Branch Library. There being no objection the matter was referred to the City Attorney to prepare the necessary lease. From the City Manager, recommending that a three year extension of /time be granted the Alameda Airport, Inc. on their lease contract, that has to / do with the filling in of ground by dredger operations, which according to the present lease must be completed before December 3Ist, 1934. There being no objection, the matter was referred to the City Attorney for report. / 15.V From Neil B. Pierson, requesting payment of 061.11 as back salary. Mr. Leydecker moved that the request be denied,seconded by Mr. Shanly and on /roll call carried by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Leydecker, Shanly V and President "Murray, (3). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Morris, (1). Not voting: Councilman Sehaefer, (1). From the City Manager:submitting report as to recreation activities. he communication was ordered filed, with the reeuest that the Clerk furnish each member- of the council with a copy of the report submitted. 17.ti From the Melrose Rifle Club, requesting permission to use the building located on Oak Street, directly across from the City Hall, formerly used by the National Guard, for 22 calibre rifle range purposes. There being no objection / the communication was referred to the City Manager to report back to the council his recommendations. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Ex-Committee of the Whole. Various communications relative to photostating Jolty records. Ordered filed. 19d Ex-Committee of the Whole. Communication from the Alameda Improvement Club, ablishing of mnnicipal ferry eystem. Ordered filed. 20. x-Committee of the Whole. Communications from A. H. Thau and Alameda Improve- ment Club, requesting clarification of present city charter. Considering the cost /of the necessary election to comply with the requests as contained in the communi- cations, they were ordered filed without further action by the council. 21. Ex-Comittee of the Whole. Communication from the West End-Merchants Associa- _on, re purchase of property and erection of new building for West End Branch, Alameda Free Library. Ordered filed. Ex-Committee of the Whole. From the City Planning Commission re diagonal street, East End. Ordered filed without action. The matter of the removal of the dilapidated buildings at 533 and 535 Central i Avenue was again presented.. There being no objection, further- action by the Council was postponed until its next regular meeting, 2101 The matter of increasing the industrial area in the City of Alameda was /again discussed, and the matter referred back to the City Planning Commission \/for its final recommendation. RESOLUTIONS: 25 "Resolution No. Refunding Deposit of Bail in City Justice's Court." There being no objection consideration of the passage of this Resolution was postponed until the next regular meeting of the Council. 2 Shanly introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution 110. 1667. Resolution of Acceptance and Consent to Recordation, (Clay Street, between Versailles & Pearl St.)" Mr. Leydecker seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 27.4 Mr. Schaefer introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1668. Authorizing Mayor of the City of,Alameda to Execute Corrected Deed, and the City Clerk to Attest Same." Er. Leydecker seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. ORDINANCE FOR PASSAGE: Theefollowing Ordinance came up for passage and was read by the Clerk: "Ordinance No. e New Series. Reclassifying Property. (Southwest corner of High Street and Central Avenue. )" Er. Leydecker moved that the ordinance as read be adopted, seconded by Mr. Schaefer and on roll call carried unanimously. ORDINANCE FOR INTRODUCTION: The following ordinance was introduced and laid over under a provision of the Charter:- 29. "Ordinance No. New Series, Amending Sec. 784 of the Muunicipal Code Relat- ing to the Distribution of Handbills and Advertising Matter." Claims against the General Departments amounting to 04081.50; Police Depart- ment 0788.61; Fire Department, 863.46; Street Department 2.896.91; Health Department ,1255.28; Recreation Department .4099.11; Uolf Department, 575.00; Store Department, 0196.35; Social Service Department, 0238.12; Compensation Insurance Fund, 0559.00; and Street Improvement Fund, 2lE3.58 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as fo]lows:- Alameda Repair & Supply Co. Alameda Shade Shop Alameda Times-Star Alameda Times-Star Beatie, Loreme R. Benton, A. C. Bryant, Ralph M. City Manager Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Crestetto, Miss Iris Crocker Co., H. S. Croll, 2.J. Encinal Press Fidelity & Deposit Company Ford, Ted Ford, N. O. Fuller & Co., W.F. Holdal & Richardson Johnson Co., S.T. Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Mercury Printing Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Municipal Electric Light Plant Otis Elevator Company Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Roebke, H. W. Seeley, Esther Simonson, E. R. Superintendent of Documents Western Union Alameda Repair & Supply Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Alameda Times-Star Alzina, Hap Baker,Hamilton & Pacific Co. Balke,Moffitt & Towne Curtis, L. N. Dietz Motor Company Dietz Motor Company Ford, N. C. George, Charley Gott; A. O. Jensen, R. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Park St. Garage Smith, Vern Stewart, S. Western Auto Supply Co. Western Auto Supply Co. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Standard Oil Company Steinmetz, W. T. General Departments Keys Shade roller Printing Printing Services Incidentals for May Fete Revolving Fund Inspection and ribbon Services Minute book Auto allowance for May Printing Bond premiums Lettering Printing Glass Accounting Fuel Oil Lumber Printing Electricity Street lighting Servicing elevator Gas Band for May Fete Services Services Book Telegrams Total Police Department Repair to chair Laundry Printing Motorcycle service Supplies Gum paper Oil for Resuscitator Ford Coach Repairs and service Printing Labor painting traffic signs Clock repairs Services Changing traffic control Gas - Pound Spark plug Auto allowance Dog Meat Battery carrier Battery charger 0 Total Department Gas Gasoline Revolving Fund Street Department Labor Associated Equipment Co. Baker, Hatilton & Pacific Co. Clerk; Sons, N. Dietz Motor Company East Bay Lunicipal Utility District Engineering News - Record Furey; Harry D. Link-Belt Company Loop Lumber & Mill Co. tt tl ft Moreland Sales Corp. Standard Oil Company United States Rubber Co. Vosburgh Hardware Co. Western Auto Supply Co. Total Supplies Machine bolts Sewer pipe Parts Water Subscription Supplies tt Lumber Supplies Gasoline Rubber boots Supplies t? Total . 0 6 • 1.25 1.00 4.00 5.30 50.00 13.35 508.12 2.25 15.95 30.00 25.00 24.60 13.10 4.00 10.50 9.14 45.00 33.75 .84 3.25 106,59 2773.36 6.50 3.75 77.00 110.00 150.00 1.50 2.40 $4031.50 $ .75 .62 24.40 18.48 9.45 4.32 1.00 519.00 12.83 12.50 22.00 2.50 5.00 66.33 1.11 .75 35.00 4.55 .50 47.52 788.61 4' 18.05 37.50 7.91 63.46 1690.00 8.26 .75 1.86 9.46 1.03 5.00 20.15 11.25 .90 31.36 5.50 85.63 14.85 7.50 3.41 6 1896.91 Alameda Steam Laundry American Sufgical Sales Co. Baker, Hamilton & Pacific Co. Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. Burns, Mrs. V. Carpenter, Tom V.S. Cossitt & Company, Inc. Ellis, Dr. J. .6• Flatow & Son, P. Fuller & Co., W.F. Gillette, Arthur T. Kuentz, Fred Martin, J. A. Pauline, Rosemarie Sanders, R. W., M.D. Health Department Laundry Supplies Rat traps Supplies Services Transportation Birth and death certificates Services for clinic Supplies Supplies Services tt Ty TransportatiOn Recreation Department Baker, Hamilton & Pacific Co. Benton, A. C. California Wire Cloth Company Dietz Motor Company Encinal Coal Co. Ferry-Morse Seed Co. Goff, Thomas Hickman, George W. Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Malott el, Peterson (Contract) Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Paulin, Dan Spalding & Bros., A.G. Standard Oil Company Vigian Grinding Works, F.N. Labor Baker-Hamilton & Pacific Co. Carter Co., H. V. Crane Co., Dennen C., V.W. Dietz Motor Company Fidelity & Deposit Co. Standard Oil Company Whiteside, Floyd Alameda Times-Star Crocker Co., H. S. tt Flatow & Son Grand Prize Carbon Paper Co. Kling-Dawcrs Stationery Co. ft Neal-, Stratford & Kerr Smith Bros. It it Standard Oil Company Total . . Hose Menders Auto allowance Wire cloth Auto repair Sheep dip Flower seed Services Supplies Lumber Resurfacing tennis courts Gas Services Athletic goods Gasoline Sharpening saw Golf Course Department Supplies tt Repairs Premium Gasoline Installing hot Store Department Social License books Supplies Tot al . water line Total'. . Typewriter ribbons Supplies Ink Spool of wire Gasoline Total . Service Department Alameda Co. Tuberculosis Assn. Alameda Social Service Board Borden's Farm Products Burroughs Adding Machine Chpton, Ers. M. Golden State Company, Ltd. Hackett's Express Hickman, George W. Municipal Electric Light Plant Shuey Creamery, R. A. Spehaf, Mrs. Typewriter Guy Neils Van and Storage Co. Care at Del Valle Revolving Fund Milk Inspection Repairing shoes Milk Moving charges Supplies Lamps Milk Repairing shoes Cleaning typewriters Moving charges Total . 8.84 1.23 6.00 5.55 5.00 35.00 9.80 10.00 14.06 1.25 76.50 2.50 51.25 13.30 15.00 255.28 3.50 35.00 8.52 1.15 1.50 10.51 24.00 1.35 3.49 810.75 6.13 65.00 114.71 12.50 1.00 $ 1099.11 8 508.76 1.80 7.32 .25 7.42 6.92 17.50 23.03 2.00 575.00 45.45 17.50 15.29 21.30 3.50 2.30 10.42 1.25 5.63 2.21 71.50 196.35 117.00 17.00 25.88 .75 1.00 29.18 4.50 2.50 6.16 17.90 1.75 3•75 10.75 238.12 Compensation Insurance Fund Alameda Sanatorium X-ray $ 7.50 Stephens, Brooks P., M.D. Services- J. Thrane - Jordan 339.50 Stowe, Dr. 0.F. Phusio Therapy Treatments 12.00 Fuller & Co., V. P. Heafey-Moore Co. 11 11 11 Hutchinson Co. Total . $359.00 reet Improvement Fund Supplies . Supplies Rock, screenings Rocfalt Surface Total . . $ 5.85 1.83 187.15 23.75 $218.58 Mr. Schaefer moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Leydecker and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, dune 2lst,1932 at 8 o'clock P.M. Respectfully submitted,