1932-07-19 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR NEETING OF ThE COUNCIL OF fliE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 19Th 1932. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock P.M. with Council-president Murray presiding The roll was called and Councilmen Leydecker, Morris, Schaefer, Shanly and President Murray (5) were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the reular meeting of July 5th, 1932 were approved as read. ORAL C MMUNICATIONS: Mr. W.R. Calcutt addressed the Council, reading a letter protesting payment of bills covering furniture for Mayor's office. Communication filed. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIORS: From the Alameda Taxpayers League, protestinE levying of any money for elementary school pur- poses. Ordered filed. From Frank H. Yale, 1910 Clement Avenue, requesting permission to erect a 7 ft. corrugated galvenized iron fence. Mr. Schaefer moved that the matter be referred to the City Manage l. for investigation and report, seconded by Morris and carried unanimously. From R. Ringer Kcmble, containing offer of 160 acres of land in Madera County for recreation purposes. Mr. Shanly moved that the offer be declined, with thanks, and that the City Clerk so notify Mr. Remble. The motion was seconded by Mr. Schaefer and carried unanimou7ly. .V7 From the League of California Municipalities, relative to the creation of a department pertaining to rate matters and railroad commission hearings. There being no objection, this com- munication was referred to the City Manager for report. From the League of California Municipalities, relative to application of the Alameda halt Line, for increase in switching charges. There being no objection, the matter was referred to the Alameda Belt Line for answer. ,/ From F.J. Croll, Auditor and Assessor, containing assessment figures of the City of Alack for the year 1932. Communication was ordered filed and a copy of it sent to all Councilmen. From the North Side Protective Club, requesting use of the Council Chambers, Monday Evening August Sth at 8:00 o'clock for Cho purpose of a public meetino. --e A.v From the East Alameda Improvement Club, in commendation of the City Manager's actions in connection with traffic adjustments. The communication was ordered filed. DNFIRISHED DUSINESS: .// Ex-Committee of the Whole. Communications from 4.R. Calcutt and A.H. Thau, pertainihg to the clarifying of the City Charter. Mr. Shanly moved the communications be filed, and that Lhe Mayor appoint a committee of five, with the Mayor as ex-officio member, to consider the matter and report back to the Council its recommendation. The motion was seconded ay Mr. Leydecker and car- ried unanimously. /11.v Ex-Committee of the Whole. Commuoication from League of California Municipalities, pertain- 10e2 to various municipal legal rulings. Mr. Sehaefer moved ,hat the communication be referred to the City Attorney. Motion was seconded by Mr. -Murray and carried unanimously. Ex-Committee of the riihole. Communication from League of California Municipalities re San Diego Convention. Mr. Leydecker moved that the communication be filed. Seconded by NI'. Morris and carried unanimously. Ex-Committee of the ihole. Communications re: position of Public Certified Accountant. Mr. Shanly moved that conaunications be filed, and that the firm ef Jordan ct Ticoulet be appointed as Public Certified Accounts of the City of Alameda at a salary of 475.00 per month, effective August 1, 1932, replacing holdal & Richardson. The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and on roll call carried by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Leydecker, Morris, Shanly and President Murray (4) Not voting: Councilman Schaefer (1). Ex-Coumdttee of the Yihole. Coramunication from Alameda Taxpayers League, recommending cut of 25% in the budget for the present fiscal year. Mr. Schaefer moved tnat the communication be referred to the City Manager for budget consideration. Motion was seconded by Leta Morris, SEILO carried unanimouzay. /15.1/ Ex-Comlidttee of the :ihole. resolution of Oakland City Council opposing the division of street highway funds. Resolution was ordered filed. Ex-Committee of the Whole. All matters pertaining to the glass works property reclassifica- tion. Mr. Shanly moved that the communications be filed, in as much as the Council has no jurisdiction for the reason, the matter involved is judicial in its nature and is a question for the Courts to determine. Mr. Schaefer seconded the motion and same carried unanimously. /17. • In the matter of the removal of the dilapidated buildings at 533-35 Central Avenue. On request of the Building inspector, Mr. Schaefer moved that the present condemnation oroceedings against these buildins be dropped. Motion was seconded by Mr. Morris and same carried unanimously. ? 2. Omission under Communications. Vc From North Side Improvement Club re revision of City Charter. Filed. , NEW BUSINESS: 18. I Er. Shanly advised the Council that he had been advised that the Board of Education had found an additional amount of money in their records, and moved that the City Clerk be instructed to communicate with the Board, requesting the return of the money transferred to the School General Fund at he last meeting, in amount of 4,693.75. The motion was seconded by Mr. Leydecker and same carried unanimously 'RESOLUTIONS: Mr. Morris moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1673 Opposing the Division of State Highway Funds." Mx. Shanly seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Leydecker introduced and moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1374 Transferring all Surplus Moneys to the General Fund Mr. Schaefer seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and unanimously Mr. Morris moved the adoption of "Resolution No. 1675 Transferring 47,500.00 to the Library Fund and 41500.00 to the Initiative Relief Fund From The General Fund. passed 21.1 22. t..00 • 25./ Mr. Schaefer seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Morris moved the adoption of "Resolut ion No. he pealing Resolution No. of City Clerk". 1676 52 "Fixing Salary Mr. Shanly seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Councilman Leydecker, Merris, Shanly and President Murray. Noes: Councilman Schaefer. Absent: None. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION The following ordinances were introduced and laid over under a provision of the Cnarter:- "Ordinance No. New Series Creating a Municipal Golf Commission, Providing for the Appointment Thereof and Specifying its Powers and Duties thereof, and Repealing Ordinance No. 293 New Series." "Ordinance No. Authorizing annual Vacations for City Officials and Employees, and Repealing all Ordinances in Conflict Herewith, Including Ordinance No. 461 H.S. ORDIN.ANCES FUR PASSAGE: The following Ordinance came up for passage and was read by the Clerk: Mr. Morris moved that the call, carried unanimously. FrEING: "Ordinance No. -- New Series Reclassifying Property (1406 Bay Street) ordinance as read be adopted, seconded 1.)y MT. Schaefer, and on roll The Clerk stated that since the last meeting, the following papers had been filed: 26.V7 Deed, N.F. Justice, et. al. a portion of Clay Street between Versailles and Peari. BILLS: Claims against the General Departments amounting to 4 ,962.96; Police Department, 4209.b8; Fire Department, 486.14; Street Department, 41,793.12; Health Department, 4115.20; Recreation Department, 4507..12; Golf Course Department, 41,362.63; Store Department, 4178.48; Compensation Insurance Fund, 438.35; East Bay Municipal Utility District Payments Fund, 44,873.42; having been approved by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: General Departments Alameda Steam Laundry Baker, Hamilton & Pacific Co. Bender-Moss Co. Bryant, Ralph M. City Mgr. Burroughs Adding Machine 0o. Carlisle & Co., A. City Market Dallas, Homer R.,Treasurer Dunleavy (a, Holies Towel service Chair Seats Book - Hillyer's Supplement Mone y Advanced Maintenance service Mun. Handbook Supplies Money advanced for P.O. Box rent w9eath - Memorial Placque 42.00 2.83 15.00 1.00 18.20 5.00 1.15 1.50 2.50 East Bay Municipal Utility Dist. Fidelity & Deposit Company Heck's Window shades Holdal & Richardson Johnson Co., S.T. League of Cal. Municipalities Loop Lumber & Mill Co. Mercury Printing Company Municipal Electric Licht Plant Ff It Oakland American Legion Com. Otis Elevator Co. PacificGas '8 Electric CO. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Patrick & Meise-Elinkner Co. Piatt Photo Company Pingree, L. Powell Bros. Inc. Snider Bros. Repair Service Thomas Parisian Dyeing & Cleaning Wks. Typewriter Guy Underwood Elliott Fisher Co. VoSburgh Hardware Co. West Disinfecting Co. Western Union Tel. Alzina, Hap Dietz Motor Company Fuller Co., W.P. George, Charley Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. '8 Tel. Co. Piatt Photo Company Pingree, L. Smith, Vern Snider Bros. Hepair Service Stewart, S. Ward's Associated Service Station Western, Auto Supply Co. Western Union Alameda Steam Laundry Bay Belting 8 Supply Co. East Bay Mun, Utility Dist. Hart, P.R. Municipri3 Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pingree, L. Western Union Labor Alameda 'Welding Works Baker, .Hamilton & Pacific Co. Cnanslor & Lyon Stores, Inc. East Bay Municipal Utility Dist. iV ft tf Ford, Fuller & Co., W.P. Hutchinson Co. Link-Belt Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant It It Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Pingree, L. Powell Bros. Inc. United Iron Works Western Auto Supply Go. Arrow Towel & Laundry Co. Alameda Repair 8 Supply Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Burke, Alice M. M.D. Water Bond Premiums Window Shades Accounting Diesel oil Dues Oak Case Printing Electricity Street lighting Advertising in Program Maintenance Service Gas Rental 8 tolls Repair of stamp Ash trays Typewriter inspection Plaster and sand Repair-Erskine car Cleaning curtains Rental - 16" typewriter Underwood typewriter Supplies Disinfectant Clock rental and telegrams Total Police Department Motorcycle service Supplies Glass desk top Painting traffic signs Gas Rental and tolls Supplies Service on typewriter Contingent fund Auto repairs Dog Pood Tire repairs Battery cables Clock rental and telegram Total Fire Department Linen service Belting Water Battery recharges Electricity Gas Servicing Typewriter Clock rental Total Street Department Weld spokes in wheel Screws and nuts Supplies Water service Iv Printing Paint thinner Patching Supplies Sioux Valve Grinder Electricity Rental and tolls Typewriter service Materials for month of June Sweeper supplies Supplies Totml Health -apartment Laundry Keys Laundry Services ,25.13 2.60 46.00 45.00 10.35 90.00 24.75 4.50 100.15 2244.59 100.00 5.50 4.00 27.51 1.00 1.00 13.68 1.25 2.25 8.70 5.00 94.00 15.80 34.60 4.62 2902.96 13.00 9.45 6.98 le.73 1.28 21.55 7.70 6.84 100.00 23.00 4.55 1.00 1.4:8 1.80 209.38 62.50 10.20 38.02 3.25 50.09 1E3.62 1.71 1.75 4186.14 1498.25 2.50 1.85 10.46 2.32 7.43 12.00 22.65 43.88 7.28 45.00 .85 2.00 1.71 72.05 60.70 2.19 '41793.12 5.94 .50 12.02 15..00 Burnett, F.W., Mrs. Gossit & Company, Inc. Fox Water Co. Island City Ice Co. Koerber Fuel &, Feed. Co. Martin, J.A. Municipal Electric Light Plant Oakland-California Towel Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Pauline, Rosemarie tf Pingree, L. Vietmore Chevrolet Co. Winberg, Mrs. G.H. Berherd, Gladys Biecke, Marion Dietz Motor Co. Dorward Pulup Co. East Bay Mun• Utility Dist. Goff, Thomas halliSey, Maureen Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Co. Paulin, Dan PinKree, L. Skelly, Sam Smith, Chas. Townsend, H. Labor- Alameda Times Star Alameda 'aelding 'i;orks 3aker, Hamilton & Pacific If If Co. IT Bishop Company, G.F. Carter Co., H.V. Dietz Motor Co. Kronke-Brampton Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Oakland-California Towel Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Perryman's Grocery Snider Bros. Repair Service West Disinfecting Co. Bryant, Ralph M. City Mgr. Crocker Co., H.S. Grand Prize Carbon Paper Co. Hovet, Harold Kling-Demers Stationery Co. Kronke-Brampton Co. Smith Bros Alameda Drug Co. Alameda Sanatorium Elliott, Miss Beatrice I. Hittenberger, Emil J. Stowe, Dr. 0.P. East Bay Mun. Utility Dist. If If If If If Services Birth & Death certificates Water Ice Hay Services - Rat Trapper Lamps Laundry Rental and tolls Services Typewriter service Oil Services Total Recreation Department Services 11 Auto repairs tt Pump repairs Water Services Sub-total Power Gas Rental and tolls Services Typewriter ins-coctien Mower parts Plumbing repairs Outdoor grill Total Golf Course Department Printing Welding Hose Couplings Supplies Supplies Repairs Flags and duck Electricity Towel Service Rental and tolls Case, Bon Arai Repairs Disinfectant Total Store Department Money advanced for stamps Supplies Carbon Supplies 71 Flags Supplies Total Compensation Insurance Fund. Prescriptions X-Ray for Mr. Thrane Services Surgical Belt Services Total 2.50 13.10 0.00 1.00 0.50 8.00 1.80 4.52 9.00 10.85 2.50 15.92 1.05 5.00 115.20 0.00 39.00 15.03 3.09 23.05 128.12 25.00 39.00 279.69 74.02 6.64 19.21 0.00 1.71 4.50 2.75 53.00 y 507.12 065.50 60.20 10.00 45.21 3.66 31.45 17.65 5.74 8.10 452.02 22.07 7.45 0.85 1.25 22.28 11362.6 4; 85.00 8.57 3.50 8.85 10.78 50.57 11.21 178.46 East Bay Municipal Utility District Payments Fund. 5.90 7.50 2.45 9.00 13.50 38.35 Ready to serve charge 4A436.71 IT 77 IT 77 2436.71 Total - - - - -------- 44873.42 Mr. Morris moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Shanly and on roll call carrked by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Leydecker, Morris, Shanly and. President Murray, Noes: Councilman Schaefer. There being no further business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening August 2nd, 1932 at 8 o'clock. Respectfully s y Clerk