1996-05-07 Annual CIC Minutes221 MINUTES OF ANNUAL COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION MEETING MAY 7. 1 96 The meeting was convened at 7:34 p.m., with Chair Appezzato presiding. Commissioner Mannix led the Pledge of Allegiance. Pastor Clark Flescher, First Baptist Church, gave the invocation. ROLL CALL - PRESENT: Commissioners Arnerich, DeWitt, Lucas, Mannix and Chair Appezzato - 5. ABSENT: None. MINUTES 2. (96 -09) Minutes of the Special Community Improvement Commission Meeting held April 16, 1996. Approved. Commissioner Mannix moved approval of the Minutes. Commissioner Arnerich seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3 -A. (96 -10) Report from the Community Development Director Regarding Feasibility of Restoration of the Alameda Theater to Operate as a Community /Film Festival Theater. (Commissioner Lucas) Accepted. William McCall Sr., former Alameda Mayor, stated that he does not believe Alameda can compete with the theater complexes, parking facilities and restaurants located in Jack London Square; and that Alameda needs an Auto Mall on Park Street to generate revenue. Diane Coler -Dark, Economic Development Commission Member, stated that it was inappropriate to concentrate Community Improvement Commission funds into a publicly - sponsored project; other incentives should be explored to attract a private operator; and parking is definitely an issue. Lynne Fitzsimmons, President, Park Street Business Association, stated that the Alameda Theater was very important to Park Street; and the Association would help to make it happen. Kate Pryor, Tucker's Ice Cream Parlor, stated that the Alameda Theater was a jewel; that Alameda wanted a theater in town; and everything should be done to help the project along. Neil Patrick Sweeney, Alameda, expressed support for the project. Annual Meeting, Community Improvement Commission May 7, 1996 1 2, r At the Request of Commissioner Lucas, the Community Development Director explained that one of the foundations to redevelopment in Alameda was the adoption of Rules for Owner Participation; Rules state that the Redevelopment Agency would put priority on encouraging existing property owners to invest in and develop properties they own, in order to revitalize the City; Alamedans want a first run movie theater in the Alameda Theater structure; a feasibility study was the first step; and the Commission would enter into a partnership and match dollar for dollar - -up to $25,000 - -to look at the market demand and other elements regarding feasibility. In answer to Commissioner Lucas' inquiry, the Community Development Director stated that she had communicated with the owner and has the indication that the owner will cooperate with the City. Commissioner Arnerich stated that Alameda had to get on dead center; that four of the five shopping centers were down in revenue for the last quarter; and he wanted to proceed with the proposal. Commissioner Mannix stated that he has gone on record before as being a strong supporter of the project; project should be a private venture; he can support a feasibility study funded by monies intended for that purpose; and that the theater was an important project for the Park Street area. Chair Appezzato stated that the Commission /Council had spent a great deal of time on the project; Council voted to tear down the Linoaks Motel and expend $700,000 for parking; a great deal of staff time and money had been expended on the first proposal; and questioned why another $50,000 should be spent. The Community Development Director responded that the process with Mr. Michaan disclosed quite a bit of information, especially regarding environmental impact and traffic demand issues; not determined, was the number of theaters that could be supported economically. Chair Appezzato stated that he liked the approach to continue to pursue the interests of a private major theater operator, and the City should have enough staff expertise to put together a proposal. Commissioner Lucas stated that Alamedans may want a first -run movie theater; the Alameda Theater building had been underutilized for 25 years; a movie theater would add to Park Street; and it was worth spending up to $25,000 for studying the issue. Commissioner Lucas moved that the Commission authorize staff to spend up to $25,000 of Community Improvement Funds for a feasibility study. Annual Meeting, Community Improvement commission May 7, 1996 2 22 Commissioner Arnerich seconded the motion. Under discussion, Commissioner DeWitt stated that he supported the project, but did not think Alameda taxpayers should be asked to build a theater. Commissioner Lucas stated that the purpose of the study was to determine if there was a market for a first -run movie theater in the City, and to attract an investor. Chair Appezzato stated that he supported the project; if the City does not have the expertise to inform the Commission how to proceed, he was disappointed. Commissioner Lucas's motion carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Commissioners Arnerich, Lucas and Mannix - 3. Noes: Commissioner DeWitt and Chair Appezzato - 2. Absent: - None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON- AGENDA (Public Comment) None. COMMISSION COMMUNICATIONS (Communication from Commissioners) None. ADJOURNMENT Chair Appezzato adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, DIANE B. FELSCH, CMC Secretary The agenda for this meeting was posted in advance in accordance with the Brown Act. Annual Meeting, Community Improvement Commiuion May 7, 1996 3