2000-10-03 Special CIC MinutesZU MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY - - OCTOBER 3, 2000 - - 7:25 P.M. Acting Chair Daysog convened the Special Meeting at 7:46 p.m. Commissioner Johnson led the Pledge of Allegiance. Reverend David Borglum, Home of Truth Spiritual Center, gave the invocation. ROLL CALL - Present: Commissioners Daysog, DeWitt, Johnson and Kerr. - 4. Absent: Chair Appezzato. - 1. MINUTES (00-47) Minutes of the Special Community Improvement Commission Meeting of August 1, 2000; the Special Joint City Council and Community Improvement Commission Meeting of September 5, 2000; and the Special Community Improvement Commission Meeting (Closed Session) of September 19, 2000. Approved. Commissioner Johnson moved approval of the Minutes. Commissioner DeWitt seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. [Absent: Chair Appezzato - 1.] AGENDA ITEM (00-48) Recommendation to adopt the redevelopment project criteria and submittal requirements for any proposal submitted for the Bridgeside Shopping Center site, and direct staff to solicit a redevelopment proposal from the property owner to eliminate blight at the Bridgeside Center; and (00-48A) Recommendation supporting the staff recommendation to adopt criteria for the Bridgeside Center redevelopment proposals and solicit plans from the property owner. [Economic Development Commission] Commissioner Kerr inquired whether the definition of anchor tenant precludes stores similar to those at the Marina Shopping Center in San Leandro, such as Nordstrom Rack or Mikasa outlet. The Development Services Director responded in the negative; stated the definition would not preclude a store such as Mikasa; said type of discount store would be a retailer of the quality and character deserving of the redevelopment, rather than a 99 wholesaler; Special Meeting Community Improvement Commission October 3, 2000 'no retailers characterized as discount merchandise would not be permitted. Commissioner Kerr inquired whether a computer store the size of Comp USA would be precluded since it would interfere with local businesses. The Development Services Director stated [Criteria 2] states: "The developer shall document how the proposed retail tenant mix addresses community retail needs and retail leakage;" if a proposal does not address retail leakage, it might not be considered as meeting the criteria; the synergistic or catalyst effect on the development of the entire center will be considered. Commissioner Kerr inquired whether community needs would be part of the criteria, to which the Development Services Director responded in the affirmative. Commissioner Kerr inquired whether developers could propose part housing and part retail; stated a prominent boat repair facility is next door, which is not environmentally compatible with housing, e.g. grinding noise. The Development Services Director responded Criteria 3 states: "The mix of uses must comply with the site's Zoning designation;" currently, the [Zoning] designation is commercial. Commissioner DeWitt inquired whether the owner would have an opportunity to take action first, to which the Development Services Director responded the owner and other third parties are allowed to submit proposals. In response to Commissioner Johnson's inquiry about when development plans would be in place, the Development Manager stated in January or February. Commissioner Johnson moved approval of the staff recommendation. Commissioner Kerr seconded motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. Absent: [Chair Appezzato - 1.] Special Meeting Community Improvement Commission October 3, 2000 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Acting Chair Daysog adjourned the Special Meeting at 7:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ,a6 Dine B. Felsch, CMC Secretary, Community Improvement Commission Agenda for meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Special Meeting Community Improvement Commission October 3, 2000