1910-03-15 Regular CC MinutesATA=DA,TUESTAA-T,n:AECH lUoth 11C. The reetin,7 convened v:ith Council :President The roll TRS called a-0 Cour.cilren Christenserlh-or,7run1,7:11s,Fro'hs1 s!rld. M17- locL, ,Ise:-0 noted nreseut nnd Councilnen Kannond,drosby and. Fisher,("1,asont. The ninutes of td lo :larch_ 1st 1c2:11d wore read and ordered arproved. Durir the readinF of the ninutes Councilreu Kalmord and Crocy,srrived and were noted sresent. .1:r.7,hristonson offered the followin: resolution and noved its adoption: Resolved: That the sun of eveuty-seve (7 ) Dollars le and *ne sane is lerety trans- ferred fron the CereraT Fund to f,:e Tolice Yensior: Fund tho Auditor and Tressurer aro herey d recte5 to tahc the: necessary act ',on Lo: hs of their respective offices to effect this transfer. Er.Crosh:y seconded the resolutlen and it V7,3 adopted 1)y tho followism-: vote. Ayes: Couacilnen Christensen,7;aner,Frnn,Hanrond,Crosly,1111s,ProT)st and Dull.och,(fl). Uono. ilseut:Counci1.1w7 71.F;I:er,(1). ajjli-nst the d'reneral Fund anoustin to :'200.07;aainst the Pol_ice Fund arount- in to '116.95;aairst to Fire Fund anountin to !;EJ27.07;abctinst the 3treet Fund arount- ings to ::J590.52 nn 0 clainst the Par: D1 yzrouud and anountin!: to ::,791.01 havin::: hoer a7proved and osud3ted h7 the proror offic4,ais wore road hy the Clerh as follows: (=RAI FUTUD Alameda Daily JT.:eus Advertising. .30 Towel Service Fehruar 0.0,0 Fleet ion Officer 4.00 Oil for Lester 20.00 Fxtra janitor '*.;:rh Z9.00 2epairs 2.00 Dug-.eau 7.17 pent -Place 6.0( F.lectios Officer 4.0C 17.xpressace Fr es]-: for Auditor 50.0C GR8 9.40 L. D. Switches 1.90 Water for City Hall 4.6 Water for City Pound 1.00 Election Officer 4.00 Stationery for Auditor 2.05 Tax Collector stationery 12.49 Stationery for Layor. 5.00 j'ainting 2.50 Election Officer 4.00 " Asiznee L. F. Doyle It 4.00 TI TV ff Eugene Weals TI 4.00 Total 200.07 Alareda Stean Laundry! 'daliforia oil Burner Bo i!enclriel:oon, D. 3. Frrey,7.I. Horn, Louis 7asse'oann,K.A. 7.xress Co. Oai.,.71cd las hi 11 I Heat 00 . Pacific T.71. k Tel. Co. reorles Wate TT TI IT A. H. Peterson, 'r,elder, Henry If TV IT IT TV 'aceler, Fred. Cr. IT POLICE FUND. Alameda Daily Argus, Printing 5.50 Oakland Gas Light & Heat Co. 1.60 Pacific Tel. & Tel, Co. Telephone Service 5.40 Putzman & Hoffman Bicycle Repairs 3.10 Foberts, S. H. Labor e, Laterial 2.50 Schneider, H. Stationery 0.20 2choepf, Tom Services 73.90 Unna, horman, heals for 'Prisoners 19.75 Von Ah, T. Hach Hire 2.00 Total 116.95 FIRE FUND. Alameda Steam Laundry Laundry , 15.00 Barton, P. W. Sucjlies 2.70 Coustier & Sons Repairs 7.75 TT T, 2.00 The Eureka Fire hose Lfg. Co. Fire hose 240.00 Gorham Rubl)er Co., Fire hose 86.00 highy, WN. Sup lies 4.50 King, A. R. horseshoeing 5.00 Supplies 13.04 Lomax, '1. R. Horseshoeing 10.00 LIetzger, C. L. Repairs 1.70 Gas 32.67 Flag 5.60 Gasoline 1.75 Hydrants & Water 276.09 Expenses 5.05 Hauling 7.70 Fuel 4.90 Feed 83.07 horseshoeing 2.50 Repairs 1.50 Hedicine 1.65 Voshurgh Co., J. B. Su1ies 0.20 Kracke Brunje, Oakland Gas light & Heat Co. Pasquale Co., B. Penn Oil Co. Peoples Water Board of Police and Fire Corn. Res:,o & Co., G. Rhodes-Jamieson 17 Co., Scott,agner & hillier, Inc. Saltou, J. Assignee Otto Bahr Sellers & Hadison Co., Sutherlands Pharmacy Wagner, Oliver P. ',"ostern Heavy Hdwe. & Iron Co. Britt, W. Burgner Martin Gorham Engineeri Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Plummer & Son Geu. E. Peoples Water Co. Peters. T. L. Putzman & Hoffman Rhodes-Jamieson Co., Rhodes-Janieson Co., hauling 2.00 Horsoshoeing 2.50 Total 821.97 STREET FUND. Teaming Supplies Repairs Rental Lumber Water Teaming SupTlies Baterial Laterial Forward 70.00 3.25 15.98 6.90 10.55 60.56 87.00 22.75 100.40 40.7b 418 .14 Schneider, Henry Serralunga, S. Sunset Lumber Co., Thurston, C. E. Vosburgh, J. B. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Peoples Water Co. Rosmarin, Geo. Spaulding & Bros. A. G. Stickney, C. L. Forward Supplies Labor Lumber Teaming Supplies Total PARK & PLAYGROUND Fun. Rental Water for Parks Trees Gymnasium Alparatus Painting Total 418.14 2.90 108.00 40.03 17.50 3.95 590.52 9.00 5.41 143.75 374.35 258.50 791.01 Mr. Christensen moved that the bills be paid as read, seconded by lir. Ells and carried by the following vote: Ayes:Councilmen Christeneen, Walker, Krumb, Hammond, Crosby, Ells, Probet and Bullock, (6). Noes :None. Absent :Councilman Fisher, (1). A report was received from the Auditor showing the balance on hand at the end of the month of February, 1910. Ordered filed. A report was received for the Lunicipal Electric Light Plant for the month of Jan- uary, 1910. Ordered filed. A contract from the Argus Publishing Company for doing the annual advertising was presented. Accompanying same was a bond in the sum of 500.00. Ordered filed. A contract was received from Wm. hig)y for the purchase of the Pope-Hartford Automobile for police patrol and ambulance. Accompanying same was a bond in the sum of 43500.00. Ordered filed. The Oath of Office of Vim. 1' pan Lux as member of the Board of Education was re- ceived • Ordered filed. A continuation certificate on the bond of Arthur D. Goldsworthy, Bookkeeper of the Municipal Electric Light Plant from the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company was received. Ordered filed. A petition was received from the Interilational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers retesting the Council to adopt an ordinance regulating the placing, erection, and main- tenance of electric poles, wires, appliances, etc., in the City of Alameda. Accompany- ing same was a copy of the proposed ordinance. Jr. Probst moved that the matter be referred to the Department of Electricity and City Attorne::, seconded by Yr. Hammond and carried. A petition was received from the Alameda Athletic ub asking permission to hold sparring exhibitions each month in the car barn building, located on Webster Street. 1\x. Probst moved that the request be granted, seconded be I following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Probst and Walker, (2). Christensen, Krumb, Hammond, Crosby, Ells and. Bullock, (6). Fisher, (1). A petition was received from G. Kapler to move a two-story frame building from the northeast corner of San Antonio Avenue and Union Street to the southwest corner of Webster Street and Eagle Avenue. Accompanying the same was the necessary consent of • Walker and lost by the Noes: Councilmen Absent: Councilman property owners and a bond in compliance with the Ordinance. Krumb moved that it be filed and presented a report of the Street Committee recommending that owing to the long distance that the house would have to be moved and the great inconvenience and exiense it would cause, that said petition be denied. Ex. Hammond moved that the recomeendation be adopted, seconded by ET. Ells and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmn Christensen, Walker, 1:rumb, Hammond, Crosb;/, El7s and Bullock, (7). Noes:-Councilman Probst, (1) . Absent : Councilman Fisher, (1). A petition was received from E. W. Christiansen and some eighteen others re- questing that the Council take action to repeal Ordinance No. 535 establishing Fire Limits No. 4. A report was received from a Committee consisting of the Fire, Water and, Police Committee of the Council and the Police and Fire Commission, stating that at a meeting of said CoMnittee a motion had'prevailed recomnending that the petition he denied. Er. Probst moved, that the protestants be allowed to appear and address the Council at its next Committee meeting, seconded hy Lir. Walker and carried, there- upon Er. Christensen moved that the Clerk be directed to notify each protestant of the said meeting with en invitation to attend the same, seconded by Er. Hammond and carried. A petition was received from A. Neydenaber and some forty-seven others request- ing that the Chinese inundry, located on Lincoln Avenue near Eastich Station be re- moved. The City Attorney reported that the said laundry was located within the prohibited district as fixed by Ordinance and thereupon Er. Walker moved that the City Attorney be directed to enforce the Oridnance prohibiting laundries within the prohibited districts seconded by Er. Probst and carried. A communication was received from the lark & Playground Commission recomr:Rnd- ine that they be allowed to exi.end „',2075.00 in making various improvements in tl,e different parks. 7r. Christensen moved that the recommendations be approved, seconded by Er. Hammond and carried by the foil owing vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christen- sen, Walker, Xruml, Hammond, Crosb-c", Ells, Probst and Bullock, (6). Noes: None. Absent: Councilman Fisher, (1). A petition of John Rogers for a gratuitous license presented at the last meeting of the Council, came upinfor action. Er. Ells moved that the same be denied, seconded *by Hr. Probst and carried. A communication was received from J. T. Hardin soliciting a part of the insurance on public buildings. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the Board of Electricity requesti the Council to make some arrangmenet whereby the Eunicipal Electric Light Plant could charge the City of Alameda for city ljee;hting and collect for the same monthly. Er. hamnond moved that it was the sense of the Council that at the next Euricipal election held in the City that the proposition to amend the Charter 80 as to allow of such arrangement be submitted to the people, seconded by Hr. Probst and carried. A communication was received from W. G. Tibbitts recommending that the name of the new 'School building to be built at the corner of Eighth Street and Santa Clara Avenue be named the Randolph School in honor of President Randolph of the Board of Education. Er. Probst moved that the mater be referred to the Board of Education seconded by Er. Ells and carried. An affidavit was received from the Alameda Daily Argus showing due publication of Notice to Contracts of a Cement Sidewalk on the west side of Eighth Street in front of Washington Park. Ordered filed. The Clerk reported in compliance with the said notice he was in receipt of two bids. Er. Eruinb moved that the bids be received' and opened, seconded by Hr. Christensen and carried , and thereupon the Clerk opened and read the bids as follows Powell Bros . Construction Company, 3idewalk. Cement, 6 7/6 cents per square foot. Accompanying the sane was a certified check in the amount of e36.00. From Hutchinson Company:- Sidewalk, Cement, 9 7 cents per square foot. Accompany- ing the same was a certified check in the amount of e40.00. K'umb moved that the contract for the construction. of the above mentioned sidewalk be awarded to the Powell Bros. Construction Company, the:c, being the lowest responsible bidder therefor, and the certified check acconpanying the unsuccessful bid of Hutdhinson Company be returned, seconded by Er. Crosby and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christen- sen 'dalher, Krumb, Hammond, Crosby, Ells, Probst and Bullock, (8). Noes:None. Absent; Councilman Fisher, (1) . A petition was received from the Hutchinson Company for permission to grade, curb, gutter, macadamize and sever Taylor Avenue, between Page Street and the western line of EiiFiath Street. In connection therewith a communication was received from the Street Comnittee reconnendin that the Hutchinson Company be granted permission to grade, curb, gutter, macadamize and sewer Taylor Avenue from Eighth Street westerly to a line 125 feet east of Webster Street. Er. Hammond moved that the petition be filed and the re- commendation of the Street Committee be adopted, seconded. by lir. Christenson and carried. Krumb introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- Resolved: That it is the sense of this Council that hereafter when side- walks are constructed at the corners of streets or approaches or wherever the sidewalk joins the curb line that a cement curb eiht inches Ly fourteen inches in cross section dimension be constructed at the same tine. • Also that the Street Superintendent be and he is herebe- authorized and empowered to order the removal of al peetter bridaes where they obstruct the free passe of storm water and to cause the removal thereof upon failure of the interested property owner to comply- with such said order of removal; and said StreetSuperintendent is also authorized and empowered to regulate the constrctuion of all driveways across gutters into private property so as to obtain open gutterways with curbirc removed and a slope made from gutter to walk; or where conditions are not practic- able for such construction, for the construction of a guter bridge with an iron culvert large enough to allow the storm water to flow freely under the gutter bridge. Said Street Suerintendont is further authorized and empowered to order the re- construction and upon failure to conl)ly With such order to effect the removea of all driveways across gutters which are hereafter constructed, without first obtaining a :per- mit therefor from the Street Superintendent upon notice and application made to him. Er. Christensen seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and passed by the follow- ing vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen, Waller, Krumb, Hammond, Crosby, Ells, Probst and Bullock, (7). Noes:None. Absent :Councilman Fisher, (1). The Street Superintendent presented e. report certifying that the work of curbing, guttering, macadamizing and sidewalking south of the railroad tracks on Central Avenue between Sherman Street and Bay Street, done by Powell Bros. Construction Company under private contract, had been faithfully finished and completed under his direction and to his satisfaction. Hr. Christensen moved that the report be filed, seconded by Er . :Erumb and carried. V A bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Accepting Certain Streetsand Avenues" introduced Larch let 1910, by Hr. Krumb came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. Krumb moved that it be adopted, seconded by Hr. Harmond and carried b the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,-Ualher, Kruml, Hammond, Crosby, Ells, Probst and Bullock, (8). Noes:None. Absent :Councilman Fisher, (1). A Bill entitled, "A Bill for Ordinance No. Amending Section la of Ordi- nance No, 400 Relating to the Closinc, of Pool, Billiard and Card Rooms" introduced March 1st, 1910, by hr. Walker came up for passage and was read by the Clerk . Er Krumb moved that it be adopted eoonded by Hr. Walker and adopted and passed by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christenson, Walker, Krumb, Hammond, Ells, Crosby, Probst and Bullock, ( • Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Fisher, (1). A Bill entitled, "A Bill for Ordinance No. Determining and Declaring that the Special Municipal Election Held, in the City of Alameda, California, on the 19th day of February, 1910,. Pursuant to the Provisions of Ordinance No. 536 of said City, Was Duly and Regularly Called, Held and Conducted, That Notice Thereof was Duly Given, That the Returns Thereof have been Duly Canvassed and to Determine and Declare the Result of said Election and Canvass; Providing for the Incurring of a Bonded Indebted ness by said City in the Sum of One Hundred and Eighty Thousand (i1160,000) Dollars in Lawful honey of the United States, Payable in Forty (40) Years, in Equal, Annual In- stallments, with Interest at Four and One-half (4 1/2) Per Cent Per Annum, Payable Semi-annually, to Provide for the Issuance of Bonds of Sa.d. City, Evidencing seid Indebtedness, and. Providing for the Payment of said Indebtedness; and Fixing Dates of Execution, for Payment of Semi-Annual Interest, Animal Installments of Principal, and Relating to the Execution of Coupons of said Bonds" introduced Larch 1st, 1910, by Mr. Bullock came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr. Christensen moved that it be adopted, seconded by Hr. Crosby and adopted and passed by the following vote; Ayes :Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krumb, Hammond, Orssbv, Ells, Probst and Bullock, (8). Noes:None. Absent :Councilman Fisher, (1). hr. Probst moved that the Printing Committee be authorized to secure bids for the printing or lithographing of the Bonds, seconded by Er. Hammond and carried. . Walker introduced a bill entitled, "A Bill for Ordinance No. to Amend Section 53 of Ordinance No. 516 Relating to the Construction of Chimneys and Flues in Buildings," which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. ET. Krumb introduced a bill entitled, "A Bill for Ordinance No. Eetablish- live the trade of Jay Street north of Buena Vista Avenue," which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. ET. Crosby introduced a bill entitled, "A Bill for Ordinance No. to Amend. Ordinance No, 484 Relating to Municipal Licenses," which was laid over under the pro- Visions of the Charter. Hr. Crosby introduced a bill entitled, "A Bill for Ordinance No. to Amend Ordinance No. 233 Establishing a Public Pound and. Prescribing Powers and. Duties of the Pound Master, by Prescribing a License Tax for Dogs and Providing for the Destruction of Vicious Dogs", which was laid, over under the provisions of the Charter. Mr. Walker Chairman of the Fire, Water and. Police Committee recomEended that F. Boehmer be granted permtssion to make repai±-s to a building owned by him at 1401 Park Street, and that Er. Culures be denied perniSsion to make repairs to a building at 1311 Park Street. Er. Hammond moved that the recommendations be adopted, seconded by Lx. Christensen and carried. . Walker, Chairman of the Fire, Water and Police Committee reported that the natter of the repairs to 'the steam fire engine referred to his Committee at the last meeting of the Council had been attended to and the repairs ordered made. T . Hamond moved that the City Engineer and City Attorney prepare estimated and plans for the building of a wharf at the north end of Grand Street, seconded by Mr. Bullock and carried. Mr. Kruml) moved that the City Enineer prepare an estimate of the cost of bitu- minizing the west side of the Webster Street Roadway where improved with the Pacific HasstIm Pavement, seconded by Mr. Christensen and carried. There being no further 1)usiness to transact the Council adjourned until the net ren.ulaa. meeting A:ril 5th, 1910, at 7:0 f. m. City Clerk of the City -f Alameda.