1910-07-05 Regular CC Minutes1:=TI.Jai. 011' TtiE UUUNULL OF TEE CITY OF LA:,_TEDA, TU7S.Di:v . JULY 5th 1910. The Council convened with L:ayor V;.11-.1Toy,presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Christeneen,Zrumb,Hammond,Ells,Fisher and Bullock,(6),were noted present and Councilmen Walker,Crosby and 1robst,(3),absent. The minutes of the regular ineetlng o. June 21 t 1910,were read and approved. The minutes of the special meeting of June 24th 1910,were read and approved. A communication was received from Geo E.Plummer in which he declined for business reasons to accept the appointment as a member of the Board of Free Library Trustees, which had been tendered him at the meetiw of Juno 21st 1910. Orderea filed and thereupon Mr.Bullock moved that Brainard 0.Brown he appointed to such Board,secondea by Mr.Christensen and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen, T:rumb,Hammond,711s,Fisher and Bullock, (6). Noes:None. Absent:Councilnen Walker, Crosby and Probst, (3). Claims against the General Fund amounting to $397.06;against the Police Fund amounting to ;)25.10:against the Street Fund amounting to 02063.83;against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 395.92;against the Library Fund amounting to 101.45 and against Idunicipal Improvement Fund No.9 (School and Sewer) amounting to 241.00 hav- . ing been approved and audited by the proper occicials ere read by the Clerk as follows: G. FUND. Ader,Leon H. Clerical work 85.00 Alameda Daily Argus Advertising .55 Boegle,F. Sub c±iption 5.00 Bussenius,A.G. Su ales City Pound 6.25 Evening Times Star,The Printing 5.25 4.50 11 1? 22.00 Fink & Schindler 00. ,The Honey Trays. 12.50 Furey,F.P. Plumbing 1.40 League of California Dmicipalities 21nnual dues 40.00 Lubbock,Cswald Rent of letter box .75 Supplies 4.75 Account of :layor's allowance 100.00 Oakland Gas Lt & Heat Co Gas City Hall .10 Peoples Bazaar,inc Supplies .50 Peoples ':ater Co Water,City Hall 13.29 11 Water,Ci y Pound 1.22 Perata,A. Removing Garbage 1.00 Peterson,J.H. Clerical work 85.00 Whito,Viallace Co. Flag for City 'all 12.00 Total 0 397.06 Conrad, John Arada,J.:1. Associated Oil Co 11 Bacon, L.G. Britt, W. POLICE FUND Incidental expenses STREET FUND Driving Sprinkler Road Oil T1 11 Driving Sprinkler Teaning 25.10 127.50 310.75 310.00 130.00 91.00 Bruns,J.H. Teaming 20.00 Fischer Plumbing & Hdwe Co.,C.F. Hardware 2.80 Jamison,J.S. Teaming 130.00 Peoples Water Co, Water 399.05 Peters,T.L. Teaming 244.75 Plummer & Son,Geo E. Lumber 9.15 Powell Bros Construction Co. Teaming 26.20 Serralunga,A. Labor 110.00 Stackler,J. Blacksnithing 20.65 Thurston,C.E. Teaming 113.75 United Engineering Works Repairs - 15.83 United Iron Works Supplies 2.40 Total 2063.83 ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Board of Electricity Incidental Expenses 55.80 Bornemann & Co.,Geo E. Type-writer inspection 12.00 3nrgner & Hartin Hardware 10.45 Bussenins,A.G. Supplies 1.00 Coustier ec Sons Horse-shoeing 2.00 veining Times Star,The Printing 15.00 TT IT TI 20.00 55.- !I TT 27.50 Fischer Plumbing & Hdwe Co.,The Hardware 12.90 Heritage & Sons,John Glazing 5.00 Higby,Wm. Material & Labor 83.70 Jones F: Forrest Horse-shoeing 375 Joost & Oons,E. Supplies 7.45 Kellogg ExTiress Co. Drayage 2.32 King,A.7. Horse-shoeing 3.00 Lomax,R.7.. !T 9.25 Peoples 7ater Co. Water 4.20 Plummer & Son,Geo E. Lumber 11.95 II If 13.65 Repirs 2.00 Putzman & Hoffman Rickerson,Al. Schneider,Henry Vosburgh Co.,J.B. We tinghouse Larnp Co Supplies & repairs Supplies Hardware Lamps Total 12.85 3.95 16.90 4.05 395.92 LIBRARY FUZ1D Alaiieda Free Library 7etty Expenses 18.83 Cunningham,Curtiss & Teich Evening Times Star,The- Fielding,G. Foster & Son,C.H. peoples Vater Co Schneider,H. Stron,Carl E. Volberg,C.C. Eastern Claims 69.14 Books 17.19 Printing 21.00 7;aily Newspapers 6.00 Dust Box 2.75 Water 2.52 Stationery 0:0 13.90 Electrical Supplies 5.10 Rent 25 .00 /Sg'' California Iitl,e-rarh 'o 171.1141,1 Lithographing bonds 241.00 :r.Bullock moved that the claims as read be paid,seconded by ::r.Christensen and carried 1)y the following vote. Ayes:Conncilmen Christensen,Ilrumb,Hamnond,Ells,Fisher and. Bullock,(6). Noes:7one. Absent:Councilnen Walher,Orosby and. Probst, (3). A statement of the amounts in the various funds at the end of June 1910,was re- ceived fron the Auditor and ordered filed. An affidavit was presented shoring due notice of publication of Notice to Taxpayers in the City of Alaneda,1,27 the Tax Collector. Ordered filed A communication was received fron the Convention Committee of the :lining Congress to be held ir Txm A geles,requestina' the Layor to Join with other executive heads of municipalities in urging ex-president Toosevelt to attend the said convention and address the a ne. 1,1r.Hammond moved that the request be complied with,ser!onded by 1.r. Bullock and carried. A connunication was received from the Yacific Coast Association of Fire Chiefs in- viting the Alameda Chief of the Fire Department to atten a convention of said associa- tion at Stockton on Sept.6,7,8 & 9 next and stating that it was customary to raij the ex- penses of such attendance by the City. 'Zr.711s noved that the sane be filed,seconded loy :d.-.Christensen and carried. A communication vas received fror the Oakland Traction CorTany replying to one from the City Clerk sent by direction of the Council stating that they would ta'ae action to repair the roadbed of their San Jose Avenue hranch east of Park Street . Ordered filed. A communication was received from the Oakland Traction Company rep ying to one from the City Clerk sent by direction of the Council, stating that they would in the future comply with a request to give the Street Superintendent three days notice before doing any more street oiling. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the Southern Pacific Company stating that it had referred the request to give the Street Superintendent three days notice he-Pore do- ing any more street oiling to 1,1r:.A.V:hitney,Surt.at Oakland ier for attention. Order- ed filed. A communication was received from the Peoples ';ater Co.,in which they stated that they would comply strictly with the promise made in ::arch to lay certain nains in va- rious street in the City. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the Southern Pacific Co.,stating that they had referred the complaint against the non stopping of their trains at stations long enough to allow passengers time to al.lD:ht safely,to Oakland l'ier for neces- sary attention. Ordered filed. Er.Christensen moved that the Clerk be directed to communicate with ti,a Oakland Traction Company and observe more carefully the rnlr, for their motormen to drop the sig "Ta7a. "'Text Oar" when making up time and raasinr, ratronc waiting at street nrossira.P, ceconded by ::r.'21ullonle and carried. A communication was received from the Child's ':'elfare League of 2_1areda County re- questing the Council to appoint censors of the moving Pictures exhibited in Alareda. T::r.Hammond moved that the same be referred to t'le o1ice0 Fire Comnicsion,seconded Mr.T:runb are narried. "bir A communication was received fron City Hall Clerk :leo '::.Christensen,reouesting a vacation of two wrelas commencing July 15th 1910. ed v Yx.Hannond and carried. .7rumb moved it 'Do grarted,second- vi ior was reoeaveol Troy n.A..leietcher for a gratuitous license to solicit for the sale of flavoring extracts. Mr.Krumb moved that it be referred to the License onnittee,seconded by .7ullock and carried' A communication was received frorn the Street Committee in which it moved to award the contract for the bituminizing of v:ebster Street between Santa Clara Avenue and 115 feet north of .nacific Avenue to the Ransome-Crummey n'ompany they being the lowest bidders Mr. Hammond seconded tbe motion rnd it was passed by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Ohristenser,Erumb,Hannond,Ells,Fisher and Pulloci:,(6). joes allone. Absent : ouncilnen 7!alher,Crosby and 2:robst.(3). An af'idavit was -frOF-1011ta sowing due rul:lication of Iotice to Contractors, inviting sealed proposals for the work of co s ructing an artificial stone sidewalk on the north side of Thshington "ark on 7.ncinal Avenue. Ordered filed. The Clerk reported that two 1ids -d been received. Y.r..Tr.rumb moved that they le received and opened,ceconded 1,y 1:r.Christensen and carried and thereupon the Olerk opened and read the bids as follows: Trom Hutchinson Company accompanied by a certified check in the sum of 40.00 For Straight Curbing- For Curved Curbing Sidewalk work-Cement 32 cents per linear foot 32 cents per lineal foot 9 cents per square foot From Powell Bros Construction Co.,accompanied by a certified check for 41;30.00 Stone Sidewalk Concrete Curbing 8 7/8 cents per square foot 23 cents per lineal foot Yx.Y.rumb moved that the bids be referred to the Street Committee to report at the next meeting,seconded h y Lr.Ells and carried. complaint -1cr9inst the Poundmasuer re-arding the killing of a dog vas received from ::.King of 1029 Grand Street,to which was attached a report 1)- T.Carpenter,to whom the same had been referred by the :,:ayor. Ordered filed. A complaint vas received from Yrs R.T:ing,against the action of the poundmaster in impounding a cow. 1:x.Yruml' moved that the matter be referred to Dr.T.Carponter,for in- vestigation and rerort,ceconded by Tr..7,ullock and carried. A petition was received from 3.R.Hackett to move the building in which the Grand Street Railroad station is located to 1020 Grand Street. Accompanying the same was the written consent of the necessary property owners. Ve-.Fisher moved that the natter be referred to the Street Committee with power,seconded by 5r.Bullock and carried. A communication was received from the Street Committee recommending that the City Engineer end Street Superintendent be requested to male inspection nnd rel.lort as to the probable cost of raising the bulkbeedsnt the south eras of Chestnut and Lafayette Streets. A report was presented by the Oity Engineer estirnating the cost of raising the bulkhemds three feet at a cost of $90.00 for Lafayette Street and 102.00 for Chestnut Street. Tr.Yrumb moved that the Clerk le directed to cormnunicate with the property owners interest- ed and inform them of the estimated cost and request that they present plans ts to what the nature of the improvement desired would be, seconded by ::r .Fisher and carried. A communication was received from the Oity Engineer and the Street Superintendent requesting that a block book be made and purchased for the office of the Street Department in accordance with specifications attached to the request. moved th t the same be filed and the Clerk be directed to advertise in courliance with the request,seconded by Mr. rumb and carried. A report was presented by the Street Committee regarding the protest of against the work of improving the soutT1 end of Grand Street,under Reaolution of Intention 7o.751,stating that :,:r.Hjul owned a minority of the property frontage of said improvement. Ordered filed and thereupon 1:1r.Krumb offered the following Resolution and moved its adopt- ion. flereas Lluz) end of Grana. 2treet,ander resolution of Intention No.751,and 7:hereas said objections are rade l) the owner of less that a major frontage of the property fronting or said prnresed work or ir,provenent. Resolved,That said objections having been in the opinion of this Council not well taken,he and the sale are hereby overruled. Y.r.Ohristensen seconded the resolution and it was passed and adopted by the follow- ing vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,7rum,Hamnond,Ell ,Fisher and Bullock, (6). Noes :None. Absent :Councilmen Thlker,,rosIT nd Probst, (3). A Petition was received fron :::.F.Tarpey requesting the Council to adopt a rlesolu- tion to improve the southern end of Grand Street. The Clerk reported tl]at proceedings to such improvement was already underway. The Petition was ordered filed A petition was received from G.C,chumacher requesting the Council to commenne proc- eedings for the construction of a sewer in Harrison Avenue from Versailles Avenue to Par7,: Street. Yx.Yrumb moved that the same he referred to the Street Committee,second- ed by Yr.Bullock and carried. 1,1r.Hammond offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOTVED,that in the absence or inability to act,of the City Clerh,City Auditor and Aosessor,City Tax Collector an Treasurer,Street auperintendent,and City Engineer sueb officer may with this Council's consent designate such Clerk or employe of the City as may be available to perform the duties of his of-Pine PS neruty thereinto serve with- out further renuneration,and the official act of such deputy in such office,shall'have the sane effect as does the prinoipal. Mr.Krurni seconded the resolution and it was passed and adopted by the following x vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Yrumh,Hammond,711s,Fi :ler and Bullock, (6). Noes :None. Absent :Councilmen ':ialker, roshy and Probst, (3). A communication was presented y the City Olerk in wbieh he submitted the name of Geo W.Christensen as a Deputy City Clerk. Ylr.7:rumb moved that the appointment be appro- ved,seconded by Yx.Tlullock and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christ- enden,Yrumb,Hammond,711s,Fisher and Bullock, (6). Noes :None. Absent :Councilmen Vialker,,rosby and Probst, (3). A communication was received from John F.Flynn stating that if the ity would take certain actior toward acquiring title to certain marsh land within its lirnits.that he w would expend large sums of money for its improvement which would eventually bring large revenues to the City. Yr.I:rumb moved that the rEtter be referred to the Public Util- ities Committee,seconded :Lr.Christenser 9nd carried. A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. To Amend Section 3 of Ordinance No. 197 Regulating the Erection of Poles and the hanging of Electric Wires",introduced June 21st 1910,by Tr.liammond came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. Ir.hammond moved its adoption,seconded y r.T:.rumb and passed and adopted by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Yrumb,Nannond,Ms,Pisher and Probst,(6). hoes:None. Absent :Councilmen Walker,Crosby and Prohst,(3). idr.Ells introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Fixing the COMP- onsation of the Treasurer and ex officio Tax Collectol",which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. A communication was received from 7.R.Thompso ,City Clerk of Oakland requesting the Council to join in a movement with the Boards of L'upervisors and the governing bodies of the various municipalities around the San Francisco Bay,inp ssing a uniform Ordi- nance regulating the speed and use of motor cycles. Lir.Ells moved that the matter he referred to the City Attorney,seconded by 1:r.Bulloc3: and carried. V V V A. V 1 .1.- V 3., SW (4 .4. 4 .J.- 4. C tJ 11 .1. 12 4,4 .1. the Council to advertise for bids for the construction of the South LAde Sewer by reason of the refusa7, of one of the property owners to voluntarily give a right of way for the sane through his property,and moved that the motion directing such advertising be re- scinded and the Clerk be directed to advertise for the said work in sections or in sep- arate narts,seconded by 1,:r.Ells and carried. Lir.Christensen reported that in compliance with a motion rassed at the Committee meeting held on the previous Friday evening he had purchased a flag for the City Hall. There 1)Ping no further businesi to transact the Council adjourned until the next regular meeting,Tuesday,July 19th 1910,at 7.30 City Clerk.