1910-09-06 Regular CC Minutes-11 TUESDLY,SEPTEL:BER 6th 7910. The meeting convened with Council President E.B.Bullock,presiding. The Roll was called and Councilmen Christensen,runt,Hammond,lls and Bullock,( were noted present and Councilmen Walker,Crosby,Fieher and 1robst,(4),absent. The minutes of the meeting of August 16th were read and ordered apiroved. Claims ai7ainst the General Fund amounting to ;:;441.20;against the Police Fund amount-, ing to 43.00;apsainst the Street Fund amounting to ',2132.07;ap:ainst the Electric Light Fund amounting to ::?3647.83;against the Library Fund amounting to :196.59;against the Park and Playground Fund amounting to 010.10 and against Ennicipal Improvement Fund Ho-) (School) having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows: GENEEAI FUED. Ader,Ieon ii. Services 21.05 Alameda Steam Laundry Towel Service 8.0C Boegle,F. Tran.7cript 3.00 Bussenius,A.G. 7iedicine for Found .75 California Oil L Burner Co. Oil for Fuel 27.50 TIvenlng Times Star,The Printing 4.50 Furey,F.P. Repairs .50 Oakland Gas ,T,t. heat Co Gas .40 Peoples Vater Go Water for Pound 1.00 City Hall 13.60 Perata, A. Recorder Frint.t Pub.,„,o efethen,Eugene 7. aittier,Coburn Conrad, John Aradq,J.M. Associated 011 Co Bacon,S.G:. 7.1 Fischer,21umb.j: hdwe Go .,C.F. Henshaw,Bulkley Co. TT Janison,J.S. Ke11og,T7 7yrress Co. Kilian Electric Co Bruns,J.H. Mayrisch,Len FT Peoples ::4tter Co Peters Plumer Son,Geo E. Hauling Garbage Subscrirtion Services Floor Oil Total POLICE FUND Incidental Expenses ,EET FUED 1.00 4.50 350.00 4.50 cr; 441.20 43.00 Driving Sprinkler 135.00 Road Oil 310.00 IT !I 310.00 27.50 11.25 2.40 R oad Oil 1.50 /y 2.02 130.00 5.00 2.10 150.00 - „istintT; Ci ty 7n gr 7.00 4.00 2.00 235.00 286.00 2.90 2.55 Teaming Driving Sprinkler hrdwart,1 TT Teaming .:',xpressage Supplies Oil Wai-on Water Teaming Lumber ff -Lowell J)ros OnbTrW LLori ,u. Serralunga,S. Labor 110.00 Futzman & Hoffman Hardware .25 Skelly,3am T1 4.35 autton,Jas T. Assisting City 7ngr 6.00 TT 17 T1 TI TT 2.50 TT TT TV TT 2.00 Thompson,F. Labor 35.00 Thurston.C.E. Teamin 127.50 Wood Lumber Co. ,E.. Lumber 20.84 ',;, :%T Total __. 7 1T TV TT 11 ELECT:Z.1C LIGHT FUND Alameda Daily Lrgus Advertising -. .40 Alameda Hardware Co Supplies 6.25 Associated Oil Co Fuel Cil 302.57 TT T1 IT TT TT 292.00 TT IT ft TT TT 300.47 I t T T TV T V 'T 296.43 TT TV TT TV TV 289.95 -7 TT TV TT II TV 293.41 TT 7T •I IT 'I 289.95 Board of Electricity Incidentals 10.20 Bussenius,A.q. Medicine 2.00 California Eng rs Supply Co Supplies 36.00 Clark,Herbert D. Premium 7.50 Coustier k Sons Blacksmithing 12.75 Crane Co. Supplies 17.29 TT TT IV .36 TT TT IT 5.25 Dow Pump 7ngine Works,Geo E. Rorairs 72.49 Dunham,Carrigan L Hayden Co Supplies 27.07 TT '1 TT TT II 2.85 Ernst,Wm TT 15.37 Garlock,Packing Oo.,The It 70.00 Gorham Engineering Co Labor ,F.: Material 2.65 Gorham lubber Co Supplies 13.17 Kellogg Express Co Drayage 2.00 II "t TT 5.00 Killam Electrical Co Supplies .65 King,A.R. Horse-shoeing 2.50 7onigshofer,j.j. Supplies .45 Tonax.R.R. Horse-shoeing 6.50 Marshall Newell Supply Co. Supplies 5.15 TV 1T TV ST 71 5.20 TT TV TV It IT 7.69 TT IT ' T/ T/ 5.20 T1 71 TT TT -7 .44 'T TT TV 71 ,, 3.66 OUI-VCII1J/60 V 7. '7,I1VG;431j Pacific Metal karts Park Garage Paynes Bolt Works Peoples Express oples Water Phoenix Iron Works Rhoades-Jamieson & Co Rickerson,Al. Rtsdon Iron Loco.Whs Schneider,ilenry Sheldon,I.C. Stenzel, T. Taylor F. Co. Vosburgh Co.,J Western Electric Co. White Oross Drug Co Whittier Coburn tt TV IT IT If TT -2uppA.A. older Nater.Lal Supplies Ixpressare Water Supplies Feed Supp.ies It Stationery Feed One Skiff .E.Lay Lumber Supplies IT Eedicine Supplies Glass 011 IT Total 7.76 23, 26.25 50.90 .25 3.94 42.00 33.75 52.35 3.60 5. 64.15 25.00 189.2o 229.61 23.22 343.60 .30 43.78 2.13 22J0 31.10 13.39 0647.83 LIBRARY FUND Alameda Free Library Petty Expenses 0 20.30 II If IT It ,e n Claims 21.00 Bechtle,Otto Electrical Work 10.44 Collier & Son,P.F. Howard Classics 34.60 Cunningham,Curtiss S: Welch Books 8.00 7vening Times Star,The Printing 14.00 Globe Consolidated Supply Co. Supplies 7.00 Peoples Water Co. Water 2.50 Wheeler Publishing Co Books 53.75 Volberg,C.C. Rent 25.00 Total 196.59 PARK & PLAYGROUND FUND Alameda hardware Co Supplies 28.24 Bechtle,Otto h1ect,r1ca1 Fixtures 11.50 California Door Oo upplies 20.00 Delanoy 14f.Co. Pattern Evening Tines Star,lhe Printing, Guage,Wm. Supplies Hackett,Frank H. Repairs Hammond, 7.J. Supplies Ingram Hardware Co TT Eardware Kellogg Express Co. Expre 11 It TT Killam Electrical Co.,F.j. TT Supplies e 4.00 9.00 18.00 15.35 28.75 6.40 20.00 5.75 3.00 13.45 Loewe & wel4ins Tazzini,L. Supplies 41.25 Pacific Coast Rubber Co. e 41.65 II f/ If ' TT Supplies 11.85 Pacific Tol & e1 Co Rentals &c 2.25 IT If If tf ff 2.25 TT IT Tf TY. TY 2.40 if TV IT tT IT 2.25 Park & Playground Commiesion Tncidertal Expenses 75.80 Peoples Water Co Water 22.73 e • TT TT TY 100.00 Peters,T.L. Teaming 3.50 Plummer & Son.,Geo E. Lumber 23.50 If 77 TT II 5.53 Powell Bros Cons.0 . Construction Work 72.10 Putzman & Hoffman Supplies 2.00 Rhodes Jamieson & Co _Supplies 27.25 Serralunga & Co. " 36.00 Strom,Carl E. Alameda Daily Argus Cunningham and Politeo Dankroeger,D.A, Electrical Work Total MUNICIPAL IMPROVELLeM FUND NO. 9 (School) Printing &c Architects Services Supt of Construction Total llJ 27.20 731.10 2.50 2005.00 85.00 2692 .50 Mr.hannond moved that the claims as read be paid,seconded by Mr.Christenser and (arrie 17/7 the folllowimz vote. Ayes:Counellmen ,hrietensen,Yrneol,liannond,Ells and Bu1loc1,(5). Toes :Tone. Absent :Councilmen tilher,Crosby,Fisher and Probst. (4). A report was received fron the Auditor showing the amounts on hand in the va- rious fundsfon August 31st 1910. Ordered filed. Rep ‘rts were received from the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the nont, of Eay and June 1910. Ordered filed. A report was received from the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the year end- ing June 30th 1910. Ordered filed. A communication was received from M.J.7hite of 1158 Broadway,complaining that the arc light maintained at the corner of Broadway and ';:aohington Street was con- stantly out of order and not learning at night. ::r.Lannond moved that the matter be referred to the Department of E1ectricity,seconded by ::r.Xrumb and carried. Councilman V:alker arrived and was noted present. A communication was received from E.A.Tober requesting a line of insurance on the City Hall. Ordered filed. A communication was received from 7.II.Pollard requesting the insurance of the automobile police pairol and ambulance. Ordered filed. A petition was received from I:arie Dillnan requesting a gratultous dog license. Mr.Ells moved that the request be denied,seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried. A communication was received from Marsden Manson,containing an extract fron the Report of the Advisory Board of Army Engineers in the Hetch Hetchy valley reservoir matter. Ordered filed. A communication was received fron the D pa tne t of Electricity regarding the request that it place a cluster of lights on the oak tree; located in the roadways of rivenue neuween 000a Chapin Stroets,stating that only certain lights could be so installed and requesting that arrangements be made whereby the Police Department would be made to care for the same. 11:x..1-crumb moved that the matter be referred tothe Street Committee,seconded by Mr.Hammond and carried. , A comMunication was reoeived from Oswald Lubbock,Tax Collector stating he work in his office was behindhand for want of assistance. Mr.Walker moved that the Tax Collector be empowered to employ an additional clerk at a salary not to exceed the sun of c85.00 per nonth,seconded by r.7.11s and carriea by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Christensen,7aner,Krunb,Hammond,Ells and 3u1lock,(6). Noes :None. Ab- sent:Councilner ".'rosy,,7isher and Drobst,( ). A petition was received from the Board of Education requesting permission to use .the vacant norfe room of the west wing on the upper floor of the City Hall as an office for the Supervisor of the Health 7)evellorment and Hygiene. Ir.irnmb moved tha4 the quest be granted,seconded by Mr.Christensen and cerried. A communication Was received from Ewing,stating tbat in conjunction with oth- ers he was contemplating the holding of an aviation meeting in Alameda,from September 24th to October 2nd 1910,end requesting that a liquor license be granted for that ;cried of time. ::r.Eanmond moved that it he the sense of the Council to grant such license when Mr.7wing had presented an application and bond in the form,seconded hy Hr.Ells and car- ried. of San Francisco A corm was received from the Chamber of Commercelrequesting that the Coun- oil endorse the proposition of the holding of an International Exposition in San Franci co in 1915. Ordered filed and thereupon Mr.Hammond offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS,The Panama Canal now in process of construction will have been completed in the year 1915,uniting the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans,and WH=AS,Thene is a unanimous sentiment that the completion of this gigantic work should be celebrated in a most fitting and nemorable nanner,and WH7=2,1t is the consensus of opinion of the President of the United States,the Members of Congress,other Officials and the Citizens generally that an International Ex- position be held commemorating that great event,therefore be it EESnLVITO:77hat we most heartily endorse the proposed Panama-acific International ,:xTos1tlon to be held in San 7rancie o in 1915,end pie ,e our co-operation and assistance, and be it further 77SnLVED:That all the Senators and P.epresentatives from our State be requested to use their influence to secure for the Exposition in San 7rancisco,Governmental endorse- ment and recognition. RESOLVED:That a copy of tills preamble and Resolnlions be sort to the Senators and 7.epresentatives in Congress el.th a request that they assist in carrying out their letter and spirit; and that a copy be also sent to the Panana-Iacific International Exposition Company in SanYrancisco, California. Mr. Walker seconded the Resolution and it was passed and adopted by the following vote. Ayes:Conncilmen Christensen, Walker, Krurnb, Hammond, Ells end Bullock, (6). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Crosby, Fisher and Irobet, An affidavit was preeentod showing due advertisement of Notice to Feeanen or reee or the Fire Department. The Clerk reported that he had received no bids in answer to same, there- upon Mr. }crumb moved that the Clerk be directed to re-advertise and that he send copies of the said Notice to the various feednen, seconded by Kr. Hannond and canried. Yr. Christensen offered the following 7esolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED, That the action of the Board of Education in awarding to Powell Brothers Con- struction Company on the Twenty-fourth day of August, 1910, the contract for the construction of the Haight School building for the snm of Ninety-four Thousand, Three hundred and Forty- one Dollars, ($94,341) and also the contract executed in accordance with said award, the and the same are hereby fully ratified, confirrned and approved with a like force and exactly as if said award had been made directly by and said contract executed upon the direct authority of this Council and this Council hereby adopts said contract as the contract of this Council. Mr. Ells seconded the Resolution and it was passed and adopted by the following vote:- Ayes:Councilmen Chrisensen, Walker, Krumb, Hammond, Ells,snd Bullock, (6). Noes:None. Absent: Councilmen Oros by, Fisher and Probst (3). I. N. Chapman, City Engineer presented a certificate certifying that,F. H. Dahnke, Con- tractor for the South Side Intercepting Sewer had done enought of the work to allow him, under the terns of his contract, the sum of 1509.39. Ordered filed. A communication and nap was received from I. N. Chapman, City Engineer, giving the approxi- ate cost of the construction of a sea-wall along the southerly line of Bay Island Avenue east of the Electric Light neservoir, for the sum of 2094.00. Mr. Krumb moved the matter be referred to the Street committee, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried. Mr. Krumb offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- RESOLVED, that the City Engineer be and hereby is directed to make plans and Specifica- tions for the following street work to be done in said City, namely: That a salt-glazed, vitrified, iron-stone sewer, six inches in inside diameter, with 4- inch Trytt branches and without house Connections, be construnted:in Pearl Street in a right line from the existing manhole at the crossing of Eagle Avenue and Pearl Street, aJong the center Tine of Pearl Street, northerly to the point of intersection of said line of Pearl Street with the center line of Harrison Avenue; that a manhole shall be constructed hereunder on the line of said sewer at the intersection thereof with the center line of Clement Avenue produced in a right line easteriy, also at the intersection thereof with the center line of Blanding Avenue producedin a right line easterly, and also at the intersection thereof with the center line of Harrison Avenue; that said manholes shall be of brick masonry with cast- iron tops and covers and eight-inch walls and bottoms, and shall be constructed in accordance with "Plan of Brick Manhole" adopted by the Board of Trustees, of the City of Alameda, January llth, 1697, and on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city, which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, as per Resolution of Intention No. 753, adopted by this Council, July T9, 1910, and that the Clerk be instructed to notify the City Engineer of the adoption of this 'resolution. Mr. Walker seconded the Resolution and it was passed and adopted by the following vote: Ayes:Christensen, Welker, 77rumb, Hammond, Ells and Bullock, (6). N :None. Absent: Council- men Crosby, Fir and ro1ut (7). The Gity Engineer presented rlens, Specifications and Quantity Estimate in t newer to the foregoing Fesolution 8n0 thereupee Mr Kruirth offered the following Resolution and moved its adoptien:- RESOLVED, That the Plans and Specifications furnished by the City Engineer of the City of Alameda, to this Council for the following Street work to be done in said City, namely: That a salt- lazed, vitrified, iron-stone sewer, six inches in inside diameter, with 4 inch "Y" branches and without house connections, be constructed in Pearl Street in a right line from the existthg ,anhole, at the crossing of Eagle Avenue and Pearl Street, along the center line of Pearl Street, northerly to the point of intersection of said line of Pearl Street with the center line of Harrison Avenue; that a manhole shall be constructed hereunder on a line of said sewer at the intersection thereof with the center line of Clement Avenue produced in a right line easterly, also at the intersection thereof wjth the center line of Blanding Avenue produced in a right line easterly, and also at the intersection thereof with the center line of Harrison Avenue; that eaid manholes shall be of brick masonry with cast-iron tops and COVOYS and eight-inch walls and bottoms, and shall be constructed in aoeordance with "Plan of Brick Manhole" adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Alameda, January 11th, 1697, and on file in the office of the City Clerk of sah said oity, which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Resolu- tion of Intention No. 753, adopted by the Connell of said city, July 19th, 191G, be and the same are hereby adopted and approved. And the Clerk is directed to file the sarne, Mr. Christensen seconded the resolution and it was passed and adopted by the following vote: Ayes :Councilmen Chrietensen, Walker, Krumh, Hammond, Ells and Bullock, (6) . Noes :None. Absent :Connilmen Oroi,r, Fisher and Probst, (3). Mr. Xrumb offered the following Re elution and moved its adoption:- WHEREAS, It appears to the satisfactien of this Council that Resolution of Intention No 753 for the work of constructing a sewer in Pearl Street, from Eagle Avenue north to Harrison Avenne in the Cty of Alameda, adopted. by this Council July 19th, 1910, has been posted and published according to law, and that no legal objection to the doing of said work has been filed with the City Clerk of said city. RESOLVED, That the public interest and convenience require and the Council of the City of Alameda hereby orders the following described street work to be done in said City according to the plans and Specifications adoeted therefor, namely:- That a salt- __zed, vitrified, iron-stone sewer, six inches in inside diameter, with 4 inch "Y" branches and without house connections, be constructed in Pearl Street in a right Tine from the existing manhole, at the corssing Eagle Avenue and Pearl Street, along the- center line of Pearl Street, northerly to the point of intersection of said line of Pearl Street with the center lire of Harrison Avenue; that a manhole shall be constructed here- under on a line of said sewer at the intersection thereof with the center line of Clement Avenue produced in a right line easterly, also at the intersection thereof with the center line of Blanding Avenue produced in a right line easterly, and also at the intersection thereof with the center line of Harrison Avenuel that said manholes shall be of brick masonry with cast-iron tops and covers and eight-inch walls and bottoms, and shall be constructed in accordance with "Plan of Brick Manhole", adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Alameda, January llth, 1897, and on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City, which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereef. Tho Clerk of this City is hp?'eb7.7 6i.rented to publish this Resolution for two da7s he Alar'eda Daily Alzus, a anny newspaper published and circulated in this City, and which is hereby designated for that purpose. He is also directed to post conspicuously for five days near the (I'lmber door of the said Council, notice of said work with specifi- cations inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work ordered, and to publish notice of said work inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work and referring to the specifications posted or on filed, also for two days in the said Alameda Daily Argus, the newspaper hereby designated for that purpose. Both of the said notices shall require a certified check or bond, either as prescribod by law and for an amount not less than ten rer cent of the aggregate of the proposal, and shall name Tuesday, the }Oth aay or sep- tember, 1910, as the day hereby designated on which up to the hour of 6 o'clock, p. m. the said proposals or bids shell be received. Mr. Walker seconded the 7esolution and it was passed and adopted by the following vote: Ayes:Councilmen, Christensen, Walker, Trumb, Palmmond, Elleand Bullock, (6). Noes: None. Absent:Councilmen Crosby, Fisher and Probst, (3). Mr. Walker introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. Fixing the Salaries of the Chief of Police and Members of the Police Department" which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. mmond introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Approving and Ratifying the Action of the Board of Electricity of the City of Alameda in the matter of Obtaining a Surply of Electricity for the said City of Alameda, and Authorizing and Direct- ing a Contract Therefor to be Enetered into Between the Said City of Alameda and the Great Western Tower Company ( a corporation)" which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. Mr. Krumb moved that the application of Hans P. Nielsen of e264 Santa Clara Avenue for a gratuitous license to do an automobile and machinery repairjng business presented at the meeting of August 2nd, be granted, seconded by F . 711s and carried. Mr. Krumb reported that the request of the Board of Health to have the marsh land on the cut-off road from Webster Street Roadway in the rear of ecreation Park filled with the street sweepings, etc., had been complied with. Lr. Krumb moved that the Clerk be directed to notify Mr. G. W. Emmons to meet with the Street Committee and Street Superintendent at the Surerintendent's office at his earliest convenience with reference to the construction of steps at the south end of Union Street, seeonded by Er. Hammond and carried. Mr. Welker moved that the Clerk notify the Auditor to transfer the license to conduct a stable at Pearl Street and Encinal Avenue, now in the name of . Westall to the new owners of said stable on their making application. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the next regular meeting, Tuesday, September 2Otla, 1910, at 7:30 p. m. City Cleg,k.