1910-10-04 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR -VIEETINO OF TLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAIEDA, TUESDAY, OOTO-PER 4TH, 1010. The meeting convened with Eayor W. H. Noy 1,residing. The roll was called and Councilmen Xrumb, Hammond, Ells, Probst and Bullock were noted. present and nnoilmen Christeneen, Walker, Crothy and Fisher were noted absent. The minutes of the neetirc of Septemher 20th were read and ordered approved. A communication was received from the olice and Fire Commission requeeting that the sum of !,138.00 be transferred from the Generol Find to the Poll e Pension Fund to provide for the peynent of pensions to Ex-rolice officers D. Welch and Joe Lawrence for the months of'.7-aly, August and 6eptember. Ordered filed. Thereupon 1r. Bullock offered the follow- ing Resolution and moved its ado-fi;ion:- Resolved b: the Connell that the sum of One Hundred and Thirty ight W38.00) Dollars be, and the same is hereby transferred from the General Fund to the Police Pension Fund, and the Auditor and Treasurer are herel,y directed to effect such transfer upon their re- srective books. idr. Elle seconded the Resolution and it was odepted by the following vote : Ayes:Coun- cilmen l'remb, lin:mond, Ells, Pr-bet and Bullock, (5). Noes:Hone. faleent:Courcilnen Ohrieteesen, Wall:er, Crosby art Fieher, (4). A report was received from I. N. Chi City Engineer, certifying thet F. H. Dahnko Contractor for the 2oeth Side Intereeptiee Sewer had. one work to the extent of allowing him, under the terns of his conract, tLe sum of 1458.99. Ordered filed. agai‘et the General Fund amounting to -170.45; ag,ainst the Street Fund amoant- ing to (1070.10; a,eainst the Yolice Fund amounting to 19.45; againet the Libra Fund, amounting o 79 .S7; agoinet the Electric Light Fund amoueting to ,5194.67; againet FELI Tenprove.eent Fund, No. 9 Dower) amounting to :1494 -99 and against Improvemee,t Fund To, 9, (School) nmo-Intieg to )171.00 having been approved and audited b-,7 the proper officiale wee rea by the Clerk as follows : GE;11:AL FU HD. Aar, Leon Services rendered .00 7,oegle, F. Tra.eeeript for Assessor 3.00 Cleveland, E. h. Services in Auditor's Office 30.00 Galmarine, Prank interpreter le fees 2.00 Johnson, Hazel, ;ler-Teal Work fov City Clerk 3.00 Olaf Caotere for City Olerh's Chair .65 iubbon,„ Oswald Numerice,1 tele-fhoee director 1.50 Rent of La11 Box .75 Oakland as 'eight & Heat Co. .30 People9 Water Co. Water for City Hall 12.25 lf P8und 1.00 ., A. ieiOfin agt 1.00 Rickelfson, H. 11. Services in Auditor's office 30.00 Total - 170.45 =ET FUND. Britt, r. Teminp: Clark & 3ons, H. Surmlies 71 84.00 7.90 3.38 Evening Tines-Ster, The Printing 8.00 Hudson, William, Labor 47.50 :150.78 Forward-- Forward 150.78 Hutchinson Company, Street Work 260. Jamieson, J. S. Teaming 120.00 Peters, T. L. 71 264.00 SerralunFa, I. Labor 125.00 Stevens, .A. F. La'hor 52.50 mhurston, C. E. Toarnin s 67.50 Total - 1070.10 POLICE FUND. Conrad, John, Idoney advLInced Police Derartment 19.45 LIBRARY FUND._ Alameda Free Library, Petty Expenses, 14.95 11 11 Y1 Eastern Claims 19.00 Cunningham, Curtis & Welch, Books 6.00 Fielding, G. Daily Nowsrapers 12.00 Peoples Water Co. Water 2.87 Volberg, C. C. Rent of West End Reading Room 25.00 Total - 79.82 ELECTRIC LIaHT Fun. Alameda Dai17 Arus, Advrtising •T if VI Associated Oil Co. .35 • 70 Fuel Oil 294.62 it 11 IV 11 294.43 Incidentals for September, 1910. 6.50 Fischer, PlirAins & Hdwe Co. 0. F. Hardware 1.12 Gay, A. T. Blacksmithins 3.00 Hammond, C. J . Construction Work 20.00 Hunt, Eirk L Co. 2.00 Supplies King, A. R. Horseshoei - 6.25 Lomax, P. R. 1/ 6.75 Pacific States Electric Co. Supplies 28.70 Pacific States Electric. Co. TT 11.38 TT 11 TV If 11 1.52 TV II I f IT II 118.97 IT IT VI T1 I? 1.50 If TV IT TT TT 18.60 It IT IT TV If 5.39 IT TV IT TT TV 30.00 T1 IT TT If 17 3.69 IT TY It TT If 10.67 TT TV 1/ ID ff 18.02 If VT TV IT 11 412400 7 T1 1, T1 IV IT 412.00 IT TT If IT TV 2.75 IT IT IT IV TV 52.12 IV /V If TV 9.80 Ty u VT TV II 52.12 ific Tel. & Tel. Co. Phone Service 17.25 Board of Electricity, Foward - 1645.40 .ific Tel. & Tel. Co. Peavey, W. J. Peoples Water Co. Phoenix Iron Works, Plummer & Son. if it 11 TT IT TT 77 17 Forward - Phone Service Painting Smoke Stacks, Water Supplies Lumber 77 Powell Eros. Construction Co. Lateria7 Yutzman & Hoffnan Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Riokerson, Al Ritchie, L. E. 45.40 12.40 16.00 8.24 6.00 95.95 22.90 50.50 14.95 Fire clays Etc. 6.40 Cupplies .25 Premium on bond 6,65 o blings Cons Co. J. A. Copper Wire 77 79 IT 71 77 77 187.50 Schneider, Henry Surplies 13.55 Wslurgh, J. B. Mdse. 14.91 Westinp:bouse E. ,Fc. M. Co. Supplies 199.32 if 77 71 if II 77 IT TT 17 If 11- If 77 77 II Dahnke, F. E. Layrisch, 79 199.20 174.70 75.40 Total 3194.67 MUNICIPAL IMTROV=NT FUND NO. 9 (SEWER) Sewer construction inspector Fees on south side sever Total - MUNIC IPAI. ME7OVE=T FUND NO. 9 (301100L) 1438.99 56.00 g 1494.99 DamIcroegl., Superintendent Construction $ 65.00 Mayrisoh, Len Assisti. City Engineer 2.00 Roeder, W. I]. Extra Work on Wilson School. 104.00 171.00 Bullock movod that he claims as read be pad, seconded 1 )y Mr. Hammond and carried by the following vote. Al./es:Councilmen Krumb, Hammond, 7.11s, Probst and Bullock, (5). Noes None . Absent :Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Crosb7, and Fisher (4). A report was received from F. J. Croll, Auditor and Assessor of the proportionmen- of tho personal rro-,p-rty t.xos 'or 1910. Ordered filed. A report was received fron the Auditor and Assessor of the balances in the various funds for the month enaing September 30th, 1910. Ordered filed. Mr. Probst offered the following 7:-esolution and moved its adoption:- LVF,D, that the Park and. Playground Commission be authorized to increase the salary of John S. Cl-utleben from '65.00 to i1;60.00 per month, also the salary of Tiss Alta O. low, as girls play instructor fron 30.00 tp ;40.00. Said salari es to commence November 1st, 1910. Bullock sec-mded the Resolution and it was adopted by the following vote Ayes: Councilmen 1;:rumb, Hr.Irvond, 711s :rc,h,-.t flnd (5) Noes:None. Abront:Councilmen Christen,Pen, Walker, Crosby, and Fisher (4). " re/sort embodyins the compact stt,ten' of ;he f!nancos of the 24ark ana Pla;:round ComnsElion s resco,:frod. Ordere d filed. A Sunmons and COpy of ComPlaint in the natter of a suit of Alfred L. Banni ter aga4nst t'he City of Alarnda for the sum of 500.00 for alleged services in connection with inv isati‘p the sonrces of supply of tie ray "ities Water Company was presented. Hammond moved that the same be referred to the City Attorney, seconded by Mr. Bullock and c'arried. P.n affidavit was rreserted showily:: dile puhlication of :Notice to Feedmen and requeS- ing bids for feed supplies for the horses of the !:lameda Fire repartment. Ordered filed. The Clorh roported that in rosr,cmo to such advertisement he was in recet of one bid. Jr. Krum:) moved that the bids .be received and opened, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried, thereupon the Clerk opened the Lid, which was from Scott, Eagner S killer of an Francisco and was acconnanied h a tified check in the sum of ci;150.00, and was read follows:- 0 Bales (more or less) of 1:11 Straw b:-.1:,.3t rore 1cm1 ------,-- 67 pi per bale 100 •:_:ons 1ore or leco) 71 Best nuality iec Cat !iay- .:$17.).E30 per ton 30,000 lbs. more or less) 71 13est ua1ity Fe Uats 1.58 .ror 100'lbs. 15,000 rhs. tnore or loss) ';1 Best (,:luality Bran -- 34.00 ror ton. 7r. frohst moved that the same be referred to the Fire, Water and Police Co=ittee of the COuncil in con:lunction iiith the rolico ana Fire Commission with over to act, seconded by Yr. Hammond and carried the followiri:; vote, Ayes:Councilmen Krunb, Hammon(1, 711s, rrobst and Bullock, (.5). -oes:7Tone. Absert:Councilmen "hristense, rJalkor, Croshy and Fisher, (4), comnunication wa:- received from d. KacCaulay of 1337 Eish Street and others, call- ins attentThn to the lnck of sewerae system in connection with the large number of shacks and arks located on the shore of San. I,eandro Bay near Fornside Boulevard., and requesting that act;on 'be taken t eRuse such shacks and arks to he connected with the sewer system. Kr. Hammond moved tha,t thatter be referred to the Board. of Health with the recom7enda- tion of thc ouncil that saii Board take inmedlnte 2,0rIS to remedy the condition of affairs, seconded by I:1r. Bullock and carried. A communicntion was roceived from Chao. S. Teal stating that sertain property lo- cated on Park Street, and also at the corner of i'ark Avenue and Central Avenaa had been deeded to the United States Government for a Po', Office Site, that said deeds had been 1-10 prior to tbo of assessment but that said property hal been assessed to him, and requesting that the aSsessment be stricken off the books of the city and that the tax hills he cancelled. 1:ir Hammond moved. that the Cle-k Le 4rected to no the Assessor and the Tax Collector to strike said assessment off of their resp,ective T.00ks and that Bills Eo. 1655 and 1655 be ordered canceled, seconded by Y c.1)t an(7 the follewies vote. Ayes:Councilmen Yrumb, Hammond, 7,11s, l'robst and Bulock, (5). U :None. 1,'')sent:Councilmen Chrtenen, Walher, Crosby ad Fisher, (4). A communication was received from A7ameda Camp of Modern Vioodtnen of America re- questin7 permission to use the Council Camber on the evenin,, of Wednesday, October 26th, 1910, for the ,,-,urose of F7iving a lectnro on the Evils of Tuberculosis. . Kr. -Erumb moved that the request be granted, 5,-3coridej T'7 Ell's and carried, cormunication was received from the F. E. Killam E1ectrica:1 Company con:olalning that tno Ordinance firirig th6 license tax on electricl firns doln .7-ork in the ,,ity of AThnedn wan not help, strictiv enforced. Yr. Probst moved that the matter he referred to the Committee of the whole, seconded by Kr. Hammond and carried. A communication was received from Zolice Jm..ae Tappan with reference to the prof° ed changes to be male iri the Emergency Hospital and police court in the basement of the City hall. Jr. Krumb moved that the same be referred to ne Public Buildings Committee,. second- ed b7 .irebst and of-r-ried . A communcation was received from Police Judge Tappan regarding the matter of uAng convictions of violators of the Liquor Ordinance and ecomnonding that the said Grdinance be_amended. Er. Xrumb moved that the matter be aeferreci to the'ity Attorney, second ed by kr. Hammond and carried. Two communication were received from the War Derartnt rogrding a public meeting to be held at 2 o'clock P. K., on this date, October 4th 1910, at the City Hall. in Oakland for the rurpose of considering the rroposition of the survey of the East sude of the San 7ranc1ce Lay between -Points San Pablo and San Leandro, and as such meeting had already been held. the communication were ordered. filed. A communication was received from residents of the West end of Alanela com1aining f the dumping of garbage on the marsh in the neighborhood of the homes located in said section, and requestinp thit the said damping be sopped. Hr. Krumb moved that the Clerk notify the Board of Health to order the discontinuance of such dumping immediately, second- ed. ' y 'h.. Prohst and carried. v A communiction was received from the East End Improvement Club requesting the Coun- cil to take action toward havin he High "tr:!c llr,c, of th Onklana Tratior Conpany broad-guaged. kr KrunT) moved, that the matter be referred to the Public Utilities Committee, to take up with the Oahlpnd Traction Company urging that the matter be immediately att ed to seconded by kr. Bullock ana carried. A report was received from the Street Committee recommendinp: theassignment of the et tot of Rogers and Cram for the work of making a blol* book for the Street Department to kayrisch & Sutton. Mr. Hamr,ond moved that the recomnendaUon be adopted, seconded by Hr. P1JS an carried. An agreement was presented fron Len Hayrisch and Jas E. Sut;t on for the making the Block Book for the street derartment. Ordered filed. Hr. Krumb offered the follow olution and moved it adortion:- 11SOLVED, by the Council of Alr.mod, that the Street 3u1)( r4A1A, ident be, and ho hereby authori2,ed to employ an insroctor to supervise the work of the construction of the South Side Sewer; that the compensation for said work be fixed at 4 . 0 rer day. Ell'. liamm;)nd s6concled th,, ':-,solution and it was adopted by the Iollewin w)to. Ayes: Councilmen Krnrl, Halr:InenJ, "I';71s, .1.2.ot ftn0 rullock • Noes:None. Insent:Christenson, Vialkr, Cro!..7by and Fishc:r (4). _,:l comunictfon wa reeived from Street Superintendent V. M. Frodden in which he al:poi:Ito(' Mr. J. E. Sutton as Inspector of the work of the construction of tile South 3ie. introel)ting Sewer' Mr. Krumb moved thrt the apt,ointment be approved, :-.tonded by Ilv. Tulleck nrni carried by the fol1o7;in vote. Aye :0ounc11r2en, Y,-umb, Hammond, Ells, Probst and. Bullock . Noes:None. Absent: Councilmen Christensen Walker, Crosby an 'isher (4). City Englneer I. N. Chapman presented a rerort certifying that it would require 2714,cuhic yards of material to fill to the official grade the east half of 'J.rana Stret, at its southerly end, between the bluff and the concrete wall, an average or nean length of 174 feet by 40 feet wide and the average depth of 10.53 feet, and that Hr. Geo. W. Emmons had to date made four-fifths of the said fill or 2171.52 cubic yards, anJ further stated that acconllng to Sub-division 10 of the General Street Law, ,. . Emmons was entitl- ed to credit for such f5:11. Er. Krumb moved that the report be filed and that the Clerk send a certifiec:1 copy of same to Mr. Enmons, seconded by MY. Harnond and carried. Mr. Krumb moved that all action for tho aoin of street work in Cedar Street under Ros-olution of Intention T. 752 be rescinded? seconded by kr. Hammond and oarried by the folloTint-, vote: Ayes :Councilmen Krumb, Hammond, Ells, Probst f:illd Bullock, Noes: None. Absent :Councilmen, Christensen, Walker, and Fisher (4). Mr. Krumb introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption:- RESOLVED, That the public interest ana conreierioe require and, that it 5s the in- tention of the Council of the City of Alameda to order the following street work to be done in said city, namely: That Cedar Street from a right line 520 feet right angular measurement southerly from and parallel with the southern line of Clinton Avenue to the concrete bulkhead, which 1.2 distant 121 feet southerly along the center line of Cedar Street from the right line above mentioned, be improved as follows :- That the eatire,width of-said street between said limits, from property line to property line, be graded to the official grade; that concrete curbing, eight inches by fourteen inches in cross section dimension, combined with concrete gutters, tbree feet wide by six inches thick, be constructed along both edges of the roadway of said street between said limits; and that the remaining portion of the roadway of said street, between said limits, be macqdanizea 17ith a layer of broken trap rock six inches in thickness. The Alameda Daily Argus is hereby designated as the daily newspaper published and circulated in this City in which this resolution, and the Street Sunerinteidet s Notice of the passage thereof, shall be published. Th e Clerk is hereby directed to publish this esolution by two snncessive insertions in said newspaper, and post the same for two days conspicuously near the Chanleer foor of this Council. Hr. ls seconded the Resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes: sby Krumb, Hammond, Ells, Probst and 'Bullock, (5). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Crosby and Fisher, (4). The Street Snplerintendent rresented a report certifying that the work cif construct- ing a curb and sidewalk on Central Avenue, along the north side of Washington Park had been done by Hutchinson Company under his supervision and to his satisfaction. nrderea e Street Superintendent presented a report that the work grading, curbing, macaamising and otherwise improving Pacific .".venue, from First to Fourth Streets bad been done by Hutchinson Company -ender 1,rivate contract to his satisfaction, and in com- pliance with 111P Pars eations therefor. (irclered filed. The Street Committee rresented a re:ort that three lights had been installed on the tree located in the roadway of F'Jtre opposite Van 'Buren Street and also on the tree located in the roadway oT 7'ne ,ie verue, between Wood and Chapin Streets and that temporary arrangements had been m de to have the said lights tunod on and off and the prorer bonrs. Ordered. filed. A Bill entitled "A Bill for OrOtnance No. Granting to the Southern Pacifio Company, a Railroad Corporation, and to its Successors ?Ind Assigns, for the 1:-eriod Ending on the 26th day of July, 1949, the right, Privilege and -Tranchise to Erec t and Laintain D Line of Poles, llep.inning at the Intersection of Harrison Avenue and the Right of Way of the Central 3'acific Railway Company on Private Property; thence along and upon the Pri- vate Tie-ht of Way of the Central Pacific Railway Company to a Point Where Sane is Inter- sected by Clement Avenue; thence North-westerly along and upon Clement Avenue cre,-eing all intervenina7 Streets and Avenues to the Westerly end of clement 1,venue; the West rl-T through Private Property to the ight of Way of the Oentral Pacific Railway Company, and to Attach to, arid :::aintain and Oieerate upon, said 1)0155 wires for the Transmission of Electric Power Wires of the entra1 Pacific Ilailway Company on its Private Right of Way at or near its Intersection with Harrison Avenue, and with Electric Power Wires of said Company on its Pr vate flight of Way Between Eighth and Webster Streets," intro- duced by Mr. 7runb on 2e2tel,ber 20th, 1910 came ul for rassae:o and was read by the Clerk. Mr. Probst moved that the Ordina Ice be adopted, seconded by Mr. Ells and carried by the follo-oing vote. Ayes:Councilnen, Krunb, Hammond, Pals, Probst and Buflock, (5) . Noes None. Absent:Councilmen Cl.ristensen, V:plker, Orosby and Fisher (4). Mr. 3:rumb introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance Bo, To AEend 'Section 4, of Orftinance 7o, 464, Telating to Municipal Licenses", which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. p. coomunication was received from the Board of health requestins that Ordinance No. 464 Te n2t xgthe Handlins and Distribution of Dairy Products be amended. Ordered filed. Thereupon, Mr. Hammond, introduced A Bill entitled A Bill for Ordinance No. ReEm- lating the Tra s.ic at tail of Milk and Eilk Products," which was laid over under the rrovisions of the Charter. A communication was received from the Board of Health recommending the amendment of Ordinance No. r:O., Section No. 7, P.elating to the Plumbing of huII1ngs. Ordered filed. Thereupon Mr. Probst introduced A. -Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinal-Ice No. Concorn- ing the Connection of the 'Plumbing of u:11ings with the Main Sewer in the Street, Amend- ing Crdinance No. 20, Section 7 or 1:opealing ,he same", which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. Mr. Probst introduced A Bill entit "A Bill for Ordinance To il.elatinp; to the Constrnetion of House Connecting 1-.;ewer in public nighways", which was laid over under the -provisions of the Charter. The followin communication was received fror the :::ayor and read by the Clerk: A1ame1a.Cal.,0 Sept., 191O. To the Council of the City of Alameda, Gentlemen: I return here7olth "Ordinance 7o.56T approving and ratifyin the action of tho Board of Mectricity of t.le sail. Cit in the matter of obtaining a sipp1.y of e7actricity for the said CIty o: Alameaa,and a1thori7,ing and directinp: a contract therefor to be enter- ed into between the said City of Alameda and the Great Western Tower Company (a corroratiorJwithout my approval. Ty reasons for wit)olding my signature to this ordinance are twofold: 7lirst: Investigation Of the -proceedings of the Tloard of 71ectri- city shows that in fact no final action has yet beer taken by that body in the natter of a owor contract. Bids have beer submitted and have 11Aer, under consideration but no FtTara has ever been formally made. In my judP:ment the passage of any ordinance by the Council at tli.s tine would therefore be preflature. Second: Th, c-eneral scope of any contract of the Nature of that under consideratior is so broad and so far reachin o. lo its effects on oar municipal light plant that T have determined since my Published in- terviel7 on the subect that it is not on desirable but imperative that refererdum be had thereon. Such being no Eitation it is able that instead of holding the present .nroceedings in abeyance until April noYt a new proposition be framed aod subnitted so V.8 to thoroub- ly cover the question in all its as2:ects. Yours res-poet:fully .H.Noayor of the 7ity of .Alameda, L%Tr.Eammonei moved that tjle City Ltterney he directed to confer with the Y.embers of the Derartment of ,lsctricity for the purpose of dravAng ur the necessary reJeren- dun proceedinE7s so that the rcroiUo of purchasin6 outside ele ur power could he subnitte6 to the r:eerle at the next Nuniciral election in Arri1,111,seconded 117. Ells and carTied. There leirFJ no further husiress to transact the Council adjour-ned until the next reeular TheyCetcer 70th 7910 ,at 7.30 7.L. City Cler-:: of Alaneda. C