1910-10-18 Regular CC Minutes00 .GI 10.001 04'4 Og'fi 44't.."J:; 04' 00"6',3 007gI 00'q Og'00 Og' (19'I 00'O OC.0 00'I 00";7 04' pooi, sq.a12apRH ouTIos'ec soT1(aia aul00112-o;;,;JoH 2uIc9ou-osJoIT �0fiI =1-j, 'IOZU04S jOLOU'j,r'Ll4On '03 °soon o /11:13(1: e0 GL,1-0, gO'Lg - -1"R402:: 00'1 .101-1P-aV 4, to 1{ A+ go *(2 •o21'.137 Al 14 14 11 OVI acf;.o-LIc;.; x-oa , A, 1: 11 00°1 ,,...cof_,;) Jo; 0 n'LJIl10 11i.e.l0pT0uq0 00-4: J!.1T7 *op - voi3i3luz-32-opol.cd 0J'i s'oc.4 2.".04o.xjaeui 0T/10,J:'wot:wn ri4"2 11 4i 1, id 00-0 DO°C pudoj icj 0a ooTA.Tor,.: Tow,c =Id r_47V=7) LOTIOUV 1:.rduoIv rpoulv :sAolIoj sAt' 0r..L4* 1c..1 11'1 Q0T.1)U1 000 ouAo.):11-a .TOOL[ 2uTAv4 g4*(2f2.61 0'4 OaTI.unouv 1.?uaL -01.1001 -a'E2 Ou",; 04"049g 04 01.1_4.u0 ct...m (toollos) G* 011 )u.n4'L 4c.ul010JLTJAI fij.;u1-132*ofoL3-06g. o. Ou moLr pu-o.,21 puilo.z2 -17,13-1(7 431-T-T:0-3°Ig 04 SuT4ut101,;:a Puild 00TIor '011,4 4sTz:1-00°.(309 0 SuT -11.uoLLaJ puud 0JT,1 0T4, 'pnTT30'i i:00.4,9 0; 2u-vii;A..0u1.1J -puud 1-uJou0 t; 011'4 :i_0uT-o231-; *woo.T.d poLlou mit -oul; 00, L00.L 9q4. OuT,D.1-0 u',3u4cL1.00a03 *poAoadd-43 1.)dpJ.0 otAu o41. Jo E'.G4uuTul -0L0a J.01:tolL 1)1.41. 0.T.`(4)':4too.Liu0 ,ouu 4sq. 42T-L:puomN1311'qun4.04II:Goup4o-1...uc.; 1) 0][J0 01;,4). e1LJ pouoAuoo IToul.).00 et '0161 11:-WI 00E0C1.30`707.:ITITIV de 2\_I-io ED rfI onau HO 7T-1471,1 2 October 10th 1910. ',7agner,0.r. Tlauling kOLIOE Schneider,Henry Steinmet;',,T.F. Unna,Herman Total- '3urplies Bed,1„:attress 1i11ow peals furnished -nrisoners Total- - - 1.50 - 605.55 9.85 6.70 16.00 17.25 51,80 PAR7 e: PILY0R0U7) FUND Detten,H.L. Surrlies ';, , 21.25 D elano y Lif.r.Co. ry 131.30 Fisher Plunh. Hdwe Co. 0.?. ::ev,Ter in Tincoln Park 296.20 ,, ,T t t Supplies 1.80 n ackett,7rank H. F.eoairs J:. Labor 21.80 2.25 Hammond,0 .0. Gravel 20.25 Pacific Coast Lur17Jer Eill Co. Lumher 2 Park Playground Commission Petty Cash 63.30 Schnedder,Henry Supplies 1.40 590.60 air I=O=E7T FUTD 110.9 (School . Damkroeer,D.A. 3orvices as 60.00 Powell Bros Construction Co. On Contract Hai6ht School 2369.76 Tt I? TT TT TT TT !T IT 3249,00 United Iron 7:orks Total- ETEO=TO FUI1D. On contract Y176,76 , Bullock: moved that the Claims as read he paid,seconded hy ::r.Christensen and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Caunoilmen Christensen,alker,7rumb,Hammond, EllsFisher,l'rohst an. T;n1lock,(6). Hoes :Hone. Absont:Oonnailmau Croshy,(1). ..Ln Affidavit was received fror the Ilaneda Arms showinL due -p-ullication of Hotice of City ax.0:3 for the ear 1910. Ordered filed. A communication TI-A1=; received from the East: 7nd Tmprovement Cluh tendering its thanks for the immediate action of the Council to remedy the conditions existi-ng as re.-fards sewer connections with the arh.,s ctc ,located 1 r the e.ast end of the City. ordered filed. A communication wss received from nas thankin;-: the Council for it ac- tion in cancelinc the 1,a:: Mils on property assessed to him and which he had sold to the 7nited Otatc s overnm•,ent and to tie City of Alameda. Ordered filed. A petition for a free license was received from ,7.J.0anridce to solicit for the Sunset .7, 7a2;iale. Ordered filed. A conflunication was received fro i111a Eorst,advocating the plaoiae warning sins in the pnblic p,arks and on the streets recardinE-; the dnmag of the City's property and the s-reedi-n of vehicles Op the streets. 1::r.Trobst moved t.at the matter he referred to the Committee of the 7hole,seconded 117 Er.Hils and carried. A petition accompanied hy the necessary consent of yroerty owners was received from 0:::.Turner to move a frame 7euilins fro- 900 San Antonio Avenue to the south side of 797-1or Avenue ahont 200 feet east of Oth Street. A rrotest was rAeniVC fl-am tTiri ow-nr of te Jot on which the house now stands claini.nF: tht to October 1Sth 7,91C , the natter he referred to the Street Conntttee with power, seconded by .7isher ana carried. A retition was recelvea from the Torth Side Improvenent Cluh,requesting ther use of the 7ouncil Chamer for the r1r7ose of holding a mass meeting on the evening of October 19th 1910,w1ien the Hon.7.'.2,1i-zJrc,.,would deliver an address on the pro- posed ,:,, ,con,ono. ::Itate Harbor 7ond issue. hir.7:rumb moved that the request he f;ranted,seconaed by ::r.Thlker and earried. A connunioati,, 72S received from the Police and Fire Commission requesting per- mission to sell the fire horse "Prince" he being unfit for further service. :,:r. Probst roved that the request be granted,seconded by 7/...-iTammond and carried by hhe followin vote. Ayes:Courcilmer (Ihristensen,Thlkr,7runh,:lammond717s,7isher, Trobst and llock,(C). Noes:Tone. Absent :Councilman Crosby,(1). A. Bill entitled "A Mill for Ordinance To. 7o Amend Section 4, of Ordinance No .4S4 re2ating to 1uricipal Licerees",introduced October 4th 1 P10,by 171-.1Trunh cane 1_p for passage and 7:9.F read 7' thn C7ier7.-. 7:r.Ha:r,nond 1-10vOtil i;bat it be adorted, seconded by 7r.-Probst P.r1 ••r•ted hi -the followtng vote. A-cyes:Corcnctlnen Christensen, 7alker,Yrunb,Tnmmond,Ells,Fishor,Probst and Bul1ock,(8). 1,i00:.).1:40n0. Absent; 0ouncilnan ".T.052T,(1). A Bill entitled "A 7n1, for Ordinance yo. 7elatirF: to the Construction House Connecting 'Sowers in :Public Highwa7s",introduced hy 7r..Probst,or October 4th inO,came up for passan and was read hy the Clerh. 1,:r.Probst moved that it be adorted,socondea by 1r.Wniker nrd carried 1,-)y the owing vote. k/es:Courcilmen Chrtstensenalker,Eruumb,Hanmond,7,11s 141shor,:irobst and llui7lock,(C). Toes :one. Absent:Couciman Crosby,(1). A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance To Concernin the Connection of the Plumbing of Buildings with th ::ain Sewer ir the Streets",introduced October ,ith 1910 by ::r .Probst Cane 11:j for T.asage and wa read by the Clerk. Er.Proh-t moved that the seme be laid orer nt1 :he next reetin of te Council,seconded hy :Jr. Hammond. and carried. In accordance with the rrovistons of the Charter,oe request of Er.Probst the put the question,"Shall the Ordinance he adopted notwithstanding the l'ayor's veto"as regards the dissaproval to the Ordinance passed by the Council on October 4th 7.910,-atif:ving the action of the Board of TrJectrinity in the matter of obtaining a P.IrrnTTT of electric current from outside sources, On roll call the followinP: vote was tallied. Ayes:None. 7oes:Cormcilmen Christensen,7alker,hCr-omb,liammond,Ells, Fisher,Probst and Pullocic,(C). Absent:Courcilman Crosby, (1). A communication was received from the Board of Health recommendinP; that a sewer be constructed in Pernside lonlevard o that the teremens fronting thereon could make the necnssary sewer connections. :::r.Frumb moved that ths matter he referred to the treat Committee,seconded ly T:r.Thristensen D7n(1. carried. A communication was received from Street Superintendent 7rodden requestig per- missi n to have nhotogranhs tnhe, of some of the streets shonL.L,- improvements made by ailing at a cost not to exceed c20.0O,sane to he sent to a7.-, -;1.,.--,:o to le shovin he- fore the eorc7ent-7on of nurioiralities to he held there on November :ft),16,77,1S 19th 1910. T:r.7runb moved that the request he grnrted,seconded 1 )T :::r.Bulloc7f: and carried iy the fol lowing vote. Ayes:7ounoilnen Christensen,Thlker,h7ruh,Kammond,711s,7:lisher Probst and .711.77001,...,(6. 7oes:Tione. :Jsent:Coi-Incilm ,-.roy,(1) h',r.Yrub offered the followinnF: resolution and TO-70:71. itFi 71(1:01-,t710fl: October 18th 1910. done in said city,namely: That a salt glazed,vitrified,iron-stone sewer,6 inches in inside diameter,with 4-inch Y-branches,and without house connections,be constru- cted in Grand Street in a right line from the existing nanhole at the crossing of Grand "'root and Clinton Avenue along the center line of Grancl Street to the exist- ing manhole at the crossing of Grand ,:Ytreet and Dayton Avenue. The Alameda Daily Argus is hereby designated as the daily newspaper publish- ed and circulated in this city in which this resolution,and the Street Superinten- dent's Notice of the passage thereof,shall be published. The Clerk is hereby di- rected to publish this Tesolution by two successive insertions in said newspaper,and post the same for two days near the Chamber door of this Council. Mr.alker seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the follow- ing vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,alker,Krumb,Hanmond,Ells,Fisher,Probst and Eulleck,(8). Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Crosby,(1). A report was received from the 3treet Superintendent certifying that the work ading,curbing,macadamizing and otherwise imTroving Taylor Avenue from the eastern line of Webster Street to a point 12b feet easterly therefrom had been done by Powell Dros.Construction Co.,under his direction and to his satisfaction. Or- dered filed. A verbal comp _t of the Hunter Lumber Company to the Eayor against; the ari- c1orin and docking of small boats at their wharf at the north end of Uebster Street was referred to the Street Committee. Mr.alker,Chairman of the Fire,V.ater and Police Committee reported that the bid of Scott,Eagner and Miller to supply feed to the Fire Department horses for the ensuing year had been examined and recommended that the contract he awarded to the said firm,and on their signing a contract that the Clerk return the certified check which accompanied the hid,seconded by Mr.Yrumb and carried. :/:r.Walker moved that the Clerk he directed to address a communication to the Oakland Traction o.,requesting that smokers be allowed to smoke on both the front and rear portions of their cars,seconded b7; ir.Christensen and carriea. Mr.V:alker moved that the Clerk be directed to address an invitation to the Oakland Traction Co.,to have a representative prevent at the next Committee meet- ing to discus the proposition of broad-gauging their branch on High Street and any other matter that might come up,seconded by Li...Probst and carried. 27...rumb moved that the Street Superintendent 10 authorized to loan the horse roller to the Alameda flriv±n Cluli to roll their track,seconded by Mr.Christensen and carried. Yr.Krumb,moved that the Clerk address a communication to the Teoples :ater Company requesting them to install 6-±nch mains in Grove Street between Fncinal and Oentral Avenues;in Bay Street from Central Avenue south to the bay and in lor Avenue between Webster nd 6th Street,seconded by Lr.Jrobst and carried. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the next regular meeting,Tuenday,November 1st 1910,at 7.30 P..M." '7- air 0itr Clerk of Alamed