1909-01-04 Regular CC MinutesCP AL=DA,jAljA7,1 4th 1909. The meetinr was called to order by the Layor. The roll was called and Counciin Christensen,1:.asasnos,P.ullock,Uoy,ee,2isher and Loop,(7),were noted presort and Courcilen 'Drown and ITobst,(2),absent. Tice minutes of the meetins of IL,ecembior 21st 19n were read and ordered approved. The minutes of the neetin of December 29th 1208 were read an,0 ordered approved. A re'ition was received from P.3.1,:ott for a license to conduct a saloon at the Lark hotel on the =.corner of Park Street and i1icinai Avenue the appl cation was recommend- ed M177 SOY:0 forty- persons aid accor:Tanied by the necessary bond which had been ay,proved at said location T% . the City Attorney. i:oved that the license -_canted to A..Leal,.tAbe,revok oa o to roim2s f the non payment of the license fee, seconded The Council was addressed h7,7- '27r.O'Exien,attorny for the creditors of Y.r.Dean. aid. hy 6appan attorney for tLe owners of tbD wherour,oil t7:0 1-.0t10 was nut and car- ried b:,2- the foT1ov:iy vote. A:--es:Councilyien ::,asarnos,72ullock7, 1o, (:ree,Fislier and Loop, (6). Uoes:Councilman Christensen, (1). Absent :Councilmen Pa-own and lrobst, 2). 2..Pulleck moved that tlle application of 7:::..1,Lot6 for a liquor license at the rark irotel he sranted,seconded in Y.r.Joy and carried 13-r the following vote. A. :Council men Christensen,Lasagnos,Bullock,r yGee 1S1102 and. ..hoop. 1Toes:JTone. Absent: Councilmen :Brown and 6robst.(2). isho matter of the -protest ar:ainst the establishins of a laundry on 72-icinal Avenue hetween Oak and Ualnut Streets whi n was Tresented at the neetins of December 29th 1906, cane up and after discussion 1:x .Fisher introduced A Bill entitled "A 1111 for Ordinance 110 360 concerninL: Laundries by chancJI.n{s the limits within which Laundries may be conductod'',which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. 1:ir.Masarnos was excused from further attendance at the nec tin and retired, laims asainst the Ceneral Fund amounting to ::140.16;acf:ainst the Street Fund anount- 3337.99;a6airc't the :Library Fund anountinL: to V732.07;a6:ainst ilnniciIal Imrrove- ment Fund Yo.6,(ft 6 Plays-round) amo-unting to 85.00 and against the rolice Fund amounting to 3)1.95 havinr been approved and audited 1n the proer officials were read 1:;77 as follows: Boe. F. Ewing, Fred Layrisch,Ien Oakland Gas Lt 6 li.Co. ralmer,L. Ieo-ples 'dater Co If If , • .sani Renovatinc Go, ber Co.C.F. GE=AI FUKD. Transcript for Doc .19C2 Asst City Ensilleer 3.00 P,eputy Poundraster 18.50 Ass- tins City :nsineer 3.00 Gas 12.40 Services i scorTs Office 65.00 V:ater for Pound 1.00 TT tr City Hall 13.75 Cleanin naryete 12.00 Lount Lc 6.50 ST=T PU7D. Associated Oil Co. Hoacl Oil If T 7 1,Th Amount forward- - 7.19 274.69 267.19 267.19 267.19 275.30 276.46 - .:;;;1E9b.2:13' Associated 0i3 Co Fuel Oil 15.20 Britt, Y. Teaiiig 60.60 Lanmor,C. J, 20.00 50.00 Labor 19.00 Laiior as Engineer 35.00 Roch 250.60 240.00 hater 102.15 2eaning 153.00 oyser, ,',urveying instruments 250.00 Rock 62.50 Janison,J.S. Iriayrisch,L. McConnell,W.E. Olsen,rs J. If Peoples Water 0o. reters,T.I. Stone Cio.,7..E If If It If Thurston,C.R. Woods,F.P. Alaneda Public Lihrary IT Crocker Langle7 Directory Cunningham, Curtiss & Welch 717s ec. Co.,E.D. Fielding0. Foster 0 Son,C.H. Koerber,A.E.W. Lachen,R.j. Owens,M.H. Peoples Water Co If I/ TeaninL; ft Total- - LIBRARY FUND. Petty Expenses 31.25 62.50 40.00 32.50 21.28 Eastern Claims 63.25 Books 12.00 1T 130.51 25.00 6.00 82.50 173.55 82.13 6.00 1.35 86.30 Book-case Daily Tapers Carpenter work Fuel Books Plunbing supplies Water Schneider,Henry Stationery,printin Lc Volbers,C.C. Rent 25.00 Total- - 732:e7 IdUNICIPAI IMPROVEIfENT FUND Yo .8, (Park 0 Ylaycround) 7?, ray Salary 35.60 ,0. t::, If FUND . onrad,John incidentals Total- - 52.20 85.80 31.95 Er .Bullock moved that the claims as read 1)0 paid,secondedby 1y ir .iToy and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christenson,Bullock,Noy,Ge Fisher and 000p,(6). Noes:None. Absent :Councilmen Brown,Idagagnos and Trobst,(3). co:.nunication was received fron 1:-.3.TaTman,City Jude relative to the 1120 of his Court Room by vsrious organizations and requesting that the Council fir some of rule fol- its use Ordered filed and thereupon Irir.Fisher moved that in thn future no person or oranization shall have the use of any of the rooms in the City hall as meetin places without having first obtained the consent of the Oounoil, seconded by Mr .Loop and carried. r.Noy noved that the LTorth Side Improvement Club he granted the use of the Court room for t'ne purpose of a meeting on Friday evening, January 6th, seconded hy Er.Fisher and carried. A communication was received frorLthe :Cark and Playground Commission stating that' they had named the park on high Street recently purchased fron tho Thompson Estate as "Lincoln Park". 1,1.r.Fisher moved that the same bo confirmed,seconded by Ilr.Uoy and car- ried. A communi ation was received from the Park L.. Playground Commission requesting rerm- ission to incur indebtedness for certain work at the ::ark- at Central Avenue and 8t1 tree amountins 1275.00 and at Lincoln I'ark amountins to 975.00 . Er.'.1by moved that the request be granted, seconded by Lr.Fishor and carried by the followins vote. Ayes Councilmen Christenser,Dullock,Hoy,Jee,Fisher and Toop.(6). Hoes:None. Absent: Councilmen Brown,:agasnos and Pro1st,(5). .Chrisi:eiscn reported that the Street Superintendent had turned over to the care of the Park and Playground Commission the Park on Park Avenue,the rockery at the junc- tion of Central And Alameda Avenues and iO grounds sa'rorin uhe 'inty hall and moved that the action be confirmed, seconded by r.:Loon and carried. A communication was received from to Ieard of Trustees of the Public Library re- questing termission to expend fron Imyrovement Fund 1o.8 the sum ',30C.00 for furniture and lightins?: fixtures in the Len's Reading Room and :;100.00 for covering the floor of said room. Ex .Fisher :moved that to request be granted, seconded by hr.Noy and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Bullock,No7,G e,Fisher and Loop, (6). Noes :Hone. Absent :Councilmen Brown,L..aa:agnos and Probst, (3). Er.Christensen asked to be excused and retired from the meeting. The matter of the recommendation of tho Toard of Rducation fot the rurchase of the lot at Santa Clara and eth street cane up and Er.Gee moved that the its Attorney be di- rected to prepare a resolution 1oci:o to the purchase of said land,seconded by lock and carried. A communication was received from .Freeman the Architect for the Fire house be- ing constructed on 'i;ell Avenue stating that under the terms of the contract between the contractor James H.Boyd and the City of Alameda that the seconi . pa.7nt of ':5176.2C) wou d be due about the eth or 9th inst and requesting the Council to take action so that tho payment could he made,and thereupon a claim was rresented ap;ainst i=oliEla= FUJI) No.8,(Fire) Boyd, James 'Second pa,yment on contract for construction of Fire house :176.26 Lr.Bullock Eoved that the same bo approved and paid upon the presentation and fil- inr: with the Clerk of the Architects certificate in accordance with the .provisions of the contract,soconded hy IJr.oy and carried 1)7 the followin vote. Ayes:Councilnen Bullock,U 7,(1rt., Fisher and 100 p.(0). Uoes:None. A-bsont:Ocu.ncilmen Brown, LasaL;nos and Probst,(4). The (11.tta Percha Rubber IIf g Co.,nresented a bond in the sum of 4200. o for t]e faithful rerformance of their contract for to sale of fire hose 17 them to the Fire De- 7art-ent. Same ordered filed. The :Library 3ureau,Inc..presented a bond in the sun of ;;;2000.00 with the United States Fidelity Cuaranty Co. ,as sureties for the faithful performance of their contract for the installation of tho shelvina and stacks in the Free Iublic Library. The sane was apfrov- ed by the City Attorne7 and was ordered filed. The ::,troet Superinten(Thnt presented a rep,rt cortifyinc: that the work of construct- a sewer in I.:arket 'Street from 'dashintor to :.ladison .Areet:also in .1adison street from Poach to I:arket ::)treet and also in 'San Jose Avenue from Peach to :,,arket :3treet as done Leaf :,7;ontractor under Resolution of intention Jo .724 as completed to his satisfac- tion and in accordance with be plans and seoificotion s therefor. Ordered filed. Lir.Ney offered the following Resolution and 1.eved its adontion: RT=T5:1),Ti at the public interest and convenience require and that it is the inten- tion of the Colmcil of i.Le ;ity of Alameda to order tke followin street work to be done line 1aralle1 with and 2r/Z, feet,ribt iiai moasurement,easterly fro the eastern lino of (raid :Arect,including the crossinss of jrand Street with 1;')ayton Avenue,be irinfoved as foflovjs :tat a salt-Egazed,vitrified,iron-stone sewer, six inches in inside diameter with 4 inch Y branches,and without house connections,ho constructed ie said avenue,from the existin manhole at said cressins of Grani ::;treet,in a risht line to a manhole which shall be con,structed hereunder at a roint in the center line of said avenue 300 feet easterly from said exist in manhole at the crossim::: of Grand :treet;that said manhole to bo const-raucted. hereunder shall be of brich: masonry, with cast iron top an0 cover oi ]-t - inch walls and botton,and shall he constructed i accordance with "Plan of '13ric1 L:anholo", adoptod by the oa O f Trustees of the City of Alamoda,January llth 1897,and on file in the office of the Cit :i: of said cit, which plan is hereby referred to and made a Tart he.roof. That the entire width of said avenue between said limits be sraded to the official c;rode,and that the crossinF.:: '9.12eet with said avenue be re-sraded to tbe offi- cial rade:that concrete 0 urbins,8 inches by 14 inches in cross-section dimonsion,, constructed 2 inches ahoy° official curh rade on all curb linos of said avenue hetween said limits,and on the four curved corners, at said crossin of (ronj ,,,treet wit said avenue :that cement srouted roch: Futtens, 3 feet in width of the flat rattern, be coo- ed on each side of the roadway of Said avenue hetween said limits, contim.ous to said curb- ins and to said curved corners:that the remainin portion of the roadway of saiJ avenue 'hetween said limits bo macadamized with a layer of brohon trap rock, 0-inches in thic]mess; 7n_ So.tiOt „. feet in width, and of pine lfimboY,be constructed at each of the our corners of said crossin or hand 2treet with said avenue:and that tweAculvertbkoe constructed across said avenue, one ir the western and ono in the eastern side of said -ossin. The Alameda Daily Ar[jus is herehy desicnated as the daily newspaper published and circulated in this city in whici . this resolation,and the ,Ctreet -:.uperintendent's of tho possoE;e thereof, shall ho published. The Clerk is hereby directed to publish this resolution by two successive insertions ie said nowspa.ner,and -post the same for two Jays conspicuously near the Chamber Door of this Council. To resolution was seconde4 . hy itr.dee and adopted by the followin vote. Ayes: Councilnien Bullock,fley,co,Fisher and Loop,(5). novm , a 11no, 4kr stenL3eY: tialci okst , ( 4 ) . -iroos:Hone. Absent :Councilmen Lr.1::oy introduCed the followin resolution and noved it adoption: F..10.1:117,72D,That the public interest and convenience require and that it is the inten- tion of no Ccmnoil of the City of _lamoda to orderthe followinE: street work to be done in said city, namely: That the northern half of Fountain street from the north-eastern line of •anta Clara Avenue to a rikt line 120 feet riOit ar,lc:xaar measurement easterly from and para71e1 with said line of 'i3anto 11 ara Avenue,be imrrovoj as follows: That the north- ern half of sni4 street iotvroen said limits be sroded to the official srade:that concrete curbins,- :it inches by fourteen inchos,in cross section dimension, be constructed two in- ches above the official curb srade on tho cur line of said street between said limits; -7-T, 4-y a cement ironted roc:: pnutter three foot in width the flat pattorn,be constructed in the roadway of said street hetwoen said limits,contiuous to saiS curbins:that the re- maininp; portion of said roadway in the northern hIII' of said street,hetween 8a-1.1 limits, be macadamized with a layer of brot,:en trs y. rock eint inches in thichness. Alaeda Tai1 Anus is here ; de snated as the daily news-par or ab:lished and circulated in this city in which this resoliltion,and ne ;3troet hfotice of the passave thereof,shall he puhlished. The Clerh: 10 here directed to n1] 1011 this resolntion by two successive insertions in said newsraer,ard post the same for two da7s consoicuously near the Chamber Door of this Council. : The resol w ution as secondd e by hr Gee and ado Ayes pted by the following vote. Councilmen 73u1loch-,7,Toy,;.,- e, Fisher and Loor,(b). UoesHone. Abse_lt:Councilmen Obristensen,Lasanos and Probst, (4) I,r.Gee moved that the Tlerh: be directed to advertise for bids for the City j'rintin in accordance with te schedule adorted riecember 21st l'DOC,seconded by ilr.Fulloch and carried, moved that the :I.erk he directed to advertise for te it Advertisin for to 109-79.10,1ids to he Tresented honday,ebruary 1st 100.D, seconded by 1_r.En1,-)ch and carried. Yr.Ccee moved that the Clerk be directed to cbare twenty-fie cents or co ry for caries of the City Chartorexcertin sncL charr,;(1 all public officials and puhlic institutions soconced — by 1,1r.-Joy and carried. There being no further bnsiness to transact t-ile Council adonrned until to next regular meeting.onday,January leth 19C9,at 7.7'0 /2' G/