1909-03-15 Regular CC Minutes..1.111.4. -L 1.t Jr .1. IL. L., .1. J Ot JiiJ UJLI UV )/1. ]'/ARC.-11 15th 1909. The meeting was called to order by the Mayor. The roll was called and Councilmen Brown,Christensen,L;aga[sno 7/,Gee, Probst and Loop, (8) were noted present and Councilman Fisher, (1) absent. The minutes of the meeting of March 1st 1909,were read and ordered approved. Councilman Fisher arrived and was noted present. Claims against the General Fund amounting to i:316.75;against the Police Fund amount- ing to ::155.86;against the Fire Fund amounting to ::;,051.49;aainst the Street Fund amount- ing to 787.39;against Municipal Improvement Fund No.8,(Library) amounting to 48.65 and against Municipal Improvement Fund Uo.8,(Par'z & Playgrund) amounting to :292.28 having been aprroved by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows GEEERAL Money Till Towel Service Oil for Heater Labor Plumbing Horse Hire for Assessor Alameda Hardware Co. Alameda Steam Laundry California Oil & Burner Co Cory,L.V. Furey,F.P. Lubben Bros HcDowell,j.S.,assg Argus Pub Co Advertising 0.00 20.00 20.00 3.60 2.50 17.65 Oakland Gas Lt & H.Co. Gas 7.60 Robert ,S.1.1. Labor & Material 70.05 41.25 Stamped envelopes (Sample Ballots) 59.20 Schulte,Vi. F, Plumbing 59.40 West Disinfectant Co Supplies City Clerk Total- - TY IT Schneider,ilenry 316.75 POLICE FUIT.D. Alameda Daily Argus Printing 7.50 Koerber,A.H.h. ';;ood & Coal 6.30 Lawrence,J. Services 6.43 Oakland Gas Lt & Heat Co Gas .80 Peterson, J.A. Bicycle Repairs Gchneider,H. Stationery 5.65 Schoepf,Thomas Services 16.05 Unna,Herman Meals 41.25 -haley,11. Services Total 61.13 155.06 FIRE F-67.1). Boesch Lamp Co. Repairs 1.50 Bray, Arthur Cr. Services 2]. .00 Brown & Adams Supplies 9.88 Coustier,T,. Repairs 30.00 Coustier & Sons If 5.25 Furey,F.2. Plumbing 5.25 8ay ,F Baird Horse-shoeing 12.50 Jortlenson,P. ,7 26.00 Kilian Elect Co.,F.E. Lamps 3.60 Knouff,Earry Services 33.00 Koerher,A.11:::. - ay n Allount forward- - 2.75 17r.73 T;oerber,A.H.W. hay 2.50 7onigshofer,J.J. Supplies .50 Lomax,R.R. Horse-shoeing 15.00 Lubben Bros Coal 10.15 Miller F. Co.,'T.A. '.1y 172.34 Millinton,17.. Money advanced 2.00 Oakland Gas Lt & Heat Co Gas 23.31 Peoples Water Co. Hydrants (".2 Water 265.15 Phoenix Milling Co. Rhodes-Jamieson Co. Shaw, Edward M. Sutherland's Pharmacy Thurston,C.E. Voshurgh Co.,J.B. Chas TT It Bran 37.16 Feed 85.10 Rent 33.33 Medicine 2.25 Haulin g 7.50 Supplies 10.45 TT 5.00 Coal Oil Total 9.00 851.49 STREET FUND. Betten,h.L. Hardware 3.40 Fischer Plumb & Hdwe Co. ,, 1.30 Hanson & Co.,Hans Rock 120.00 Hay & Baird Blacksmithing 5.05 Jorgenson,P. ,, 79.30 01 en,Mrs J. T?ock 240.00 Shively Bros Bicycle Repairs 1.75 United Engineering Works Repairs to Motor Rollo/. 126.32 IT IT TT Work on Motor Roller 151. ,, ,, -.P.o-f)nirs to Street Roller 43.35 Vosbur&, Co., J1 Hardware Total 15.55 787.39 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT FUND NO.O(Library) Cunningham,Curtiss and Welch Supplies (Ments Reading Room) 13. McDowell,J.S.,assg Argus 71111/10 Advertising 19.40 Eehrtens,Harry G. Hat Rack (Men's Reading Room) 15.50 Total- - - - 48.65 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 110.8, (Park and Playground) Coustier & Picot Blacksmithing 28.00 Fainting 85.00 FureyVFrank I. Rater Pipe Tine 91.18 Peoples Water Co Water 2.80 Rhodes,T.A.,assg Alameda Hdwe Co. Supplies .60 VT H ,T J.N.Greene Filing saws 1.50 TI TI E.O'Keefe Salary 65.00 TI ST George vIlite Tabor 2.00 Schneider,llenry Stationery 11.15 Strunz,A. Supplies 3.05 Thurston,C.. Hauling 2.00 Total 292.28 1/1r.Bullocl; moved that the claims Be paid as read, seconded by Mr .Noy and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Brown,Christensen,Magagno ,Bullock,', „Gee, rruul.,,piwier LtflU. JAmp,tsal. iquesnuone. Aosentnuone. A communication was received fro r the City Attorney in which he stated that he haa discovered a decision of the 3uprene Court of the State which had caused him to change his opinion regarding the awarding of the contract for city advertising,which he had rendered on February 9th 1909,and advising the Council to vacate its award of the said printing to the Alameda Daily Argus an d award the same to the Evening Times-Star. As a mandamus suit had been commenced against the Council to compel it to award the contract to the Alameda Daily Argils and an injunction served on each member of the Council to take no action until after a hearing which had been se,, for March 26th 1909,no action was tak- except to order the communication filed. Mr.Bulloch offered the following Resolution: Calling a General Municipal Election in and for the City of Alameda,to be held therein on Monday,the 12th day of Apri1,1909, for the purpose of electing certain officers of said City,and for submitting certain propositions and measures to the electorate of said city. RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF ThE CITY OF ALA.1.IEDA: 1. That a General Liunicipal Election in and for the City of Alameda is hereby call- ed and will be held therein on LiONDAY,THE 12TH DAY OF APRI1,1909 for the election of the following, named officers of said City: A Mayor an Auditor and Assessor one Councilman at Large One Councilman for the First Ward One Councilman for the Third Ward One Councilman for the Sixth Ward also for the purpose of submitting to the electors at said election, the Proposition contained in Chapter IV of Article VI of the Charter of the City of Ala- meda,which Chapter is as follows: "ChAPTER IV—TEACHERS' AENUITY FUTTD "Sec.14. The provisions of this chapter shall take effect upon and after a referen- "dary vote has been taken thereon,and the majority of the qualified electors voting there- "on have voted therefor. "Sec.15. It shall be the duty of the Council to provide annually the levy and "collection of a tax of five mills on each one hundred dollars of taxable property in the "city. The proceeds of this tax shall be set apart in the city treasury in a fund to be "known as the Teachers Annuity Fand,and said fund shall be drawn upon for no purpose ot- "her than the purposes in this chapter designated. "Sec.16. Subject to the provisions of this charter the board of education shall have "control of the disbursemeat of this fund and said board is empowered to receive donations "and bequests to said fund,which donations and bequests, if in money, it shall immediately "on receipt thereof,deposit in the city treasury to the credit of the fnnd. "See .17. Any teacher who shall have served thirty years in the public schools of "this city shall he entitled to retire from service and to become an anuitant under the Fro- "visions of this chapter. Any teacher who shall have served twenty-five years in the pub- "lie, schools of this city,and who shall,by the board of education,have been discharged "from service by reason of incapacity shall he entitled to become an annuitant. ".ec.1J3. Any person who,under the provisions of this chapter, shall be entitled, to "become an annilitart,shall he entitled to receive,sutject to the provisions hereinafter "set forth, such sum per month as shall equal fifty rercent.of the average salary paid to "sai:, teacher during the last ten years of his or her term of service in the public schools of the City of ";Jec.19. Vhenever there shall be in the teachers' annuity fund a sum sufficient there- "for the board of education shall cause to be drawn on said fund warrants in payment of "annuities to all annuitants entitled to receive the same. In case there to not suffi- "cient money with which to make one month's payment of all the annuities otherwise due and payaole TO sala annuluunuts, unen uile uoara 01 euueuviun 1,11 ul-aw_Lub ux une "warrants aforesaid,until such time as there shall be in said fund sufficient money to "pay the sEs,e." The City Clerk is hereby directed place upon the ballot to be used at said elec- tion the above mentioned proposition in the following form,to wit: Shall the provisions of Chapter IV of Article VI of the Charter of the City of Alameda,to establish a Teachers' Annuity Fund and for the annual levy of a tax of five mills on each one hundred dollars of taxable property in said city for the use of said fund be put into ef- fect and operation. Yes No. Also for the purpose of submitting a proposed Ordinance to the electors at said ection whiCh Ordinance is in the words and figures following,to wit: A BILL for ORDI1'TANC7: No. Concerning the granting of Liquor Licenses in the City of Alameda,and providing that the voters in each election precinct shall decide by popular vote whether or not Liquor Licenses shall be granted in their particular precincts. BE IT ORDAINED by the PEOPLE of the City of Alameda, Section 1. No license for the sale of vinous,spirituous,malt,di tilled,fermented, alcoholic or intoxicating liquors or wines, or any admixture thereof, shall be granted in any Yanicipal Election Precinct of the City of Alameda,unless at a previous municipal el- ection there shall have been placed upon the ballots in such precincts and submitted to the electors thereof the following proposition: For granting Liquor Licenses 7 Ye in this Precinct. No. tion 2. No license for the sale of vinous,spirituous,malt,distilled,fermented, coholic or intoxicating liquors or wines,or any admixture thereof,shall be granted in any rrecinct in said City unless a majority of the votes cast upon said question at the last election at which the proposition was voted upon in the precinct in which the bus- iness is to 1)0 carried on is in favor of liquor licenses. Section 3. All ordinances 0 l'arts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. The City Clerk is hereby directed to place upon the ballot the above mentioned measure in the following form: nail the proposed Ordinance prohibiting issuance of licenses for the sale of liquor within any of the election precincts of the City of Alameda,without a previous majority vote of such Precinct favoring such issuance be adopted. Yes No Also for the purpose of submitting te the electors of the several municipal election precincts the proposition which the City Clerk is hereby directed to place upon said ballots in the following form: For granting Liquor licenses Yes in this Precinct. No 2. The said election is called and will be held and conducted pursuant to the Charter of the City of Alameda and the laws of the State of California applicable to nun- icipal elections. The rolls will be opened at six o'clock of the morning of the day of Fer the rurposo of holding said election the City of Alameda is hereby divided into sixteen municipal election precincts,being the election precincts heretofore esale- lished by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Alameda, for the purrose of conducting and holdinc, the last General State Election in said Citysa descrirtion of vhich to-other with the location of polling places and the officers designated to conduct said election are as follows EUTTICIPAT 717CTICIT P.77C1707 Description: All of said city east of Versailles Avenue and the sane pro:,ected southerly and south of Encinal Avenue and being Election Trecinct U0.1. Location of pollin nlace: Tent on the.southeast corner of Encinol Avenue and Yigh Street. Insrectors: Judges: Clerks all Clerks: Edwin A Cleveland and. John E.LoGrath 2ufus Parker and Adley 11.Barnhill Alex J.Roebke and Chas I.Born David boo and Stanley Jonas =CII1CT Doeorilltion: All of said city east Versailles Avenue and the same m'ojected northerly and north of 7ncinal Avenue and being- Election Precinct .2. Location of pollin place: Encihal Hotel,northwest corner of Encino,' Avenue and ragh Street. Inspectors: YI.A.White and Chas Abt I Judges: J.Openshaw and T.I.Gifford Clerks: L.J.Cordes and Edmund J.Rogers Ballot Clerks: Chas H.Liorgan and .1-1.Eln f 1=0IPAL EIECTIO/1 PRCICT Description : All of said city north of Central Avenue and lying between Versailles Avenue and Bark Street and being Election Precinct Location of place : Tebb Avenue Inspectors: E.P.Decker and 7.B:Dunning Judges Nobmann and Geo D.Uray Clerks: C. P. Christensen and John H.Strachan Pal lot flerks: Eenry Battorman and A.C.Bradley.: 1=ICIPAL ELECTION YECIUCT h0.4 Description: All of said city south of Central Avenue and lying between Versailles Avenue and lark Street and being E7ection Precinct 170.4. Location of lolling Place : 2404 Encinal Avenue Inspectors: Judges: lerks Ballot Clerks: D..iiiartin and II.E.Decker Frank Shultis and. Edward J.Simon C.T.::I.Sutherland and o.":,:.Wadsworth J.A.Durkee and John Cale CijyICflgJ EiECTIO',T .0PPOIOT P0.5. Description: All of said city south of and 77alnut Street and being Election Precinct ' al Avenue and lying between Bark Street r to„).0. Location of polling place : 2310 :Theinol Avenue. Inspectors : J.1.1.Robertson and J.E.Bonta Judges : Rushton 1,1cConnell and Otto Kimmel Clerks: G.7:.Christensen and ':,ill Fisher Ballot Clerks: 7.;--Thompson and A.C.Toye ii L) .L4 4. if A 3 21-1 1 J. 4. LP./ `J.' J. .4 Sd Description: All of said city north of Central Avenue and lying between Park Street, and Walnut Street and being Election Precinct No.6. Location of Polling place : 1517 Park Street. Inspectors: Fred S.11,orton and Frank Walton Judges: ..H.Lchlenaman and Dennis Godfrey Clerks: E.Y.Charver and C.V;.Keith Ballot Clerks: Joseph T.Byrne and Albert Rowe 1:.nICIDAL ELECTIO-:, PRECINCT NO.7. Description;All of said city north of Central Avenue and lying between Walnut Street and Chestnut Street and being Election Precinct Location of polling place : 1538 Willow Street. Inspectors: Judges: Clerks: Ballot Clerks: A.A.Barateau and F.H.Kellogg F.J.Hargraves and G.T.Siems U.R.Grant and Wm T.Locke \fro.Schmitt and W.T.Cavanaugh MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT 110.6. Description: All of said city south of Central Avenue and lying between Walnut Street and Chestnut Street and being Election Precinct No.6. Location of polling place : 1120 Chestnut Street. Inspectors: Ward Battles and E.J.Bevan Judges: James Potts and F.C.Bishop Clerks: W.LcCreery and George H.Fox Ballot Clerks Asa H.King and P.Perrine MUNICIPAL ELECTIOD PRECINCT D0.9. Description: All of said city south of Central Avenue and lying between Chestnut Street and Paru Street and being election Precinct No.9. Location of polling place: 1627 Encinal Avenue. Inspectors: Judges: Clerks: Ballot Clerks: T,E.Gay and Harry Shed MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT B0.10. W.P.Dillon and 1;1.B.Valleau John T.Hardin and Asa Hutton H.D.Clark and A.F.W.Delius Description: All of said city north of tral Avenue and lying between Chestnut Street and Paru Street, and being Election Precinct No.10. Location of polling place : 'tore N.W.corner Grand and Lincoln Inspectors: Edward Browning and Jos.J.Stackler J.:,:l.Bradford and H..Kaufmann Clerks: Edwin Otis and John H.Bruns Ballot Clerks: Joseph Leonard and. Horace E.Jackman EUNICIPAL ELECTION, PRECINCT NO.11. Description: All of said city north of Santa Clara Avenue and lying between Paru Street and. Bay Street and being Election Precinct No.11. Location of polling place: 1224 Lincoln Avenue. Inspectors: Judges: Clerks: Ballot Clerks: Charles Adams and Chas Kiesel J.F.Stronberg and ':;.F.Hockina August Fromm and V.De Andries Henry Boese and C.H.Oakley MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NO.12. Street and. St Charles Street and being Election Precinct No.12. Location of polling place : Tent N.7:.corner of Morton and Encinal Inspectors: T.W.Steinmetz and. J.R.Macaulay Judges: S.M.Lamborn and W.S.Jones Clerks: A.T.Sousa and. G.A.Rosenberg Ballot Clerks: George Lovegrove and N.Vacarea MUNICIPAL ELECTION PEEC INC T NO.13 Description: All of said city south of Santa Clara Avenue and lying between St Charles Street and Eighth Street and being Election Precinct No.13. Location of polling place: 1400 -- 9th Inspectors: Judges: R.E.Dunlevy and Chas Neal lerks: Ballot Clerks: W.Viera and Otto Riehl MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 14 Description: All of said city north of Santa Clara Avenue and lying between Bay Street and. Eighth Street and being Election Precinct No.14. Location of polling place : 903 Lincoln Avenue Inspectors : A.H.Peterson and. W.W.Walker J.L.Daniels and. Max Levy ,1 ks: J.A.Lewis and. C.F.Banta Ballot Walter J.Richter and J.J.Atkins MUNICIPAL ELECTION .1!E0 IrcT NO.15. Description: All of said city lying between Eighth and Sixth Street and being Election Precinct No.15. Location of pollina. place : 1520 Vebster Street VJin.Betten and. L.Buslach F.Ahlborn and. Chester Rogers Judges: Inspectors: H.Traube and IT.C.Ballheimer Judges: T.B.Marshall and Gee Willis Clerks: J.Bargones and. Frank Sleeper Ballot Clerks: VI.Rogers and \-iynn Perkins MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT N0.16, Description: All of said. city lying west of Sixth Street and being Election Pre- cinct Uo.16. Location of polling place: 475 Central Avenne,U.W.corner of 5th St. Inspectors: Judges: Clerks: Ballot Clerks: Philip Kiernan and. C.Bond B.J.Cottrell and. I.J.Winters W.hanma and E.Honston Gardner Walkup and G.-Masters 4. Al] persons shall be entitled to vote at said election who come within the terms or comply with the requirements of this section. Every person who was a qualified elector at the general State election immediately preceding the holding of seid election and who was registered as required by law as a qualified, elector of any one of the above described precincts and who Oontlrues to reside within the exteri or bo-wIdarie8 of such election pre- cinct until the time of the holding of said election,shall be entitled to vote at sa election without other or additional registration. All other persons in order to lc,) en- titled to vote at said election must he registered in the manner required. by sections 1094, 1o96 and 1097 of the Political Code of the State of California,as an elector of and within the election precinct wherein he claims to he entitled to vote. Such registration must he had and made in accordance with the provisions of sections, 1004, 1096 and 1097 of said during the twenty-five days immediately preceding said election. 5. The returns of said election shall 'fle forwarded immediately on the completion of the count in each precinct to the City Clerk,P.00m 10,second floor of the City Hall. The publication of the proclamation for said election containing the measures to be submitted to the electors of said city shall take the place of the printing and mailing of said measures as provided in the Charter of said city. This resolution shall constitute the notice of such election and the City Clerk is hereby directed to:cause the same to be published in the official newspaper of said city in accordance with law and the ordinance providing for notice of elections and to cause the same to be posted at least ten days before said election at each of the above men- tioned voting places. Mr.Bullock moved the adoption of the resolution,seconded by Er.Noy and carried by the following vote. Councilmen Brown,Christensen,Magagnos,Frallock,Noy,Gee,Probst, Fisher and Loop,(9). Noes:None. Absent :None. The Clerk presented a certificate that vacancies would occur in the offices of Mayor,Auditor & Assessor,One Councilman at Large,councilman from the 1st Ward,Council- man from the 3rd Ward and Councilman from the Sixth Ward and that Certificates of Nom- ination for the said offices had been filed. as follows For Yayor: Joseph F.Forderer and William H.Noy For Auditor and Assessor: F.J.Croll For Councilman at Large: J.C.Eschen,J.F.Forbes and John Ii.Walker For Councilman First ':iard: H.H.Buddington and. Fred InKrumb For Councilman Third. Ward.: Charles Arnold Forle,E.D.Ells and Fred lalblhausen For Councilman Sixth Ward: Sumner Crosby and Wilbur J.Lanktree. The same was ordered placed on file. A contract accompanied. by a bond in the sum of ;5O0.00 was presented by the Alame- da Daily Argus to do the City job printing of the City of Alameda for the year ending Feb- ruary 16th 1910,in accordance with. the prices submitted in their bid of February 1st 1.09. the same were ordered approved and filed. The matter of the report and recommendations of the Police & Fire Commission re- garding the acceptance of the Auto Fire Engine buildt by the Waterous Engine Works Com- pany of St.Paul,Idinnesota,was taken up. A communication was received from the layor relative to the matter and ordered filed. After some discussion Lir.Lagagnos moved that the Auto-fire Engine received from the 7:aterous Engine Works Comp-au of St.Paul,innesota. be accepted and that the Auditor be directed to draw a warrant on the Treasurer for the sum of ;8000. 0 to pay for the same,the warrant to be delivered when the said Waterous Engine Works Company filed a good and sufficient bond with the City Clert, to cover the provisions of their guarantee now on file with the City Clerk,the said bond to be approv- ed by the City Attorney,seconded by Er.Brown and carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Brown,17.agagnos,Noy,Trobst,Fisher and Loop, (6) Bullock and CaDe,(3 ). Abe nt:None. A communication was received from J.Bernard te whom had been awarded the contract for repairing,paintieg,etc,of the Fire Engine house on Chestnut 3treet,complaining of the refusal of Chief Krauth of the Fire Department to approve the balance of his claim for doing the work. 1Z-1...Probst moved, that the matter be referred to the Police Fire Comrission,secondea by bir.Loop and carried. A communication was received from the Police 6'2 Fire Commission requesting the Council to advertise for bids to construct a cement sidewalk in front of the new Fire Noes :Councilmen Christensen, days for bids to do the work in accordance with plans and specifications submitted,the Council Committee on Fire,Water and Police in conjunction with the Police and Fire Commis- on to have authority to award the contract, seconded by Kr.Loop and carried by the fol- lowing vote. Ayes :Councilmen Brown,Christensen,Yiagagnos,Bullock,Noy,Gee,Probst,Fisher and Loop,(9). Noes:None. Absent:None. The plans and specifications were ordered placed on file. A communication was received from the Peoples Water Company,reporting that in com- pliance with the resolution of the Council of December 23rd 1908,they had completed the installation of the mains as required. Ordered filed. A communication was received from Powell Bros.Construction Co. ,petitioning for the privilege of leasing a portion of the south bank of the Tidal Canal for the purpose of constructing a wharf in front of their property beginning at a point 150 feet west of the Fruitvale Avenue Bridge and extending westerly along the hank of the canal 150 feet. 7jir.Prob t moved that the matter be referred to the Committee of the Whole,seconded 1)y Kr. Loop and carried. A Certified Copy of Order Confirming nale of Peal 7state and an Executors Deed to the property located on the East side of Eighth Street and lying between Santa Clara Ave. Es,ate of and Taylor Averne,recently purchased from the .illiam H.Taylor,Deceased,were presented and ordered placed on file. A continuation certificate on the bond of Arthur D.Goldsworthy,en employee of the '',oard of Electricity was presented and ordered filed. A commnnication was received from the Board of Electricity stating that it was not practical to erect poles in the rear of dwellings as requested by the Council. Ordered placed on file. The matter of the protest of the Baker Advertising Company regarding the license tax on bill-boards laid over from the last meeting was taken up and after discus on hr. 'Pullock moved that the provisions of the Ordinance regulating the tax on hill-hoards be enforced and that the Clerk be directed to notify all companies maintaining such bill- boards to that affect and to also notify the Varney alvertisinv: Company that the com- promise arrangement regardinp. the payment of -the license would in the future be aiscon- tinued,seconded by 1,::-.Noy and carried. A communication was received from John G.Gutlehen recommending that stakes be set showing the channel in the San Leandro Bay and offering to set out such stakes provided the City would furnish the necessary lumber. Mr.Fisher moved that the Mayor be author- ized to have the work done, seconded by Y.r.7;:agagnos and carried. A calmunicetion was received from the Alameda Chamber of Commerce petitioning the Council to favorably consider the purchase strings of incandescent lights for street il- lumination to he used during celebrations, 1:.T.]'robst moved that the sane be referred to hoard of Electricity, seconded by llr.Fisber and corried. A communication was received, from the Alameda Chamber of Commerce indorsing the ac- tion of the Council in passing the Ordinance making the Park and. Playground Commission custodians of the strip of land on streets lying between the property Tine and the curb line. Ordered filed. Petition was received from Thomas Hart for a free license to peddle shoe laces. Mr ,Fisher moved that the reqaest he granted, seconded by Kr.li]agagnos and carried. A petition was received from YTS 7.Kelly,et al,requesting the Council to pass the necessary resolution to have a cement sidewalk laid on the north side of Eagle Avenue hr .Probst moved that the matter be referred to the between "Broadway and Pearl Street. Street Committee,seconded by 3::r.agagnos and carried. The Clerk presented affidavits showing due publication and posting of Notice in- viting Proposals for street work under Resolution of Intention No.729 and reported that three bids had been p esented,the same were ordered received, and opened and were read as follows: From E.Schunacher accompanied by a certified check in the sum of 400.00 Street Work--For For For For For For For Sewer Work --For For For From Powell Bros Street Work--For For For For For For For Sewer Work --For For For Grading Macadamizing Gutters Straight curbing curved curbing Gutter Bridges Culverts Six-inch Pipe Six-inch Y Branches Manholes complete .00i: cents per Sq.Ft. .06 7/8 cents per square foot .10 cents per square foot .35 cents per linear foot 7r .....)0 cents per curve foot 4.00 per bridge 2.50 per linear foot .40 cents per linear foot .50 each extra .40 4 00 v . per Manhole Construction Co.,accompanied by a bond in the sum of 400.00 Excavating Macadamizing Gutters Rock grouted Straight curbing curved curbing Gutter Bridges Culverts Wood and concrete Six-inch Pipe Six-inch Y Branches Manholes, complete Prom Bansorne-Crummey Co. ,accompanied by Street Work--For For For For For For For Sewer Work --For For For Excavating Filling Macadamizing Gutters concrete curbing Gutter Bridges Culverts Cast Iron Six-inch Pipe Y Branches 4 inch Manholes, compl ete 1 6 11 38 38 3.50 2.00 40 A 30 .00 cent per square foot 9/10 cents per square foot cents per square foot cents per linear foot cents per linear foot each per linear foot cents per linear foot no charge per Manhole a bond in the sum of 500.00 1, 7 40 3.25 v3.25 50 50 45.00 cents per square foot cents per square foot cents per square foot cents per square foot cents per linear foot each per linear foot cents per linear foot cents each extra per Manhole The City Engineer reported that the bid of E.Schunacher was the lowest and there- upon Er.Christensen offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED,That the Council of the City of Alameda,having in open session on the day of March 1909,orened,examined and publicly declared all sealed proposals and bid for the following street work in said, city, to wit : That Dayton Avenue from the eastern line of Paru Street to a right line parallel with and 273 feet,right angular measurement, easterly front the eastern line of Grand Street, including the crossing of Grand Street with Dayton Avenue ,he improved as follows ;that a salt glazed,vitrified,iron- six inches in inside le sewer, diameter,with 4-inch Y-branches,and without house connections ,ho constructedin said avenue,from the existing manhole at said crossing with Grand Street, in a right line to a manhole which shall be constructed hereunder at a point in the cen- ter line of said avenue 300 feet easterly from said existing manhole at the crossing of Grand. Street;that said manhole to be constructed hereunder shall be of brick masonry, with cast iron to and cover and eight inch walls and bottom,and shall be constructed in accordance with "Plan of Brick Manhole",adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Alameda,January 11th 189 ,and on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. That the entire width of said avenue between said limits be graded to the offi- cial grade, and that the crossing of Grand Street with said avenue be regraded to the of- ficial grade;that concrete curbing,8'inches by 14 inches in cross section dirnension,be constructed 2 inches above official grade on all curb lines of said avenue between said limits,and on the four curved corners,at said crossing of Grand Street with said avenue; that cement grouted rock gutters,3 feet in width,of the flat pattern,be constructed on each side of the roadway of said avenue between said limits,contiguous to said curbing and to said curved corners;that the remaining portion of the roadway of said avenue be- that ter bridges, 5-feet in width, and of pine lumber,be constructed on each of the four corners of said crossing of Grand Street with said avenue;and that two cast-iron culverts, imbedded in concrete be constructed across said avenue, one in the western and one in the eastern side of said crossingthereby rejects all of said bids except that next herein men- tioned and hereby awards the contract for said work to E. Schumacher he being the lowest res- ponsible bidder therefor,at the prices specified in his bid therefor on file to wit: Street Work—For For For For For z“)/' For Sewer Work --For For For Grading Macadamizing Gutters straight curbing Curved Curbing Gutter Bridges .00 Culverts 250 Six-inch Pipe 40 Six-inch Y Branches 50 Hanholes,complete 40.00 6 7/0 cents per square foot cents per square foot cents per square foot cents per linear foot cents per Curve foot per Bridge per linear foot cents per linear foot cents each extra per Manhole. The City Clerk is hereby directed to post Notice of this Award conspicuously for five days near the Chamber door of this Council,and to publish said Notice for two days in the Alameda Daily Argus,newspaper, L'a..Noy seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the following vete, Ayes: Councilmen 7rown,Christensen,:'agagno Bullock,1 y,Gee,Probst,Fishor and Loop, (9). Noes: None. Absent :None. communication was received from the Street Superintendent and Cit;, Tngineer stat- ing that water had collected at page Street between Santa Clara Avenue and central Avenue and recommending that permission be granted the Pacific Investment Company to lay a drain pipe from Taylor Avenue to the Bay. T.I.r.Probst moved that the Clerk be directed to notify The Pacific Investment Company to drain the sane and that the Council would grant them permission to lay the necessary pire,seconded by 7.r.EageP-nos and carried. A communication was received from the Park and Playground Commission making certain !I building " n recommendations regarding water and the ullainp oi fences at the various parks and in cofl- nection therewith 7x.Probst moved that the City Clerk be directed to advertise for bids for sinking an artesian well on the park grounds at Cehtral Avenue and Eighth 3treet,second- ed by Mr Gee and carried by the following vote. Aye :Councilmen Brown,Christensenaagag- nos,Dullock,Noy,Gee,Probst,Fisher and Loop, (9). Noes :None. Absent :None. Mr.Noy moved that the Park and Playground Commission be granted permission to erect fences at Lincoln Park the cost not to exceed ($50.00fseconded by Mr.Christensen and car- ried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Brown,Christensen,Bullock,Noy,Gee,Probst, Fisher and Loop, (9). Noes :None. Absent :None. The recommendation regarding the connection of an irrigation system of pipes with the pumping plant used by the Electric Light Plant and located in the Park on:Park Avenue was referred to the Public Utilities Committee to report back to the Council. The report of the City Engineer as to the approximate cost of the establishment of Patent Line along the shores on the east and south of the City laid over from the last meeting was ordered placed on file. A report was received from the City Engineer . , that he estimated the, total ap- proximate cost of a South Side Intercepting Sewer from Grand Street westerly to 4th Street at ';3.1.430.00. The report was ordered filed,and thereupon Mr.Loop moved, that the proposi- tion to construct a South Side Intercepting Sewer at a cost of 'e35000.00,be submitted to the vote of the electors at the next bond election,seconded by Yx.Bullock and carried. A communication was received from the North Side Improvement Club in which was set forth a resolution of the said club requesting the Council to take action looking to the opening of Blanding Avenue west Oak Street to be used by a railroad for freight pur- poses. The matter was referred to the Committee of the Whole to he taken up with the recommendations of the Mayor touching the same matter. lic Streets and Places and vesting Control thereof in the Board of Park and Playgroung Commissioners,"introduced March 1st 1909,by Mr.Christensen came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr.Christensen moved its adoption,seconded by :.Tr.Fisher and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Brown,Christensen,L:agagnos,Bullock,Noyee, Fisher and Loop, (8). Noes :Councilman Frobst,(1). Absent :None. A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Fixing the Official Curb Grade of Oak Street from Blanding Avenue to the U.S.Tidal Canal",introduced :Jarch 1st 1909,by Mr.Christensen cane up for passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr.Christensen moved its adoption,seconded by Mr.Probst and carried by the following vote. Aye :Councilmen Brown,Christensen,Magagnos,Bullock,Uoy,Cee,rrobst,Fisher and. Loop, Noes:None. Absent:None. A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Establishing the Salaries of Cer- fficers of the City of Alameda",introduced March 1st 1909,by Mr.Christensen came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr.Christensen moved its adoption,seconded by 1Jr.Fisher and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Brown,Christensen, Magagnos,Bulloc ,No ,Gee,Probst,Fisher and Loop, (9). Noes :None. Absent :None, Mr .Fisher introduced. A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. To Prohibit Fishing with Seines",which was laid over under the provisions of the ',barter. Mr.3ulleck introduced A Dill entitled "A Dill for Ordinance 7o. Relating to t the License for and the Keeping of Dogs and to Amend Section 35 of Ordinance No.404", which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. LTr.nrown introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. 7e,:eulating I:ov- ing Travel and Traffic Upon the Streets and Other Public Places of the City of Alameda, and Providing a Punishment for Any Violation Thereof",whic:, was laid over under the provi- sions of the Charter. ::Ir.".hristensen introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Regulating the Plumbing and Drainage of Buildings",whicl; was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. lir.agagnos moved that the City Engineer and City Attorney be directed to draw up the necessary resolution to open up Blandien Avenue west of Grand Street said street to be 125 feet wide the roadway to be 100 feet wide from curb to curb,seconded by Y.r.Fi her and carried, by the following vote. Ayes: ouncilmen Brown,Christensen,Mareagnos,Rullock, Noy ee,Probst and Fisher, Noes :Councilman Loop, (1). Absent :None. Mr.hagagnos moved that candidates for election be allowed to put up political siP:ns, of canvas anywhere across streets, same to be put up under the supervision of the Street Superintendent and Superintendent of the Electric Light Plant, ended by Mr. isher and carried. Mr.Christensen moved that the Street Committee repair unc,, bulkhead at the - c, 7alnut Street said work to he done under the supervision of the Street 311-perintendent, seconded by Pr .Prohst and carried. A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance 7c). Fixing the Salary of the Poundmast0" introduced February 15th 1909,by Mr.Bullock cane up for passage and was read by the Cletk. Mr.Bullock moved its adoption,seconded by 7.:,r."Lagagnos and, carried, by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Drown, Christensen, Pagagnos ,Bullock, Pop, Gee , Prohst Fisher md Loop, Noes None. Absent :None, The T.ayor revoked, the appointment of A.Ewing as Poundnaster and appointed J.J.Lay in his place and stead. Pr. Fisher moved that the anpointmenu he approved, seconded by Eagagnos and carried. e‘ • Resular meting Yonday,April 5tT1 19091a 7.30 2.1i. City- Clerk,/